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Research Proposal

Do the levels of anxiety disorder among womens (Housewives and Working womens) have an impact on their own unique strengths and weaknesses? Or Do the levels of anxiety disorder among womens (Housewives and Working womens) have an Impact on their quality of life? Or Do the levels of anxiety disorder among womens (Housewives and Working womens) is inversely related to quality of life?

All Business all research begins with a generalized idea in the form of a research question or a hypothesis. A hypothesis differs from a research question; it is more specific and makes a prediction. It is a tentative statement about the relationship between two or more variables. The hypothesis of this research is The working womens have a more affect of anxiety disorder on their life as compare to housewives.

Literature Review:
Anxiety disorders are a diverse group of maladaptive patterns in which anxiety is the most prominent feature. The anxiety may be general and pervasive or limited to certain situation; it may be relatively steady and enduring or come in brief, intense attacks; it may be independent of the individuals behavior, or it may be linked to specific action. (A textbook of Psychology- Revised edition Part 2 by Sheher Bano Gold Medalist) Anxiety is difficult to define fully and precisely. It refers to a complex set of events involving all of the dimensions of behavior, particularly the effective, motivational, cognitive, biological, and interpersonal dimension. Moreover, the pattern of anxiety may differ considerably from person to person and from time to time. (Bellack & Herson 1977)

Social anxiety disorder is defined as excessive fear in social situations in which the person believes he or she will do something embarrassing or have anxiety symptoms (e.g., blushing or sweating) that will be humiliating. The feared situations can vary from interpersonal social interactions in small groups to talking to strangers. Performance fears, such as speaking in public, also are common. (American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSMIV) (1994) In women with cardiovascular disease, depression and anxiety are inversely related to quality of life and associated with increased depression, sleep disturbance, and family stress. (Lynn V. Doering, Jo-Ann Eastwood: 8 APR 20) The researchers define stress in the workplace is the major problem for both Organizations and employees, and it has been estimated that approximately 13.4million working day is lost per year due to stress, depression or anxiety. (Health education journal 64(3) 2005 271-288) People who are obese may be more likely to become depressed because they experience themselves as in poor health and are dissatisfied with their appearance. This occurrence was particularly prevalent among women and those of high socio-economic status. People who are depressed may be more likely to become obese because of physiological changes in their hormone and immune systems that occur in depression. Also, they have more difficulty taking good care of themselves because of symptoms and consequences of depression, such as difficulty adhering to fitness regiments, overeating, and having negative thoughts. (Research led by Sarah M. Markowitz, M.S., June 6, 2008)

Research Question Finalization

After hypothesis and citing literature we come to the finalized research question which is: Do the levels of anxiety disorder among womens (House wives and Working womens) have an impact on their own unique strengths and weaknesses?

Research methodology:
The research methodology includes systematic gathering, recording and analyzing of data about womens specially housewives and working females who have a large impact of stress on their lives. For our research we are using Primary research addresses a specific issue such as a focus group/psychologist and psychiatrist interviews. Secondary data consists of collected data such as survey/questionnaire from target audiences.

Data Collection:
Data collection through personal interviewing from psychologist and psychiatrist and also through survey questionnaire from target audience.

Data processing:
After conducting the interview and questionnaire the data collection procedure comes to end and after that the quantitative data from survey could be processed by the help of SPSS which is most suitable for data summarizing and interpreting the results of this research into grid/table and graphical presentation.

Final Analysis:
Final analysis leads to the fulfilling the research objectives/ testing hypothesis and answering the primary question which is impact of anxiety disorder on womens specially (House wives and Working womens) on their own unique strengths and weaknesses.

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