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This report is based on a conversational interview with Mr. Yash who
is a branch manager at the Namo polypack ltd. (Khandwa branch) .
He has been working there from last 5 years and
have actively taken part in many of the management events and have
won many prizes too, he told us that as he's a manager he always tries
to interact with all of there employees and
other staff members and then elaborates how it is important to control
and manage a department (group of people) and how one can manage
there group. The interview started as shlok
greets Mr Yash and tells him the purpose of the interview and
introduced him to all of the other team members, then he asks Mr
Yash to give a brief introduction of herself and what
kind of work he's indulged in and at what position she's on in his
company , after that Yati greets the manager and asks him the first
question "what are the characterstics of
a team", then Mr yash explains him that what all factors are important
and the points to remember are

• They have clear goals and plans

• They have strong leadership
• Member Full-fill their own task and also help each other
• Members communicate openly with the team
• Members resolve conflict constructively
• Members feel they directly contribute to the company’s success

then yati asks parangat to continue the interview and ask Mr yash
some questions , parangat then greets and asks him "what are the
factors that make a team effective"
so he replies by explaining the following points
• Open communication
Effective communication involves active listening, where members
make a conscious effort to hear their teammates' ideas and reflect
before responding to them. A team with open communication allows
members to discuss their ideas and feel that their input matters This
allows a team to share its knowledge, experiment with new ideas and
work together to develop effective plans.
• Trust
Trust contributes to open communication, problem solving and
collaboration. Teams that have trust between members often
accomplish their goals because they believe in the work process of a
• Defined goals
Before working on their tasks, an effective team may first establish
their goals. The team might work together to identify common
objectives that align with a company's organizational goals. They can
create plans for how to accomplish these goals, assigning roles and
making schedules.
• Clear leadership
Effective leaders often provide guidance, motivation and focus. They
may offer encouragement when the team encounters a challenge.
Successful teams usually have effective leadership, where one or
several members act as team leaders. This helps unify the entire team
to work toward the same goals.

then asks keshav to continue and ask to continue , so he asked Mr

yash that "what strategies one should adopt to make team effective"
so he replies by saying that
• Selective Hiring
Hiring is obviously the first stage of team building, so it should be
marked by intentionality. If you know your company vision, and the
kind of team you want to create, you should only hire individuals who
will further have these goals.
• Encouragement
A good team is a confident team; a group in good spirits.
Management must take care to encourage their team, keeping a
watchful eye on group morale.
• Listening
A good team values each individual contributor, and in doing so will
recognize the importance of listening. Every member of your team is
capable of unique ideas and input, but they won’t contribute if they
don’t think anyone will listen.
• Relationship-building
It’s okay if your team doesn’t end up being best friends outside of
work, but it’s still helpful for everyone to get to know each other.
People are more than their careers, after all.
• Conflict Management
• Evolution
Then he thanked him and asked shlok to continue the questioning , so
he greets him and asks him "How a manager manages problems in a
team?" so he replies to him by explaing points-:
• Communicating effectively with employees
• Confronting performance problems
• Making the right hiring decisions
• Managing conflicts within your team
• fight against burnout
• Being a constant source of motivation
• Letting employees go

then shlok calls me to continue the questioning , so i asks Mr yash

"What are the factors that helps in creating a positive culture in
environment" so he replies
to me by explaining me some points and factors -:
• Determine The Current Culture
Before you create a positive culture, it is important to determine and
acknowledge the current company culture. As a business leader, your
perspective of organizational culture might be completely different
from your employees’ perspective of the same.
• Define The Ideal Workplace Culture
Before you shape the existing culture in your company, define the
ideal qualities that you want to integrate with your company culture.
There is no culture that fits every organization, different companies
have different priorities. So, define your ideal work culture based on
the vision you have for your company.
• Recognize And Reward Good Work
• Focus On Employee Engagement
• Set Clear Expectations and Goals.

after that I thanked mr yash for the amazing answer he gave. after that
Mr yash asked if anyone had anymore question for him regarding this
topic so mayank asked him
How do you keep your team motivated despite conflicts and
obstacles? so he replies to him by explaining to him some of the
important point that one should always keep in their mind

-We acknowledge the ideas provided by the employees

-We communicate with every employee to understand there situation
and sort things accordingly.
-provide rewards
-we celebrate the achievements of every employee by throwing
parties, which I think is a great way to improve the morale of other

then yati,shlok and me thanked him for the way he explained us the
skill that i dreamt of mastering , then i asked if anyone has anymore
for Mr yash , surprisingly shlok of our team had one more doubt that
"If there is a disagreement within your team, how do you handle it?"
He replies to him by explaining some points that one should keep in
their mind -:
Try to understand the situation of the team members and then find the
best way out which is beneficial for both the parties.
3. How do you announce bad news to your team?
4. the metrics do you use to evaluate team performance.
and as he explained us thanked him for the answer he gave and also
ended the interview by thanking Mr yash on the behalf of the team
and also because he took out
the time for the interview from him busy schedule .

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