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Journal of Marketing
2019, Vol. 83(2) 19-36
Paywalls: Monetizing Online Content ª American Marketing Association 2018
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/0022242918815163

Adithya Pattabhiramaiah, S. Sriram, and Puneet Manchanda

In recent years, many news providers have begun monetizing online content through paywalls. While the premise behind paywalls
is that the subscription revenue can be a new source of income, the externalities that might arise from this pricing change are
unclear. The authors study two potential externalities of newspaper paywalls: (1) the effect of a paywall on the engagement of its
online reader base and (2) the spillover effect on the print version of the newspaper. The engagement effect considers how the
paywall altered the various engagement metrics among light and heavy readers of online news. The spillover effect is likely to arise
if readers view print and online versions of a newspaper as substitutes, implying that increasing the price of the latter is likely to
increase the demand for the former. Moreover, many newspaper paywalls offer bundles wherein print subscribers are provided
free access to the online newspaper. Therefore, the value that a reader derives from the print subscription could be higher after
the erection of the paywall. As a result, paywalls are likely to have a positive spillover effect on print subscription and, conse-
quently, circulation. The authors document the sizes of the two externalities for the New York Times paywall and compare them
with the direct subscription revenue generated. They comment on implications for newspapers and online content providers that
are seeking mechanisms to monetize digital content.

paywalls, newspaper industry, monetization, digital engagement, cross-channel spillovers
Online supplement:

The movement of content (news, music, TV, etc.) to digital complex businesses, with multiple interconnected parts. Spe-
media has had a large and (mostly) negative impact on the cifically, newspapers are platforms that bring readers and
economics of multiple industries over the last 15 years. This advertisers together, with the two sides having a direct impact
impact is largely a function of the fact that while consumption on each other. This effect is even more nuanced because
of digital content is growing by leaps and bounds, the will- online user types (loyal vs. casual) may react differentially
ingness to pay for this content is very low. As a result, firms in to any changes (Masnick 2016; Mutter 2015; Tornoe 2016). In
these industries have been exploring different options to mon- addition, for (legacy) newspapers, the online and offline prop-
etize this content. Because access to the online version of erties do not exist in isolation.
newspapers has traditionally been free, revenue from the The heterogeneity in terms of user type and the intercon-
online channel has come solely from advertising. Although nectedness of these various parts leads to multiple externalities
online ad revenues have been growing steadily, this growth that arise when a paywall is implemented, making it difficult to
has not been sufficient to compensate for the offline ad rev- pinpoint its overall impact. In this article, we do this by expli-
enue losses (industry estimates suggest that for every adver- citly considering two externalities. The first externality is the
tising dollar gained online, newspapers lose $16 in advertising “engagement effect,” or the impact of the paywall on reader
offline; Thompson 2013). Thus, in recent years, newspapers engagement (measured through activity and consumption
have tried to tap into a new source of online revenue by patterns on its website) for both loyal and casual readers
imposing an access and/or a consumption fee, commonly
implemented as a “paywall.” As a result, several high-
profile national newspapers such as the New York Times Adithya Pattabhiramaiah is Assistant Professor of Marketing, Scheller College
(NYT), the Los Angeles Times (LAT), and the Washington Post of Business, Georgia Institute of Technology (email:
S. Sriram is Associate Professor of Marketing, Ross School of Business,
(WP) have implemented paywalls. However, the expectation University of Michigan (email: Puneet Manchanda is
that paywalls provide an additional source of revenue should Isadore and Leon Winkelman Professor of Marketing, Ross School of
be evaluated in the light of the fact that newspapers are Business, University of Michigan (email:
20 Journal of Marketing 83(2)

( 2012).1 Note that both sets of readers are impor- Wall Street Journal [WSJ], Chicago Tribune [CT], and New
tant to the newspapers. Broadly speaking, loyal users bring in York Daily News [NYDN]). The availability of granular data
more subscription revenue, whereas casual readers (typically a on news consumption at the individual-user level allows us to
majority of traffic) bring in more advertising revenue while test the validity of the key identifying assumption behind such a
also increasing the “footprint” of the newspaper. Any change design—that there be no impact of the treatment on the control
in reader engagement is likely to have an impact on online units. We do this in two ways. First, we verify in the raw data
advertising revenues. Second, and perhaps more importantly, that reader substitution between NYT and the control newspa-
we consider the effect of the online paywall on print (offline) pers was minimal. In addition, we compare the results of an
readership and subscriptions. We call this the “spillover analysis based on data from a subsample of users who are
effect.” The spillover effect can arise because of (1) a substitu- exclusive users of NYT or the control newspapers with those
tion effect: readers view print and online versions of NYT as for our full sample.
substitutes, and thus, an increase in the price of the online A further potential concern with such an analysis is that the
version can increase the demand for print, or (2) a bundling control newspapers may not be strictly comparable to NYT
effect: subscribing to the print version provides free access to because they experienced different temporal trends prior to the
the online content, and thus the erection of the paywall erection of the paywall. Under such a scenario, it would be
increases the value of print subscription. While there is some difficult to parse out the effect of the paywall from the naturally
discussion in the popular press regarding the first externality occuring differences in readership over time. To address this
and its corresponding role in influencing newspaper advertising issue, we employ the synthetic control method (Abadie, Dia-
revenues, there is little documentation about its direction and mond, and Hainmueller 2010; Abadie and Gardeazabal 2003).
magnitude. In addition, the second externality, the spillover Intuitively, this approach creates a “synthetic control unit,”
effect, has been virtually ignored. A useful baseline to examine computed as a weighted combination of all the control units.
The weights are chosen such that the synthetic control closely
the impact of these externalities is the incremental online sub-
matches the treated unit in terms of preperiod trends and other
scription revenue from paywalls, which we call the “direct
covariates. Thus, the synthetic control method naturally satis-
effect.” Thus, our approach provides a holistic assessment of
fies the parallel trend assumption required for inferring the
the implementation of the paywall. This is in contrast to pop-
causal effect of the paywall. As Athey and Imbens (2017) note,
ular press reports (highlighted previously) that, while mention-
the synthetic control methodology is one of the most prominent
ing the direct effect, do not provide estimates of its direction
advances in causal identification and policy evaluation over the
and magnitude. More importantly, they typically ignore the
last 15 years. It has also been receiving increased attention in
spillover effect completely.
the marketing literature (Guo, Sriram, and Manchanda 2017; Li
We investigate the two externalities for the paywall com-
2017; Tirunillai and Tellis 2017).
missioned by NYT in March 2011. Ideally, there are two pos- To infer the engagement effect of the paywall, we use web
sible research designs that could help identify the causal impact analytics data from comScore, which tracks the visitation beha-
of the paywall. In the first such design, if there are a large vior of panelists to NYT and the control newspapers. The avail-
number of newspapers serving independent markets, we could ability of granular information on newspaper consumption at
assign a random sample of these newspapers to the treatment the individual level (as noted previously) enables us to rule out
condition by introducing a paywall and compare the quantities the possibility that the effect of the NYT paywall on its online
of interest for the treated newspapers with those experienced by visitation was driven by cross-newspaper substitution of read-
the control newspapers. For the second ideal design, we could ers. For the spillover effect, we obtain the weekday and week-
treat a random sample of readers of NYT to the paywall and end print circulation data for NYT, WP, and USAT from the
compare their subsequent response to those of the untreated annual audit reports published by the Alliance of Audited
readers. However, the implementation of either design is unrea- Media. All our analyses are conducted at the designated market
listic. We therefore attempt to infer the effect of the paywall by area (DMA) level. We control for cross-sectional differences in
leveraging nonexperimental behavioral/market data by consid- tastes for newspaper readership by including controls in the
ering the change in online readership metrics and print circula- form of DMA-specific fixed effects for each newspaper. In
tion for NYT subsequent to the commission of the paywall. To addition, we include controls for temporal evolution in prefer-
parse out temporal trends in online news consumption that are ence for consuming online and print news. Therefore, our iden-
common to all newspapers, we compare these changes for NYT tification relies on how the differences in the variables of
with those experienced by national newspapers of similar interest between NYT and the control newspaper changed sub-
popularity (i.e., USA Today [USAT], the Washington Post, the sequent to the paywall, after controlling for cross-sectional
differences between these newspapers as well as broader tem-
poral trends in news consumption. Furthermore, the variant of
Note that our conceptualization of the engagement effect corresponds better the synthetic control method that we employ allows us to lever-
to the industry standard for measuring digital engagement—that is, consumer
engagement with the content (product-level engagement) versus broader age the rich variation in readership available at the DMA level
measures of firm-level engagement (e.g., number of user referrals, app for each of our control newspapers, to improve the identifica-
downloads). tion of the paywall’s effect on the treated newspaper.
Pattabhiramaiah et al. 21

Our results reveal that the number of unique visitors case for newspapers and television), charging a fee for online
decreased by 16.8% as a result of the paywall. This drop was content might arrest the erosion of offline revenues. In sum-
also accompanied by a significant reduction in engagement mary, our article proposes a framework that will help managers
metrics such as visits, pages consumed, and duration per visi- evaluate the various implications of monetizing digital content.
tor. In addition, while heavy users of the NYT website (defined The rest of the article is organized as follows. First, we
on the basis of their prepaywall usage) reduced their visits and investigate the effect of the paywall on online readership. Next,
pages viewed significantly subsequent to the paywall, the cor- we consider the spillover effect of the paywall on print reader-
responding effect on the behavior of light users was not pro- ship and discuss the possible mechanisms behind the observed
nounced. Thus, the adverse effect of the paywall was driven effect. We conclude with some comments regarding the impli-
mainly by the behavior of heavier users. Furthermore, we find cations of these findings for the broad issue of monetizing
that this effect is dampened among heavy users who are likely online content.
to have subscribed. Together, these results suggest that the
quantity of advertising impressions that could be served at the
NYT website decreased as a result of the paywall. Engagement Effect: Paywall
With regard to the spillover effect, we find that the intro- and Online Readership
duction of the paywall arrested the decline of print subscrip- The first externality of the paywall that we consider is the
tions for NYT. As a result, compared with the counterfactual engagement effect.3 This effect is likely to arise because erec-
scenario of no paywall, the newspaper witnessed between a tion of the paywall can adversely affect the number of visitors
1%–4% lift in readership in both weekday and weekend sub- to a newspaper’s website (Chiou and Tucker 2013). For exam-
scriptions when we use national newspapers such as USAT and ple, prominent national (San Francisco Chronicle, Dallas
WP as the control group. Furthermore, we attempt to parse out Morning News) and international (the Sun [United Kingdom],
the substitution and bundling explanations for the positive spil- Toronto Star) newspapers have withdrawn their paywalls
lover effect by exploring the differences in the spillover effect reportedly because of large losses in traffic (Berwick 2015).
for subscriptions (which come with free digital access) versus Similarly, several local U.S. newspapers (e.g., Memphis Com-
single-copy sales (with no free digital access). Our results sug- mercial Appeal, Columbia Tribune) also witnessed consider-
gest that the positive spillover effect was more likely driven by able decrease in traffic with the erection of the paywall
the bundling effect than the substitution effect.2 (Blankenhorn 2013). Moreover, as some paywalls (e.g., NYT’s)
While related work (e.g., Kim and Song 2017) has investi- limit the number of articles that can be viewed for free, they can
gated the impact of paywalls on unique visitors, our research also reduce reader engagement by lowering both a visitor’s
differs on multiple dimensions. First, in addition to the number average number of pages and visit duration.
of unique visitors, we investigate the impact of the paywall on
industry-standard metrics of user engagement such as as pages
consumed, visits per visitor, pages per visitor, and duration per
visitor. Second, we exploit the disaggregate nature of our data We use the web analytics data collected by comScore from
to pinpoint the heterogeneity in the effect of the paywall on January 2010 through May 2013 for our investigation. Given
usage segments. Third, we isolate and quantify the spillover that NYT launched its paywall on March 28, 2011, our data span
effect of the paywall on the legacy product (print subscriptions) a reasonably wide window before and after the intervention.
and discuss the plausible mechanism driving this effect. The The web analytics data track the online activities of comScore
last aspect (i.e., the spillover effect) is a hitherto unexplored panelists and include information on the websites visited by
consequence of paywalls. each panelist, date and time of the visit, number of pages
There are two broad implications of our findings. First, the viewed, and the time spent on each website. In addition, we
results suggest that monetization of online content, especially have information on the zip code where each panelist resides.
in the form of metered paywalls, might suppress usage among To provide a benchmark for inferring the effect of the paywall
loyal consumers. This can have implications for future growth on traffic to the news website, we extracted information regard-
potential of the firm. The loss of heavy users might hamper ing activities on six websites:, Washington-
user-generated content creation, which might be detrimental to,,,,
platforms such as newspapers, which may rely on such content and This resulted in a sample of 75,174
in the future. Second, for media firms, a surprising, and usually representative individuals identified by comScore’s sampling
overlooked, insight from our research is that the monetization strategy.4
of online content can have positive spillover effects for offline
consumption. In situations where the offline channel is signif- 3
Note that the engagement effect captures the effect of the paywall on digital
icantly more lucrative than its online counterpart (which is the consumers’ (including both subscribers and nonsubscribers) engagement with
the online newspaper, whereas the direct effect is based on the behavior of only
2 4
We thank an anonymous reviewer for encouraging us to further explore the For details on the sampling strategy, see
mechanism behind the spillover effect. Files/Misc/comScore-Unified-Digital-Measurement-Methodology-PDF.
22 Journal of Marketing 83(2)

Table 1. Top Newspapers in the United States by Circulation: Comparison of NYT, LAT, and Control Newspaper Readership (Print þ Online).

Newspaper Rank in 2010 Rank in 2011 Rank in 2013 Circulation in 2010 Circulation in 2013

WSJ 1 1 1 1,752,693 2,378,827

USAT 2 2 3 1,671,539 1,674,306
NYT 3 3 2 1,086,293 1,865,318
LAT 4 6 4 1,078,186 653,868
WP 5 5 8 763,305 474,767
CT 7 7 10 657,690 414,930
NYDN 6 6 6 701,831 516,165
Notes: Source: AAM’s annual Newspaper Audit Reports and

Table 2. Paywall Launch Dates for the Newspapers in our Sample. Table 3. Top 25 DMAs for NYT.

Newspaper Paywall Launch Date Rank DMA

NYT March 2011 1 New York

WSJ April 1996 2 Los Angeles
WP June 2013 (enforced December 2013) 3 Chicago
CT February 2016 4 Boston
USAT October 2017 5 Philadelphia
NYDN February 2018 6 Washington, DC
7 San Francisco/Oakland/San Jose
8 Dallas/Fort Worth
Our primary interest is in studying how news consumption 9 Atlanta
10 Seattle/Tacoma
at NYT changed after its paywall was erected. To parse out any
11 Minneapolis/St. Paul
changes in consumption that might have occurred as a result of 12 Phoenix
the general trend in news consumption, we use WP, USAT, 13 Detroit
WSJ, CT, and NYDN as part of the control group. We chose 14 Houston
these five newspapers as reasonable “controls” because, like 15 Portland
NYT, they are national newspapers. Moreover, the readership 16 Tampa/St. Petersburg/Sarasota
bases of the six newspapers are comparable (see Table 1) and 17 Orlando/Daytona Beach/Melbourne
18 Indianapolis
represent the top set of U.S. news websites in terms of online
19 Denver
traffic (Pew Research Center 2015). In addition, WP, USAT, 20 Hartford/New Haven
WSJ, CT, and NYDN did not undergo any changes in the pricing 21 Cleveland
of online content during the period of our analysis. While WSJ 22 Pittsburgh
always had a paywall, the other newspapers in our control group 23 Miami/Fort Lauderdale
also commissioned paywalls in the time period after our analysis 24 Sacramento/Stockton/Modesto
window. Table 2 lists the paywall launch dates for each news- 25 Charlotte
paper in our analysis set.5 Thus, we intend to use the readership
trends for WP, USAT, WSJ, CT, and NYDN after March 2011 to
project the trend that NYT would have experienced had it not research (e.g., Lambrecht and Misra 2017), we use the follow-
instituted the paywall. This, in turn, would help us understand ing four metrics of online news consumption to measure and
the causal effect of the paywall instituted by NYT. capture engagement: number of unique visitors, number of
We begin by aggregating the web visitation data across visits per visitor, pages viewed per visitor, and the average time
panelists within a geographic market (DMA) to a monthly spent per visitor on the website.
level. Our analysis includes the panelists residing in the top
25 DMAs (see Table 3)—these comprise over 70% of NYT’s
readership base. 6 Following industry practice and prior Empirical Analysis
Recall that we propose to study the effect of the NYT paywall
by using a basket of five newspapers—USAT, WP, WSJ, CT,
The WP announced a paywall in June 2013, though it was not effectively
enforced until December 2013 (Volokh 2014).
and NYDN—as controls. To address the concern that these
Abadie, Diamond, and Hainmueller (2010) highlight that the synthetic three newspapers may have different temporal trends than NYT,
control method works well with balanced panels where there is no missing
data. When we considered the full set of 202 DMAs, they included gaps in our
dependent measures, which caused the synthetic control method not to work. model using the full set of 202 DMAs available in our data set, the estimates
Therefore, we restrict our analysis to the top 25 DMAs. When we estimated the were very close to the estimates for only the top 25 DMAs (see Web Appendix
effect of the paywall using a panel regression (differences-in-differences) A), and this was true for all of our dependent variables of interest.
Pattabhiramaiah et al. 23

we employ the synthetic control method. The synthetic control readership. Thus, each newspaper n has additional j ¼ 1; :::; J
method permits the pooling of a combination of untreated units DMA data points.
to create a composite control against which the treated unit can We specify the model for online newspaper readership as
be compared. The central idea behind the synthetic control follows:
method is that the outcomes of the control units can be
lnðQknt Þ ¼ gkn Dknt þ x0nt a þ l0n f t þ Eknt; ð1Þ
weighted so as to construct the counterfactual treatment-free
outcome for the treated unit. The weights are chosen such that where k indexes the online metric (visits, pages, duration, etc.)
the treated unit and synthetic control have similar outcomes for newspaper n in month t. Dknt is an indicator variable that
and covariates over the pretreatment period. Therefore, intui- turns on for all months following the introduction of the pay-
tively, the synthetic control method projects the treated units wall for only the treated newspaper. The term gkn is the coeffi-
into a multidimensional space spanned by the control units in a cient of interest and captures the heterogeneous treatment
way that they are matched on pretreatment outcomes. Thus, the effect of the paywall along metric k on newspaper n at time
treated and control units are rendered “more comparable” by t. The term x0nt is a vector of observed covariates and a is the
adjusting the loadings on each of the dimensions (also referred corresponding vector of unknown parameters. The term
to as “factors” herein). f t ¼ ½f 1t; f 2t; :::; f rt  is a vector of r unobserved common factors,
More technically, a synthetic control for a single treated while l0n ¼ ½ln1 ; :::; lnr  denotes the corresponding factor load-
unit is formed by finding the vector of weights W that mini- ings.7 Although the treated and control units are influenced by
mizes [ðX1  X 0 WÞ0 VðX 1  X0 WÞ] subject to the weights in the same set of factors, and the number of factors is fixed
W being positive and summing to 1, where X1 and X0 contain throughout the analysis period (t ¼ month 1 through month
the pretreatment outcomes and covariates for the treated unit 48), each newspaper  DMA combination can have a different
and control units, respectively, and V captures the relative set of loadings on the r factors. Note that cross-sectional con-
importance of these variables as predictors of the outcome trols in the form of newspaper  DMA fixed effects and time
of interest. Intuitively, the coefficient of interest (the para- (month) fixed effects can be considered two special cases of the
meter governing the treatment effect) is estimated by choos- unobserved factors by setting f t ¼ 1 and ln ¼ 1, respectively.
ing W, which forces the synthetic control to be as close to the In all our model specifications, we impose additive two-way
treated unit as possible. fixed effects, a very strict nonparametric way of accounting for
A primary benefit of a synthetic control estimator is that it the possibly evolving nature of unobservables specific to
reduces the reliance of the results on the parallel trends assump- treated and control units (Xu 2017, p. 60). We discuss the steps
tion that difference-in-difference/panel estimators are predi- involved in the generalized synthetic control estimation in the
cated on (Abadie, Diamond, and Hainmueller 2010; next subsection. Because the dependent variable is specified in
Tirunillai and Tellis 2017; Xu 2017). Thus, our identification logarithms, we can compute the percentage change in the read-
of the effect of the paywall on NYT’s online visitation does not ership metric for NYT as a result of the paywall as
rely on the control newspapers necessarily following a similar ½expðgkn Þ  1.8
trend. Our model specification can incorporate strict nonpara- An additional advantage of the generalized synthetic control
metric controls in the form of newspaper-market fixed effects method is its ability to report readily interpretable uncertainty
to account for idiosyncratic differences in tastes for each news- estimates around the treatment effect. Traditional inference in
paper in each market. In addition, they also include fixed the synthetic control method is performed through placebo
effects for each month in the data so as to capture the influence tests, which involve a procedure of “synthetically” assigning
of any common (across newspaper) time trends. treatment to control units, chosen one at time at random from
We study the effect of the paywall on multiple treatment the donor pool (i.e., the set of untreated newspapers) to com-
units, with each DMA constituting a different treatment unit. In pute a distribution of treatment effects. This enables us to
our analysis, we employ the generalized synthetic control esti- assess whether the estimated treatment effect is larger than the
mator (Xu 2017), which is a variant of the synthetic control collection of simulated treatment effects in placebo tests where
estimator. A key advantage of employing a generalized syn- no effect should exist. The generalized synthetic control
thetic control method is the ability to handle data with multiple method “automates” this procedure of running placebo tests
treated units (DMAs in our case). The generalized synthetic and provides readily interpretable uncertainty estimates in the
control method leverages information on differences in control form of standard errors and confidence intervals around the
newspaper readership at different markets to construct a syn- estimated treatment effect, while preserving the efficiency of
thetic control unit for NYT’s readership in each market, which
effectively enhances the reliability of inference by increasing
the size of the control group from (number of control brands) The terms “factors” and “factor loadings” in the generalized synthetic control
to [(number of control brands)  (number of markets)]. method are borrowed from the literature on interactive fixed effects models in
economics (Bai 2009). The time-varying coefficients are also referred to as
(Xu 2017). For ease of exposition, we omit subscript j, which (latent) factors while the unit-specific intercepts are labeled as factor loadings.
indexes DMAs, though, unless indicated otherwise, we 8
We add a small constant term to get around instances of zeroes in our
estimate the model using DMA-level data on newspaper dependent variable as we take logs.
24 Journal of Marketing 83(2)

Table 4. Effect of the Paywall on NYT Online Visitation, Aggregate Data, and Generalized Synthetic Control.

ln(Unique Visitors) ln(Pages) ln(Visits per Visitor) ln(Pages per Visitor) ln(Duration per Visitor)

Est. SE Est. SE Est. SE Est. SE Est. SE

NYT  Paywall .184** .029 .428** .073 .010 .125 .104 .127 .112 .148
# Observations: treated 1,025
# Observations: control 5,125
**p < .01.
Notes: Standard errors are obtained from a placebo test and are bootstrapped with 1,000 replications. Two-way fixed effects for DMA  newspaper and month
are included. The treatment effect is evaluated at the mean counterfactual.

the estimation algorithm (Xu 2017). In addition, the general- the paywall were not introduced). If this were to be an issue,
ized synthetic control method has built-in safeguards to ensure the observed effects of the paywall should be unlikely to hold
that the results are robust in the presence of serial correlation. for other similarly sized national newspaper(s) that also
The estimator obtains uncertainty estimates around the treat- launched paywalls. To explore this possibility, we use a sim-
ment effect, using a parametric bootstrap procedure through ilar research design to evaluate the effect of the paywall that
resampling of the residuals, conditional on observed covariates LAT launched in March 2012. To the extent that the estimated
and unobserved factors and factor loadings. This method effects for the LAT paywall (commissioned in a completely
allows for the preservation of the serial correlation within the different time window) are similar to those for NYT, we can
units, thus avoiding underestimation of the standard errors from gain some confidence that the results both are unlikely to be
serial correlation. The detailed algorithm describing the imple- contaminated by coincidental strategic changes unrelated to
mentation of the parametric bootstrap procedure is available in the paywall and can be generalized to similar newspapers.
Xu (2017), p. 65. Nevertheless, similar to the majority of empirical research
Next, we discuss a few possible threats to the validity of our focused on inferring causal effects from nonexperimental data
estimation of the causal effect of the paywall on online news (e.g., Chevalier and Mayzlin 2006; Goldfarb and Tucker
consumption. The first issue is whether treatment was antici- 2011, 2014), we are unable to rule out completely the possi-
pated—that is, whether consumers anticipated the launch of the bility that there may be factors unobservable to us that played
paywall in a way that motivated either (1) elevated levels of a role in NYT’s paywall launch decision.
news consumption on the site right before the paywall went up
or (2) avoidance of the website in this period on account of
NYT’s decision to commission a paywall. To test both of these Results
possibilities, we performed simple checks by comparing trends
in NYT visitation patterns over a narrow window immediately We present the results of the model (Equation 1) intended to
preceding paywall launch. A paired (across-DMAs) two-tailed t- explore the paywall effect on online readership in Table 4.
test comparing NYT page consumption levels per visitor (visits These results suggest that the NYT paywall had a negative and
per visitor), during March 2011 through the month before NYT’s statistically significant effect on engagement metrics (i.e.,
paywall commission, with its preceding month of February number of visits, pages visited, and the duration per visitor).
2011, had a t-value of .99 (.84), with d.f. ¼ 165, while the In addition, the number of unique visitors decreased by 16.8%
analogous t-values for the tests comparing these measures for as a result of the paywall.
February 2011 with January 2011 numbers were .72 (.62). Thus, In terms of the differential effects on light versus heavy
we find limited evidence of anticipatory effects in visitation/ consumers of online news, there are two alternative views.
news consumption behavior at NYT in advance of the paywall. On the one hand, Mutter (2015) suggests that paywalls are
A second issue to consider is whether the design of the NYT likely to deter casual visitors and/or readers with low willing-
paywall was chosen strategically by the firm. Specifically, we ness to pay for online content.9 On the other hand, a metered
are unable to separate out the effect of the paywall’s introduc- paywall such as the one erected by NYT is likely to impose a
tion from the effect of changes to the newspaper’s quality that constraint only for heavy users. Therefore, the paywall is likely
might have been prompted by the paywall. As Doctor (2013) to have an adverse effect on the more engaged readers of NYT.
notes, there is little evidence that the quality of NYT’s online Notwithstanding the ambiguity regarding whether the paywall
offering changed concomitantly with the paywall. This gives us is likely to have a greater effect on visits among heavy or light
confidence that the rigorous temporal controls included in the users, the debate highlights the importance of considering the
model are appropriate to account for changes in our dependent effects on these groups separately.
measures witnessed over time unrelated to paywall commis-
sion. Furthermore, it may be important to parse out the effects 9
Casual visitors may especially perceive the pop-up reminders notifying them
of any purely coincidental strategic actions by NYT at the time of the remaining number of free articles (before encountering the paywall) as
of the paywall (i.e., these actions would have occurred even if detrimental to their experience.
Pattabhiramaiah et al. 25

Table 5. NYT Paywall on Online Visitation: Breakup by Activity Level, Median Split, Aggregate Data, and Generalized Synthetic Control.

ln(Unique Visitors) ln(Pages) ln(Visits per Visitor) ln(Pages per Visitor) ln(Duration per Visitor)

Est. SE Est. SE Est. SE Est. SE Est. SE

Light  NYT  Paywall .120y .065 .023 .125 .022 .044 .086 .084 .289* .113
Heavy  NYT  Paywall .858** .150 3.560** .660 .632** .180 .884** .316 .390 .362
# Observations: treated 1,025
# Observations: control 5,125
p < .10.
*p < .05.
**p < .01.
Notes: Standard errors are obtained from a placebo test and are bootstrapped with 1,000 replications. Two-way fixed effects for DMA  newspaper and month
are included. The treatment effect is evaluated at the mean counterfactual.

Table 6. NYT Paywall on Online Visitation of Users with Varying Activity Levels, Aggregate Data, and Generalized Synthetic Control.

ln(Unique Visitors) ln(Pages) ln(Visits per Visitor) ln(Pages per Visitor) ln(Duration per Visitor)

Est. SE Est. SE Est. SE Est. SE Est. SE

20 Pages
Light  NYT  Paywall .117* .058 .095 .131 .04 .05 .142 .097 .302** .115
Heavy  NYT  Paywall .751** .115 3.110** .373 .788** .165 1.508** .31 1.806** .393
30 Pages
Light  NYT  Paywall .149** .06 .691** .297 .019 .045 .109 .088 .283* .111
Heavy  NYT  Paywall .571** .086 2.677** .26 1.082** .168 2.010** .27 2.106** .284
40 Pages
Light  NYT  Paywall .154** .061 .063 .132 .039 .045 .06 .082 .237* .113
Heavy  NYT  Paywall .148 .138 1.994** .202 .988** .133 1.667** .171 1.783** .198
# Observations: treated 1,025
# Observations: control 5,125

*p < .05.
**p < .01.
Notes: Standard errors are obtained from a placebo test, and are bootstrapped with 1,000 replications. Two-way fixed effects for DMA  newspaper and month
are included. The treatment effect is evaluated at the mean counterfactual.

We investigate whether the paywall had a differential NYT article has approximately 1,200 words, ranging from one
impact on light versus heavy users by dividing panelists into to two pages (Hall 2013; Pew Research Center 2014).
two groups in line with their prepaywall usage. Specifically, we In our empirical analysis, we use three thresholds: 20, 30,
classify a panelist as a heavy user if his or her prepaywall and 40 pages. Note that the definition of heavy usage becomes
average number of pages accessed at NYT was higher than the more stringent as we move from a threshold of 20 pages to 40
median value of 4.1 pages. We first examine the impact on pages. Therefore, comparing the results across alternative
unique visitors: the results in Table 5 reveal that the paywall thresholds will help us assess how the effect of the paywall
adversely affected the number of unique visitors by 11.3% changes with the degree of heavy usage. We present the results
among light users and 57.2% among heavy users. We then turn from this analysis in Table 6. Overall, we find consistent results
to the engagement metrics: these suggest that the impact of the (across these thresholds) that the paywall instituted by NYT had
paywall was more negative for the heavy users. an adverse effect on engagement among heavy users.
We further verify the sensitivity of the results to alternative There are two potential explanations for the stronger
characterizations of heavy versus light usage. Rather than clas- adverse effect of the paywall among heavy users.10 First, the
sifying panelists into heavy versus light users on the basis of a paywall can deter the ability of engaged users to share their
median split, we perform this classification drawing on their content with others because the recipients may find it harder to
actual usage. Specifically, we classify a panelist as a heavy user read this content under the paywall (Maher 2015). Although we
if his or her average number of visits to NYT is greater than a cannot formally test whether this mechanism is indeed driving
certain number of pages. The paywall imposed a limit of 20
articles per month that could be accessed without payment. 10
A third explanation has to do with the “hassle cost” of having to repeatedly
Because our data contain information on the number of pages log in to verify subscription status. However, modern web browsers allow for
accessed by each panelist, and not the number of articles, we the saving of login credentials (typically through cookies), so this is unlikely to
try different page thresholds under the assumption that a typical play a large role.
26 Journal of Marketing 83(2)

Table 7. NYT Paywall on Online Visitation: Tracking Behaviors of Subscribers and Nonsubscribers, Aggregate Data, Generalized Synthetic

ln(Unique ln(Visits per ln(Pages per ln(Duration per

Visitors) ln(Pages) Visitor) Visitor) Visitor)

Est. SE Est. SE Est. SE Est. SE Est. SE

20 Pages
Light  Nonsubs.  NYT  Paywall .170** .061 .144 .126 .039 .043 .003 .089 .082 .118
Light  Subs.  NYT  Paywall .548** .219 3.142 2.662 .223 .533 .941 1.157 4.815 2.846
Heavy  Nonsubs.  NYT  Paywall .520** .079 2.158** .204 .629** .130 1.640** .250 1.803** .269
Heavy  Subs.  NYT  Paywall .032 .021 .152y .082 .108y .061 .321* .147 .230 .243
40 Pages
Light  Nonsubs.  NYT  Paywall .164** .058 .236y .133 .052 .041 .067 .083 .025 .115
Light  Subs.  NYT  Paywall 1.124 .727 .373 5.351 1.825 1.048 2.682 1.792 3.888 2.723
Heavy  Nonsubs.  NYT  Paywall .136 .096 1.334** .181 .638** .101 1.238** .129 1.301** .145
Heavy  Subs.  NYT  Paywall .004 .018 .035 .059 .013 .032 .050 .054 .008 .081
# Observations: treated 1,025
# Observations: control 5,125
p < .10.
*p < .05.
**p < .01.
Notes: Standard errors are obtained from a placebo test and are bootstrapped with 1,000 replications. Two-way fixed effects for DMA  newspaper and month
are included. The treatment effect is evaluated at the mean counterfactual.

our results, previous research (e.g., Oh, Animesh, and Pinson- Fortunately, the comScore data contain information on the
neault 2015) has documented a reduction in online word-of- source (referring) website from which a user accessed NYT.
mouth activity pertaining to popular newspaper articles in the This enables us to identify the number of accessed pages that
periods following the paywall. Second, as noted previously, would be counted toward the limit for each user. In other
heavy users are more likely to be constrained by the limit on words, we drop all page views from referrals (from search
the number of free articles imposed by the paywall, leading to engines, news aggregators, and social media sites) and consider
the asymmetric reduction in engagement. However, note that only the number of directly accessed pages (20 or 40). Once a
the number of articles constraint should not apply to heavy user crosses this page limit in a given month, we classify him or
users who subscribe to NYT (either online or offline). her as a subscriber for all subsequent months.12 It is important
To understand whether the constraint imposed by the pay- to note that classifying subscribers according to this strategy is
wall on nonsubscribers drove the decrease in engagement likely to be noisy. However, by considering a wide range of
among heavy users, we need to study how subscribers and thresholds to define subscribers, we are able to assess the
nonsubscribers responded to the erection of the paywall. How- robustness of our results to this noisiness in classification.
ever, the comScore data do not contain information on whether We aggregated the data to the newspaper level for all months
a panelist was a subscriber to NYT. Typically, only the pub- for this analysis, as we encountered estimation challenges with
lisher is privy to the proprietary information on subscription the synthetic control method with DMA-level data. Abadie,
status. Therefore, we adopt an alternative approach by inferring Diamond, and Hainmueller (2010) note that, to prevent its
subscribers on the basis of users’ postpaywall usage. As we applicability where inappopriate, the synthetic control method
have noted, the NYT paywall allows a user to view 20 articles employs a safeguard in that it fails to provide a result when the
a month without subscription. Thus, we can identify a panelist counterfactual units (i.e., the weighted combination of
as a subscriber by noting whether they accessed more than 20 untreated units) fall outside an acceptable region (the convex
articles in a month. Using the same logic as before, we translate hull) as governed by the treated units—the DMAs, in our case.
this article limit to page limits: 20 and 40 pages. However, this We thus aggregate up to the newspaper level for this analysis to
count needs to be adjusted for traffic that came in through avoid this problem.
social media sites such as Facebook and/or search engines such This analysis allows us to examine whether the adverse
as Google—the paywall’s “leaky” design did not include these effect of the paywall is restricted to nonsubscribers. Specifi-
visits in the 20-article limit.11 cally, we focus on the effect of the paywall for four groups of

11 12
A 2013 study found that nearly 66% of users reported social media as their The premise behind treating a user as a subscriber for all months after
primary source of news, with 47% of users surveyed identifying Facebook as reaching the 20-article limit is that subscribers do not necessarily need to
their main source of news (Lichterman 2016), highlighting the importance of surpass the 20-article limit every month. However, we acknowledge that this
accounting for the referring medium while analyzing page visits. definition assumes that users do not terminate their subscription subsequently.
Pattabhiramaiah et al. 27

customers: (heavy vs. light users, defined by their prepaywall Table 8. Two-Way Frequency Table of Change in Newspaper
usage)  (subscribers vs. nonsubscribers, defined by their post- Visitation from Prepaywall to Postpaywall: Exploring Substitution
paywall activity, counting only direct visits to the NYT web- Across Treated and Control Newspapers.
site). The results from this analysis appear in Table 7. As the # Users
table illustrates, the adverse effect of the paywall is not pro-
nounced among subscribing users. Overall, we consistently NYT D Pages ðPrePostÞ

find that among heavy users, nonsubscribers reduce their activ- Control Group Increased No Change Decreased
ity on NYT more than subscribers, in line with the intuition that
either the act of subscribing attenuates the drop in engagement USAT Increased 62 142 1
for heavy users or users who anticipate using NYT more tend to No change 630 67,588 3,745
Decreased 4 1,823 1,179
subscribe to the paywall.
WSJ Increased 48 85 2
No change 643 69,045 4,282
Decreased 5 423 641
Robustness Checks NYDN Increased 55 109 4
Assessing the inclusion and exclusion of WSJ from the donor pool. No change 635 68,358 4,240
Decreased 6 1086 681
An underlying assumption behind the synthetic control method
WP Increased 77 206 2
is that contributors to the donor pool (i.e., the untreated news- No change 609 68,361 3,874
papers) should not have experienced treatment during the anal- Decreased 10 986 1,049
ysis period. However, as we discussed previously, WSJ had CT Increased 9 41 1
launched a paywall in 1996, well before the period of our No change 685 68,670 4,537
analysis. Because the WSJ’s paywall was in place well before Decreased 2 842 387
the erection of NYT’s paywall in 2011, it is unlikely that WSJ’s
paywall operations interfered with how the NYT paywall influ-
enced the engagement of its users. Nevertheless, to be conser- Table 9. Summary Statistics for Full Sample and Exclusive Sample
(Users Who Accessed Either NYT or One of the Control
vative, we reestimated all our models using the generalized
Newspapers, but Not Both).
synthetic control method by omitting WSJ from the donor pool.
We present the results in which we examined the effect of the Full Sample Nonoverlapping Users
NYT paywall on light and heavy users, for a cutoff of 40 pages,
(Preperiod, per Quarter) NYT Control NYT Control
in Web Appendix A. These results suggest that the key findings
remain unaltered when we excluded WSJ from the donor pool. Visits 16.06 8.30 16.16 8.39
Pages 37.82 27.53 38.11 27.89
Assessing substitution between NYT and control newspapers. A Duration 102.83 35.97 103.24 36.20
potential concern with our analysis is that the limits imposed
by the NYT paywall might have induced some of its readers to
substitute to the control newspapers. If such substitution exists, Second, we employed the generalized synthetic control
we would be double-counting the effect of the paywall in our method on a restricted sample of exclusive users in our data
analyses wherein we treat the control newspapers as being set who accessed either NYT or one of the control group news-
unaffected by the treatment. papers in either period (i.e., users who used NYT and any one of
We verify whether substitution is bound to be problematic in the control group newspapers in either pre- or postpaywall
our context in two ways. First, we examine whether there is periods are excluded from the analysis). To construct our data
model-free evidence of substitution by considering how users set for this analysis, we aggregated the individual level news-
change their online reading habits of the control newspapers paper consumption data to the DMA-month level for each
when they modify their online usage of NYT after the paywall. newspaper. Approximately 27% of users in our sample
If NYT and the control newspapers are substitutes, we should accessed both treated and control newspapers in either the
observe that a decrease (increase) in usage of NYT should be pre-/postpaywall periods. We present summary statistics in
associated with an increase (decrease) in usage of the control Table 9, comparing the full sample with the exclusive sample;
newspapers. In Table 8, we present a two-way frequency tabu-
the two data sets are alike on our key measures of interest in the
lation of the number of individuals in our sample who demon-
preperiod. If the results are robust for this set of exclusive
strated an increase, decrease, or no change (within 5%) in their
consumers of each newspaper for whom we can rule out sub-
consumption levels (as measured by the number of pages con-
stitution, we can infer that substitution is unlikely to have
sumed) from before and after the paywall period across treated
biased the results from the analysis based on the broader sam-
and control newspapers. The numbers indicate that the majority
ple of users.
of users did not change their usage of the control newspapers
We present these results based on this sample of exclusive
even when they changed their consumption of news content at
users in Web Appendix A, which suggest that the paywall
NYT after the paywall. This gives us confidence that substitu-
adversely affected engagement among heavy users of NYT.
tion is unlikely to have affected our results.
28 Journal of Marketing 83(2)

Therefore, we contend that our key results are not driven by paywall on its visitation patterns is unlikely to have accrued
users substituting between newspapers as a result of the pay- on account of factors that merely coincided with the paywall
wall instituted by NYT. rollout but were unrelated to the paywall launch decision (such
as the newspaper’s decision to change its font size on the web-
Assessing the role of subscriber-acquisition-focused promotional site or invest in its newsroom with an objective of improving
advertising by the newspapers. A potential concern with the anal- the general quality of its news offerings).
ysis is that the estimated treatment effect of the paywall
includes the effect of the structural change in price as well as
any associated promotions that NYT might have initiated com-
comitantly to recruit subscribers. To the extent that these addi- The Spillover Effect: The Paywall
tional promotional efforts (if they exist) are a result of NYT and Print Readership
introducing the paywall, the estimated treatment effect may be The spillover effect of the online paywall on print readership
interpreted as a consequence of the implementation of the pay- can arise through two possible mechanisms. First, if readers
wall. Nevertheless, we examine the role of the newspaper’s view print and online versions of a newspaper as substitutes,
advertising by including acquisition focused promotion (with increasing the price of the latter is likely to increase demand for
subscriber-acquisition-focused ad expenditure as a proxy) as a the former. Second, many newspaper paywalls, including the
covariate in our analysis. To this end, we collect time-series one instituted by NYT, offer print subscribers free access to the
data on advertising expenditures focusing on subscription online newspaper. Such a bundled pricing strategy suggests
drives by these newspapers at the national level, from Kantar that the value a reader derives from print subscription is likely
Media’s Ad$pender database. We test for the robustness of our to have increased subsequent to the erection of the paywall. As
results on users classified into light/heavy on the basis of their a result, paywalls can have a positive spillover effect on print
activity levels, to the inclusion of ad spending as a covariate. subscription and, consequently, circulation. In addition to the
We find that the results are substantively unaffected (see Web positive benefit from generating revenue from readers, the pay-
Appendix A). In addition, we find that the effect of promotion- wall may allow newspapers to boost their print ad revenues by
(subscriber-acquisition) focused advertising spending by the projecting a higher circulation to its advertisers. This is espe-
newspapers is not significant in all cases, after incorporating cially important given that an average print reader brings in 16
rigorous controls for time trends, and so on. This is intuitive to 228 times more in advertising revenue than an online reader
because we already include rich nonparametric controls in the (Blodget 2011; Thompson 2013). Thus, the effect of a positive
form of two-way fixed effects effects while estimating our spillover on readership will be larger than the additional reve-
generalized synthetic control models.13 nue generated from the online side.14

Generalizability. Our results suggest that the paywall instituted

by NYT adversely affected engagement among its heavy users.
However, because our analysis is based on data from one news-
paper, it is not clear whether our results can be generalized to We obtained data on print circulation from the Alliance for
other contexts. To explore whether similar results are likely to Audited Media’s (AAM) annual Audit Reports for 2005
hold for other national newspapers, we consider the paywall through 2013. As in the case of online visitation data, we col-
instituted by LAT in March 2012. To this end, we adopt a lected this information for NYT and three other newspapers
research design similar to the one discussed previously by with similar circulation (USAT, WP, and WSJ).15 The AAM
using data on online visitation to LAT’s website among com- reports the circulation data at the annual level. Therefore, we
Score panelists. We stratify users into light and heavy users, have six years of data prior to the erection of the paywall (i.e.,
based on a median (4.4 pages) split, based on their preperiod 2005–2010) and three years after the paywall (i.e., 2011–2013).
activity levels on LAT’s website, similar to our approach for We collected these data at the DMA level for 202 DMAs in the
NYT. We use USAT, WP, WSJ, CT, and NYDN as part of the United States. The circulation data are further broken down by
donor pool. We present the results from this analysis in Web weekdays versus weekends. Next, we also collected these cir-
Appendix A. These results suggest that the key results that the culation data for the most popular local newspaper in the 25
paywall adversely affected engagement among heavy users of largest DMAs. The idea is to verify the robustness of the results
NYT are replicated for LAT (see Web Appendix A). This pro-
vides us some confidence that the key findings documented 14
Given the proliferation of digital devices on which news content can be
herein may not be unique to NYT. Furthermore, they also consumed, the paywall could induce switching behavior within online
enhance our confidence that the observed effect of NYT’s channels (e.g., the website vs. a mobile app; see Dhillon and Aral 2016).
Because of the sparsity of print circulation data at the DMA level, we are
unable to include a broader basket of newspapers for our analysis of the
These results also reinforce our confidence in the ability of the strict spillover effect. Note that it is more likely for national newspapers outside of
nonparametric controls in the form of month dummies in all other model the top five (such as even CT and NYDN) to have online visitors from a broader
specifications to serve as reasonable controls for any coincidental set of DMAs than print subscribers living in regions farther out from their core
subscriber-acquisition related promotions by newspapers. circulation markets (Chicago and New York, respectively).
Pattabhiramaiah et al. 29

Table 10. English Print Circulation Trends for Each Newspaper.

Print Circulation for Each Newspaper


Weekend Weekday Weekend Weekday Weekend Weekday

Prepaywall 1,686,020 1,034,263 2,454,332 2,207,041 1,919,427 2,039,218

Postpaywall 1,407,170 819,372 1,742,403 1,554,420 1,474,160 1,502,907
Percentage change (pre- to postpaywall) 16.54% 20.78% 29.01% 29.57% 23.20% 26.30%
Avg. year-on-year percentage change (2005–2013) 3.28% 1.89% 6.54% 6.19% 4.39% 5.20%
Avg. year-on-year percentage change (2005–2010) 3.18% 4.19% 4.41% 3.47% 2.59% 1.59%
Avg. year-on-year percentage change (2011–2013) 3.44% 1.93% 10.11% 10.72% 7.37% 11.23%

by treating local newspapers (as opposed to the national news- not associated with a concomitant change in the readership of
papers listed previously) as the control group. other newspapers (see Web Appendix A). This suggests that
there is limited concern about substitution between newspapers
as a result of the paywall, contaminating our characterization of
Model-Free Evidence the spillover effect.
Next, we consider the average annual growth rates for these
We present the average circulation numbers before (2005–
newspapers before and after the NYT paywall (see Table 10).
2010) and after (2011–2013) the paywall for NYT and the three
These results highlight two aspects of the print circulation data.
other national newspapers in Table 10. When we used preper-
First, prior to the erection of the paywall, NYT circulation
iod circulation as an evaluation metric, USAT was the most
decreased at rates similar to those experienced by other
popular newspaper, with 2.45 million subscribers, followed
national newspapers. Second, we find that between 2011 and
by WSJ (1.92 million) and NYT (1.69 million). Table 3 provides
2013, WP, USAT, and WSJ experienced steeper declines in
a list of the top 25 DMAs for NYT by circulation. These DMAs
their circulation than during the 2005–2010 period. This pat-
account for approximately 75% of NYT’s print circulation, in
the average year in our data. Across the 202 DMAs in our tern is consistent with the steep decline in print circulation
sample, the average DMA had about 11,091 (7,734) USAT experienced by the U.S. newspaper industry in the last decade
subscribers compared with 5,146 (4,080) NYT subscribers in (Edmonds 2016). Contrary to this pattern, the results in Table
the pre- (post-) period. 10 imply that NYT experienced lower declines during this
Turning to the temporal pattern, paid circulation of U.S. period. Together, these data patterns are suggestive of a posi-
print newspapers decreased consistently during our analysis tive spillover effect of the paywall on print circulation. In
period.16 Our data from the four national newspapers—NYT, Figure 1, we present a histogram of the average percentage
WP, USAT, and WSJ—exhibit a similar pattern. In Table 10, we year-on-year change in weekday print circulation for NYT
present the average annual (i.e., year-on-year) growth rates for over our analysis duration to illustrate the cross-sectional var-
these newspapers. These data suggest that, on average, the iation in the data—the plot indicates that the majority of mar-
three newspapers experienced a decline in circulation figures kets experienced a small percentage decline in circulation
of 3.0% to 7.9% during the period of our analysis. over time (the average percentage change across markets in
To examine the extent of possible substitution between print NYT’s weekday print circulation ranges between 2%–3%, as
versions of NYT and control newspapers, we exploit the fact shown in Table 10).17 Thus, the effect is unlikely to be driven
that we have circulation and subscription data for the print by the presence of outliers. Next, we formalize the analysis by
newspapers across many DMAs. Using these data, we perform including controls for potentially differential rates of evolution
analyses in the same spirit as in the case of online readership to of print circulation across the newspapers. Specifically, we
understand if there is any substitution between print versions of include DMA-specific linear and quadratic time trends to
these newspapers. The premise is that different DMAs varied in account to differential temporal evolution in readership across
the extent to which the print readership of NYT changed over the DMAs in our data. Thus, we estimate the effect of the paywall
time. If there is indeed substitution between the various news- intervention on print readership by exploiting the residual varia-
papers, markets that saw a steep decline in NYT print readership tion in shares after accounting for those motivated by changes in
should also have experienced a steep increase in the readership seasonal changes to print readership at the market level.
of the control newspapers. Overall, change in NYT readership is

16 17
See Although this plot indicates an overall year-on-year drop of 2%–4% in print
circulation-and-advertising-trends-in-2013-43338/attachment/wan-ifra- circulation, a few specific DMAs (e.g., Bend, Oregon) seem to experience large
newspaper-circs-ad-trends-in2013-june2014/. percentage gains because of their very low circulation base.
30 Journal of Marketing 83(2)




Number of DMAs







10 7
5 4
1 1 1
–320 –80 –50 –30 –20 –10 0 10

Figure 1. Change in NYT weekday print circulation.

Notes: Figure 1 presents a histogram of the percentage of year-on-year change in NYT weekday circulation.

Empirical Analysis and weekend newspaper print circulation share (i.e., the per-
centage of readership in each market, which is constructed by
We employ a combination of approaches to estimate the effect
dividing the market-level circulation by the number of house-
of the NYT paywall on its print circulation. First, we use the
holds) for the analysis. The terms lj and ln capture reader
generalized synthetic control method to estimate the effect of
preference for newspaper consumption in market j and for
the NYT paywall, which is very similar in spirit to the models
newspaper n, respectively (controlling for differences in taste
discussed thus far for online visitation, with the exception that
for readership of different newspapers and in different mar-
we use annual data in this case. However, results from the
kets), while m captures any time specific effects of the postper-
generalized synthetic control can be less reliable when the
iod (common to both newspapers). d is our coefficient of
pretreatment observation window is rather short (T < 10 peri-
interest and measures the causal average effect of the paywall
ods). In such cases, Xu (2017) suggests that results from the
on NYT print newspaper readership. We also control for
generalized synthetic control method should be validated
market-specific time trends in newspaper readership using a
against alternative estimation methods that are less dependent
parametric function (the ð j t þ Uj t 2 Þ term in Equation 2).
on the need for long observation windows. Therefore, as a
The basic premise behind the difference-in-differences spe-
robustness check, we specify a panel model using the same
cification is that the temporal trends in print circulation for the
data set, to examine the effect of the paywall on print reader-
control newspapers postpaywall will inform us about the cor-
ship R of newspaper n in market j in year t:
responding trends for the NYT had the paywall not been insti-
Rnjt ¼ ln þlj þ mIt þ dIn¼NYT  It þ Wpnjt þ j t þ Uj t 2 þ Enjt; tuted. We therefore verify whether NYT and the control
newspapers experienced similar temporal trends prior to the
erection of the paywall. To do this, we regress preperiod Sun-
where It is a time-indicator signifying pre-/postpaywall launch day readership for all newspapers on a newspaper-specific lin-
and takes on the value of 1 postpaywall and 0 otherwise. We ear year-time trend, after including DMA and newspaper fixed
use print readership of USAT and the WSJ to establish a base- effects and clustering standard errors across DMAs to account
line/control for the effect of NYT’s paywall (we do not use WP for any serial correlation in readership. We do not see signif-
because DMA-level circulation data for this newspaper were icant differences in the annual circulation trends for NYT versus
not available in the AAM database). We use two dependent USAT (F(1, 200) ¼ .04, p ¼ .83) or for NYT versus WSJ
variables (as part of the vector R) consisting of the weekday (F(1, 200) ¼ 1.05, p ¼ .31).
Pattabhiramaiah et al. 31

Table 11. Effect of Paywall on Print Readership, Generalized Synthetic Control.

All DMAs Top 25 DMAs

Weekday Circulation Weekend Circulation Weekday Circulation Weekend Circulation

Share (%) Share (%) Share (%) Share (%)

DV ¼ Est. SE Est. SE Est. SE Est. SE

NYT  Paywall .35** .02 .34** .03 .40** .11 .32* .14
N (treated) 202 25
N (control) 404 50
*p < .05.
**p < .01.
Notes: All models include two-way (newspaper  market and year) fixed effects. Newspaper sample: NYT (treated), USAT and WSJ (donor pool).

Table 12. Robustness Check: Effect of Paywall on Print Readership, Panel Regression.

All DMAs (USAT as Control Group) All DMAs (WSJ as Control Group)

Weekday Circulation Weekend Circulation Weekday Circulation Weekend Circulation

Share (%) Share (%) Share (%) Share (%)

DV ¼ Est. SE Est. SE Est. SE Est. SE

NYT  Paywall .46** .02 .50** .03 .26** .02 .20** .02
DMA dummies, DMA-specific linear and P P P P
quadratic time trends
R2 .63 .49 .70 .67
**p < .01.
Notes: Standard errors are clustered by DMA.

Table 13. Effect of the Paywall on Print Readership: Using Local Newspapers as the Control Group, Panel Regression.

Top 25 DMAs (Most Popular Local Newspaper in Each Market as Control Group)

Weekday Circulation Share (%) Weekend Circulation Share (%)

DV ¼ Est. SE Est. SE

NYT  Paywall 2.28** .70 2.27* 1.06

Time trend .60 .20 .89 .32
DMA dummies P P
R2 .86 .87
*p < .05.
**p < .01.

Results We report the results from the panel regression with indi-
vidual newspapers as controls in Table 12. The results reveal a
We present the results from the method of generalized syn-
significantly positive coefficient on the NYT  paywall
thetic control in Table 11 for the full sample of 202 DMAs,
interaction term for both weekday and weekend circulation
as well as only the top 25 DMAs, for comparison. Overall, the
shares. This implies that the paywall had a positive effect on
results indicate that the effect of the paywall is positive and
the offline readership of NYT, in terms of either a slower
statistically significant, with the effect on circulation share
rate of decline compared with the control newspapers or
ranging from .38–.52 share points.18
growth. This result is consistent with the model-free evi-
dence presented in the previous section. The estimates
The results presented here do not account for the role played by subscription
prices in determining circulation share. Across all our specifications, the size of
our estimates of the spillover effect computed with subscription price as a with price omitted. We chose to omit price as a covariate because it was
covariate were identical (within .01–.02 share points) with their counterparts statistically insignificant in all cases and did not add materially to model fit.
32 Journal of Marketing 83(2)

suggest that the NYT paywall had a positive effect on its Table 14. Exploring the Mechanism Behind the Spillover Effect of the
print circulation to the extent of .18–.68 share points, rep- NYT Paywall on Its Print Circulation.
resenting between a 1.05%–3.98% lift in print subscriptions Total Print
compared with the counterfactual scenario without the pay- Circulation
wall. Thus, we see the impact of firm actions online on the Considering Single-
behavior of its customers offline (similar results for a non- Subscription and Subscription Copy
media market have been also been documented in Van Single-Copy Sales Sales Sales
Nierop et al. 2011). Effect of the paywall 29.3% 23.31% n.s.
To assess the robustness of our estimates to the choice of Controls (fixed effects for P P P
control group, we consider an alternative analysis with the most each newspaper, year
popular local newspaper in each market as the baseline/control. fixed effects specific to
Because we could not obtain credible circulation numbers for each newspaper,
local newspapers in each of the 202 DMAs, we restrict our seasonality controls in
the form of quarter of
analysis to the top 25 DMAs. We present the results from this
the year fixed effects
analysis in Table 13. Consistent with the results from the anal- included)
ysis with national newspapers used as controls, we find that the
NYT paywall had a positive effect on the offline circulation of Note: n.s. ¼ not significant.
NYT. However, note that the magnitude of this effect is larger,
at 2.27 circulation share points, when we use the local news- Therefore, by comparing the spillover effects for single-copy
papers as controls (for reference, the effect of the paywall for sales versus subscriptions, we can comment on whether the
the top 25 DMAs, using USAT as the control newspaper, was substitution or bundling mechanism drove the spillover effect.
.62–.55 share points for weekday and weekend circulation, To this end, we collected quarterly national-level data on
when we estimated a panel regression model; see Web Appen- single-copy sales and circulation of the print version for the
dix A). This larger effect can perhaps be rationalized by the newspapers in our sample from AAM’s semiannual publisher’s
steeper drop in print circulation witnessed by local newspa- statements. We use these data in a panel regression to investi-
pers in relation to national newspapers (Plambeck 2010). gate the prevalence of these two mechanisms.
In summary, we find that the print readership of NYT The results from this analysis (Table 14) show an overall
benefited from the paywall, potentially in the form of lower positive effect of the paywall amounting to 29.3% of the news-
attrition relative to other similar newspapers. In other paper’s total circulation (i.e., a combination of subscription and
words, NYT experienced a positive and significant spillover single-copy sales). However, when we consider subscription
effect of the online paywall on its print edition. There are and single-copy sales separately, we find an overall positive
two possible mechanisms governing this finding. The first and significant effect of the paywall on subscription sales but
mechanism is substitution—that is, readers might have an insignificant effect on single copy sales (p ¼ .459). This
viewed the print and online versions of NYT as substitutes. suggests that the primary driver of the positive spillover effect
As a result, increasing the price of the online version by of the paywall on print readership was the bundling mechan-
erecting a paywall might have had a positive effect on the ism, though we are unable to conclusively demonstrate that
demand for the print version of the newspaper. The second substitution did not play a role.20
mechanism is bundling arising from the fact that NYT
offered bundled versions of the newspaper wherein print
Generalizability. As in the case of our analysis of online visita-
subscribers received free access to the digital content. In
tion, these results are based on data from one newspaper.
fact, this bundle was priced very close to the digital-only
Therefore, we explore whether these results are generalizable
subscription, thereby rendering it more attractive than
to other newspapers of similar size. To this end, we compiled
digital-only subscription.19 This bundling might also have zip code–level print circulation data for LAT, in the period
increased the demand for print subscription after the pay- surrounding its paywall commission (May 2012), and for a
wall was erected, thereby also positively influencing the control newspaper, WP, as it did not operate a paywall during
newspaper’s ability to attract print advertising. our analysis window. We were unable to perform this analysis
Interestingly, the bundling mechanism only works for print using USAT as an alternative control group because USAT data
subcriptions sales but not for single copy sales. As a result, any are not available at the zip code level. We chose to collect zip
spillover effect on single-copy sales should be solely attribu- code–level data both because zip code was the lowest level of
table to substitution between print and online versions of NYT, aggregation reported in the AAM Audit Reports for LAT and
while the spillover effect on subscription sales should be a
composite of both the substitution and bundling mechanisms.
This conclusion is based on the assumption that although subscription and
single-copy sales address different segments of the newspaper’s readership
For details on the various subscriptions offered by NYT around the time of base, they responded similarly to the erection of the paywall in terms of
the paywall, see Web Appendix A. their print readership.
Pattabhiramaiah et al. 33

also because the relatively smaller national coverage of the advertising revenue. However, decrease in engagement might
LAT restricted the DMA-level data to fewer than ten DMAs. have had an adverse effect on the newspaper’s digital adver-
We present the results of this panel regression analysis in Web tising revenues. In what follows, we discuss the overall impli-
Appendix A. We find a significant positive spillover effect cations of these findings for the overall financial performance
(4.5–4.8 share points, higher in magnitude than the correspond- of NYT.
ing number for NYT) for the paywall erected by LAT. These First, let us consider the direct effect of the paywall in the
results are similar in spirit to our finding for the NYT paywall form of increased subscription revenues. In each quarter fol-
and help us place more confidence in our documentation of a lowing the launch of its paywall in March 2011, NYT experi-
positive spillover effect of the NYT paywall on its print enced a steady increase in the number of paid subscribers
circulation. (Chittum 2014). The newspaper is reported to be successful
Overall, these results suggest a positive effect of the paywall in amassing a sizable base of over 500,000 digital subscribers
on print newspaper circulation for NYT—a positive, significant in just 18 months after the paywall was set up (Haughney
spillover effect of the paywall. Thus, our results are consistent 2013). In addition to this direct effect, the paywall may also
with the view that the paywall may be serving a very important influence the newspaper’s online advertising revenues indir-
objective for this industry, viz., stemming the decline in print ectly in multiple ways. As discussed previously, the paywall
readership. As discussed previously, 65%–80% of revenues for resulted in lower engagement in online content. Lower engage-
newspapers such as NYT and LAT are obtained from the print ment and traffic leads to a lower quantity of ad impressions that
edition of the newspaper. In addition, preserving a print reader can be served on the newspaper’s website. Thus, relative to the
is believed to be at least 16 times as valuable, in revenue terms, period before the paywall, this will lead to lower advertising
than an online reader. Thus, the spillover effect of newspaper revenue. However, as a result of the paywall, the newspaper is
paywalls may play a large role in preserving a legacy source of likely to have richer information on subscribing visitors,
revenue by slowing the decline in print readership. increasing its ability to serve targeted ads. Moreover, subscrib-
ing visitors, by virtue of their revealed willingness to pay for
digital content, are likely to be more attractive to advertisers. In
Managerial Implications the absence of the paywall, advertisers would not have been
Our article proposes a framework that will help managers in able to directly identify such high willingness to pay users.
evaluating the various implications of monetizing digital con- Therefore, the paywall can potentially help a newspaper charge
tent. Specifically, we document that, in addition to considering higher ad rates per impression (typically measured in terms of
the obvious direct effect of paywalls on subscription revenue, cost per mille) as a result of the improved quality of the served
managers need to consider (1) how such a monetization ad impressions. There are early indications from the results of
approach would alter user engagement and (2) the spillover survey-based journalism research that advertisers are willing to
effect of the paywall on the offline channel. Of these, the pay higher advertising rates for their ads in paid online news-
insight that managers need to consider the spillover effect of papers.21 Therefore, the net effect of paywalls on online adver-
digital monetization on legacy media channels is a surprising tising is likely to depend on the relative magnitudes of the
and often overlooked implication. Overall, our empirical anal- changes in the quantity and quality of ad impressions subse-
yses highlight three key findings of relevance to managers: quent to the paywall.
If online advertising revenues did indeed decline as a result
1. The paywall instituted by NYT drove away some read- of the paywall, this resulting lower cash flow can hamper the
ers, as evidenced by a decline in the number of unique newspaper’s ability to invest in quality. Consequently, the
visitors to its website after the paywall. decline in quality can lead to a further decline in readership,
2. In the period following the paywall, previously heavy thereby driving the quality-driven circulation spiral (Gabsze-
readers of the NYT visited the website less often and wicz, Garella, and Sonnac 2007).22 While our data do not
also spent less time on the website. Although these
allow us to comment on the circulation spiral, media reports
adverse effects are attenuated among readers who are
have lauded the the paywall as a net positive contributor to
likely to have subscribed to the newspaper, these find-
NYT’s revenues (Doctor 2013). Therefore, any adverse
ings imply that paywalls might pose a challenge to the
changes in the quality of online content because of the pay-
greater objective of increasing engagement among
wall are unlikely.
online readers.
Next, we consider the spillover effect of the paywall on the
3. There is a positive significant effect of the paywall on
print newspaper. This spillover effect can have positive reve-
the newspaper’s print circulation, indicating that the
nue implications both from the reader and advertiser sides.
spillover effect serves as a sizeable benefit.

In summary, there are two positive consequences of the 21

paywall: (1) the incremental online subscription revenues gen- advertising.
erated by the paywall and (2) the arrested decline in print 22
We thank an anonymous reviewer for pointing out the role of declining
circulation and the corresponding benefits from circulation and circulation/advertising in driving the circulation spiral.
34 Journal of Marketing 83(2)

Nevertheless, recall that we discussed two plausible mechan- advertisers may view these circulation numbers differently in
isms behind the spillover effect: substitution effect, wherein the long run.
readers abandon the online version and switch to print as a In conclusion, this discussion highlights that the managerial
result of the paywall, and the bundling effect, wherein readers implications span outcomes related to subscriptions, product
who would have otherwise subscribed to the online paywall design (e.g., bundling), pricing, and advertising revenues. More
instead find print subscription with free online access more importantly, an often-ignored consequence is that these impli-
attractive. Note that even if it was not labeled as such, a similar cations encompass both the digital and offline channels.
“bundled option” of consuming print and online news was
available to the reader before the paywall, though the online
newspaper was free at that time. Thus, the benefits to the news-
paper arising from such a bundled pricing plan should be attrib- This article advances a framework that can help managers in
uted to the paywall, as the bundle would not have existed evaluating the various implications of monetizing digital con-
otherwise. Given our finding that bundling was probably the tent. The notion of monetizing online content is a problem that
main driver of the spillover effect of the paywall, the positive extends beyond the context of newspapers. Recently, television
benefit from the reader side is likely to have been somewhat content providers and educational institutions have been grap-
limited. If the spillover effect of the paywall were to be driven pling with the issue of designing appropriate monetizing stra-
by the substitution explanation, all the increase in print read- tegies for their online content.
ership would be deemed as incremental, likely implying a The first key insight from our work is that one needs to
larger revenue gain. Therefore, we can view our analysis as a consider the spillover effect of online monetization on offline
conservative assessment of the magnitude of the spillover content consumption. This is especially critical if, as in our
effect. setting, there is a positive spillover of charging for online con-
In the scenario in which the spillover effect is mostly driven tent on offline revenues. In our case, the analysis suggests that
by bundling, most of the positive benefit would be derived from this positive spillover was due primarily to the bundling of
increase in print advertising. Given that an average print reader online and offline content. We conjecture that a bundling strat-
generates $126 in print advertising, this increase can be sizable egy that provides free access to online content with the sub-
(for a rough calculation of the revenue gain from the spillover scription to offline content might be reasonable when (1) the
effect, see Web Appendix B). However, there are two potential marginal cost of online content delivery is relatively low, (2)
caveats to this positive outlook. First, if advertisers are actively the offline channel is significantly more lucrative in terms of ad
switching between print and online versions of the newspaper, revenues, and (3) it is important to prevent channel partners for
it is possible that some of the calculated increase in print adver- offline content (e.g., cable companies for television content)
tising might be a result of advertiser substitution away from from feeling threatened by the online content.
online advertising at NYT. However, as Sridhar and Sriram Second, a digital monetization strategy might indirectly
(2015), Salmon (2009), and Hartung (2010) note, such cross- facilitate the creation of a broader and more comprehensive
channel substitution is likely to be small. “view” of audience engagement with both online and offline
Second, if bundling is the main driver of the spillover effect, product offerings. This will happen when offline subscribers
it could be argued that readers who subscribe to the print plus start linking their email ID with their online subscription
online bundle may, in reality, end up throwing away the print accounts to authenticate their status. The ability to create such
newspaper and consume only digital news. If this is true, adver- a comprehensive database may offer various long-term benefits
tisers might not view the corresponding subscriptions numbers for firms implementing various digital monetization strategies.
as credible, thereby calling into question any corresponding Finally, the design of metered plans brings to surface the
gains in print advertising revenues. However, comparison of debate regarding whether heavy users should be “penalized” by
the options suggests that the price of even the cheapest print the platform, as is typically done in freemium pricing plans.
option was greater than that of a digital-only access plan. This might motivate heavy users to migrate from the platform
Therefore, it is unlikely that a NYT reader who is interested or curtail their usage, thereby having deleterious consequences
only in its online content would have subscribed to the print for overall engagement as well as sharing and propogation of
newspaper just to gain access to the digital version (i.e., with no content. Providing some value-added services exclusively to
intention of consuming the print version). Rather, bundling is subscribers might be a viable strategy to circumvent this prob-
likely to have helped in retaining some marginal print subscri- lem. We hope that our findings and this discussion engender
bers who were contemplating moving away from the print future investigation in this area.
version. Furthermore, advertisers still continue to rely on the
readership numbers for print newspapers that are compiled and
audited by the AAM (Johnson 2012; McInnis & Associates
2013). Therefore, in the short run, newspapers are strictly better Newspaper paywalls are becoming an increasingly prevalent
off by projecting a larger print readership base to advertisers phenomenon, with nearly 75% of newspapers in the United
even if there are questions regarding the extent to which their States either having implemented a paywall or actively consid-
readers actually consume the print newspaper. Nevertheless, ering setting one up. The popular belief is that paywalls may
Pattabhiramaiah et al. 35

provide a welcome new source of revenue: online subscrip- Associate Editor

tions. However, as suggested by various surveys of newspaper Michel Wedel served as associate editor for this article.
readers, newspapers stand the risk of driving away readers who
are not willing to pay for online news. As online ad revenues Declaration of Conflicting Interests
are heavily linked to newspaper readership, newspapers also
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to
stand to put these revenues at risk if the paywall leads to heavy the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
reader attrition. Thus, the overall impact of setting up newspa-
per paywalls is far from obvious. In this study, we employ data
on online and print readership of NYT to assess the overall
impact of the paywall it instituted in March 2011. We find that The author(s) received no financial support for the research, author-
ship, and/or publication of this article.
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evidenced by a decline in the number of unique visitors to its
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