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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 1, November-December 2021 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Modern Information Education

Technologies in Teaching Primary Education
Sattarova Dilshoda Djavliyevna
Senior Teacher of the Pedagogical Institute, Termez State University, Termez, Uzbekistan

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Sattarova

The article discusses the use of modern information educational Dilshoda Djavliyevna "Modern
technologies in the teaching of primary education and its Information Education Technologies in
effectiveness in the educational process, the formation of students Teaching Primary
'independent thinking, increase students' interest and curiosity in Education"
Published in
knowledge, solid assimilation of knowledge, issues related to the International Journal
formation of access skills and competencies in practice. of Trend in
Scientific Research
KEYWORDS: primary education, modern information and IJTSRD47785
and Development
educational technologies, passion for knowledge, skills, competencies (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
6470, Volume-6 | Issue-1, December
2021, pp.156-159, URL:

Copyright © 2021 by author(s) and

International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

Thanks to independence, Uzbekistan is carrying out because the teacher’s activity is not only as an
radical reforms in all spheres. Our country pays organizer of the learning process, but also as
special attention to education and creates the authoritative. is being evaluated, emphasizing that it
necessary conditions and opportunities for educating is becoming a source of knowledge.
the next generation.
First, pedagogical technology is designed for the
We all know that today the information and educational process. Therefore, each society
communication system is developing at a high level determines the purpose of the formation of the
in the world, and this, among other things, penetrates individual, and accordingly there is a certain
into the educational process and contributes to its pedagogical system.
better organization. In such conditions, it is natural
This system is constantly influenced by social order
that the theoretical and practical aspects of human
and determines the content of education in general.
activity are constantly updated. Pedagogical activity
The "goal" is to update the rest of the pedagogical
is also no exception as a separate and complex type of
Pedagogical technologies increase the efficiency of
the educational process, form the process of
Second, in the evolving stage of scientific and
independent thinking of students, increase students'
technological progress, with the rapid increase of
passion and interest in knowledge, strengthen the
information, the development of science and
acquisition of knowledge, the formation of skills and
technology, the boundaries of human activity are
abilities to use them in practice. The traditional
greatly expanded, and new technologies with great
teaching system is described as informative teaching
learning opportunities enter the field of education,
because it relies on written and spoken words,

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD47785 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec 2021 Page 156
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
limited time for use in teaching. , as well as the and abilities, but also develops personal qualities,
requirements for the perfect preparation of young satisfies their interest in learning.
people for life require the introduction of new Pedagogical and psychological research emphasizes
technologies in the education system. There are new
that ICT has a great impact on the development of
technical, informational, audiovisual tools that require students' theoretical, creative and reflexive thinking.
new methods and are becoming an integral part of the
The figurative representation of an event or process in
educational process and introduce certain features
the student's memory enriches the learning material
into it, which have made new pedagogical
and helps it to be mastered scientifically.
technologies a reality.
The main purpose of the introduction of information
Third, the continuous influx of industry and other
and communication technologies in the educational
technologies into the classroom and their process is the emergence of new types of learning
transformation into live learning objects makes it
activities that are typical of the modern information
necessary for the teacher to go beyond traditional environment.
methodologies and, naturally, to apply technological
approaches. It is well known that primary education is the
foundation of the education system, and the quality of
DISCUSSION teaching depends on it, and this puts a great
Every educator today has a goal to bring up a
responsibility on the primary school teacher. In the
comprehensively developed, mature, harmoniously
education system for a long time, primary school has
developed generation and to provide our country with been a “school of skills”, meaning that a student must
a worthy specialist. Therefore, it should be borne in
master basic skills such as reading, writing, and
mind that one of the main tasks is to organize the
arithmetic in order to receive further education.
lesson on the basis of pedagogical technologies and to
considered as a stage of education. Elementary school
contribute to improving the quality and effectiveness
is different today. Today, it should be the first
of education.
experience of a child in the education system - a place
There are two types of technologies currently being to test the power of learning. At this stage, it is
developed and used worldwide: industrial and social important to develop activism, independence,
technologies. Social technologies can adapt to any maintain cognitive activity and create conditions for
situation. In the process of education based on the child to enter the world of education, strengthen
pedagogical technology, the scope of teacher's and his health and emotional characteristics. Today, we
student's activities is clearly defined, the exact are witnessing the development of these qualities of
technology of the organization of education is students through the introduction of ICT in the
specified. The following concepts are derived from educational process.
the word technology in manufacturing:
In our work, we are gaining experience in introducing
Technological process is a set of technological and using information technology in the educational
operations that form a single process of processing a process and the use of ICT in the educational process.
Experience in the use of information technology has
A process operation is a part of a process that is shown that there are unlimited opportunities for
performed by a worker at his or her workplace in the individualization and differentiation of the learning
form of a completed action. process in the case of didactic correct use of ICT in a
traditional lesson. They provide students with access
Technological map - a technical document describing
the sequence of technological operations for the to information resources, increase the effectiveness of
independent work, provide entirely new opportunities
production of a particular product.
for the acquisition and strengthening of creativity,
Technological regime is a procedure that determines skills and abilities, and enable the implementation of
the implementation of technological operations, new forms and methods of education.
which determines the time and conditions of
Provides individual learning development for each
operations performed in the production of a particular
student. There will be big changes in the learning
process aimed at developing thinking and imagination
At the same time, the effective use of ICT in the as the main processes necessary for successful
teaching of school subjects in the education system of learning; effective organization of students' cognitive
our country is a topical issue. It is information activities.
technology that is a universal tool of education, which
not only allows students to develop knowledge, skills

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD47785 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec 2021 Page 157
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
The use of ICT has made it easier to take a person- of different tests can be prepared in mathematics,
centered approach to education, and to organize the reading, mother tongue, almost all subjects, and other
entire learning process more effectively. During the subjects. Now it is necessary to use not only printed,
course, multimedia educational programs, but also computer tests in lessons. They allow you to
presentations and projects were created using ready- get an assessment as soon as it is done, the price is
made multimedia products and computer training provided by the computer itself, it allows you to
programs, as well as Internet resources for identify shortcomings on this or that topic.
educational and extracurricular activities. Information
Computer tests can be developed for all subjects in
technology can be used in all disciplines. The use of the natural sciences. For example: "Water basins of
study and play programs in the classroom is very
our country", "Mother Earth", "Forests and fields -
effective. Literacy exercises in mother tongue and
natural resources", "Agricultural sectors", "Our
Russian language classes help children complete a
country", "Underground resources", "O ' Territorial
variety of practical tasks on computers. A set of
structure of the country »,« Livestock and plants of
didactic materials for primary school students can be
the region »and others. The difficulty of interpreting
used to create mixed computer programs that include
the lexical content of a word studied in the mother
demonstration exercises, control exercises, and test
tongue and dividing the units into types is difficult.
modules. It is useful to use rich and diverse materials
These are: antonyms, synonyms, homonyms. Through
on grammatical and orthographic topics, given in
tests, students develop lexical skills, learn to find the
three variants, for the current study and generalized
correct and figurative meaning of a word, choose the
repetition of the rules of science. right synonyms, distinguish synonyms, antonyms and
E-learning tools can be developed and used in Grade homonyms. The use of the "Reverse Game" test,
1 reading. It provides a variety of interesting visual which is designed to work with antonyms, is effective
and audio material, including phonetic analysis of the in explaining the lesson to students.
word, the structure of the syllables, and the study of The bottom line is that the student's eyes, brain, and
some spellings. Bright pictures, strange, interesting hands are involved in the test tasks, and the game
assignments help to increase the interest of young elements are important in developing interest in what
students in their native language, provide access to
they are doing and, consequently, in ensuring the
learning material in the form of games, provide ample
required level of intensity of the learning process. In
opportunities for self-control and learning reflection.
addition to tests, crossword puzzles, diagrams, tables
Differentiation of the learning process in this guide is
are used, and students work directly on the computer
achieved through the selection of tasks of varying
to study the course materials independently.
complexity. Electronic topics and sections related to
planning can be included in the development of RESULTS
thematic planning for literacy teaching. When Many videos and photographs can be used as
developing a lesson plan, it is important to develop a supplementary and developmental materials in all
set of lesson plans that are appropriate for the use of subjects.
computers for frontal, individual, and group work. Presentations created using Microsoft Power Point
Game problems can be developed and used in math software are a very effective way to use ICT in
classes. There are many types of study materials education. The main thing in the presentation is
available in elementary school. Assignments of informative, visual, interesting. With this program
varying complexity help to develop each student's you can use photos, drawings, animations, additional
cognitive and creative abilities. information to create presentations on various topics
and subjects.
The use of computer animated slides in solving
problems increases the fun of the lesson. Their The school's Internet is a great help in our work.
strengths are that they can go back to the beginning at Everyone knows that the Internet is a global
any time, stop at specific parts, talk to students, and information system. It includes email, search engines,
listen to their opinions. In elementary school, you can and access to a variety of information resources. It
use slides with animation to move. Animated pictures can be used to find, process, reproduce, and install
from the Internet can be used to create such slides. information on all computers and offer children to
work in pairs, groups, and individually. Students will
Tests should be used in all subjects. Initially, the tests
be offered a variety of assignments: research, major
were only in print, but now they can be typed on a
selection, presentation preparation, and table
computer and used by each student. During the years
of using ICT, from 1st grade to 3rd grade, a number

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD47785 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec 2021 Page 158
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
CONCLUSION References:
Another way to get information is to get information [1] Ibragimov R. Didactic bases of formation of
directly from the Internet during the lesson. You can knowledge and activity in primary school
find the material you need on the Internet in advance students. Diss. T., 2010
and show it to students in class. The work can be [2] Ishmuhamedov R., Abdukodirov A., Pardaev
done in the form of a dialogue on the studied
A. Innovative technologies in education. T :,
Elementary students know how to use the Internet
[3] Ishmuhamedov R., Abdukodirov A., Pardaev
independently, select the information they need, store
A. Innovative technologies in education. T :,
it, and use it in their present work to create
presentations or develop and complete a variety of
projects. From the 2nd grade, students can complete [4] Nishonaliev U. Educational standards and
assignments not only in the notebook, but also pedagogical innovations. - "People's
directly on the computer. Students acquire basic education", 1999.
computer skills, constantly deepen their theoretical Internet resources:
knowledge and improve their practical skills. [5]

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD47785 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec 2021 Page 159

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