Holiday Homework Projects Topics (Science Stream)

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English 1.Compile the data (in about 500 words) related to child labour prevalent in India giving
details of the hazardous industries in which the ratio of child labour is maximum.Enhance your
research by making an attractive poster on A4 sheet highlighting the evils of child labour and
suggesting ways to curb the menace.
2. Give the historical evidences/instances from the world history when language became an
important factor in deciding the course of historical events and shaped the world as it is today.
Mention the few languages that have ruled the world and shaped the history.
3. Select any one poem (other than given in your text book-Flamingo), by the poets prescribed
in your syllabus, write it on a pastel sheet using beautiful calligraphy and write a short note on
why you selected the same in around 150 words.

Physics INVESTIGATORY PROJECTS: Make an investigatory Projects along with Project File
according to your Roll No.

1. To study various factors on which the internal resistance/EMF of a cell depends. [R.
No. 1,12,23,34,45]
2. To study the variations in current flowing in a circuit containing an LDR because of a
variation in
(a) the power of the incandescent lamp, used to 'illuminate' the LDR (keeping all the
lamps at a fixed distance).
(b) the distance of a incandescent lamp (of fixed power) used to 'illuminate' the LDR. [R.
No. 2,13,24,35]
3. To find the refractive indices of (a) water (b) oil (transparent) using a plane mirror, an
equiconvex lens (made from a glass of known refractive index) and an adjustable
object needle. [R. No. 3,14,25,36,48]
4. To design an appropriate logic gate combination for a given truth table. [R. No.
5. To investigate the relation between the ratio of (i) output and input voltage and (ii)
number of turns in the secondary coil and primary coil of a self-designed transformer.
[R. No. 5,16,27,38,47]
6. To investigate the dependence of the angle of deviation on the angle of incidence using
a hollow prism filled one by one, with different transparent fluids. [R. No.
7. To estimate the charge induced on each one of the two identical Styrofoam (or pith)
balls suspended in a vertical plane by making use of Coulomb's law. [R. No.
8. To study the factor on which the self-inductance of a coil depends by observing the
effect of this coil, when put in series with a resistor/(bulb) in a circuit fed up by an
A.C. source of adjustable frequency. [R. No. 8,19,30,41]
9. To study the earth's magnetic field using a tangent galvanometer. [R. No. 9,20,31,42]
10. To construct a full wave rectifier. [R. No. 10,21,32,43]
11. To construct a half wave rectifier. [R. No. 11,22,33,44]
12. OR Any new project related to subject.

Chemistry Activity 1.
Make a scientific advertisement on any one of the following topics:
 Food articles
 Cosmetics
 Detergents and Soaps
 Electrical Equipments
 Vehicles
 Any other topic of your choice

Size : A3 sheet
It should be creative, innovative, informative and colourful.
Activity 2.
Make an investigatory Projects along with Project File according to your Roll No.
1. Sterilization of Water Using Bleaching Powder (Roll no- 1,17,33)
2. Analysis of Fertilizer (Roll no-2,18,34)
3. Presence of Oxalate Ions in Guava Fruit and Different Stages of Ripening (Roll no-
4. Effect of Potassium Bisulphate as a Food Preservative (Roll no- 4,19,36)
5. Quantity of Presence of Casein in Different Samples of Milk (Roll no- 5,20,37)
6. Extraction of various essential oils present in Ajwain (Carum), Illaichi (Cardamom)
and Saunf (Fennel Seeds) (Roll no- 6,21,38)
7. Effects of Dye on different types of fabric (Roll no- 7,22,39)
8. Comparative study of the rate of fermentation in the following substances- potato
juice, wheat flour, carrot juice, gram flour, etc. (Roll no- 8,23,40)
9. Common food adulterants in fat, butter, oil, turmeric powder, pepper, chilli powder,
sugar, etc. (Roll no- 9,24,41)
10. Measure the amount of acetic acid in vinegar (Roll no- 10,25,42)
11. Determination of contents in cold drinks (Roll no- 11,26,43)
12. Check the ions present in a toothpaste (Roll no- 12,27,44)
13. Study the effects of metal coupling on the rate of corrosions (Roll no- 13,28,45)
14. Effect of heat on vitamin C in tomatoes (Roll no- 14,29,46)
15. Preparation of soya bean milk (Roll no- 15,30,47)
16. Determining caffeine in tea samples (Roll no- 16,31,48)


1. To study the effect of pH on different types of seed germination. (1,21,41)
2. Effect of sugar and sugarless liquid on bean plant growth. (2,22,42)
3. Effect of various diets on blood glucose level. (3,23,43)
4. Does the color of light affect the growth of plants? Investigate using different color
jars or containers. (4, 24,44)
5. Detailed study on infertility cases its causes and preventive measures by visiting
nearby health centre. (5,25,45)
6. Effect of organic manure and different chemical fertilizers on the growth of plant.
7. Basic factors of causing defects in vision of children of age group 8-16 by visiting
nearby ophthalmic centre. (7,27,47)
8. Analyzing and observing the fermentation process in various food substrates using
yeast. (8,28,48)
9. Observe the most frequently used drug amongst people and their effects by visiting
nearby rehabilitation centre. (9,29,49)
10. Effect of various herbs and spices on treating the diabetes of patient in your family,
relative or neighbor. (10, 30)
11. Observe the fingerprints of various generation in your family and find out the
similarity. (11,31)
12. Study and observe the effect of alcohol and cigarette among people by visiting nearby
hospital. (12,32)
13. Study the techniques of testing through ELISA and PCR by visiting nearby pathology
laboratory. (13,33)
14. Prepare different types of vinegar at home from various food substrates. (14,34)
15. Study and observe the pH, quality, clarity, taste and source of any 10 drinking water
samples around your area. (15,35)
16. Analyze and observe the uses of stem cells and it’s preservation by people at the time
of delivery. Investigate any 5 cases by visiting nearby gynecology Centre. (16,36)
17. Effect of herbal plants on treating cancer by visiting nearby Ayurveda center. (17,37)
18. Investigate various methods to control human blood pressure. (18, 38)
19. Study the impact of solid waste and land filling in your local area. (19, 39)
20. Investigate the speed of sprouts of different seeds. (20,40)

Mathematics Do these Subject Enrichment activities.

1. ¿ verify that the relation R∈the set L of all lines∈a plane , defined by
R={(l , m) :l⊥ m }is symmetric but neither reflexive nor transitive
(ROLL NO 1,5,9,13,17,21,25,29,33, 37, 41, 45 ,49 )
2. ¿ verify that therelation R∈the set L of all lines ∈a pla ne , defined by
R={(l , m) :l∨¿ m }is an equivalence relation .
(ROLL. NO. 2,6,10,14,18,22,26,30,34,38,42,46,
3. ¿ demonstrate a function which is not one−one but is onto .
(ROLL NO. 3,7, 11,15,19,23,27,31,35,39,43,47
4. ¿ demonstrate a function which is one−one but not onto.
(ROLL. NO. 4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40,44)

Applied Mathematics Make Projects on the following:

1. Each day newspaper tells us about the minimum temperature, maximum temperature
and humidity. Collect the data for a period of 30 days and represent it graphically.
Compare with the data available for the same period for the previous year.
(All even Roll nos.)
2. Analysis of the career graph of a cricketer (batting average for a batsman and bowling
average for a bowler).Conclude the best year of his career.It may be extended for
other players also – Tennis ,Badminton etc.
(All odd Roll nos.)

Computer Science Prepare detailed synopsis for the investigatory project of Computer Science.
1. Make a project using Python file handling or Python SQL connectivity.
2. This should be done in the groups of 2 to 3 students.
3. The aim is to find a real world problem that is worthwhile to solve.
4. You can create user friendly applications such as games, software for school, mobile
applications, railway reservation system etc.

Informatics Practices Prepare detailed synopsis for the investigatory project of IP.
1. Make a project using Python SQL connectivity.
2. This should be done in the groups of 2 to 3 students.
3. The aim is to find a real world problem that is worthwhile to solve.
4. You can create user friendly applications such as games, software for school, mobile
applications, railway reservation system etc.

Commercial Art 1- Make an Abstract painting on A2 size

2- Make any one Indian folk art on A2 size sheet

Home Science Q1. Project work.

Q2. Textile design with the given technique (Batik design, tie and dye, block print) with
home-made colors. Links have been provided to develop home made colors. (Compulsory for
For Tie & Dye
For block printing

For batik Printing

Q3. Practical Work as indicated in syllabus.


Develop a case profile on an individual having special needs like Learning Disability, Autism,
Down’s Syndrome etc. or those with interpersonal, social problems i.e. Poor Body Image,
Obesity, Temper Tantrums, Substance Abuse, Not getting along with peers, withdrawn etc.
Collect background information and developmental history of the individual with the help of
method of enquiry – Interview, Observation.
Format for Preparing Case Profile
A format for case presentation covering broad aspects is given below. It is suggested that the
case be developed in a narrative format along the following points:
 A brief introduction about one or two pages presenting the nature of the problem, its
incidence, likely causes and possible counselling outcomes.
Identification of Data
 Name (may be fictitious)
 Diagnosed Problem
 Voluntary or Referral (i.e. by whom referred- such as teacher, parent, sibling etc.)
Case History
 A paragraph giving age, gender, school attended, class (grade) presently enrolled in
 Information about socio-economic status (SES) consisting of information about
mother/father’s education and occupation, family income, house type, number of
members in the family- brothers, sisters and their birth order, adjustment in the family,
 Information about physical health, physical characteristics (e.g. height and weight),
any disability/ illness (in the past and present), etc.
 Any professional help taken (past and present), giving a brief history of the problem,
attitude towards counselling (indicating the motivation to seek help, etc.
 Recording sign (i.e. what is observed in terms of facial expressions, mannerisms, etc)
and symptoms (i.e. what the subject reports, for example, fears, worry, tension,
sleeplessness, etc.
Concluding Comments

Hindustani Music Make a project file including the following topics:

Vocal 1.Alankar (1-7)
2. Raag Bageshree, Raag parichay, & drut khayal notation with alap & taan
3. Raag Bhairav, Raag parichay, drut khayal with alap- taan.
4. Biography -: Faiyaaz Khan ( with pics)
Pt. Krishnarao Shankar Pandit. (With pics)
5. Taal Roopak Parichay & notation (thah, dugun & chargun)
6. Taal jhap taal Parichay, & notation ( thah, dugun & chargun)

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