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GROUP NO! 4 NAME: JEFF MICOLE G. FRANCISCD _ YEAR AND SECTION: _asce_2€ EXPERIMENT # 1 UNT WEIGHT OF FINE AGGREGATES - AND COURSE AGGREGATES , DATE PERFORMED: DATE SUBMITED! APRIL 2022 OBSECIE= “TO OFTERMINE THE UNIT WEIGHT AND YOID PATO IN FINE AND COuRCE AGREGATE. SORE: . CAB 7 TIS A NOH -7u APPARATUS AND MATERULS: "Measure. * Tamping Rect * Glss Plate “Weighing, Scale » Stroigth Edge. PROCEDURE: * Weigh the measure og well as the *Regcot the procedures, or Arial 2 ancl GbE plate orcl reeorel the data obtain! Hal 4. “Mensue *ne goss plate *For the first trial, pat the Yp layer of Are cond ond tome the lajgen 25 Hees, * foun another vy of the Sond on the Setond layer ancl tmp oqpin fon 95-4mes. “Put the lost layer into overtlow and tome itagpin 25 times. ‘Remove the exces, sand to trim the top level. *WNeigh the meosure with tond and record the dota that wos collected - “Ril the meare with water sTeim dhe voker using goss plate and make Sure Ahod i sll nok form bubbles. “Remove the droplets iq the measure, sWleiQh the measure ond dospbte wih wolte onal record the cenit Scanned with CamScanner Décussion: The weight of a particular volume of aggregates. con be defined ce, the meteriadlt, unit Weight. accurately calculates the vokime that graded aggregate wall take UP ancl inclucles both colid particles ancl the voile belwean then. DATA AND COMPUTATION: Measure. > 101 Glass Plate > 10834 No-or Tams | MEASURE Maren Vin = Ath = Li-0ee HO) LP 71S | sano) guns mare 7000 s/n ‘ ‘ag wearer 2 44039, Wg 3 4388 Qis » owe. date = Yat haan Yen LF 7Ao eam Gia = YAO Hg= LOBED a By earn 1.991 loan om Gig = N26 HON 1499 Kg hum 1-99) 2070 OBSERVATION SND _ANALYSIS + the Huh “ate adie ede ay they are not gofar on thelr weight H means thet the methede is atturale but po: 1 650 Keun grecice . but not that UGO4 Kieu. 1097 Kloxm CONCLUSION: lo chort the rewht of the Siriole 1g die Grom cach other and Moves an cuerage, WEI OF agpregphe whion TS \WAD Kiem. Kince ¥ gives deren ononers, Vaan Soy rot the method 1S moe accurate hah precite. Scanned with CamScanner

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