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My Initial Stance on Quality Teaching 包括明确的教学目标,要有高效且丰富的教学手段,

要专注在优秀学生身上。我选择的 ARTIFACT,是我上个月在腾讯会议(类似 ZOOM)


在《批判性反思在教师发展中扮演什么角色》中提到:Critical reflection facilitates

introspective learning from values, beliefs, knowledge, and experiences that foster a view
of self, others, and the world.specific methods.


益,并帮助他们达成理想成绩,才能成为一名有成就感并受人尊重的老师,正如《 教

师在批判性探索小组中的经验:三种声音的对话 》提到‘除非他们尊重学生的身份,否


在教学中,我应用了最少三种高杠杆教学策略,分别是 .
Eliciting and interpreting student thinking。比如在 44 分-58 分处,
Building respectful relationships with students。比如在前 2 分钟开场介绍时,我谈到“你
全力以赴,我也会全力以赴,我把这句话送给上课的 50 多位朋友”,“我珍惜大家的时间,我
会把我 6 年的经验毫无保留的传递给大家”,我把语速放的很慢,并保持谦卑,我的目的就是

Learning about students’ cultural, religious, family, intellectual,

and personal experiences and resources for use in instruction
我在 57 分处,谈到每个人的职业背景不同,选择的演讲题目就要有个
专家的背景后,推荐他讲解 car-T 细胞免疫疗法。我尊重每个人的专业
但在高效且丰富的教学手段 没有出现在我的 artifact 中,我觉得它很重要,因为对于两小
时的课程来说,仅仅依靠 PPT 和我的口头输出,缺乏吸引力,很容易让学生陷入疲劳倦
怠的情况,经过反思后,我明白 my desired elements of quality teaching and your actual
teaching practices 是存在较大差距的,因为精心设计的课程,需要花费大量的精力时间,

My Initial Stance on Quality Teaching includes clear teaching objectives, to be efficient and rich in
teaching tools, and to focus on excellent students. I chose an online teaching on "From Good to
Great - Tips for Preparing for the Cope Explanation Contest" as my ARTIFACT, which I conducted
at the Tencent Conference (similar to ZOOM) last month, because it is the teaching model I use
most often and has more value for critical reflection

My students are of a very high caliber, ranging from college teachers, to cancer treatment
specialists, to professional museum docents. My teaching goal is extremely clear: to make these
elite professionals(out of over 3,000 speakers in the city), to won the city's or even the nation's
speech champions

I believe that the only way to be an accomplished and respected teacher is to respect who they
are and their aspirations, to truly care about their students, and to help them achieve their
desired outcomes, as mentioned in 《Teachers' Experiences in a Critical Inquiry Group: A
conversation in three voices》:“Only when teachers are seen as whole people, as professionals
and intellectuals who care deeply about their students and their gains, will teachers be drawn to

In my teaching, I apply a minimum of three high-leverage teaching strategies, which are.

Eliciting and interpreting student thinking. e.g. at the 44 to 58 minute mark, I give a reflection
question on how to write a precise and interesting essay framework on the topic of "cell phone
positioning" to stimulate your thinking

On building a respectful relationship with students. In the first 2 minutes of the introduction, I
talked about "I value everyone's time, and I will give my best to more than 50 friends today. I will
pass on my 6 years of experience to you without reservation", I spoke slowly and with humility,
my aim was to build a respectful relationship with the students

Regarding of Learning about students' personal experiences and resources for use in instruction

At the 57-minute mark. I talked about how everyone's professional background is different and

the topics they choose for their presentations should be personal. I gave a particular example of a
contestant I had who was a docent at the Sichuan Salt Wells Museum, and I recommended that
she choose different salt wells to feature in her presentation. In later trainings, I recommended
the contestant who studied broadcasting to speak about voice recognition technology, and I also
recommended a cancer treatment specialist to speak about car-T cell immunotherapy after I
studied his background. I respect each person's professional and cultural background, and I am
good at turning their specialties into their competitive advantage
However, after reflecting on the efficient and informative teaching tools that did not appear in my
artifact, I felt it was important because for a two-hour course, relying only on PPT and my verbal
output, which lacked appeal, it was easy for students to fall into a fatigue burnout situation. After
reflection, I realized that there is a big gap between my desired elements of quality teaching and
actual teaching practices, because a well-designed course requires a lot of energy and time to
collect materials. However, I did not diversify my teaching tools because I was lazy. I hope to
include at least two or three teaching tools, such as group discussion and analysis of good works,
to enrich my teaching in the next session

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