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Qestionnaire to students

The purpose of this questionnaire is to collect data about the interaction taking place at the
university. It is designed to be completed by students of English at faculty of arts and
humanities, Beni-Mellal.

Please answer all the questions in this questionnaire. (Tick or write you answer in the space
provided. All the information will be treated confidentially).

.I. Background information

Please tick (*) next to your selected answer.


-Male -Female

Age: ……………….. Current level:…………………..

.II. Information related to interaction at the university

1) What does the word “University” mean to you, and what is the job that it was created for
in your opinion?

+Is it of a scientific nature that grants licenses and academic certificates to its graduates?

+Is it a higher education institution only?

+Is it an institution to graduate the unemployed?

2) Does the university perform its job perfectly?

-Yes -No

3)If you answered No, then what is the reason behind this?


4)Is there a university interaction?

-Yes -No
5) Where is the effectiveness/power point of this university interaction?

+The principle of balance between recitation and reception in terms of investing the potentials
of both parties.

+The inner strength that emanates from the inside of the communicator.

+Simplifying the message we hear to ensure correct transmission and reception.

6) What are the barriers to interaction?

+Semantic difficulties given to vocabularies.

+Absence of dialogue and communication between the parties of the interactive process.

+The professor considers his students as subjects.

+The professor takes advantage of the cognitive naivety of the student.


7) What distinguishes the university as an institution?

+Its buildings.

+Educational attainment.

8) Does the Moroccan University want to lead society, enlighten it, and contribute to its

-Yes -No

9) +If your answer was Yes, why?


+If your answer was No, why?


10) Or does it want to be satisfied with the dictates of society ?

-Yes -No

11) +If you answered Yes, why?

12) Has Sultan Moulay Slimane University completed its mission of promoting thought,
quality and science, and can we say that its conscience is clear?


13) According to your opinion, what is the difference between our university and foreign


14) Do you answer spontaneously when the professor asks you a question?

-Yes -No

15) If you answered No, why?


16) Do you face problems with the professors that hinder you from participating in class?

-Yes -No

17) If you answered Yes, then what kind of problems?




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