22.11.21 Nome: Áriel Alexandre Vilarinho Bernardo 9 Classe / Sala 17 English Fairy Tale - "A Journey To The Core"

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Nome: Áriel Alexandre Vilarinho Bernardo
9ª Classe / Sala 17

English Fairy Tale

- “A Journey to the core”

O nce upon a time, in a magical world where some people had the ability to use their
imagination as a power, lived a young boy called Pietro Maximoff. He lived with his family in a beautiful
house in Sokovia. He had a sister called Wanda, she and her brother could use their imagination in unique
ways. Wanda used it to move objects with her min, while Pietro used it to run very fast. Wanda had
struggles using her power because she was younger.
One day, everyone’s powers began to weaken. Something or someone was trying to take control of
all the world’s imagination powers at the Core of imagination. Everyone was confused to where the Core of
Imagination was hidden. Only some very old people knew its location. Then Pietro and his friends Djamal
and Ruby wanted to ask an elder if he or she knew where the Core was hidden. They went to Ruby’s
abuelita, she said that the Core of Imagination was hidden in a very far away temple, and that to get there
they would need to cross the Weeping Woods, to climb the Mount K, to find the lost city of Copy-Paste and
to find the entrance to the th temple.
After talking with Ruby’s abuela, they decided to go on a journey to find the Core of Imagination.
First they went to the Weeping Woods, it was very dense with all its trees and tall grass. When they entered
it, they began to get lost, because the forest’s trees could move themself, closing and opening passages.
They were divided, but then Djamal used his imagination to give himself the power to stretch his body. He
stretched himself above the trees and started to look for his friends. He found them and rescued them. With
Djamal’s help they were able to pass through the Weeping Woods.
While leaving the Weeping Woods, they spotted the Mount K. They had to climb it because the lost
city of Copy-Paste was on the other side of the Mountain. When they arrived at the Mount K, it already had
a track that lead to the other side of the Mount, having no need to climb it anymore.
After following the track, they found a city, but it was very strange, it was all cube-ish and purple too.
It was different compared to what Ruby’s abuelita had told them. They were so confused and curious of
what caused the city to be like that. Then as they approached the city’s center, they felt a strange
earthquake, because it was weak and seemed like something was moving the cubes and uniting them.
With the cubes moving they tried to hide. After the cubes unified themselfs, it tourned into a creature, that
they named Cube Golem. It seemed friendly at first, but as soon as it spotted them, it started to attack.
First, Pietro used his super speed to distract the golem, while Djamal took Ruby and Wand away from the
fight. Ruby had the power to create objects. So Wanda told him to create weapons to help defeat the
golem. Ruby started to create the weapons such as spears, swords and little bombs, while Wanda began
yeeting them to attack the golem. It was very efficient, but the golem was regenerating using the city’s
cubes. Then Wanda used her powers to elevate all the cubes in the city, preventing the golem from
regenerating. After that, it became easier to defeat it

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