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ME 122 Final Examination 2SY2016-17


Name_________________________________________________________________________________Student No.____________

1. For a hydroelectric turbine installation having a 90 m elevation difference between upper and lower reservoir, a penstock
having a friction factor of 0.025, a diameter of 1.5 m and length 500 m is to be used. What would be the maximum flow.
Determine the type, number, specific speed, operating speed and diameter of turbine/s that must be installed. If you chose a
reaction turbine, determine the elevation above tailwater. Assume water to be at 20 oC (Psat = 2.34 kPa) and atmospheric
pressure is 101kPa. Typical σc values for reaction turbines are shown below. For impulse turbines, assume that nozzle losses
may be approximated as 0.04Vj2/2g and impulse turbine is installed 3 meters above tailrace. Frequency of electricity should be
50 hertz.

Francis Turbines Propeller turbines

Ns 80 160 240 320 400 400 600 800
σc 0.025 0.10 0.23 0.40 0.64 0.43 0.73 1.5

2. For the following installations what type of turbine should be used? Explain why. What should be the diameter of the turbine?

net head 1625 m, 18.65 MW @ 500 rpm.

737 m net head, 48.5 MW @300 rpm.
net head 81 m, 146.5 MW, 128.6 rpm
27m net head, 26,700 kW, 150 rpm
net head 454 m, 47,200 kW, 750 rpm

3. For a net head of 20 m, a hydroelectric plant is to produce 30 MW with a single turbine at an operating speed of 100 rpm. A
model turbine with an output of 40 kW is to be tested under similar conditions with a head of 5 m. Calculate the model speed .
Find the scale ratio. Estimate the volume flow rate through the model. For the prototype, determine the type of turbine to be
used and diameter of the turbine.

4. Two reservoirs have an elevation difference of 30 meters and are connected with a 0.25 m diameter pipe 20 m long with a
friction factor of 0.025, entrance loss factor of 0.5 and exit loss factor of 0.5. The upper reservoir is used to supply water to the
lower reservoir through this pipeline. Draw the system curve for this system and find the water flow rate if water from the
upper reservoir water is allowed to flow freely towards the lower reservoir. If the flow rate is to be increased by 80% above this
flow (calculated above), what should be the pump engine/motor power required for pumping if pump efficiency is 80%. If a
pump running at 1200 rpm is used, what type of pump should be used and the diameter?

Centrifugal pumps ns range 10 to 100 with max efficiency of 93% at ns of 50, φ of 1.1
Mixed flow pumps ns range 70 to 200 with max efficiency of 92% at ns of 120, φ of 1.3
Axial flow pumps ns range 200 to 300 with max efficiency at of 91% at ns of 245, φ of 2.2

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