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Before MePa State Adminlstrative Tribunala


MeAe NO 197

The State of
Through the Secre ary Tribal 6
Schedule4 Cast Welfare Dpte
vallabh Bhavanu B2oPal 0004eeee

Dre ReSe Shrivastava eeeeeee

Derlv ibcri Arcq
Plt S2f4Utl 13hcol1
Application UlSectior25 Of the MePe State Administrative
Tribunal Act Seeklnq further tiu for execution of
the order in OeAeNoe571188
ated 18e901996

The appllcant humbly submits as under s

le The complianceof the alve order lnvolves alteration

of not
sen6crlty of only the applicant but also a

large ntmber of other lndividuals who are already

senior t1o hime Further it has also been directed

to conven the meetingof revlew DPCs for dlfferent

yearse The period covered by the order ls more than

20 years 6 as such Iooking to the magnitude of work

involve in execution of the above order of the

the applicant reguires further
timee 1

2e It is prayed that the Honble Tribunal

maybe pleased to grant a further period of six

months from the date of this applicatlon for

execution of the order dated 160901996 in OA 5711

1988 nnexure Aeml in thc interest of Justice

Officer Case
lFor Appllcantl
Date 1 1510212020
Verified By 1 Nlket Trivedi e1eeeee2e
Site Incharge Jabalpur


Ie SHASHIKANT Be BHATT Addltional Director

Trlbal veloent 6t OeIeCe Of the case do here by

verify that the contents of the above application for

extension of time ls true to my knowledge based on the

record of the casee

Signed 6 verified here at Bhopal on this day of

10th July 19970

Office R Inchar of the Case

For Applicant

Date 1 1510212020
Verified By 1 Nlket Trivedi
Site Incharge Jabalpur

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