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Marathwada Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s

Deogiri Institute of Engineering and Management Studies,


Seminar Report




Submitted By

Komal Raju Chavan(36144)

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Techological University

Lonere, Raigad

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Deogiri Institute of Engineering and Management Studies,
(2020- 2021)
Seminar Report



Submitted By

Komal Raju Chavan(36144)

In partial fulfillment of
Bachelor of Technology
(Computer Science & Engineering)

Guided By
Ms. Ashwini Jagnade

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Deogiri Institute of Engineering and Management Studies,

This is to certify that, the Seminar entitled “ A Study Of Cyber Security Challeges And Its
Emerging Treand On Latest Technologies” submitted by Komal Raju Chavan
is a bonafide work completed under my supervision and guidance in partial fulfillment for
award of Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Science and Engineering) Degree of Dr.
Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, Raigad.

Place: Aurangabad
Date: 18-01-2022

Ms. Ashwini Jagnade Mr. S.B. Kalyankar

Guide Head

Dr. Ulhas D. Shiurkar

Deogiri Institute of Engineering and Management Studies,

Cyber Security plays an important role in the field of information technology .Securing the
information have become one of the biggest challenges in the present day. When ever we think
about the cyber security the first thing that comes to our mind is ‘cyber crimes’ which are
increasing immensely day by day. Various Governments and companies are taking many
measures in order to prevent these cyber crimes. Besides various measures cyber security is still
a very big concern to many. This paper mainly focuses on challenges faced by cyber security on
the latest technologies .It also focuses on latest about the cyber security techniques, ethics and
the trends changing the face of cyber security.


List of Abbreviations i
List of Figures ii
List of Graphs iii
List of Tables iv
List of Screenshots v
1.1 Introduction 2
1.2 Objective 3


3. Brief on System 15
3.1 working / architecture
4.1 Application
4.2 Conclusion


List of Abbreviation (TNR 12)

Sr.No Acronym Abbreviation










List of Figures

Figure Illustration Page

1.1 Proposed Conceptual Architecture

1.2 Smart Container

1.3 Extended Smart Container

1.4 Camera and DHT11 sensor

1.5 Prototype

1.6 Donation captured

1.7 client-server communication

List of Graphs (TNR 12)

Figure Illustration Page

1.8 Humidity variation when lid is open

1.9 Temperature variation when lid is open

1.10 Humidity variations when lid is closed

1.11 Temperature variations when lid is closed

List of Tables

Figure Illustration

1.1 Different ICT usage of analysed ICT based systems and tool

1.1 Introduction

“The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and
digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers and the
ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer
interaction.”Internet of Things (IoT) is the networking of physical objects that contain
electronics embedded within their architecture in order to communicate and sense interactions
amongst each other or with respect to the external environment. In the upcoming years, IoT-
based technology will offer advanced levels of services and practically change the way people
lead their daily lives. Advancements in medicine, power, gene therapies, agriculture, smart cities,
and smart homes are just a very few of the categorical examples where IoT is strongly

There are four main components used in IoT: 

1. Low-power embedded systems: Less battery consumption, high performance are the
inverse factors that play a significant role during the design of electronic systems. 

2. Cloud computing: Data collected through IoT devices is massive and this data has to be
stored on a reliable storage server. This is where cloud computing comes into play. The
data is processed and learned, giving more room for us to discover where things like
electrical faults/errors are within the system. 

3. Availability of big data: We know that IoT relies heavily on sensors, especially in real-
time. As these electronic devices spread throughout every field, their usage is going to
trigger a massive flux of big data. 

4. Availability of big data: We know that IoT relies heavily on sensors, especially in real-
time. As these electronic devices spread throughout every field, their usage is going to
trigger a massive flux of big data. 

In 2016, it’s been revealed that 1 in 6 Australians had to deal with food insecurity in the past 12
months .33% of those who sought food relief were children. Overall, 8% of increase in people
who sought food relief is recorded in 2015. Another report has revealed that 795 million of
world’s population are undernourished . Food insecurity has both physical and psychological
impacts on a person’s life which could be short term or long term. Tiredness, loss of weight, loss
of focus, exposure to illnesses are some of the physical impacts, and stress, loss of confidence,
sadness and loss of hope are some of the psychological impacts on a person’s life . In contrast,
few other studies have released staggering statistics on food loss and waste both locally and
globally .This clearly indicates that if food loss and waste can be managed efficiently, it will
have a large impact in reducing the number of people who are undernourished.

Our critical analysis on popular existing non-ICT based systems, ICT based systems and
different scenarios has exposed their short comings, strengths and approaches towards dealing in
reducing food waste. This paper proposes a novel approach towards efficient food waste
reduction via an IoT enabled dynamic and real-time match-making system which addresses the
strengths and shortcomings identified in the above mentioned analysis. A Smart Food
Container/Smart Container containing different sensors is designed to capture real-time context
of food donations made available by the vendors1, to facilitate sharing with consumers2.
Although the concepts are proposed for the Food Wastage Management (FWM) domain, our
approach can be adopted, customized or extended to manage other resources as well. The
structure of this paper is as follows. Section 2 summarizes the strengths and weaknesses of
existing ICT based food wastage management systems.

The third section describes the overall conceptual architecture of the proposed framework. In
the fourth section, we take a deep look into the concept of a Smart Container, a prototype and
some results are presented as well. In the final section, a conclusion and future work are
presented which foresights the evolution of our proposed system. IoT is an advanced automation
and analytics system which deals with artificial intelligence, sensor, networking, electronic,
cloud messaging etc. to deliver complete systems for the product or services. The system created
by IoT has greater transparency, control, and performance.

1.2 Objective
By connecting all kinds of objects and systems, Internet stuff can offer new ways to research and
learn. The Internet can also integrate university infrastructure - inking physical buildings and
their contents, such as classrooms, learning spaces, and administrative areas with
communications systems and service systems .

Internet Objects (IOT) also facilitates new types of tasks that explore the types of knowledge
available from data when many things are associated with each other. Students can build
inexpensive IOT devices that allow them to conduct research that may have been possible only
in large laboratories in the past.

The IOT should be able to interconnect billions or more of mixt objects through the Internet,
and therefore it is an important need for a layered architecture. Many proposed architectures
are proposed but not referenced as a model. There is some architecture based on the analysis
of the needs according to researchers and business. The first proposed was a basic model of
3-layer architecture that consists of Application, Network, and Perception Layers.
the three-layer architecture describes the central idea of the Internet of Things, but it is not
enough for research on IoT because it is general and research needs more details.
Application layer:
The application layer is responsible for providing services that are requested by clients such
as providing air temperature and humidity measurements for clients according to their re-
quest. The application layer is important to IoT due to its ability to provide authentic tools
and services according to the client's needs. This layer covers innumerable. Vertical mar-
kets, for instance, smart building, transportation, smart home, and smart healthcare

Business layer :
This layer manages the activities of IoT system and its services. The tasks and functions of
this layer are to build a business model, flowcharts, graphs, etc. built on the data obtained from
the previous layer. In addition, the business layer enables designing, analyzing, implementing,
evaluating, monitoring, and developing IoT related system elements. The Business Layer assists
the making of a decision on the basis of Big Data analysis. Additionally, management and
supervision of the primary four layers are accomplished at the business layer. TO improve the
services and user's privacy, the business layer compares the expected output with the output
from layers. As a summary, the 5-layer model provides the user with an interface through Appli-
cation Layer to communicate with devices and ask for needed data. Business Layer also
provides analysis and reports that can be of great value to the business
The perception layer :
After the data generated by the Objects in the perception layer, the Object Abstraction trans-
fers this data to the Service Management layer using a secured path. In this layer there are
many technologies are used such as such as UMTS, RFID, WiFi, GSM, 3G, Bluetooth Low,
ZigBee, Energy, infrared, etc. Additionally, data management processes and cloud computing
are controlled also in the abstraction layer.

Object Abstraction Layer:

After the data generated by the Objects in the perception layer, the Object Abstraction trans-
fers this data to the Service Management layer using a secured path. In this layer there are
many technologies are used such as such as UMTS, RFID, WiFi, GSM, 3G, Bluetooth Low,
ZigBee, Energy, infrared, etc. Additionally, data management processes and cloud computing
are controlled also in the abstraction layer.

Service Management Layer :

Service Management also called Middleware, it attaches a service with its caller according to
the names and addresses. Service Management layer helps the IoT application programmers
to handle varying and unrelated objects and work with them without paying attention to a spe-
cific hardware platform. In addition, this layer manipulates the input data to makes decisions
and provides the needed services within a network wired protocols.through application layer to
communicate with Devices and ask for needed data. Business layer also Provides analysis
and reports that can be of great value to The business.
Our critical analysis on popular existing non-ICT based systems, ICT based systems and
different scenarios has exposed their short comings, strengths and approaches towards dealing in
reducing food waste. This paper proposes a novel approach towards efficient food waste
reduction via an IoT enabled dynamic and real-time match-making system which addresses the
strengths and shortcomings identified in the above-mentioned analysis.

A Smart Food Container/Smart Container containing different sensors is designed to capture

real-time context of food donations made available by the vendors1, to facilitate sharing with
consumers2. Although the concepts are proposed for the Food Wastage Management (FWM)
domain, our approach can be adopted, customized or extended to manage other resources as
well.mentioned analysis. A Smart Food Container/Smart Container containing different sensors
is designed to capture real-time context of food donations made available by the vendors1, to
facilitate sharing with consumers2. Although the concepts are proposed for the Food Wastage
Management (FWM) domain, our approach can be adopted, customized or extended to manage
other resources as well. our proposed system.

1. Investigation of food freshness sensing technology for consumer use – published in 2016
Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS) fTo help consumers enjoy
healthy food, technology investigation for food freshness sensing are conducted. In this
study meat is selected as the detection target based on a consumer survey.

To help consumers enjoy healthy food, technology investigation for food freshness
sensing are conducted. In this study meat is selected as the detection target based on a
consumer survey. Near infrared spectroscopy, pH, CO2, TVOC, and auto fluorescence
are investigated. The results showed that CO2 and TVOC could be a used for meat
freshness sensing in a closed space such as box. Near infrared spectroscopy and auto-
fluorescence have the potential for meat freshness sensing. pH alone cannot be applied to
predict meat freshness directly due to the large food sample varieties.
The CO2 sensing showed promising results for food freshness sensing especially when
food is stored in an enclosed space. The TVOC sensing could also be a viable solution if
the food is stored in an enclosed space. Autofluorescence: The preliminary study showed
the feasibility of meat freshness sensing with fluorescence spectroscopy. NIR
spectroscopy: The preliminary results showed moderate prediction accuracy. 2679 2016
Progress In Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS), Shanghai, China, 8–11
August pH sensing: pH itself cannot be applied to predict meat freshness directly due to
the large food sample varieties.

2. Discrimination of chicken freshness using electronic nose combined with PCA and ANN
– published in 2014 11th International Conference on Electrical
Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology
In this study, the E-nose was applied to predict chicken freshness during different
storage days. Principal component analysis (PCA) and artificial neural network (ANN)
were used to analyze the experiment data.

We have developed a portable electronic nose (E-nose) based on eight metal oxide gas
sensors for classification and prediction of meat freshness. In this study, the E-nose was
applied to predict chicken freshness during different storage days. Principal component
analysis (PCA) and artificial neural network (ANN) were used to analyze the experiment
data. The PCA method can classify the chicken freshness related to storage days. The
ANN result shows good agreement with the PCA result. The correct rate in classification
of ANN is 97.92%. From PCA and ANN results, it indicates that the E-nose can well
classify and predict the freshness of chicken and owns many advantages over other
methods including easy operation, rapid detection, high accuracy, and safety for meat.
We have developed an E-nose based on eight metal oxide gas sensors for application of
chicken freshness prediction. Pattern recognition systems used in the E-nose system are
based on principal component analysis (PCA) and artificial neural network (ANN). The
PCA and ANN results show good agreement each other. The results indicate that the E-
nose system with PCA and ANN methods can detect and classify the odors emitted by
chicken samples with the rate of correct percentage more than 90%. It is hoped that our
E-nose with proposed techniques will be useful for monitoring the freshness of meats in

3. Potential of impedance spectroscopy for real-time assessing of food quality – published in

2018 IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine. Reliable information about food
state and freshness throughout production processes and until consumption is very
important for product quality, consumer safety and export of goods.

Reliable information about food state and freshness throughout production processes and
until consumption is very important for product quality, consumer safety and export of
goods. Regulations worldwide protect consumers and encourage the production of safe,
nutritious and affordable aliments. Several measurement methods for food quality
assessment can be used in the laboratory e.g., chemical analysis, mechanical methods,
optical methods, x-ray measurements and nuclear magnetic resonance. Even if they are
precise, these methods remain useless for real-time application.
Impedance spectroscopy provides interesting possibilities for food quality assessment.
This approach has been shown to be effective with regard to different food types, such as
meat, milk and oil. In all cases, we have experimentally demonstrated that impedance
measurements, which can be carried out in real time and are not restricted to laboratory
environments, allow relevant information to be extracted about the state of the food,
related to its conductivity behavior. The specially treated examples can be taken as
representative for further food types or food mixtures, which have a primarily conductive,
capacitive or structured material.

4. Snapshot Multispectral and Hyperspectral Data Processing for Estimating Food Quality
Parameters - published in 2018 9th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal
Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing In this paper, we have developed a processing
pipeline for multispectral and hyperspectral snapshot video sensors, towards detecting
certain critical quality parameters like freshness, spoilage levels and storage

Multispectral and hyperspectral imaging systems have proven capabilities in estimating

critical food quality parameters for a number of food processing and inspection tasks. In
this paper, we have developed a processing pipeline for multispectral and hyperspectral
snapshot video sensors, towards detecting certain critical quality parameters like
freshness, spoilage levels and storage temperatures. In particular, a set of pre-processing
modules are detecting clear meat or salad observations and then a classification algorithm
is responsible for detecting and labelling accordingly each pixel or sample. The
experimental results and performed quantitative validation indicate the quite promising
potentials of the developed approach.
In this paper, we have developed a processing pipeline for multispectral and
hyperspectral snapshot video sensors , towards detecting certain critical quality
parameters like freshness , spoilage levels and storage temperatures. A set of pre-
processing modules are employed, to detect clear meat or salad observations and then a
classification algorithm is responsible for detecting and labelling each pixel or sample.
The experimental results and performed quantitative validation indicated that the
developed approach is a highly promising one.


I. Related work:

A summary of how ICT has been utilized by some of the popular existing systems is presented in
Table 1. This illustrates how different systems have utilized ICT to perform match-making
between food vendors and needy consumers,the use of social media and other mechanisms in
promoting and building trust in the community, the geographical coverage by each system as
well as their approach in deciding the consumers (who should receive the donations).
Table 1 Different ICT usage of analysed ICT based systems and tools

Overall it can be stated that almost all the systems lack the use of IoT in capturing real-time
dynamic context data of the donations, and most of them are not context-aware in decision
making which results in inefficiencies in food distribution and notifications to consumers about
excess food, bias or inaccurate decisions about the distribution of donations. Also, although there
have been several attempts in building trust and reputation within the community they lack a
trust and reputation building and measuring mechanism which could actively collaborate with a
fraud detection and prevention mechanism. Fraud detection and prevention system is an essential
part of the system to prevent misuse of donations by several parties as identified via several
studies.With the knowledge gained via analyzing existing systems a new framework (and
architecture) is designed to address the shortcomings of existing systems while building on
thestrengths they already have.

II. A Proposed Framework:The proposed framework consists of four main components which
are Virtual Marketplace, Data Management Engine, Recommendation Engine and Trust,
Reputation and Fraud Detection and Prevention Engine.
Fig 1 Proposed Conceptual Architecture

A Virtual Marketplace is designed as a platform which facilitates the creation of profiles, regis-
tering of requirements and donations, and receiving recommendations.Vendors and consumers
can interchange their roles due to the context-awareness of the system and the system not only
considers human consumption of surplus food but also other uses such as composting and bio-
materials/processing. This is open for all the stages of the Food Supply Chain (FSC).
Data Management Engine handles all the data related operations in the system. This enables co-
existence and collaboration between systems by importing profiles and transaction data from ex-
isting systems to build and enhance profiles. Furthermore, it can automatically extract data from
the web and social media with the consent of users to improve the context knowledge of each
user, which prevents users from filling lengthy forms at the registration process. In addition, col-
lection of sensor data is handled by this Engine.Moreover, it handles all the data storing, retrieval
and update operations. The four databases store profiles, donations related data, transaction his-
tory and knowledge gained through analysis for future improvements.
Recommendation Engine handles all the matchmaking between vendors and consumers. An ini-
tial matchmaking is performed based on the profile and requirements of resources by both parties
which is continuously monitored and improved based on real-time data extracted from sensors.
This is then sent to Analytics Engine to analyze based on the transaction history and knowledge
base. After the analysis, optimized recommendations are sent back to the Recommendation En-
gine where final matching will occur based on this new knowledge and will be sent to the Virtual
Marketplace, which will notify interacting parties. This Recommendation Engine considers both
vendor’s and consumer’s requirements when executing the match-making algorithm which aims
to guarantee both parties’ requirements are satisfied. Analytics Engine will store the new knowl-
edge gained for future references. Existing systems can use this framework as vendors or con-
sumers to find food relief or post donations on behalf of their clients and the match-making
will occur between these systems’ users and results will be sent to those systems establishing
collaboration between them. Trust, Reputation and Fraud Detection and Prevention Engine de-
tects fraud and builds trust and reputation based on personal information, domain behavior and
transaction information. This will guarantee a trusted and active local community who works ef-
ficiently towards reducing and minimizing food waste.

III Smart Food Container:

Smart Food Container is a container equipped with state of the art sensors which can automati-
cally capture and transmit the context data of the food donations dropped into it. Food donations
dropped into the Smart Food Container will be detected and the information shared on our Vir-
tual Marketplace framework so that consumers can be notified and consumers can understand the
context of the food available for donation. The idea is to automate the sharing of excess food via
such containers- users only need to drop their excess food into the container and the system does
the rest.
Our conceptual Smart Food Container contains a distance sensor and a light sensor to detect the
opening of the box, a weight sensor to detect that a new item is dropped inside and to calculate
the weight of the items inside, a RFID reader to read RFID tags, a temperature sensor to capture
the temperature inside, humidity and air pressure sensors, a GPS sensor to locate the Smart Con-
tainer’s location, a camera tocapture and identify the food items inside and a WIFI enabled
Raspberry Pi (or Arduino), which captures data from the sensors and transmit to the distribution
center via internet. In illustrates the conceptual Smart Container.
Fig.2 Smart Container

This can be extended to contain several such smart containers inside a larger container as illus-
trated in Fig.3 Each container can have specific sensors for the type of food items contained in
them such as Fresh Produce, Deli, Sea Food and Meat and grocery products. This enables captur-
ing more accurate and specific context data relevant to each type of food item. For an instance,
temperature and humidity sensors are essential to detect the temperature of Deli, Fresh Produce
and Sea Food and Meat containers to keep the food items edible for a longer period whereas it is
of not that importance to the Grocery Products container.

Fig.3 Extended Smart Container

An initial prototype was designed and implemented to prove the concept of a Smart Container.
Raspberry Pi Camera and a DHT 11 sensor was used to capture the images of donations,
humidity and temperature inside the Smart Food Container. Fig.4 depicts the sensors used for the

Fig.4 Camera and DHT11 sensor

Fig. 5 depicts the top and side views of the prototyped Smart Container.

Fig.5 Prototype

Fig 6 is an image of a donation captured by the Raspberry Pi camera. Image processing to iden-
tify the items is not considered in the initial prototype.

Fig. 6 Donation captured

A client-server architecture is designed using socket programing to communicate between the
Raspberry Pi and the Server. An initial test was performed in a local network to prove the con-
cept. Figure 7 illustrates the communication between Raspberry Pi and the server. Sensor read-
ings are performed in 30 seconds intervals and the data is transferred to the server with the time
when the data was captured by Raspberry Pi.

Fig. 7 client-server communication

Further tests were performed to check how the environmental variables, humidity and tempera-
ture changes over a period of half an hour when the container’s lid is open and when it is closed.
Readings are performed in 30 seconds intervals as mentioned above and the tests were carried
out in an indoor environment. The first test was performed with the lid of the container opened
and the readings were plotted as shown in Figure 8. Humidity has changed at the beginning and
has remained steady in the middle and has changed again towards the end. The sensor and the
items in the container were directly exposed to the changes in the environment.
Fig. 8 Humidity variation when lid is open

Temperature variations are illustrated in Figure 9. Temperature has remained steady except for a
spike during the whole time.

Fig. 9 Temperature variation when lid is open

The next experiment was performed when the lid was closed. Apart for the initial changes, hu-
midity has remained steady during the half an hour. With the lid closed it has provided a
controlled or stable level of humidity for the items within the container. Figure 10 illustrates the
results of humidity variations over time.

Fig. 10 Humidity variations when lid is closed

Fig.11 illustrates the temperature variations when the lid is closed. As with the previous experi-
ment when the lid was open, temperature inside the container has remained steady.These experi-
ments have provided an initial insight into the potential environments these Smart Containers
and their food items will be exposed to. Different environments provide different challenges in
preserving the quality of food items.Different thresholds can be set to safe guard the food quality
by identifying the type of food and the environments they are exposed to. These readings from
the sensors provide realtime dynamic context-data about the environments the food is exposed
to. For an instance, thresholds can be set for both temperature and humidity levels for a certain
food item/donation and sensors will monitor the environment and issue warnings if the tempera-
ture and humidity levels are not within the required thresholds. This allows the users to take ac-
tions when necessary and food items remain edible for their maximum usage period and prevents
wastage via constant monitoring and reporting.
Fig. 11 Temperature variations when lid is closed

We have shown that a wide range of events and conditions related to the food container can be
tracked – automating the process of updating consumers about food available for donation. We
imagine thousands of such food containers made available for people who would like to donate
food and the smart food container will be the device to “link” into our proposed framework.
4.1 Applications:
A. Transportation :

The IoT can play the important role in integration of communications, control, and
information processing across various transportation. Application of the IoT extends to all
aspects of transportation systems (i.e. the vehicle and the driver or user). Dynamic interaction
between these components of a transport system enables inter and intra vehicular
communication, smart traffic control, smart parking, electronic, logistic and fleet management,
vehicle control, and safety and road assistance . Modern automobiles are equipped with
sensors which are connected to the internet through control systems. Some of the sensors
used in automobiles with their positions . IoT plays important role in road safety- systems.
Such as collision.

B. Environmental Monitoring:
The Environmental monitoring applications of the IoT typically use sensors to assist in environ-

mental protection by monitoring the atmospheric monitoring the movements

of wildlife and their habitats. The physical devices connected to the Internet which are used
as warning systems can also be used by emergency services to provide more effective aid.

C. Infrastructure Management:
Monitoring and control operations of rural infrastructures like bridges, railway track. It is a
key application of the IoT. The IoT infrastructure can be used for monitoring any events or
changes in structural conditions that can compromise safety and increase risk. It can also be
used for scheduling repair and maintenance activities in an efficient manner, by coordinating
tasks between different service providers and users of these facilities. IoT devices can also
be used to control critical infrastructure like bridges to provide access to ships. Usage of IoT
devices for monitoring and operating infrastructure is likely to improve management and emer-
gency response coordination, and quality of service, up-times and reduce costs of operation in
all infrastructure related areas.

D. Manfacturing :
The IoT enables the quick manufacturing of new products and real –time optimization of
manufacturing production and supply by using networking machinery, sensors and control
systems together. IoT helps in digital control systems to automate process, to optimize the
plant safety and security are interlinked with the IoT. Measurements, automated controls,
plant optimization, health and safety management, and other functions are provided by large
number of networked sensors. National science foundation established an industry/University
cooperative Research center on intelligent maintenance systems(IMS).The vision is to
achieve near-zero breakdown using IoT-based manufacturing .In future we can see the e-
manufacturing plants and e-maintenance activities.

E. Medical and health care:

IoT devices can be used to enable remote health monitoring and emergency notification sys-
tems. Some hospitals have begun implementing smart beds that can detect when they are
occupied and when the patient is attempting to get up.

F. Home Automation:
Home automation is the residential extension of building automation. It involves the control
and automation of lighting, heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC), and security, as
well as home appliances such as washer/dryers, ovens or refrigerators/freezers. They use
Wi-Fi for remote monitoring and are a part of the Internet of things.

G. Energy management:
Integration of sensing and actuation systems, connected to the internet, is likely to optimize
energy consumption .It is expected that IoT devices will be integrated into all forms of
energy consuming devices and be able to communicate with power generation.

H. Media, Entertainment:
Application of IoT in media causes to transfer data through cloud from one place to an-
other place, IoT provides good communication between people through transfer the media one
to another.

I. Agriculture :
By develop the agriculture machinery into smart devices causes control the water pumps and
sprayers are controlled anywhere.

J. Security:
In modern lives there is a fear about thieves, by using IoT in home security devices, the se-
curity device is operated by a particular person from anywhere through cloud.
4.2 Conclusion
Conclusion of this paper is proposed an IoT based novel, real-time and dynamic framework to
efficiently distribute excess food which would otherwise end up in waste lands. This framework
addresses the weaknesses identified in the existing systems as well as maintains the strengths
they have. The concept and an initial prototype of a Smart Food Container was introduced.
Although current focus is on the excess food these can be used to identify the best environment
for non-excess food as well as for other resources for donation.

Weight, GPS, Air pressure, Light and RFID readers will be added to the Smart Container in the
next phase of the implementation. This will enable to gather more accurate context-data about
the Smart Food Container’s environment, including actions taken with the food and the condition
of the food. Ultimately these allows real-time, dynamic, intelligent and context-aware match-
making between the vendors/food items and consumers. In the future, drones (on land or flying)
can also pick up such excess food from the Smart Food Containers and help deliver them to
matched consumers.

With the inception of IoT technology one can communicate with his belongings such as
home, car, fridge, AC, vaccum cleaner, water pump etc., from anywhere in the world. It
improves safety and security of the human beings and their belongings. The future cars
are getting ready to give much pleasure to the drivers as well as passengers while their trip.
Patients can be monitored by their doctors continuously while their doing their routine duty.
The accidents due to human errors can be completely avoided. With the above discussion it
is concluded that the application of IoT definitely set new standards for the society world-
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the United Nations, Rome2015, Available:, Accessed
on: 24/04/2017.
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Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 2015 2015, Available:
i4068e.pdf, Accessed on: 2016/08/09/.
 J. Gustavsson, C. Cederberg, U. Sonesson, R. V. Otterdijk, and A. Meybeck, "Global
food losses and food waste – Extent, causes and prevention," FAO, Rome2011 2011,
Available:, Accessed on:
 S. Bird, "Unpalatable truth about food banks the Left finds so hard to swallow: Political
football and undeserving claimants distract from the many who are in genuine need," in
Daily Mail, ed, 2014.
I/We would like to place on record my/our deep sense of gratitude to Prof. S.B.Kalyankar,
HOD-Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Deogiri Institute of Engineering and
management Studies Aurangabad, for his generous guidance, help and useful suggestions.

I express mysincere gratitude to Prof. Ashwini.jagnade, Dept. of Computer Science and

Engineering, Deogiri Institute of Engineering and management Studies Aurangabad, for his
stimulating guidance, continuous encouragement and supervision throughout the course of
present work.

I am extremely thankful to Dr. Ulhas Shiurkar, Director, Deogiri Institute of Engineering and
management Studies Aurangabad, for providing me infrastructural facilities to work in, without
which this work would not have been possible.

Signature of Student

Ankita Tambe

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