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Hello there.

My name is Theresa Brown.

Welcome to create a project charter using Google Docks.
Have you been assigned to manage a process improvement
project and donor?
How to start capturing all the pertinent information
into a succinct and crisp format?
By the end of this project, you will create on lost a
and living document containing important information that you
and stakeholders can refer back to as your project developed
on the screen is thean product that we will produce
in this course.
So a Project Chatah is a living document that displays core
information of a project such as the project's name,
responses, problem and gold statements, skirt benefits
and timeline.
It is typically used in Lane six.
Sigma did make methodology but inception of the project where
damanik stents would define, measure, analyze, improved
and control the project.
Chatah is consistently referred back to you
throughout the projects life and there.
After with minimal software skills, you will be able
to categorize this information into a document using a simple
table structure.
This course will include beginner level skills using Google
docks, creating a logically organized project.
Charna is a great way to not only summarize all the moving
parts of your project into one handy document, but also
to measure your project's success.
Head over to the next task so that we can get started.
Thank you.

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