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Dynamical analysis
Dynamics of the family of order four
Numerical Results

Computationally efficient iterative methods for solving nonlinear

Institute for Multidisciplinary Mathematics,
Universitat Politècnica de València
Universidad Internacional de la Rioja
Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia

Francisco I. Chicharro, Alicia Cordero, Jose J. Padilla, Juan R. Torregrosa

F.I. Chicharro,A. Cordero, J.J. Padilla, J. R. Torregrosa Computationally efficient iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations
Dynamical analysis
Dynamics of the family of order four
Numerical Results

1 Introduction
Problem to solve
Aim of the research
New Iterative Method
2 Dynamical analysis
Dynamical Concepts
Basins of attraction
3 Dynamics of the family of order four
Rational operator
Stability of the strange fixed points
Free critical points
Parameter planes
Some dynamical planes
4 Numerical Results
5 Conclusion
6 References
F.I. Chicharro,A. Cordero, J.J. Padilla, J. R. Torregrosa Computationally efficient iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations
Dynamical analysis Problem to solve
Dynamics of the family of order four Aim of the research
Numerical Results Theorem
Conclusion New Iterative Method


The limitations of analytical methods in practical applications have led scientists and
engineers to develop numerical methods. Exact methods often fail to find roots of
transcendental equations or to solve non-linear differential equations. The goal of
numerical analysis is therefore to provide constructive methods to obtain answers to
such problems numerically, for example:

Processes in robotics
Cancer cell population growth
Satellite positioning
Orbit determination
Simulation of blood flow

F.I. Chicharro,A. Cordero, J.J. Padilla, J. R. Torregrosa Computationally efficient iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations
Dynamical analysis Problem to solve
Dynamics of the family of order four Aim of the research
Numerical Results Theorem
Conclusion New Iterative Method


Problem to solve
We will focus on fixed point iterative methods.
For solving the nonlinear equation f (x) = 0.
Where f : I ⊆ R → R for an open interval I is a scalar function.
Newton’s method for a single non-linear equation is written as:
f (xk )
xk+1 = xk − , k = 0, 1, 2, ...
f 0 (xk )
This is one of the most powerful and well-known iterative methods known to
converge quadratically.

F.I. Chicharro,A. Cordero, J.J. Padilla, J. R. Torregrosa Computationally efficient iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations
Dynamical analysis Problem to solve
Dynamics of the family of order four Aim of the research
Numerical Results Theorem
Conclusion New Iterative Method


Aim of the research

Our aim is to study the reliability and stability of a family of methods.
To choose the most efficient ones for the complex dynamics of the parametric
family described below, on quadratic polynomials of the form
p(z) = (z − a)(z − b).
By applying the fixed point operator on non-linear polynomial
We will analyse characteristic points, which will allow us to determine the
stability of the iterative method.
Furthermore, by means of graphical techniques, we will analyse the properties
of the method.

F.I. Chicharro,A. Cordero, J.J. Padilla, J. R. Torregrosa Computationally efficient iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations
Dynamical analysis Problem to solve
Dynamics of the family of order four Aim of the research
Numerical Results Theorem
Conclusion New Iterative Method

Analysis of convergence

Let f : I ⊆ R → R be a sufficiently differentiable function in an open interval I and

x∗ ∈ I a root of equation f (x) = 0. Let G(η) be a real function satisfying G(1) = 1 ,
−3 9 2
G0 (1) = , G00 (1) = , and |G000 (1)| < +∞. If γ = and we choose an initial
4 4 3
approximation x0 close enough to x∗ , the iterative scheme defined by
f (xk )
yk = xk − γ
f 0 (xk )
f (xk )
xk+1 = xk − G(η) 0 , k = 0, 1, 2, ...
f (xk )
and its error equation
 32G000 (1)  3 c4  4
ek+1 = 5+ c2 − c2 c3 + ek + O(e5k ),
81 9
1 f (k) (α) f 0 (yk )
ck = ,where η = f 0 (xk )
, k = 2, 3, ... y ek = xk − α.
k! f 0 (α)
F.I. Chicharro,A. Cordero, J.J. Padilla, J. R. Torregrosa Computationally efficient iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations
Dynamical analysis Problem to solve
Dynamics of the family of order four Aim of the research
Numerical Results Theorem
Conclusion New Iterative Method

Fourth-order Method

New Iterative Method

2 f (xk )
yk = xk −
3 f 0 (xk )
  f (x )
xk+1 = xk − α1 + α2 (η − 1) + α3 (η − 1)2 + α4 (η − 1)3 0 ,
f (xk )
k = 0, 1, . . . ,
2 −3 9
has fourth-order convergence when γ = , α1 = 1, α2 = , α3 = , being α4 a
3 4 8
free parameter.

F.I. Chicharro,A. Cordero, J.J. Padilla, J. R. Torregrosa Computationally efficient iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations
Dynamical analysis
Dynamics of the family of order four Dynamical Concepts
Numerical Results Basins of attraction

How does dynamics help us to understand iterative methods?

Families of iterative methods or schemes on quadratic polynomials

How to choose the most stable elements?

Parameter plane as an essential tool.

Stability analysis on quadratic polynomials

Dependence on initial estimation.

Size and shape of convergence regions.
Possible convergence to fixed points that are not solutions.

F.I. Chicharro,A. Cordero, J.J. Padilla, J. R. Torregrosa Computationally efficient iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations
Dynamical analysis
Dynamics of the family of order four Dynamical Concepts
Numerical Results Basins of attraction

Basic concepts of complex dynamics

Let R : Ĉ → Ĉ be a rational function, the orbit of z0 ∈ Ĉ is defined as

{z0 , R(z0 ), R2 (z0 ), . . . , Rn (z0 ), . . .}

z0 ∈ Ĉ is a fixed point of R if R(z0 ) = z0

A periodic point z0 ∈ Ĉ, of period p > 1, satisfies

Rp (z0 ) = z0 y Rk (z0 ) 6= z0 , k < p

z0 ∈ Ĉ is a critical point of R if R0 (z0 ) = 0

A fixed point z0 ∈ Ĉ is
(1) Attractive if |R0 (z0 )| < 1
(2) Superattractive if R0 (z0 ) = 0
(3) Repulsive if |R0 (z0 )| > 1
(4) Parabolic or Neutral if |R0 (z0 )| = 1

F.I. Chicharro,A. Cordero, J.J. Padilla, J. R. Torregrosa Computationally efficient iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations
Dynamical analysis
Dynamics of the family of order four Dynamical Concepts
Numerical Results Basins of attraction

Basins of attraction

The basin of attraction of an attracting fixed point z̄ ∈ Ĉ is the set of pre-images

of any order
A(z̄) = {z0 ∈ Ĉ : Rn (z0 ) → z̄, n → +∞}
Fatou set is formed by those points whose orbits tend to an attractor
Its complementary set in the Riemann sphere is Julia set

Let R be a rational function. The immediate basin of attraction of an attracting fixed
or periodic point holds, at least, a critical point.

F.I. Chicharro,A. Cordero, J.J. Padilla, J. R. Torregrosa Computationally efficient iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations
Dynamical analysis
Dynamics of the family of order four Dynamical Concepts
Numerical Results Basins of attraction

An example

Newton’s method:
There is no attractive strange fixed point
There is no free critical point
Basins of attraction of Newton’s schemes on q(z) = z2 − 1

F.I. Chicharro,A. Cordero, J.J. Padilla, J. R. Torregrosa Computationally efficient iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations
Rational operator
Dynamical analysis
Stability of the strange fixed points
Dynamics of the family of order four
Free critical points
Numerical Results
Parameter planes
Some dynamical planes

Rational operator associated to the scheme on quadratic polynomials

Möbius transformation
The rational operator depends on the parameters, a and b. To eliminate this
dependence, we use a Möbius transformation h (z) = , with the following
i) h (∞) = 1, ii) h (a) = 0, iii) h (b) = ∞,
and proved that, for quadratic polynomials, Newton’s operator is conjugate to the
rational map z2 .

F.I. Chicharro,A. Cordero, J.J. Padilla, J. R. Torregrosa Computationally efficient iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations
Rational operator
Dynamical analysis
Stability of the strange fixed points
Dynamics of the family of order four
Free critical points
Numerical Results
Parameter planes
Some dynamical planes

Rational operator associated to the scheme on quadratic polynomials

2(a − z)2 (b − z)2

1 7
Tp,α4 ,a,b (z) = z+ (−a + z)(−b + z) +
a + b − 2z 4 (a + b − 2z)4
64α4 (a − z)3 (−b + z)3 3a2 + 3b2 + 2a(b − 4z) − 8bz + 8z2

+ − ,
27(a + b − 2z)6 4(a + b − 2z)2

Operator Tp,α4 ,a,b (z) on quadratic polynomials is conjugated to operator Oα4 (z),
  135 + 64α4 + 378z + 378z2 + 162z3 + 27z4
Oα4 (z) = h ◦ Tp,α4 ,a,b ◦ h−1 (z) = z4 .
2 + 162z + 378z2 + 378z3 + 135z4 + 64α4 z4

F.I. Chicharro,A. Cordero, J.J. Padilla, J. R. Torregrosa Computationally efficient iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations
Rational operator
Dynamical analysis
Stability of the strange fixed points
Dynamics of the family of order four
Free critical points
Numerical Results
Parameter planes
Some dynamical planes

Stability of the strange fixed points

Fixed points of Oα4 (z) are the roots of the equation Oα4 (z) = z, that is, z = 0,
z = ∞ and the strange fixed points
z = 1,
Roots of the polynomial
r(α4 , z) = 27 + 189z + 567z2 + (810 − 64α4 )z3 + 567z4 + 189z5 + 27z6 .

Stability regions of O0α4 (1)

The character of the strange fixed point z = 1,
α4 6= , is as follows:

135  204849 
i) If α4 − > 8
, then z = 1 is an

135  204849 
ii) When α4 − = 8
, z = 1 is a
parabolic point.

135  204849 
iii) If α4 − < 8
, then z = 1 is a

F.I. Chicharro,A. Cordero, J.J. Padilla, J. R. Torregrosa Computationally efficient iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations
Rational operator
Dynamical analysis
Stability of the strange fixed points
Dynamics of the family of order four
Free critical points
Numerical Results
Parameter planes
Some dynamical planes

Stability of the strange fixed points

Stability regions of strange fixed points

Stability regions of exi (α4 ), i = 1, 2 (left) and exi (α4 ), i = 3 (right).

F.I. Chicharro,A. Cordero, J.J. Padilla, J. R. Torregrosa Computationally efficient iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations
Rational operator
Dynamical analysis
Stability of the strange fixed points
Dynamics of the family of order four
Free critical points
Numerical Results
Parameter planes
Some dynamical planes

Stability of the strange fixed points

Stability regions of conjugated strange fixed points

Stability regions of exi (α4 ), i = 4 (left) and exi (α4 ), i = 4 (right).

F.I. Chicharro,A. Cordero, J.J. Padilla, J. R. Torregrosa Computationally efficient iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations
Rational operator
Dynamical analysis
Stability of the strange fixed points
Dynamics of the family of order four
Free critical points
Numerical Results
Parameter planes
Some dynamical planes

Stability of the strange fixed points

Stability regions of strange fixed points

Stability regions of exi (α4 ), i = 5 (left) and exi (α4 ), i = 6 (right).

F.I. Chicharro,A. Cordero, J.J. Padilla, J. R. Torregrosa Computationally efficient iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations
Rational operator
Dynamical analysis
Stability of the strange fixed points
Dynamics of the family of order four
Free critical points
Numerical Results
Parameter planes
Some dynamical planes

Free critical points

In order to determine the critical points, we calculate the first derivative of Oα4 (z),

108z3 (135(1 + z)8 + 32α4 (1 + z)6 (2 − 3z + 2z2 ))

O0α4 (z) = .
(27 + 162z + 378z2 + 378z3 + (135 + 64α4 )z4 )2

Free critical points:

cr1 (α4 ) = −1
√ q
−135 + 48α4 − 4 14 −135α4 − 8α24
cr2 (α4 ) =
135 + 64α4
√ q
−135 + 48α4 + 4 14 −135α4 − 8α24
cr3 (α4 ) =
135 + 64α4

F.I. Chicharro,A. Cordero, J.J. Padilla, J. R. Torregrosa Computationally efficient iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations
Rational operator
Dynamical analysis
Stability of the strange fixed points
Dynamics of the family of order four
Free critical points
Numerical Results
Parameter planes
Some dynamical planes

Parameter plane associated with free critical points

iteration: 500

F.I. Chicharro,A. Cordero, J.J. Padilla, J. R. Torregrosa Computationally efficient iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations
Rational operator
Dynamical analysis
Stability of the strange fixed points
Dynamics of the family of order four
Free critical points
Numerical Results
Parameter planes
Some dynamical planes

Unstable behavior

(a) α4 = −50 (b) α4 = −75 (c) α4 = −20 + 45i

F.I. Chicharro,A. Cordero, J.J. Padilla, J. R. Torregrosa Computationally efficient iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations
Rational operator
Dynamical analysis
Stability of the strange fixed points
Dynamics of the family of order four
Free critical points
Numerical Results
Parameter planes
Some dynamical planes

Stable behavior

(d) α4 = 1 (e) α4 = 0 − 20i (f) α4 = 8 + 20i

F.I. Chicharro,A. Cordero, J.J. Padilla, J. R. Torregrosa Computationally efficient iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations
Dynamical analysis
Dynamics of the family of order four
Numerical Results

Numerical Results

Numeric computation have been carried out by using variable precision

arithmetic in MATLAB 2019a
The tolerance is set up to 10−200 in all numerical test
With an Intel (R) Core(TM) i5-5200U CPU 2.2 GHz, 8GB RAM
The stopping criterion used is |xk+1 − xk | + |f (xk+1 )| < 10−200
The approximated computational order of convergence, is often used as:
ln |(xk+1 − xk )/(xk − xk−1 )|
ACOC = , k = 2, 3, . . .
ln |(xk − xk−1 )/(xk−1 − xk−2 )|

F.I. Chicharro,A. Cordero, J.J. Padilla, J. R. Torregrosa Computationally efficient iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations
Dynamical analysis
Dynamics of the family of order four
Numerical Results

Numerical Results

α4 |f (xk )| |xk+1 − xk | Solution Iteration ACOC Time

-50 7.0883e-1007 8.4884e-253 -1.4044 8 4.0 0.2516
-40 0 1.4357e-402 -1.4044 29 4.0 0.7766
-20+45i - - - - - -
1 0 1.8974e-331 1.4044 6 4.0 0.2258
0-20i 7.0302e-1505 8.8753e-498 1.4044 7 4.0 0.2617
8+20i 1.2843e-1457 1.4709e-450 1.4044 7 4.0 0.2750
Table: f1 (x) = sin2 x − x2 + 1, x0 = 2

F.I. Chicharro,A. Cordero, J.J. Padilla, J. R. Torregrosa Computationally efficient iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations
Dynamical analysis
Dynamics of the family of order four
Numerical Results

Numerical Results

α4 |f (xk )| |xk+1 − xk | Solution Iteration ACOC Time

-50 1.0082e-1007 4.6325e-399 -14.137 8 4.0 0.3758
-40 - - - 5 - -
-20+45i 2.9787e-1009 2.2945e-324 - 17.278 12 4.0 0.4570
1 0.0 5.7578e-315 0.517 6 4.0 0.3391
0-20i 1.9236e-1366 6.3944e-359 0.517 7 4.0 0.3391
8+20i 5.1542e-1269 2.9387e-318 0.517 7 4.0 0.3305
Table: f2 (x) = cosx − xex , x0 = 1

F.I. Chicharro,A. Cordero, J.J. Padilla, J. R. Torregrosa Computationally efficient iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations
Dynamical analysis
Dynamics of the family of order four
Numerical Results


We have presented a parametric family fourth-order iterative methods
With the help of dynamic analysis we select the most stable methods by
selecting a free parameter.
The described numerical examples allow us to confirm the theoretical results
corresponding to the proposed convergence and stability

F.I. Chicharro,A. Cordero, J.J. Padilla, J. R. Torregrosa Computationally efficient iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations
Dynamical analysis
Dynamics of the family of order four
Numerical Results



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F.I. Chicharro,A. Cordero, J.J. Padilla, J. R. Torregrosa Computationally efficient iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations

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