Article: Causes, Consequences and Management of Sample Hemolysis in The Clinical

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Clinical Biochemistry 50 (2017) 1317–1322

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Causes, consequences and management of sample hemolysis in the clinical T

Laura Heiremana,⁎, Pieter Van Geelb, Lorenz Musgera, Evelien Heylena, Wim Uyttenbroecka,
Boris Mahieua
Department of Laboratory Medicine, Ziekenhuis Netwerk Antwerpen, Antwerp, Belgium
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Ziekenhuis Netwerk Antwerpen, Antwerp, Belgium


Keywords: Preanalytical hemolysis of blood samples is a common problem in medical practice, especially in emergency
Preanalytical hemolysis departments. Several potential influences on sample hemolysis have been investigated, including sampling
Causes of hemolysis techniques, centrifugation and sample transport. In particular, the use of intravenous catheters and the vacuum
Affected laboratory parameters sampling technique have often been demonstrated to provoke hemolysis. Other factors playing a role include the
Management of hemolysis
use of inappropriate puncture sites, complicated blood sampling, prolonged tourniquet application, underfilling
of tubes and excessive shaking of specimens. Training of phlebotomists can play a pivotal role in overcoming
these issues. A sample may also undergo hemolysis at the point of centrifugation, more specifically when cen-
trifugation lasts too long or is done repeatedly. Pneumatic tube system (PTS)-transported samples tend to be
more strongly affected by hemolysis compared to hand-carried ones, though whether this difference is clinically
relevant remains questionable. The velocity at which the sample moves, the distance it covers and the shock
forces it sustains all determine to what extent hemolysis occurs during PTS transport. The use of cushion inserts
in the carrier to stabilize the samples and the presence of a gel separator in the transported serum tubes may
prevent PTS-induced hemolysis. Finally, there is considerable variation between patients in the extent to which
samples are prone to hemolysis. Sample hemolysis leads to unreliable laboratory results, delayed diagnosis and
patients suffering avoidable discomfort. Specifically, hemolysis may interfere with laboratory results due to
release of intracellular components, dilution effects, proteolysis and interference with analytical techniques.
There is ongoing debate about how laboratories should deal with results altered by hemolysis. Laboratory
specialists should clearly communicate with the ordering clinicians in order to make an informed decision about
how to interpret hemolysis-affected analytical results. This review looks into current evidence concerning the
causes and consequences of in vitro hemolysis, and aims to explain how to deal with it.

1. Introduction of 12 h must be respected, any exercise 72 h before blood sampling

must be avoided and a minimum of 15–20 min of resting must be ob-
The preanalytical phase is the phase of the total analytical process in served since food intake, physical exercise and postural change during
laboratory medicine that includes all the procedures before the start of blood collection are major sources of bias in routine clinical chemistry,
sample analysis and involves different healthcare professionals [1]. hematology and coagulation testing [1,4]. Applying tourniquets for
Preanalytical processes are responsible for most medical errors that longer than 60 s causes prolonged venous stasis which may influence
occur in laboratory diagnostics, particularly when they involve a lot of laboratory results and should therefore be avoided [4]. The order of
manual handling or when they are poorly standardized [2,3]. Blood draw as recommended by EFLM (blood culture, citrate, serum, heparin,
collection and handling are important sources of variability in labora- EDTA, glycolysis inhibitors) should be respected since contamination of
tory results [1]. These variations may be related to patient preparation, anticoagulants or additives from one collection tube to another during
time of tourniquet application, order of blood draw, mixing of blood blood sampling may introduce errors [2]. Though it is often re-
tubes and labelling of primary blood tubes [1]. First of all, a fasting time commended to gently mix blood tubes by inverting them 5–10 times

Abbreviations: PTS, pneumatic tube system; HI, hemolysis index; Hb, hemoglobin; K, potassium; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; NSE, neuron-specific
enolase; ED, emergency department; LIS, laboratory information system

Corresponding author at: Department of Laboratory Medicine, Ziekenhuis Netwerk Antwerpen, Lindendreef 1, 2020 Antwerp, Belgium.
E-mail address: (L. Heireman).
Received 2 July 2017; Received in revised form 13 September 2017; Accepted 18 September 2017
Available online 22 September 2017
0009-9120/ © 2017 The Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
L. Heireman et al. Clinical Biochemistry 50 (2017) 1317–1322

after filling, this does not apply for every type of additive-containing shear stress between both techniques [23]. S-monovette® tubes are
tube [1,4]. Mislabelling of blood tubes, a frequent cause of erroneous fitted with a plunger, allowing manual aspiration of blood much like a
patient identification, can be avoided by applying them at bedside [1]. classic syringe [24]. The importance of this feature was stressed when
Other issues arising from inappropriate sample collection or handling Heiligers-Duckers et al. found stronger sample hemolysis with vacuum
include insufficient sample volume, inappropriate clotting, con- collection compared to manual aspiration from IV catheters [25].
tamination from infusion routes and, importantly, sample hemolysis Mrazek et al. demonstrated increasing hemolysis rates when using va-
[2]. The latter accounts for up to 40–70% of all unsuitable specimens, cuum tubes (8 mL Greiner BioOne Vacuette® lithium heparin gel tube,
making them the main reason for sample rejection [2,5]. 5 mL Greiner BioOne Vacuette® low-vacuum tube, 4.5 mL Greiner
Hemolysis is defined as the rupture of erythrocytes resulting in the BioOne Vacuette® lithium heparin tube without gel and 3 mL BD Va-
release of its intracellular components in plasma or serum [6]. Hemo- cutainer® PST II lithium heparin gel tube) compared to the Sarstedt
lysis may occur either in vitro or in vivo, with in vivo hemolysis ac- aspiration system, except for the 3 mL BD Barricor® tube [26]. Grant
counting for < 2% of cases [5]. This type of hemolysis can be dis- reported that combining intravenous catheters with classic syringes
tinguished from in vitro hemolysis by the decrease in haptoglobin instead of BD Vacutainer® tubes lowered the extent of hemolysis [17]. A
concentration, increase in unconjugated bilirubin concentration and study of Strubi-Vuillaume et al. showed that using lithium heparin
reticulocyte count [7,8]. Haptoglobin tends to bind Hb intravascularly tubes (BD Vacutainer®) in aspiration mode ameliorated accuracy of LDH
and allows effective clearance by the reticuloendothelial system, pre- determination compared to using them in vacuum mode [27].
venting oxidative damage [7,8]. In vitro hemolysis results from in- Fernandez et al. found a lower rate of hemolyzed sample rejection
adequate specimen collection or handling and poses challenging pro- for smaller tubes (3.5 mL and 4 mL) compared to bigger tubes (8 mL,
blems in hospitals [5]. Only after centrifugation sample hemolysis can 8.5 mL and 9 mL) for BD Vacutainer® and Greiner BioOne Vacuette®
be recognized [5,9]. Macroscopic evaluation is an unreliable measure of serum tubes [28]. Giavarina, looking at Greiner BioOne Vacuette® li-
sample hemolysis resulting in incorrect estimates of its prevalence thium heparin collection tubes, also demonstrated a significant reduc-
[10,11]. Also, macroscopic evaluation tends to vary with different tion in hemolysis using 2.5 mL instead of 5 mL tube volume [29].
sample types [10,11]. Modern chemistry analysers are equipped with Mrazek et al. found a convincing correlation between the amount of
spectrophotometric systems that automatically measure the level of negative pressure in vacuum tubes and hemolysis levels [26]. They
hemolysis, expressed as the so-called hemolysis index (HI) [5]. A HI of noticed that hemolysis rates can be lowered to levels comparable to
500 corresponds to a serum hemoglobin (Hb) concentration of ap- aspiration systems when low vacuum tubes are used [26]. Lippi et al.
proximately 500 mg/dL [5]. The advantages of spectrophotometry over observed no reduction in hemolysis in ED samples using low-volume
visual inspection include increased reproducibility, better sensitivity tubes [30]. In contrast, an increase in sample hemolysis was seen using
and improved reliability [12]. Objective and standardized systems for 3.5 mL instead of 5.0 mL BD Vacutainer® SST II Plus plastic serum tubes
detection of unsuitable specimens need to be adopted by each labora- [30].
tory [11]. Blood tubes that are less than semi-filled are more often associated
This (non-systematic) review looks into current evidence concerning with hemolysis than those that are filled more adequately [7,13].
the causes and consequences of in vitro hemolysis, and aims to explain Munnix et al. reported that hemolysis occurred primarily in the first
how to deal with it. collected sample and less so in those collected subsequently [12]. Dis-
carding the first tube can be applied in practice in cases of difficult
2. Factors associated with increased sample hemolysis punctures [12]. However, Heiligers-Duckers et al. showed blood
drawing with discard tubes and low vacuum tubes can potentially re-
2.1. Blood collection as a source of hemolysis duce hemolysis compared to using standard vacuum tubes, but to a
lesser extent than the use of the manual aspiration technique [25].
Preanalytical hemolysis often occurs during blood sampling with Regarding the type of blood tube, Ryan et al. found that using BD Va-
intravenous catheters being particularly notorious for inducing red cell cutainer® rapid serum tubes instead of BD Vacutainer® plasma tubes
damage. Indeed, catheters are associated with significantly more he- failed to change the rate of clinically significant alterations in hemolysis
molysis than the standard venipuncture using a straight needle markers [31].
[12–19]. Partial obstruction of intravenous catheters in particular may Hemolysis occurs more frequently when blood is drawn from other
promote hemolysis of blood samples [20]. Straszewski et al. also de- locations than the antecubital fossa [13,15,32]. In the antecubital re-
monstrated a significant reduction in the frequency of hemolysis when gion, sample collection from the basilic vein is associated with a much
using 21 gauge butterfly needles instead of 21 gauge intravenous ca- higher amount of hemolyzed samples than median cephalic vein,
theters [21]. Wollowitz et al. too reported a significant reduction in median basilic vein, median anterobrachial vein or cephalic vein [1].
hemolysis rate using butterfly needles (21 or 23 gauge) rather than Intravenous catheters inserted via the hand are more often associated
intravenous catheters (16, 18, 20 or 22 gauge) [13]. A study of Lippi with sample hemolysis [12,15,32]. The risk of hemolysis increases with
et al. failed to show a significant difference in rate of sample hemolysis difficulty in venous access, unsatisfactory attempts, fragile veins and
between the use of 21-gauge straight needles and 21-gauge butterfly forcing blood into the collection tube [8,12,13,18,32]. Theoretically,
needles [22]. They stated that using butterfly needles provides a reli- aspiration of non-vaporized alcohol in the needle during venepuncture
able alternative to the standard needle [22]. However, in another study may cause spurious hemolysis [1]. However, Salvagno et al. observed
of Lippi et al. the use of small butterfly needles, especially those > 23 no significant differences in sample hemolysis between patients in
gauge, was associated with the high prevalence of sample hemolysis in whom blood was drawn with or without letting the alcoholic disin-
the pediatric department [18]. fectant dry [33].
Lippi et al. also investigated the frequency of in vitro hemolysis in Tightening the tourniquet around the arm for over 1 min during
samples obtained via intravenous catheters by manual aspiration com- blood collection is also associated with hemolysis as a result of the long-
pared to standard vacuum tubes [23]. The mean levels of K, LDH and lasting constriction of the blood vessels [13,34]. However, the CLSI
free Hb were significantly lower when the sample was aspirated H03-A6 document does not caution against unsuitable tourniquet ap-
manually as compared to the vacuum technique [23]. A subsequent plication time [35]. Lima-Oliveira therefore proposed changes in this
study demonstrated that the introduction of Sarstedt S-monovette® protocol and recommended to cleanse the venepuncture site before
blood tubes reduced the rate of hemolysis in the emergency department applying the tourniquet and to remove the tourniquet immediately
(ED) compared to the previously used BD Vacutainer® SST II Plus plastic when the first tube starts to fill [36]. This resulted in a mean reduction
serum tubes [24]. This observation is explained by the difference in of 88 s in tourniquet application time [36].

L. Heireman et al. Clinical Biochemistry 50 (2017) 1317–1322

Several manufacturers recommend that samples be mixed by gently et al. demonstrated that phlebotomy techniques in the ED often do not
inverting them 5–10 times [37]. Whether vigorous shaking of blood conform to the manufacturer's recommendations [45]. This may help to
tubes after collection influences hemolysis has not been unequivocally explain the strikingly high number of hemolyzed samples coming from
demonstrated. Lippi et al. observed that excessive shaking the blood the ED [45]. It is worth pointing out, however, that this study did not
tube after collection may induce hemolysis [18]. However, Lima-Oli- take into account blood sampling techniques used in other hospital
veira et al. observed that the (apparently incorrect) vigorous mixing of departments.
blood tubes does not induce variability in laboratory results (with
gentle mixing as reference) [39]. Parenmark et al. and Lima-Oliveira 2.2. Centrifugation as a source of hemolysis
et al. studied three types of mixing procedures: instant mixing, mixing
after 5 min of rest and no mixing [37,40]. Parenmark et al. only showed Long-lasting and excessive centrifugation forces have been shown to
a small but significant increase in HI and LDH measured in samples that cause in vitro hemolysis [5,12]. In the case of serum tubes, hemolysis
were immediately mixed through a horizontal mixing tray compared to tends to occur when the collected blood is centrifuged before the coa-
no mixing [37]. Lima-Oliveira only noted a significant difference in HI gulation process is complete [5,20]. This is particularly troublesome in
between mixing and no mixing when mixing occurred after 5 min rest case the patient is taking anticoagulant medication [5,20]. In addition,
[40]. Further, in the study of Parenmark et al., activated partial trom- incomplete formation of the separator barrier and repeated cen-
boplastin time was seriously affected in one of twenty non-mixed tube trifugation of tubes with gel separators may induce sample hemolysis
with citrate buffer [37]. Lima-Oliveira et al. only observed significant [5].
differences for Na between instant mixing and mixing after 5 min/no
mixing [40]. The authors stated that mixing primary blood samples 2.3. Sample transport as a source of hemolysis
after venepuncture is not mandatory for all types of tubes since the
blood turbulence generated by the vacuum pressure inside the tubes Transport of blood samples from the location of blood collection to
may be sufficient for solubilization, mixing and stabilization of ad- the laboratory may also be associated with hemolysis. Fernandes et al.
ditives and blood [37,40]. reported a significantly lower percentage of troublesome hemolysis
Standardized training as well as reduction of the number of people when centrifugation took place at the site of collection rather than in
involved in performing venipuncture are claimed to improve sample the laboratory [46]. Exposure of blood samples to extreme tempera-
quality [41]. Cadamuro et al. showed that sample hemolysis was less tures during transport and long transport duration may cause hemolysis
likely when blood was drawn by nursing staff who received specific [5,46]. Fernandes et al. observed that transport times of > 2 h led to
training compared to untrained staff [41]. Since the number of un- sample rejection more frequently compared to transport times < 15
trained staff was comparatively small, the amount of people involved in min [46].
blood collection seems to play a minor role. Introduction of an educa- Another possible source of in vitro hemolysis related to sample
tional program in the ED was able to significantly reduce rates of transport is the pneumatic tube system (PTS). PTSs are widely used in
sample hemolysis [14]. Changes brought about by the educational in- modern hospitals and allow rapid transport of patient specimens, di-
tervention included increased use of a syringe rather than Vacutainer®, minishing laboratory turnaround time [47]. PTSs may contribute to
increased use of venipuncture instead of catheters for blood sampling, hemolysis due to the kinetic forces they impose on samples with large
reduced arterial sampling, increased sample volume and reduced time acceleration changes (g-forces) being notably problematic [38,48].
interval from sampling to analysis [14]. Only the first two changes were Studies that have investigated the influence of PTSs on hemolysis report
associated with a significant reduction in hemolysis [14]. conflicting results, possibly due to the different specifications of the
Trying to determine whether teaching phlebotomists the procedures PTSs that were used (configuration, speed, distance, intensity of g-
recommended by CLSI/NCCLS might improve the quality of the pro- forces). Pupek et al. compared human courier transport and PTS
cess, Lima-Oliveira et al. found that as a result of this training, un- transport and showed no impact of PTS transport on sample hemolysis
necessary rubbing of skin, filling tubes in an incorrect order and mixing [49]. Also, Fernandes et al. observed no significant difference in he-
tubes inadequately had all been eliminated [35]. The usefulness of molysis rate of ED serum samples between PTS and human courier
education has also been demonstrated in a study by Bölenius et al. [42]. transport [46]. However, Koessler et al. demonstrated significant in-
An educational intervention program led to significant improvements in creases for LDH concentration in serum samples with gel barrier of
patient identification, patient rest, test request management and test healthy volunteers transported via PTS compared to hand-carried
tube labelling [42]. Giavarina et al. recommended that the training transport [50]. Sodi et al. compared the HI measured in different pa-
should include education about sampling devices, sampling techniques, tient sample types transported via PTS to hand-carried transport [51].
procedures for patient management and safety information for phle- Hemolysis occurred more frequently in serum gel samples (diameter
botomists [2]. The use of checklists seemed to be effective for reducing 16 mm, Sarstedt S-monovettes®) when transported by PTS instead of
errors in healthcare settings, especially in surgical departments [2]. courier. This effect was even more pronounced with plain serum tubes,
Hemolysis is observed more often in samples received from the ED suggesting that gel contained in serum tubes may offer some protection
than in those originating from other hospital departments, affecting as against hemolysis [51]. Böckel-Frohnhöfer et al. reported a significantly
much as 10–30% of ED samples [13]. A possible explanation is the higher HI in patient samples contained in lithium heparin tubes with gel
common use of intravenous catheters for blood collection in the ED separator than in serum tubes with gel separator, both transported via
[18,43]. Their use, however, is indispensable in this department since PTS [52]. Pasqualetti et al. demonstrated a significantly lower HI of
these catheters carry the advantage of offering optimal patient comfort lithium heparin plasma samples collected from ED patients before
as they have to be introduced only once [9,13]. This makes it also a compared to after PTS transport [53]. For serum samples with gel
time-efficient technique [9]. Lippi et al. demonstrated that the ex- barrier, the opposite effect was noticed [53]. It thus seems that serum
penditure generated by specimen recollection due to spurious hemo- samples are less susceptible to hemolysis than plasma samples when
lysis can be as high as 22.8% of the overall cost of serum sample col- transported via PTS and so that blood samples in tubes with clot acti-
lection in the ED [44]. Moreover, they showed that up to 99% of the vator and without anticoagulant may be more resistant to PTS-induced
total cost of sample recollection is attributable to hemolysis in speci- hemolysis [53].
mens drawn from catheters [44]. They stated that continuous educa- Acceleration forces are expressed as multiples of gravitational force
tion, increased use of straight needle venepuncture and introduction of or g-force (9.81 m/s2). Monitoring of g-forces during PTS transport can
blood collection devices especially suited for drawing blood from in- be performed using a data logger [54]. Acceleration forces measured
travenous catheters may overcome this problem [44]. A study by Berg during PTS transport are small compared to those occurring during

L. Heireman et al. Clinical Biochemistry 50 (2017) 1317–1322

centrifugation, the latter ranging from 1500 to 3000 g [55]. However, heparin plasma samples, were observed when comparing this in-
not the high accelerations alone, but more likely large and rapid ac- novative PTS to hand-carried transport [55]. In addition, innovative
celeration changes induce hemolysis [48]. During centrifugation, ac- PTS was shown to reduce sample transport time compared to courier
celerations and decelerations are highly controlled. Streichert et al. transport [55]. Importantly, defects in PTSs may increase hemolysis
measured temperature, humidity, pressure and 3-axis accelerations rates [63]. Ellis reported a case of abnormal sample hemolysis caused
during PTS transport by sending a mini-data logger along with blood by a dislodged tube support that had damaged the so-called O-rings of
samples of healthy volunteers [54]. They showed a direct positive the PTS [63]. These are rings that slow down the sample carrier as it
correlation between the area under the vector sum acceleration dis- approaches the arrival station, thus softening the landing [63]. Damage
tribution with cut-off 2 g and PTS speed [54]. The peak vector sum to such O-rings may lead to excessive deceleration of the carriers, in-
accelerations during PTS transport amounted to 15 g for 2.5 m/s, 14 g creasing hemolysis levels [63]. It is recommendable that every la-
for 2 m/s, 13 g for 1.5 m/s and 9 g for hand-carried transport [54]. The boratory validate its own PTS as the degree of sample hemolysis seems
measured area under the curve was 500 arbitrary units for 1.5 m/s, to depend on the specifications of each single PTS [57].
1000 arbitrary units for 2 m/s and 1500 arbitrary units for 2.5 m/s
[54]. Further, a clearly positive correlation between measured serum K 2.4. Interindividual susceptibility to sample hemolysis
concentrations, LDH activity, AST activity, and area under the curve
was noted [54]. At a speed of 2.5 m/s, relevant alterations were ob- Shear stress, blood composition and materials the blood comes into
served for K, phosphate, AST and LDH concentrations and for the latter contact with may all play a role in damaging red blood cells [64]. Age
two parameters also at 1.5 m/s compared to hand-carried transport and gender may also be determining factors in sample hemolysis. Sö-
[54]. Also, Gomez-Rioja et al. showed a linear relation between total derberg et al. reported significantly more hemolyzed samples collected
sum of sudden acceleration changes and HI, K, LDH and AST in healthy from men compared to women and in patients above the median age
volunteers [56]. They also found significant interindividual differences (63 years) compared to younger patients in health care centres, but not
in correlation of hemolysis parameters (HI, K, LDH and AST) and total in the ED or nursing homes [43]. The association between age and
sum of sudden acceleration forces during PTS transport [56]. Kapoula hemolysis may be due to greater difficulties in obtaining venous access
et al. stated that the statistically significant effect of PTS on K, LDH and in the elderly [43]. The authors failed to explain the differences in
AST may lead to the conclusion that the PTS is associated with a mild hemolysis between men and women, however [43]. Contrary to this
degree of sample haemolysis [57]. They noticed, however, that this finding, Fang et al. observed no significant correlation between gender
difference may not have a significant clinical effect on laboratory re- or age of patients and the risk of hemolysis [15]. Stark et al. observed a
sults [57]. significantly greater proportion of hemolysis-related specimen rejection
A simpler way to measure acceleration forces are provided by for African Americans compared to Caucasians in the ED [65]. A study
smartphones equipped with a data logger app (for example Sensor of Kavsak et al. showed that samples obtained from patients with he-
Kinetics Pro and VibSensor) [48,58]. Smartphones are readily acces- matological/oncological diseases are more susceptible to PTS-related
sible, tend to be small enough to fit in a PTS carrier and have been hemolysis than those of patients admitted to the intensive care unit
shown to generate data with satisfactory reproducibility [48,58]. One (56% and 13% respectively) [66].
disadvantage, however, is that acceleration forces over 8 g cannot be
registered [48]. Using a smartphone, Mullins et al. were able to de- 3. Consequences of hemolysis
monstrate that the number of shock forces > 3 g experienced by sam-
ples during PTS transport showed a positive linear relationship both Preanalytical hemolysis often necessitates additional blood sam-
with HI and plasma LDH measured in lithium heparin plasma from pling, thereby prolonging turnaround time [12]. Repeating blood col-
healthy volunteers [48]. Blood samples were photographed during PTS lection results in additional patient discomfort, delayed treatment and
transport, demonstrating turbulence as well as a foamy appearance of increased health care costs [6,12]. Laboratory results of hemolyzed
the blood specimens during and after transport [48]. It is hypothesized samples that do get accepted for analysis may be incorrect, leading to
that such formation of air bubbles in blood samples may provoke he- incorrect clinical decision-making [6].
molysis due to the hydrodynamic pressure they exert on red blood cells Any substance with a plasma or serum concentration > 10 times as
[48]. In a subsequent study, Mullins et al. demonstrated that sample low as in red blood cells are particularly susceptible to increase in case
haemolysis occurs during PTS transport as bubbles accumulate [59]. of hemolysis [7]. Accordingly, plasma levels of potassium (K), lactate
They showed that prevention of bubble formation by removal of sample dehydrogenase (LDH), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine ami-
air space protects blood from hemolysis during PTS transport [59]. A notransferase, magnesium, phosphate, folate and urea concentrations
combination of high speed and long distance of the PTS may also play a may be falsely increased [5,8]. Variations in K results are particularly
major role in hemolysis [60]. A study of Tiwari et al. showed that important since they may incorrectly suggest a life-threatening situa-
sending serum samples via PTS at a velocity of 3 m/s significantly in- tion and so lead physicians to make inappropriate treatment changes
creased measured LDH, supernatant Hb and K compared to courier [53,67]. Red blood cells also contain high amounts of neuron-specific
transport [60]. This difference could not be demonstrated in samples enolase (NSE), resulting in falsely elevated NSE concentrations mea-
transported via PTS at a velocity of 2 m/s [60]. sured in hemolyzed serum or cerebrospinal fluid and complicating the
It has been suggested that samples be prevented from moving within diagnosis of small-cell lung cancer and neuroblastoma [68]. Levels of
the carrier during transport. In one study, packing samples in bubble blood components with a mainly extracellular localisation may be fal-
wrap before PTS transport allowed for a more accurate measurement of sely decreased in case of sample hemolysis as a result of plasma or
LDH concentration [27]. Cakirca et al. observed a significant difference serum dilution due to release of intraerythrocytic fluid [5,8]. This is the
in hemolysis rate between hand-carried transport and PTS only when case for glucose, sodium, chloride, bilirubin, gamma-glutamyl-
no cushion inserts were used [61]. Amukele et al. measured hemolysis transferase, alkaline phosphatase and albumin [5,8].
in serum gel separator tubes transported by drones and failed to identify Release of proteolytic enzymes from the red blood cells causes de-
any impact of the flight on hemolysis [62]. The authors suggest the gradation of insulin, glucagon, calcitonin, parathyroid hormone, adre-
foam scaffold used for transport may have prevented the samples from nocorticotropic hormone and gastrin [5]. Therefore, the measured
being subjected to excessive kinetic forces, thus precluding undue he- concentration of these hormones may be decreased [5]. Hb released
molysis [62]. Suchsland et al. evaluated an innovative PTS designed to from red blood cells absorbs visible light at wavelengths of mainly
transport one sample at a time without the use of cartridges [55]. No 415 nm, 540 nm and 570 nm, causing interference with spectro-
significant differences in K, LDH or AST levels, measured in lithium photometric measurements at these wavelengths [5]. Levels of alkaline

L. Heireman et al. Clinical Biochemistry 50 (2017) 1317–1322

phosphatase, gamma-glutamyltransferase, and bilirubin may be falsely procedures are essential to minimize hemolysis rates and improve the
decreased when measured spectrophotometrically, whilst lipase and reliability of laboratory results. Decisions regarding whether and how
iron levels may be falsely increased [5,8]. Adenylate kinase, when re- to report results should be tailored to the specific situation the patient is
leased from erythrocytes, causes an increase in measured creatine ki- in. It is therefore mandatory that laboratory specialists communicate
nase concentration [5,8]. The release of Hb from red blood cells also clearly with clinicians who order the tests in order for them to make an
causes a positive interference in the troponin I assay, whilst it induces informed decision about how to interpret hemolysis-affected analytical
false negative results for troponin T along with the release of proteolytic results.
enzymes [5]. Interference of haptoglobin-Hb complexes and free Hb
with serum protein electrophoresis is possible [5]. Finally, antibodies References
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