Dual Polarizedslotcoupled Antenna

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Received: 1 April 2019

DOI: 10.1002/mop.32138


Dual polarized, slot coupled 1 | INTRODUCTION

monostatic antenna with high The future wireless networks including 5G systems will
require high throughput in limited bandwidth in order to
isolation for 2.4 GHz full improve the spectral efficiency. The in-band full duplex
(IBFD) radio with monostatic antenna has the potential to
duplex applications double the spectral efficiency through simultaneous transmit
and receive (STAR) operation within same frequency band.1-3
Haq Nawaz | Muhammad A. Basit | Furthermore, the IBFD operation can effectively resolve
Furqan Shaukat many problems and issues in wireless communication net-
works and the STAR/IBFD transceivers can be implemented
with reduced cost by using current multi-in multi-out
Electronics Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology (UET),
Taxila, Chakwal, Pakistan
(MIMO) transceivers.4,5
However, the practical realization of IBFD operation
Correspondence requires high levels of self-interference cancellation (SIC) on
Haq Nawaz, Electronics Engineering, University of Engineering and
receive side for successful detection of very low power
Technology (UET) Taxila, Sub-Campus Chakwal, 48800, Chakwal,
received signal of interest (SOI) as these high levels of SIC
Email: hnawaz@sabanciuniv.edu prevent the degradation in signal to noise (SNR) ratio resulted
from high power SI induced by co-located transmit chain.6
Abstract Such high levels of SI are comprised of both linear and
nonlinear components and should be effectively suppressed to
This paper presents a compact, dual polarized, differen-
achieve all potential gains of IBFD wireless operation.1,6,7 The
tially fed monostatic slot coupled patch antenna with
required SIC levels are defined by the various parameters
high isolation between transmit (Tx) and receive (Rx)
ports for 2.4GHz simultaneous transmit and receive including the levels of radiated power from transmitter in addi-
(STAR) or in-band full duplex (IBFD) wireless applica- tion to noise figure and bandwidth of system.6 For instance,
tions. By using the proposed differential feeding for the required levels of SIC for a radio transceiver with
receive (Rx) mode operation through symmetrically +30 dBm transmit power (Pt), 20 MHz bandwidth (B.W) and
placed feeds of radiating patch, the self-interference 11 dB typical noise Figure (NF) can be determined as6:
(SI) is well canceled to demonstrate high Tx-Rx interport Noise Power ðPn Þ = −174dBm + 10logðBWÞ + NF
isolation. The simulation and measurement results for
presented IBFD antenna indicate very high levels of = −174dBm + 73 + 11 = −90dBm ð1Þ
interport isolation achieved through differential feeding
Required SIC levels = Pt − Pn = 30 + 90 = 120dB ð2Þ
based self-interference cancellation (SIC) mechanism.
The implemented prototype (validation model) of pro- The SIC levels given by (2) are required to obtain 0 dB
posed dual port, dual polarized, slot coupled antenna residual SI for given specifications as indicated in Figure 1.
achieves more than 95 dB peak isolation and 90 dB iso- A low Tx power can relax the required SIC levels, however,
lation in 20 MHz bandwidth. Moreover, the achieved Tx- the coverage or range will also be reduced accordingly when
Rx isolation is around 85 dB within antenna’s 10 dB- Tx power is lowered.
return loss impedance bandwidth of 45 MHz. To the best In order to achieve such high levels of required SIC,
of our knowledge, these are the highest levels of interport multiple SIC techniques at successive stages across the
RF isolation reported for dual polarized monostatic patch transceiver are deployed.8 Normally, these stages utilize
antenna. techniques based on SI suppression in both analog/RF and
digital domain in conjunction with an antenna having high
KEYWORDS Tx-Rx interport isolation.9 However, a large amount of SIC
dual polarized antenna, full duplex antenna, high interport isolation, should be performed at RF front to avoid the saturation of
self-interference cancellation (SIC), slot coupled antenna receive chain from very strong SI signal.7,10 In other words,
the analog/RF domain SIC and a monostatic antenna with

Microw Opt Technol Lett. 2019;1–8. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/mop © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 1

F I G U R E 1 A, Various components of self-interference (SI), B, around 120 dB SIC across transceiver using monostatic antenna with 90 dB
interport isolation with 30 dB digital SIC [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

high port to port isolation are required to obtain required ~20 dB additional isolation compared to its basic configura-
levels of Tx-Rx isolation at RF front end. In general, the digi- tion.13 Furthermore, multilayered antenna structures with
tal domain SIC techniques (time or frequency based) can hybrid feeding networks can be used to improve the Tx-Rx
provide 25-30 dB SIC and an antenna having around 90 dB isolation.14 For example, the multilayer IBFD antenna15 or
interport isolation can be used to realize an IBFD operation patch antenna with hybrid feedings16 can provide additional
with 30 dBm transmit power and 20 MHz bandwidth as 15-20 dB Tx-Rx isolation on the top of interport isolation
indicated in Figure 1. Such implementation without addi- achieved with polarization diversity (dual polarization). The
tional analog/RF domain SIC provides an effective solution additional isolation in this case is resulted through sand-
to implement IBFD transceiver with reduced complexity and wiched layer of ground plane which isolates the Tx and Rx
cost for low power (up to 30 dBm transmit power for ports electromagnetically. The reported antenna in Reference
20 MHz bandwidth) full duplex wireless applications as 17, utilizes additional path with ring mono-radiator to obtain
shown in Figure 1. around 20 dB isolation in 1.85-2.62 GHz bandwidth. The
A separate Tx and Rx antennas (bistatic antenna system) interport isolation for such dual polarized patch antenna can
can be used for IBFD transceiver where the physical spacing also be improved through differential feeding18-20 or by
between both antennas can be increased to achieve improved using analog domain based SIC circuits.21-23 An analog SIC
Tx-Rx isolation. However, such bistatic antenna system can circuit with circulator can also be used to obtain >40 dB
itself be utilized in half duplex MIMO systems to improve SIC within 65 MHz bandwidth as reported in Reference 24.
the throughput, thus weakening the real motive and purpose The RF circulator separates the Tx and Rx signals at first
of IBFD.11 The bistatic antenna system also hinders the stage. Then, the inherent secondary SI signals reflected at
implementation of compact transceiver as very large inter- antenna/circulator interface are used to cancel the intended
antenna spacing is required for high Tx-Rx isolation. An SI coupled to Rx port. Moreover, the frequency response of
IBFD transceiver with single/shared antenna (monostatic the secondary SI signals is modified by using a recon-
antenna system) can achieve the real gains of IBFD opera- figurable impedance mismatched terminal circuit to achieve
tion.11 The monostatic IBFD antenna having high Tx-Rx port the reported isolation levels.
to port isolation can be deployed to realize a compact IBFD In this work, the proposed antenna is comprised of three
transceiver and such antenna with high interport isolation at ports radiating patch having two symmetrically placed slot
transceiver’s front end also suppresses the strong SI signal to coupled ports with respect to a third port with thin quarter-
prevent the saturation of analog to digital converter (ADC) wave (λ/4) co-planar feed. The proposed differential feeding
in Rx chain.6,12 for Rx mode through slot coupled ports effectively sup-
Normally, the monostatic antennas have dual polarized presses the Tx coupling to achieve high interport isolation. A
characteristics to generate horizontal and vertical polariza- simple 3 dB/180 power divider/combiner with nice ampli-
tions (TM01 and TM10 modes) when excited from respective tude and phase balance performance has been used as differ-
edges through two perpendicular feeds. This basic configura- ential SIC circuit. The mathematical description is also given
tion provides ~35-40 dB interport isolation through for differential feeding based SIC operation and the effect of
uncorrelated Tx and Rx mode characteristics. Using defected magnitude and phase error of differential circuit on SIC
ground structure (DGS) for such antennas can provide levels has been analytically analyzed. A prototype of

compact IBFD antenna has been realized by implementing

the three ports antenna and 3 dB/180 power divider/com-
biner on single printed circuit board (PCB). The measure-
ment results demonstrate that the differential feeding at Rx
port provides >35 dB additional isolation on the top of
55-60 dB inherent isolation of IBFD antenna with hybrid
feeding network. In our previous work reported in Reference
18, the achievable performance of differential fed IBFD
antenna is limited by the RF coupling between radiating
patch and co-located SIC circuit. However, in our current
work, the electromagnetically isolated monostatic patch and
differential SIC circuit through the slotted ground plane
demonstrate improved interport isolation performance
(~ 10 dB) compared to differential fed antenna with co- F I G U R E 2 The proposed 2.4GHz IBFD antenna having one Tx
planar SIC circuit. port with thin co-planar feed and two slot coupled ports for differential
The rest of the paper is organized as: Section 2 describes Rx mode operation [Color figure can be viewed at
the differential feeding based SIC mechanism for three ports wileyonlinelibrary.com]
antenna having Tx port with co-planar feed and two slot
coupled ports for differential Rx mode operation. The mathe-
As clear from the proposed antenna’s structure shown in
matical description for differential feeding based SIC circuit
Figure 2, both Rx ports (port 2 and port 3) are dual polarized
is also presented. The design and simulation results for com-
with respect to Tx port (port 1) and such orthogonal polariza-
pact differential fed antenna by using microstrip based
tion provides around 55-60 dB interport isolation (S21, S31)
3 dB/1800 power divider/combiner as SIC circuit are also
as reported in References 16 and 25. The reported isolation
presented in this section. The test and measurement results
for implemented prototype of compact monostatic antenna levels in16,25 are achieved through the combination of polari-
system are presented and discussed in Section 3. Section 4 zation diversity and electromagnetic isolation of Tx and Rx
concludes the paper. feeds through intermediate layer of ground plane. By
employing a differential circuit for Rx mode operation
through slot coupled ports (port2 and port3) will perform
2 | S I C ME C H A N I S M F O R TH R E E SIC at Rx port to achieve improved Tx-Rx isolation for pro-
P O R T S SL O T C O U P L E D IB F D posed monostatic patch antenna. This SIC mechanism can
AN T E NNA be described through following simple analysis. If ITx, IRx2
and IRx3 denote the currents for respective Tx and Rx ports
The proposed 2.4GHz antenna is comprised of three ports as indicated in Figure 2, then:
radiating patch having two symmetrically placed slot
coupled ports with respect to a third port with thin quarter- I Rx2 = I Tx S21 and I Rx3 = I Tx S31 ð3Þ
wave (λ/4) co-planar feed for Tx mode as shown in Figure 2 The total current IRx flowing out from differential Rx
for proposed antenna structure with optimized dimensions. port is given as:
The symmetrically placed Rx ports with respect to Tx port,
1   I
I Rx = pffiffiffi e j180 I Rx3 + I Rx2 = pffiffiffi ðS21 −S31 Þ
same levels of RF coupling or SI is induced from Tx port to ð4Þ
both Rx ports. The proposed antenna has been designed on 2 2
two-layered general purpose FR-4 substrate (εr = 4.4, The port to port current coupling ratio and interport iso-
tanδ = .02) with 1.6 mm thickness of each layer as indicated lation are given as:
in Figure 2. The monostatic radiating patch and co-planar
I Rx 1
feed for Tx port are on the top of upper layer of substrate. = pffiffiffi ðS21 − S31 Þ ð5Þ
The 50 Ω microstrip feeds for both slot coupled Rx ports are I Tx 2
on bottom of second layer of substrate. The ground plane pffiffiffi
I Tx 2
with rectangular coupling slot/aperture is embedded between = ð6Þ
I Rx ðS21 −S31 Þ
two layers of substrate. The monostatic radiating patch and
50 Ω microstrip feeds for Rx ports are electromagnetically As discussed earlier and indicated in Figure 2, due to
decoupled neglecting the small amount of coupling through symmetrically placed Rx ports with respect to Tx port, same
aperture in ground plane. The levels of back radiation levels of coupling or SI from Tx port to both Rx ports is pro-
through aperture or slot in ground plane depend upon the duced that is, S21 = S31 which theoretically results infinite
dimensions of aperture; especially these levels are more sen- interport isolation as clear from (6).However, for
sitive to length of slot. implemented antenna S21 ≈ S31 and very high levels of Tx-

F I G U R E 3 The achievable SIC levels vs magnitude and phase

error of differential circuitry [Color figure can be viewed at F I G U R E 4 The simulated return loss (S11, S22, S33) and interport
wileyonlinelibrary.com] isolation results for proposed IBFD antenna with one Tx port and two
slot coupled Rx ports [Color figure can be viewed at
Rx isolation can be achieved when a differential circuit is
employed for Rx mode.
The achievable levels of SIC also depend on the ampli-
tude and phase balance performance of differential circuit.
For quantitative analysis, SIC levels for two RF signals with
equal magnitude and 180 phase difference are evaluated.
The achieved SIC levels vs magnitude error and phase errors
of differential circuit are shown in Figure 3. As clear from
Figure 3, the achieved SIC levels are greatly affected by
both magnitude error and phase error of deployed differen-
tial circuit. For example, as clear from Figure 3, the isolation
levels are decreased from 45 dB to around 30 dB when
phase error is increased from 0 to 2 with 0.1 dB magni-
tude error for both cases. On the other hand, the isolation
levels are degraded from 45 dB to 35 dB if magnitude error
is increased from 0.1 dB to 0.3 dB when both signals are
exactly 180 out of phase (zero phase error). Consequently,
F I G U R E 5 The magnitude and phase response of 3 dB/180
SIC levels around 40 dB can be achieved when a differential microstrip based power combiner [Color figure can be viewed at
circuit with 0.1 dB magnitude error and phase error ≤ 0.5 wileyonlinelibrary.com]
is deployed as demonstrated in Figure 3.
The differential circuit at Rx port also suppresses the
higher modes (TM02,TM20 etc.) of patch and enables it to circuit will perform required (S21-S31) operation at Rx port
operate with only fundamental modes (TM01 and TM10) to when connected with proposed three ports antenna which was
achieve reduced cross polarization levels.26 Figure 4 pre- presented in Figure 2. The proposed 3 dB/180 power com-
sents the simulated return loss and interport isolation results biner and simulated magnitude and phase balance characteris-
for proposed antenna shown in Figure 2. The ideal differen- tics for this power combiner are shown in Figure 5. The
tial circuit (having perfect magnitude and phase balance proposed 2.4GHz 3 dB/180 power divider/ combiner pro-
characteristics) can provide >95 dB interport RF isolation in vides very nice amplitude and phase balance performance as
40 MHz bandwidth and > 120 dB peak isolation as clear clear from simulated results shown in Figure 5. The amplitude
from simulated results presented in Figure 4 for proposed imbalance <0.1 dB and phase error < 0.5 within required
dual polarized IBFD antenna. 40 MHz bandwidth as clearly indicated in Figure 5. As dis-
A 2.4GHz, 3 dB/180 microstrip transmission lines based cussed earlier and shown in Figure 3, such differential circuit
power combiner has been used as differential circuit at Rx port at Rx port can achieve more than 40 dB SIC to provide more
for proposed IBFD antenna. The required 180 phase differ- than 90 dB interport isolation(55-60 dB is contributed by
ence for such circuit has been achieved through microstrip polarization diversity) when it is integrated with proposed
transmission lines with un-equal lengths. Such differential three ports antenna presented in Figure 2.

F I G U R E 6 ADS Momentum simulated surface currents for compact, differential fed antenna [Color figure can be viewed at

F I G U R E 7 The implemented prototype of compact, dual port,

differential fed IBFD antenna [Color figure can be viewed at

The three ports antenna and 3 dB/180 power combiner F I G U R E 8 The simulated and measured S11, S22, and interport
are integrated to realize a compact antenna for full duplex isolation (S21) results for compact, dual port, differential fed IBFD
transceiver as shown in Figure 6. The radiating patch with antenna [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
co-planar Tx port and 3 dB/180 power combiner are placed
on top and bottom side of double layered FR-4 substrate
dimensions of compact antenna are also shown in Figure 7
respectively. The simulated surface currents and gain pat-
with designated Tx and Rx ports for IBFD operation. The
terns shown in Figure 6 demonstrate the dual polarized char-
compact antenna was implemented on double-layered FR-4
acteristics of proposed compact IBFD antenna.
substrate (εr = 4.4, tanδ = .02) with 1.6 mm thickness of
each layer.
3 | MEASURE M E N T R E SUL T S F O R Figure 8 presents the measured and simulated return loss
COMPACT D I F F E R E N T I A L FE D (S11, S22) and Tx-Rx isolation (S21) results for implemented
IBFD ANTENNA prototype of compact, dual port, differential fed IBFD
antenna. The implemented antenna provides more than
The implemented prototype of compact dual port, dual polar- 45 MHz impedance bandwidth (referred to return loss
ized, differential fed IBFD antenna is shown in Figure 7.The ≥10 dB) and the measured peak interport isolation >95 dB

as indicated in Figure 8. Moreover, the implemented proto- presented antenna are low because the FR-4 dielectric has
type of IBFD antenna achieves >85 dB and > 90 dB port to high loss (loss tangent). The radiation efficiencies and conse-
port isolation within 45 MHz and 20 MHz bandwidths quently the gains of both Tx and Rx modes can be improved
respectively. As stated earlier, a dual port, dual polarized significantly if a low loss substrate is used for antenna
antenna with co-planar Tx port and slot coupled Rx port pro- implementation.
vides around 55-60 dB interport isolation, so our proposed The independent in-band and simultaneous Tx and Rx
differential circuit with three ports antenna has achieved capabilities of presented antenna with high isolation can be
30-35 dB additional isolation through SIC with differential endorsed through Envelope Correlation Coefficient (ECC)
feeding at Rx port for implemented IBFD antenna. As clear metric. The ECC metric or performance indicator is used to
from Figure 8, the simulated results for compact, differential ensure the minimum value of interport isolation for multiport
fed IBFD antenna are well endorsed by measurement results. antenna. The ECC for multiport antennas should be as low
The measured 2D gain patterns for implemented proto- as possible and the acceptable antenna’s ECC for reliable
type of compact, dual port, differential fed IBFD antenna are IBFD performance is reported to be <0.5.27 The ECC can be
presented in Figure 9. The implemented antenna provides directly computed from far-field patterns. Moreover, it can
>3.8 dBi gain for each polarization. The implemented be determined through S-parameters results as detailed in
antenna demonstrates excellent polarization purity and mea- Reference 28. The computed values of ECC for presented
sured cross-polarization levels are below -35 dB and -55 dB antenna are <0.01 based on both measured S-parameters and
within half power beam-width (HPBW) of 80 as clearly radiation patterns measurements throughout the 45 MHz
indicated in Figure 9. The radiation efficiencies of presented bandwidth. These results are not presented here for brevity.
antenna are around 55% and 52% for Tx and Rx ports respec- The computed ECC values ensure that implemented dual
tively at center/resonant frequency. These results are not polarized antenna can be effectively employed for IBFD
presented here for brevity. The radiation efficiencies of operation over intended bandwidth of 45 MHz.
The measured interport isolation results for implemented
validation model demonstrate improved interport isolation
performance compared to previously reported antenna
designs detailed in References 14, 18, 20, and 29. These
interport isolation improvements for presented antenna can
be attributed to effective cancellation of SI through well-
balanced differential feeding network. The interport isolation
performance comparison for presented antenna with previ-
ously reported antennas is detailed in Table 1. As clear from
Table 1, the reported antenna in14 provides wider bandwidth
of 18.8% but the port to port isolation for this antenna is lim-
ited to around 28 dB. The reported antennas in References
18, 20, and 29 also employ differential feeding for SIC oper-
ation to achieve improved interport isolation. However, the
EM coupling between SIC circuit and co-located radiating
F I G U R E 9 The measured 2D gain patterns for compact, dual port, patch limits the achievable isolation levels for these anten-
differential fed IBFD antenna [Color figure can be viewed at nas. The novelty of our current work is that the electromag-
wileyonlinelibrary.com] netically isolated monostatic patch and differential feeding

TABLE 1 Performance comparison of presented antenna with previously reported monostatic antennas reported in References 14, 18, 20,
and 29

Antenna designs Maximum isolation 10 dB return loss bandwidth Isolation/bandwidth Dimensions (mm3)
Reference 14 33 dB 18.8% 28 dB/410 MHz 100 × 43 × 9.2
Reference 18-1 67 dB 50 MHz 62 dB/50 MHz 110 × 90 × 1.6
Reference 18-2 90 dB 50 MHz 70 dB/50 MHz 120 × 90 × 3.2
79 dB/20 MHz
Reference 20 98 dB 50 MHz 80 dB/40 MHz 125 × 84 × 1.6
90 dB/20 MHz
Reference 29 78 dB 50 MHz 64 dB/50 MHz 105 × 88 × 1.6
Presented antenna 95 dB 45 MHz 85 dB/45 MHz 100 × 95 × 3.2
90 dB/20 MHz

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