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Valencia Colleges (Buk) Inc.
Hagkol, Valencia City

EGE 2: Entrepreneurial Mind

Second Semester of A.Y. 2021-2022


A venture capitalist (VC) is a person or organization that invest in another’s business or

business idea. Id you have contacted a VC about investing in your business and have

received an invitation for an interview.


In this module, you will know how to present your business plan to venture capitalist.

Intended Learning Outcomes

A. To know the steps on presenting your business plan

B. To recognize the proper presentation of business plan

C. To adapt effective tips on presenting business plan to venture capitalist.

CHAPTER 2: Lesson 3

How to Present your Business Plan to Venture Capitalist

Crafted by Mr. Kim Leonard C Pigao


Step in Presenting to Venture Capitalist

Step 1:
Do your research. Know what types of businesses and industries the VC usually invests
in, and what characteristics he or she values in a company and its staff members.
Keep these things in mind while preparing your presentation and try to tailor it to the
specific VC of VC firm to whom you will be presenting
Step 2:

Introduce yourself and your company. State your name, the name of your
company, and briefly describe what your company does. You really want to do this
in just one or two sentences. You may say for example, "Hello, my name is Mark
Maddox, I am the sole proprietor of XYZ Corporation, and we manufacture
educational products for children".

Recite your mission statement. If you do not have a mission statement, consider
drafting one. Many VCs view a mission statement as an essential part of starting a
successful business. Your mission statement should be no more than a paragraph in
length and should include the following:

 The company's purpose. Make it short and to the point. For example, a
company who manufactures educational products for children may state its
purpose as, "to provide children with high quality, inexpensive, educational
 Your target audience. Your target audience is the group of people to whom
you will market your product or service. For example, a manufacturer of
children's educational products may serve children all across the United

Crafted by Mr. Kim Leonard C Pigao
States or a tax preparation company may serve tax payers in a certain
county or state.
 A description of your company’s product(s) and/or service(s). Describe what
your company's product or service is, what it does or how it works, and why
someone should want to buy or use it. For example, a tax preparation
company may provide faster, more accurate, and less expensive income tax
preparation services to tax payers in the area than any other company.
 An explanation of what the company wishes to accomplish. For example, an
animal shelter may wish to "ensure that all homeless and abused animals find
caring, loving homes" or a tax preparation company may wish to "make fast,

accurate tax preparation available to all taxpayers

Step 4

Show a PowerPoint presentation. Design the presentation as a visual aid, to be used

by the VC, while he or she listens to you describe the information being displayed on
each slide in more detail. Your presentation should be clear, concise, and to the
point. It should be approximately 20 minutes in length and include:
 Your company contact information. This includes your company name, logo,
tagline, if you have one, the businesses' physical address and your name and
personal telephone number.
 An introduction to your product. Provide a brief description of the product or
service your company offers. You might want to use photos or illustrations of
the product in appropriate places, or include a video demonstration of the
 Your company’s financial information. A summary of your most recent profit
and loss statement, your current budget, and a financial projection for the
following year should be included in the financials. Consider using bar graphs
and pie charts to illustrate the most important points.
 A marketing plans. The plan should be a summary of your marketing strategy
from your business plan, and should include just the most important points.

Crafted by Mr. Kim Leonard C Pigao
You may wish to illustrate your points with charts or graphs to make the plan
easier to read and understand.
 A description of the competition. Identify and name your competition.
Describe the competition’s product and marketing strengths and
weaknesses. You may also want to briefly describe why your product is better
than your competitor’s product and how you will convince potential
customers of that.
 A summary of why the VC should invest in your company. Create a bulleted
list of your company’s main attractions or write a paragraph selling your
product and your company. However, you format it, this is your last chance

to 'pitch' your product to the VC.

Introduce your management team. You may choose to include this in the
PowerPoint presentation or make it more personal by speaking about the team at
the end of your PowerPoint slideshow. However, you do it, your introduction should
include the following information for each team member:

 Experience. A team member’s experience is important to a VC. After all, new

companies fail everyday due to a simple lack of experience. Your team’s
previous experience and successful business ventures will help convince a VC
that your business will succeed and is worth investing in.
 Education. A team member's educational background is important to a VC
considering investing in your company. Well-educated members can give
your company an advantage over those company's without educated team
members. Describe each member’s education and any degrees he or she
 Personal characteristics. Your team member's character and personality traits
are an important factor in whether your business will be successful or not.
Hard working, intelligent, creative, reliable, trustworthy team members are
more apt to create and run a successful business than lazy, unreliable, and

Crafted by Mr. Kim Leonard C Pigao
dishonest team members. Talk about your team members’ strengths and how
they will contribute to the success of your business.
Step 6

Describe how much capital you need and what you will do with it. You may wish to
make extra slides or create an addendum to your presentation so that you can show
charts, graphs, or bulleted lists while presenting this information. Be very specific
about how much money you need and how it will be spent.

Step 7

Ask the VC or group if there are any questions that you can answer. No matter how
well you cover everything in your presentation, a person considering making an
investment in your business will very likely have some questions. Ask if there is any
additional information that you can provide to the VC, any questions you may
answer, or any concerns that you may address. Be prepared to answer questions
about your business, product, and financials completely and honestly.

Thank the VC for his or her time. The professional way to end any business
presentation is to thank your audience for their time. Shake the VC's hand and tell
him or her that you appreciate their time and look forward to hearing from them. If
you have a business card, this would be the time to hand it to them.


1.Practice your presentation. Enlist the help of friends and family to act as an
audience so that you may practice your speech and slide show presentation.

 2.Keep is short. Twenty minutes is the maximum length for a good VC presentation,
and many experts recommend that you keep it to no more than 10 minutes.

 3.Allow plenty of time for a question and answer session after your presentation.

Crafted by Mr. Kim Leonard C Pigao


Instruction: Fill in the blanks.

_____________________1. The plan should be a summary of your marketing strategy
from your business plan, and should include just the most important points
_____________________2 Knowing what you’re trying to accomplish, and having
questions like these in mind, can help you develop your business plan specifically
to reach these goals.

_____________________3. After all, new companies fail everyday due to a simple lack

of experience.

____________________4 should be no more than a paragraph in length.

____________________5. Business plans should be short and concise Know what types
of businesses and industries the VC usually invests in, and what characteristics he or
she values in a company and its staff members.
____________________6. Twenty minutes is the maximum length for a good VC
presentation, and many experts recommend that you keep it to no more than 10
____________________7. Be very specific about how much money you need and how
it will be spent.

___________________8 Write your plan using language that your audience will
understand. Provide a brief description of the product or service your company

___________________9. is the group of people to whom you will market your product
or service.

___________________10. Make it short and to the point.

___________________11. Well-educated members can give your company an
advantage over those company's without educated team members. Describe
each member’s education and any degrees he or she possess.

Crafted by Mr. Kim Leonard C Pigao
___________________12. A summary of your most recent profit and loss statement, your
current budget, and a financial projection for the following year should be included
in the financials.
____________________13. No matter how well you cover everything in your
presentation, a person considering making an investment in your business will very
likely have some questions.
_____________________14. Enlist the help of friends and family to act as an audience
so that you may practice your speech and slide show presentation.

_____________________15. is a person or organization that invest in another’s business

or business idea


1. Do you agree that you will have an edge to your competitor if you have

followed the steps in presenting your business plan? Why?



Crafted by Mr. Kim Leonard C Pigao

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