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Compensation and Benefits

April 2022 Examination


Answer 1.
Repayment can be defined as any employer's methodical approach to its employees in the form
of presenting some financial compensation in exchange for the work they produce for the firm.
Any employee of a business can reap this benefit in a variety of ways, including task
performance, job satisfaction, and recruitment assistance. Many various issues can be defined
further, such as how the compensation is employed and the types of payback systems that any
commercial enterprise will use. The following section will discuss the payback device quickly
and provide an overview of at least three types of compensation that an employer will apply.
There are numerous additives of the compensation system, which are also mentioned in the next
component. There's a scientific manner of using this repayment system, and each enterprise is
using it in that way handiest.

Concept and analysis

In the workplace, payback is used as a control way for many tasks for an organisation to
similarly the firm's lifestyles. There may be particular business ambitions that a corporation has
in their journey, such as dreams and available assets, and the remuneration structure for any
employees is adjusted as a result of this. Pay can be used in a variety of ways in a firm, including
hiring and retaining qualified employees. This strategy's purpose is not uncommon among those
who have employed it. On occasion, the availability and remuneration package of a qualified
employee are contingent on market conditions that are outside a firm's control. There could be
anything in their possession for a company, such as new recruiting and advertising the range of
packages they give to new recruits. Alternative repayment components may include increasing or
maintaining staff morale or pleasure. There are numerous types of incentive regulations available
to employees in order to motivate them to achieve their best overall performance, and this also
serves as a repayment mechanism. The compensation device is used to improve the internal and
external fairness of a business. It also helps to reduce turnover and promotes business loyalty.
The organisation can also try to change the solidarity in control via a few negotiating techniques
among the personnel through the payback system.

A compensation gadget will comprise numerous components in its procedure for any
management machine in the organisation. The compensation device is used to determine the
value of the employees' positions. The compensation gadget's additives for evaluating such roles
are the activity description, activity evaluation, job assessment, written method, and, most
importantly, the profits structure provided in the letter. The job description will allow you to
describe the needs and responsibilities of the specific function that will be provided to a person.
It will also include a few distinct key variables such as functions, duties, area, environment,
conditions, and so on. An activity evaluation will aid in job analysis and is best developed from
the job description. Interviews, observations, and questionnaires will all be used in this method.
Then there's the process review, which involves comparing jobs in order to generate similar
wage ranges for that particular field of work. Some methods, such as ranking, component
contrast, factor approach, and type, will be enforced during the activity assessment.

The earnings shape will help to standardise the pay system. It also contains the pay structure, in
which grades are assigned mostly based on their consistent earnings levels. The wage tier survey
will provide an idea of the revenue distribution scheme. It is completed by gathering pay data
from the market, which will include the average salary, inflation indicators, and cost of living.
The various types of repayment that firms might utilise to differentiate the levels of income they
provide to their employees. Base pay, overtime pay, commissions, inventory options, bonuses,
benefit pay, profit sharing, and a few types of allowance like as travel, dining, and housing
allowance may all be part of the compensation structure. The compensation plans should be
appropriately completed, like developing a software outline to conduct the repayment device
Figure 1 – Compensation System


It is possible to conclude that the compensation device will assist any employer's employees in
doing their duties effectively. If the company has safely deployed this machine, its staff will be
constantly impacted and work more productively. This machine is appropriate for any firm
because it will aid in the recruitment and retention of personnel. The company will make more
sales, which is extremely advantageous for any employer. With the proper job description
analysis, the organisation can swiftly put the reimbursement machine into operation. To build a
reimbursement device for any company enterprise, some philosophy should be applied.


Answer 2.
Internally consistent compensation schemes can aid in achieving market competitiveness within
a business. These two tactics are related to each other, and many businesses have implemented
both strategies concurrently with outstanding results. There are numerous basic building pieces
or repayment systems involved, which may be mentioned in the next section of this response. It
provides fairness within the internally regular repayment mechanism, which may be similarly
defined as the cost earned through funding. Companies require consistent internal compensation
because it contributes to the employer's growth by generating a considerable amount of revenue.
It will aid in the hiring of more individuals, who will then use their efficient skills to work inside
the firm to achieve their goals.

Concept and analysis

As we know, the compensation device is used as a tool within the organisation to attain its
objective and motivate the employee to be in their organisation. The aggressive strategy can be
defined as the organization's long-term approach to gain some competitive advantages in the
market over its competitors. Each of the strategies is used by the firm in a long-term strategy,
and both bring a few benefits to its management machine. According to a few reviews, each of
the approaches is employed by numerous organisations to boost their business from various
businesses. They were able to fulfil their desires over a long period of time by doing so. The
same may be said about the strategy utilised to maintain the agency's competitiveness so that
they can continue to conduct business in the marketplace. The firms adopt a competitive strategy
to develop a shielding function in the marketplace, which will result in a high return on

These types of methods are beneficial to businesses when they are very competitive in their field
and can afford to compete on a few identical products with other businesses in the same sector.
For example, in the mobile phone market, every company employs the competitiveness strategy
in order to stay in business for a long period. Before enforcing this competitiveness strategy, the
organisation needs to assess its internal power, vulnerabilities, opportunities, and threats.
Following this examination, the organisation can decide which direction to take by applying a
competitive attitude. Furthermore, this assessment will take into account the adequate
understanding of the competition. It also wishes to assess all of the patron's demands and desires,
as these are all crucial in the competitive advantage plan. Companies employ a wide range of
aggressive strategies, all of which can be defined by Michael Porter's concept. Price leadership,
differentiation, value cognizance, and differentiation concentration are all divided into four
elements in this philosophy. Cell phone companies like Micromax provide a good acceptable
phone in the market with the same features as premium phone companies like Apple and
Samsung. This is referred to as cost leadership.

Figure 2 – Building Blocks of Compensation System

Many parameters necessary in the repayment machine can be used as building blocks of a
compensation system. Still, the incorrect praising option for the worker, the true reward, and
measuring the worker's performance are necessary parts to effectively construct a repayment
machine. All of these must be thoroughly examined, and a few performance management
programmes must be used to apply this machine within the firm. A human resource management
plan created by the company's HR department is the foundation of reimbursement. The firm can
appeal to and retain employees by expanding this payback plan with the help of human resource
management. This style of design will also help to motivate the administration's winning
workforce. This repayment plan may differ from one company to the next. Human functional
resource management also provides businesses with a realistic and comprehensive budget.

It is possible to draw from this that the groups support structuring the compensation system to
promote personnel. Organizations, like start-ups, will use a wage strategy to entice individuals to
work with them. The large corporations will comply with this compensation method in order to
keep the employee motivated to work. As a result, it can also be stated that the competitive
advantage strategy and the compensation method complement each other remarkably well due to
their operating system. Each of these tactics has assisted a corporation in achieving its goal and
maintaining its position in the market.


Answer 3 a.
Task evaluation strategies are the methods that businesses employ to ensure that the exceptional
work that is completed is up to quality. The main issue within the current situation is that many
employees are not treated with centrally, and raises are issued from the region itself.

Concept and analysis

The technique of thing assessment may be employed here with BOB to assure an accurate flow
of work. Element evaluation is a systematic and scientific technique for evaluating occupations
based on ranks and other factors. That is one of the most used approaches for task evaluation
because it provides some of the greatest solutions to a variety of scenarios. Specific contracts are
used to check these, and they are based explicitly on the sill, effort, proximity, obligation, and
operating environment. These are some of the parameters that are used for evaluation. As a
result, it could be argued that BOB might use this strategy to ensure that the evaluation technique
is carried out in a greater manner.

As a result, this strategy may aid in a better evaluation of the cleaners. This can help guarantee
that the locations are accurately classified as unique areas with a variety of attributes that can be
examined. There are other different options available on the internet that uses agreement
scrubbing. There should be a slew of questions that may be asked in order to improve the current
situation. The cleaning wants of locations that function in business households differ, as do their
goals for a different way of advancement in this instance. As a result, it can be concluded that the
use of issue contrast is a generic strategy that can be utilised to control and design a good set of

Evaluating different factors in the procedure of running BOB can make sure that what the
necessities that are needed are. Further, it may help ensure that additional work can be given in
any area, one of the best starting points.


As a result, in order to conclude the topic, it can be claimed that the technique of factoring
approach is the method that must be employed for the manner of process evaluation employing
BOB. This strategy ensures that the work is specified through a distinct process, which will aid
in assigning the appropriate ranking.

Answer 3b.


The ultimate advice should be provided by BOB, who wants to ensure that there are methods in
place to ensure that the suggestion is in line with market lag. This technique ensures that there is
sufficient cash flow and that the business structure is correct.

Concept and analysis

The market lag is one of HR's practical approaches for ensuring that the method that lags the
marketplace can also do so since it allows for superior financial resources at lower expenses.
This guarantees that the market has the appropriate cash float. Applying the aggregate of
alternatives is another important strategy that may be used with BOB. All of the approaches,
such as market lag, market boost, and market equal, are used in the mixing option. These
strategies aid in ensuring that a wide range of options are available. This ensures that a large
number of assets are paid well. During a tight labour market, the company can choose the lead
marketplace for roles that are one-of-a-kind to fill.
The market lag is one of HR's practical approaches for ensuring that the method that lags the
marketplace can also do so since it allows for superior financial resources at lower expenses.
This guarantees that the market has the appropriate cash float. Applying the aggregate of
alternatives is another important strategy that may be used with BOB. All of the approaches,
such as market lag, market boost, and market equal, are used in the mixing option. These
strategies aid in ensuring that a wide range of options are available. This ensures that a large
number of assets are paid well. During a tight labour market, the company can choose the lead
marketplace for roles that are one-of-a-kind to fill.

Further market latency could be employed in situations where the focus is on the client and less
work is accomplished. In more familiar places, more market meets could be used. Because this
could be a novel process, it must be determined in the immediate vicinity.


As a result of the topic's conclusion, it can be stated that the sum of all three tactics is one of the
subtle ways to ensure that work is completed correctly. As a result, BOB must employ all tactics
available within the specified locations to ensure that each region obtains what it need.

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