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Set 1
Rahmat Narrator : I am Rahmat. This is my story…. (Joy music)
Rahmat : Mak, here are the drinks for break - fast.
Rahmat Narrator : This is my mother, Rogayah. She weaves mats for the
people in the village. She usually has a lot of orders during the festive season.
Mother: <Looking at the drinks>….This looks good…..Goodness gracious me!

Set 2
This is Auntie Salmah and Auntie Priya. They are my mother’s loyal customer.
Salmah : Assalammualaikum Gayah…
Priya : Gayah….Gayah…
Mother : <Coming from the back> Haaaa!
Priya : <shocked> Oh my goodness, Gayah! My heart nearly burst out, you
Salmah : Gayah, we came to ask, is our mats ready?
Mother : It is! But……
Priya : There I told you, Mah.
Salmah : I knew it…..It is not done yet, right? Nevermind, I’ll come back in few
days time.
Rahmat Narrator : This is my chance to help my mother.

Set 3
<Mother having nap>
Rahmat : Sleep well, mom. Let me help you finish the mat. Joy music <Trying to
weave mat> Never knew weaving mats would be this hard! But if she can do it,
I can do it too! <saw a paint and start with his plan>
Mother : <woke up> RAHMATTTTTTTT!!! What is this?
Rahmat : Pretty or not, mom? I made it.
Mother : Pretty? Pretty your head!
Salmah <coming from the back> Assalammualaikum, Gayah…
Mother : <turn slowly> Waalaikumussalam….Mah….Priya….
Priya : We came to collect our mats. How is it?
Mother : This….<showing Rahmat art>
Salmah & Priya : <scream>

Set 4
Rahmat & Kumar sitting together by the padi field.
Rahmat : Kumar, do you have any idea? I’ve ruined my mom’s mats. But I don’t
have any money to replace it.
Kumar : <thinking deeply> Aha! Follow me!
Rahmat : Ehhh….are you taking me to the loan sharks?
Kumar : Trust me la Mat…
Rahmat Narrator : Luckily Kumar’s here to save my life. Such a good friend he

Set 5
At a coffee shop.
Kumar : Hello, Tauke!
Tauke : Haa, Kumar. Who is this?
Kumar : This is Rahmat. He’s looking for a job.
Tauke : Come here! <tauke checking out Rahmat> Go and sweep the floor!
Rahmat Narrator : Fron that day onwards, I worked hard to make enough
money to repay my mother. But I didn’t want her to know. I hope this time
around, I can really help my mother.

Set 6
At the coffee shop.
Tauke : <Watching Rahmat cleaning the shop> Rahmat!
Rahmat : Yes Tauke?
Tauke : Come here! Why do you want to work here?
Rahmat : Errmm….because, I’ve been such a trouble to my mother.
Tauke : Long time agowhen I was little, I used to trouble my mother too. I know
you’re a good boy. So, when you do work…you get paid! Here you go! <pass
Rahmat : Thank you, Tauke! <happy>
Tauke : Ehh, wait!! Here’s a gift to you. Bring it home to your mother. She’ll like
it. <passing a bag>
Rahmat : Alright Tauke! Thank you so much! Bye bye!
Tauke : Ehh, BECAREFUL don’t……<sigh>
Rahmat Narrator : When I was going back from Tauke’s store. Suddenly…..I lost
control…..and fell on the ground. Sadly, the gift from Tauke fell into the
puddle. Now, what should I do?

Set 7
At home.
Rahmat : Now, what am I supposed to do? I can’t dry it on the roof, can I?
Haaa, let’s spread the rice on mom’s mat….and…..I dried it on the roof.

Mother : <praying>
Rahmat : <came towards mom> Mom.
Mother : Yea.
Rahmat : I’d like to apologize for the other day. I always disappoint and make
you mad. I promise I won’t do it again.
Mother : I’ve forgiven you long ago, Mat. <look at Rahmat with love>
Rahmat : This is for you, mom. <pass money>
Mother : <overwhelmed> Alhamdulillah, thanks Mat.
Rahmat : You’re welcome… Okay mom, I am feeling quite exhausted. I’m
hitting the sack.
<Suddenly something drop from the roof> Suspense music
Mother : <shocked> Now what Mattttt????!!
Rahmat : What is this mom?
Mother : How would I know?
Rahmat : Ohhh myyyy! It’s the rice! < taste the rice> Nyummm, it tastes great,
Mother : Really?? Would it be even better with rendang?
Rahmat : Yes!!!

Set 8
In the kitchen.
Rahmat Narrator :After the incident…..together with mom, we have an idea!
We tried everything. We use ‘mengkuang’ mat but…..all ended up in failure.
We tried coconut leaves. After 2 hours we tried weaving the coconut leaves.
We put in the rice and boiled it. Finally…..I named it….KETUPAT!

Set 9
Takbir song…Raya Day
Rahmat Narrator : Doesn’t it look weird? <looking at the KETUPAT / friends
came over for raya> But all of this has changed my life! I learnt that, if we’re
sincere, we will be repaid with goodness. That’s what happened to me. This is
the KETUPAT story of me and mother.

All characters stop and wish : SELAMAT HARI RAYA!!!!

Raya song <Anuar Zain & Elina> everyone busy eating.


Rahmat – Ian Kamil
Mother – Yi Qing
Salmah – Kai Xin
Priya – Mahima
Kumar –
Tauke – Bowden
Rahmat Narrator – Fatihah
Director & Asst – Ithan Kamil & Tlaryn
Music (2 peeps) – Ithan Kamil, Tlaryn,
Props (3-4 peeps) – Afrina, Fatihah, Kai Xin, Mahima

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