TOPS 2022 Manifesto (Quick Read)

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2022 Quick Manifesto

For Busy People

● Biology and physics are real

● Lockdowns do more harm than good

● British people deserve a better quality of life - our current

leaders are completely out of touch and never held
accountable for their actions and broken promises

● Politicians should be on the same salary as the average

worker, expenses should be reasonable and donations
should be transparent

● Cheap immigrant labour is not the answer to filling job


● More and better housing is desperately needed, foreign

investors have inflated property prices leaving homes
unaffordable for the average person

● Young people have been devalued by politicians and

failed by our education system, teachers are overworked,
classes are too big and life skills aren't being taught

● Schools need to be divided into academia and trades to

give pupils with different abilities the best outcomes

● Modern universities are money making schemes leaving

students unprepared for work

● Working and middle class people bear the brunt of green

taxes while the mega rich continue to do as they please


Pandemics ..…. 4

Crime …… 4

Immigration …... 5

Education …… 6

Work …… 7

Welfare …… 7

Housing …… 8

Health & Sport …… 9

Environment & Transport …… 9

Human Rights …… 10

Brexit & Foreign Policy …… 11

Accountability …… 11


● No more lockdowns ever again

● Closing and protecting our borders straight away if a new

pandemic emerges

● Life to carry on as normal for those who are fit and healthy

● Help for those who are clinically vulnerable and choosing

to isolate such as priority grocery deliveries

● Schools and workplaces to be open as usual

● Gatherings, concerts, sporting events and so on to go

ahead as scheduled

● No more track and trace or similarly useless and

expensive schemes


● Longer sentences for people who cause death by

careless, dangerous or drink driving

● Much harsher punishments for people suspecting of

carrying out of enabling female geniral mutilation

● Ban male circumcision on under 18s for non-medical


● Much harsher punishments for dog owners who allow their

dogs to injure or kill

● Introduce a licence to own certain dog breeds and a
licence to breed animals for sale to stamp out puppy mills

● Decriminalise cannabis so police can focus on more

serious crimes

● Cannabis to be sold at licenced premises which will bring

money to the economy

● Increased funding for the police and an end to politically

correct culture

● Harsher penalties for businesses operating as fronts for

money laundering and other illegal activities


● Acknowledging that certain sections of society see women

as second class citizens - we can then stamp out
grooming gangs without victim blaming and fear of being
branded racist

● Integration incentives and penalties such as cutting

welfare to those who cannot speak a reasonable level of
English and refuse to go to lessons

● All jobs advertised in the UK must written in English

● No more taxpayer funded translators in hospitals,

government departments and so on - people must pay for
their own translators, as is the case in most other

● Much stricter border control - by not turning back
immigrants at our borders we line the pockets of ruthless
and exploitative people traffickers

● Harsher penalties for those found to aid and abet people


● Bigger fines for people found to employ illegal immigrants


● A complete overhaul of our current school system, with a

focus on trades for some and academia for others

● Greater investment in careers guidance to help young

people choose the right path

● More apprenticeships and more value in non-academic

subjects will decrease the need for imported labour

● Less pressure on young people to get a degree

● Giving young people a greater understanding of the debt

they will taking on by attending university

● Universities to be held accountable for students being

unable to find a job in their chosen field

● Schools to spend more time focusing on life skills such as

money management and healthy cooking

● Greater scrutiny of faith schools to ensure they are
teaching children a broad curriculum based on science
instead of superstition, with safeguarding measures to
stamp out extremism


● Greater subsidised childcare and longer paternity leave

● Trials of shorter working weeks to allow employees to

have more free time and open up job vacancies to bridge
the gap

● Ban jobs advertised only to minorities or expressing

preference to certain groups of people - jobs should be
based on merit, not background

● Financial incentives for companies to open factories and

offices away from big cities

● Investment in automation to decrease the need for

mind-numbing and backbreaking labour to free people to
spend time on more enjoyable and meaningful pursuits


● British benefits should be for British people

● Scrap the two child limit for people on Universal Credit

● An overhaul of the dehumanising and poorly implemented

process of securing disability benefits

● Incentives for companies to employ people who have
been out of work for some time

● An end to frivolous Jobcentre sanctions for minor reasons

such as being one minute late to an appointment


● More and better quality council housing, with priority for

British people and shorter waiting times

● More sites for caravans, motorhomes and tiny homes

● A clampdown on foreign ownership which is often a

money laundering front and drives property prices higher
for local people

● Minimum floor space in new builds, with better quality

building materials and thicker walls

● Hold private construction companies accountable for doing

a terrible job and leaving homeowners in squalor

● Overhaul of the leasehold system which can leave

unsuspecting homeowners in huge debt

● Landlords to be held accountable for creating poor living

conditions and not fixing problems in a timely manner

● Making it easier for people to rent who do not have a huge

deposit saved up and ending discrimination against
renters on benefits

Health & Sport

● Hugely increased funding for council owned gyms,

recreational facilities, high quality playgrounds, soft play
centres, exercise schemes and swimming pools across
the country

● Greater accessibility for people of all ages, sizes and

abilities to participate in a wide variety of sports

● More PE lessons during the school week and an

introduction to more sports to help less confident pupils
find exercise they can enjoy

● More investment in sports schemes for young people

during school holidays, particularly teenagers who will
have something to concentrate on other than computer
screens, drinking and gangs

● Greater investment in fun and enjoyable exercise

schemes for adults who need extra reassurance and
encouragement such as beginners swimming lessons

● Prevention is better than cure - greater availability of

healthy cooking classes for adults combined with greater
exercise participation will vastly decrease NHS spending
on obesity, heart disease and diabetes

Environment & Transport

● Increased fines for fly tippers, water polluters and other

environmental pests, with prison sentences for the most
serious and repeat offenders

● Immediate halt to ULEZ expansion plans which
disproportionately affect working class people who can't
afford to upgrade their cars

● A gradual push towards ownership of environmentally

friendly vehicles, with a reduction in price and greater
investment in technology

● More and better quality cycle lanes, with lessons at school

on how to cycle safely on the road

● Greater incentives for business to reduce food waste and

promotion of schemes to distribute unsold food

Human rights

● Women's rights affect us all, not just men

● Women and girls need their own sex segregated spaces

● Transgender criminals to be sent to their own prison

● Dehumanising and ridiculous language towards women in

medical settings to be banned such as cervix-havers,
birthing people and chest-feeding

● No self-ID, transgender patients must go through a

rigorous process of counseling with a focus on
examination rather than immediate affirmation in order to
receive a gender recognition certificate

● Ban on puberty blockers and private companies

prescribing cross-sex hormones

● Greater acknowledgement of disabled people and much
better accessibility on our outdated transport systems

Brexit & Foreign Policy

● Immediate halt to foreign aid - charity begins at home

● We should stay out of other countries conflicts and only

attack in defence

● We will not be rejoining the European Union


● Politicians exist to serve their nation's people - if they fail

to keep their promises and let their country down they
must be held accountable

● In order to empathise with the struggles of ordinary

people, politicians must earn the same salary as the
average worker in their region

● The expenses scandal must never happen again

● All political donations to be made clear


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