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GROUP NO! 4 NAME! Jerr MICOLE G. FRantuscO DATE PERFORMED: YEAR AND SECTION: BSCE 2E DATE QBMITED: BXPERIMENT # 2 UNIT WEIGHT OF COARSE AGGREGATES OBTECIVE: To determine the unit weight ond void wlio in cworke ogpyeoptes. Discucsion: The unit weight of a material can be cletire ac the weight OP agiven volume & Groce oggeegpic. Tr eRectively mecsures the voume oF graded cagregpte. tretkectively measures the volme that the gredled aggregate will axupy onel includes both coli particles onel the voids between them - The unit weight & fine orcl coorse. cngegple within the ASTM gracing limits are. generally in the carge of INSD 40 1980 Ky/cum The unit weight values are usedk in designing Concrete mixtures - Voids in beeen the aggregate gorkides tok will beAtled by the mortar con ogo be coleuloled APPARATUS AND MATERIALS” *Mengure + Gloss Pate + Stroigyt Edge *Taroping Rod Weighing, Sole TEST PROCETURES: | Weigh the measure Bitortrial 0.1, Put the Grbh Y lagen 2 Weigh the goss gate A. Drop the mensre 25 times BRI the measure with woter 1O-Rut He seranck Yo layer 4Teim the woler using glass plate UN Dre captn the measure 25 4imes, B-Remove the water droplets (2 PUR Fhe ask Lowen robe overflow and trim the top level ©. Weigh the measure with woter and gloss plote. {d- Weight the mesure. Orc grovel Fapther 3+ Gek the temperature of the water 4+ Repeat trial 1 for dial Donel § DATA AND CALCULATION: Weight of | Weigh! of hie | Density ob Weer! Wight of Aggagale | Volume of TRIAL Medsure (Wen) | & Nlensure (W/o) (Ox) Jord mancare (Mh) Mexsure L¥m) ko eu i (3. lo? 9971-04 19-95 0.0077 45 RHTa Blue 2417 .0f 1.5 O-0or4HeHAT sie | 9.04 96 | oconqtoRHAt Vin = len Qs wwe Qi, = les. agssu2bs FB Dw Nin Gan Nis Late to- Bubs) Big = Hele pss2000%0 S FAHD Aba owen va = \gtlo. ks = 0.004684 cum Qi = Vb. BS5209070%1 910g Temp.of Woke! 25°. War dind = (AIS OBSERVATION AND ANALYSIS: The egeriment woe done orordling 40 the gro shod wns. pected during, the lecture, however the cbleined volues are Doh tol orcurate because the cesult of the Avet trial wes 1U5b K5/cum thle dhe athe 0 trols gove. the ome repatt of Volto kg / cum CONCLUSION: By getting 4h overage unit waropt oF the thee trink, we will get TAF Notun which iS much cloper to the unit weight that we got on the Seedrel are! thirel trl. the averege teed we opt us on the IO 96 lint fo. ASM greding. ILUST ATION: Trim the water with glass plate

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