Deterministic Hydrology and Modelling Assignment I

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Deterministic Hydrology (EngH 652)

Haramaya Institute of Technology

Semester II Assignment I

On Deterministic Hydrology and Modelling Concepts

A. Modelling Concepts

Q1. Distinguish between the following terms in the context of hydrological modelling
I. unit hydrograph, pulse response function,
II. Linear Perturbation model, Transfer function Model, Seasonally Varying
III. Runoff Coefficient Model
IV. Black box models, conceptual models
V. Sensitivity analysis and error diagnosis
VI. Objective function, calibration, and verification
VII. Lumped and distributed
VIII. Deterministic and stochastic

2. What are the most important assumptions embedded in Unit hydro graph concept or Linear
systems models? Describe in clear terms

3. Categorize the classes of hydrological models on the basis of process description and
describe the features of each class of models?

4. List the most important uses of hydrological models and relate which classes of models are
used for each purpose identified.

5. Identify the most important requirements of models and how do you measure each

6. If you want to develop a suitable model for your application, consider the steps and
procedures you would like you follow.

B. Black Box Models

7. What is a black box models in the context of hydrology and what does it describe?
8. Describe Seasonally Varying Runoff Coefficient and the Simple Seasonal Model (Fourier
function) and distinguish the major differences.
9. The following values 0, 2, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 when reduced to unit volume represent the ordinates
of at hourly intervals of a two hour unit hydrograph. Determine the runoff if the following
values 1, 5, 2, 2 represent the volume excess rain in successive two hour periods.
10. If the input to a hydrological system is given by 2, 6, 1 and the output from the system by 0,
4, 14, 8, 1, 0, find the pulse response of the system by i) substitution ii) by ordinary least

C. Conceptual Models

11. What is the most common feature of all conceptual hydrological models and how do
they differ from the black box models?
12. Assume any conceptual model of your interest and describe the runoff generation
13. How does the parameter representing the major hydrological processes in conceptual
models be specified?
14. A conceptual hydrological model has been developed by assuming a single soil moisture
stack. The water balance component of the model is conceptualized with the equation
given below. The boundary conditions of the soil moisture storage are given as; the upper
boundary condition, FC=200, the lower boundary condition, WP=100, estimate the
discharge at the outlet of the watershed. The area of the watershed is 250 sq. km

Where S is the soil moisture storage, R is area rainfall over the watershed, Q is the surface runoff,
Et is the actual evaporation from the watershed, P is the percolation amount and is assumed to
be negligible. t is the time step of computation. All the units are in mm. It is also assumed that all
available water above the FC becomes runoff. The actual evaporation, ET, varies as a function of
the soil moisture availability as in the equation.

The data

i. If the pulse response functions of the watershed is given as 0.2 0.4, 0.2, 0.1, estimate
the discharge at the outlet of the watershed.
ii. Comment on the overall result
iii. The next two days rainfall amount as received from radar forecast is issued as 10, and
80 mm respectively, what will be the forecasted floods in these days.

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