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Lesser known therapeutic

approach to palpitations
November 7, 2019 admin 0

Dr. Nandini Dadhich1, and Dr. Priya Bhardwaj2

ABSTRACT: Cardio vascular diseases is a class of diseases that

involve a range of conditions that affect heart. Diseases include
blood vessel diseases, such as Coronary Artery Disease;
arrhythmias; congenital heart defects etc. A heart arrhythmia is an
abnormal heartbeat. The uncomfortable awareness of heartbeat i.e.
palpitation, a lay term used by the patients, is a common complaint
that can occur under any circumstances where the heart may beat
too quickly, too slowly or irregularly. Palpitations are nonspecific and
can be a symptom or a diagnosis. The pattern of presentation,
accompanying features and risk factors determine which
investigations are needed in order to reach a diagnosis. The
management of patients with palpitations is guided chiefly by the
clinical experience of the physician. Homoeopathy provides the
remedy that cure the individual on the basis of individualization.
This article aims the effectiveness of lesser known homoeopathic
medicines in treating palpitations.

KEYWORDS: Arrhythmia, Palpitations, Homoeopathy, Lesser known


INTRODUCTION: Palpitation is perceived as an uncomfortable

sensation in the chest associated with heart beats.3 Palpitation is
very common and sometime frightening symptom.2 The sensation
can be described by the patients including ‘a thump’, ‘skipped 07/11/19, 11:42 PM

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beat’3, missed or dropped beats4, pounding, fluttering1 which
causes discomfort. The sensation of palpitation can be either
intermittent or sustained and either regular or irregular.1 Palpitations
are often noted during quite resting when other stimuli are minimal.1

AETIOLOGY1: Palpitations may originate due to-

cardiac cause (43%) including premature atrial and ventricular

contractions, supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias,
mitral valve prolapse, aortic insufficiency, atrial myxoma,
pulmonary embolism, etc. Other factors that enhance the
strength of myocardial contraction including tobacco, caffeine,
cocaine, thyroxin can cause palpitation.
psychiatric cause (31%) which includes panic attack or
disorder, anxiety status, somatization, alone or in combination.
miscellaneous causes (10%) like thyrotoxicosis, some drugs,
unknown cause (16%).

Approach to the patient:

For treatment, a brief case taking is required to assess the cause

along with the measurement of vital signs, assessment of Jugular
Venous Pressure, pulse , auscultation of chest. To rule out the great
risk factor with palpitation an Electrocardiogram recording during an
episode can be done2 and if needed exercise Electrocardiogram,
holter monitoring can also be done.3



Most patients with palpitations do not have serious arrhythmias or

underlying structural heart disease and can be treated with 07/11/19, 11:42 PM

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medicines. Here are some lesser known medicines in homoeopathy
for palpitations.

AGARICUS CAMPANULATUS: Patient experiences

palpitations with irregular, intermittent pulse with tumultuous
action of the heart. Feels better after coffee.

AILANTHUS GLANDULOSA: Patient suffers from palpitations

with rapid, small, weak, frequent, and irregular pulse. There is
dull pain and contracted feeling in region of base of heart and
through center of left lung.

AMYLENUM NITROSUM: There is tumultuous action of the

heart. On least excitement there is fluttering of heart. Full soft
pulse. Violent beating of the heart and carotids with sense of
constriction. The heart has an irregular, rumbling sort of sound.
Precordial pain extending to right arm. Aching pain and
constriction around the heart. Angina Pectoris with great

ANDROCTONOS AMURREUXI: The patient complaints of

palpitations on waking and on lying down to sleep. The
heartbeats are violent, audible and visible.

ARANEA IXOBOLA: Strong palpitations and squeezing feeling.

Pulse is felt in the carotid artery and abdominal aorta, worse
when lying down and resting; better, when moving and after
drinking coffee. Accelerated pulse. Pressure and tingling in the
precordial region. Tachycardia and neurosis due to worry.

ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA: Palpitations where the pulse is

slightly accelerated. There are sharp pains, like pricking of a
needle in region of heart. Constrictive pain in the heart with 07/11/19, 11:42 PM

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tenderness to pressure over heart.

BERYLLIUM METALLICUM: Arrhythmia. There is cardiac

palpitations and feeling of thoracic constriction.

CENCHRIS CONTORTRIX: The palpitations appear at 3 p.m.

with sensation of fluttering followed by feeling that heart feel
down into abdomen. Then pulse become feeble with heat
lasting until after midnight. Throbbing or fluttering under left
scapula. The patient feels as if heart were distended or swollen
to fill the whole chest.

CIPRO: Palpitations and fluttering of the heart with irregular


CORYDALIS CAVA: Patient experiences palpitations which are

worse lying on left side, ascending and 3 a.m.

DIRCA PALUSTRIS: The palpitations occur on going up slight

elevation. Pulse suddenly become weak and irregular. Least
motion excites the heart’s action.

HEDERA HELIX: There are palpitations and anguish with

swelling of the thyroid gland. Rhythmic anomaly, accompanied
by tachycardia. Thyrotoxic tachycardia. Paroxysmal
tachycardia. Extrasystole or paroxysmal tachycardia in a young
patient with a normal heart. Also there are needle-like pains in
the precordial region.

HELODERMA SUSCEPTUM: There are palpitations and

dyspnea from slight exertion. Cold feeling in heart. Slow
labored thumping of heart. Symptoms also include pressure at
heart and tingling, trembling, coldness, oppression around 07/11/19, 11:42 PM

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heart. Sticking pains, shooting from left to right. Stitches and
soreness in heart.

HOITZIA COCCINEA: Strong heart beats, resounding in the

head and audible. Pulse strong and rapid.

HYDROCYANICUM ACIDUM: Violent palpitations. Blood

vessels distended, writhing in them. Pulse failing, weak,
irregular, unequal with occasional strong beats with cold limbs.

LEVOMEPROMAZINE: Tachycardia neurosis, on exertion in

anxious types of patients. There are palpitations at the slightest
effort. Usually heart constricted with anguish in the morning.

LYSSINUM: Heart palpitates violently and felt as if it was

coming up into throat. There are also pains as if needles were
running into heart.

MAGNETIS POLUS AUSTRALIS: Violent palpitation of the

heart with great heat in cardiac region. Palpitation of the heart
during which it seems that it is not the heart that palpitates.

MANCINELLA VENENATA: Palpitations with weak, very large

and soft pulse. Needle like stitches at heart.

POPULUS CANDICANS: The palpitations appear when rising

or lying on left side with vertigo. The heart’s sound is irregular,
usually muffled and worse before menses.

RAJANIA SUBSAMARATA: There are palpitations with

thready, weak pulse. The heartbeats are irregular with
moderate tachycardia. The patient hears the heart beat when
lying down as if the heart were on the pillow. 07/11/19, 11:42 PM

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CONCLUSION: Palpitations are a sensory symptom and every
symptom is indicative of deviation from normal state of health. This
deviation calls for either a first-line therapy or an adjunctive
treatment. Homeopathy is a safe and effective tool that can be
integrated into a practicing clinician’s armamentarium. It is curative,
free of adverse side effects and enhances the body’s ability to
restore balance.


1. Kasper Dennis L., Hauser Stephen L., Jameson J. Larry, et al.

Harrison’s Principle of Internal Medicine. #19th edition. USA:
McGraw-Hill Companies.Inc; 2015
2. Walker Brian L., Colledge Nicki R., Penman Ian D., et al.
Davidson’s Practice and Principles of Medicine. #22nd edition.
China: Elsevier; 2014
3. Chatterjee Kanu, Anderson Mark, Heistad Donald, et al.
Cardiology an Illustrated Textbook. #1st edition. New Delhi:
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd; 2013
4. Glynn Michael, Drake William M. Hutchison’s Clinical Methods.
#24th edition. China: Elsevier; 2018
5. Murphy Robin. Lotus Materia Medica. #3rd edition. Noida, India:
B. Jain Publishers(P) Ltd; 2006
6. Boericke W. Boericke’s New Manual of Homoeopathic
MateriaMedica with Repertory. Third revised and augmented
edition based on 9th edition. Noida, India: B. Jain Publishers (P)
Ltd; 2018
7. Hering C. The Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica. Delhi,
India:B.Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd;1995

1. Dr. Nandini Dadhich , MD (PGR), Dept. of Materia Medica,

Dr.M.P.K.Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research 07/11/19, 11:42 PM

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Centre, Jaipur (A constituent unit of Homoeopathy University,
Jaipur, Raj.)
2. Dr. Priya Bhardwaj, MD (PGR), Dept. of Repertory,
Dr.M.P.K.Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research
Centre, Jaipur (A constituent unit of Homoeopathy University,
Jaipur, Raj.) 07/11/19, 11:42 PM

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