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• Recap (Rank correlation,Karl pearson correlation)

• Francis Galton
• Linear Regression
• Y = f (x)
• Y =dependent variable
• X = Independent variable
• Y = f (x)
• D= f(p,t,income,substitutes)
• Multiple Linear Regression
• Y = (perception, online,Cardiff,online network issues,Linear
Regression,Post Lunch….)

• Regression analysis is a mathematical measure of the average

relationship between two or more variables in terms of the
original units of the data. The regression analysis confined to
the only two variables at a time is called single regression.
• Y = f(x)
• Y = ax+b or Y= mx+c
• D = ap+ b
• Y= f(x) (functional form)

• y= mx +c
• (equation form)

• Graphical Form
• Line of Regression:The LOR of the y on x gives the best
estimate for the value of y for any specific value of x.
• (i) Equation of line of regression of y on x
• The LOR of the x on y gives the best estimate for the value of x
for any specific value of y.
• Pbm: From the following data obtain the two regression
• x 91 97 108 121 67 124 51 73 111 57
• y 71 75 69 97 70 91 39 61 80 47
x y x- y- (x- )(y- )
x y x- y- (x- )(y-
91 71 1 1 1 1 1
97 75 7 5 35 49 25
108 69 18 -1 -18 324 1
121 97 31 27 837 961 729
67 70 -23 0 0 529 0
124 91 34 21 714 1156 441
51 39 39 -31 1209 1521 961
73 61 -17 -9 153 289 81
111 80 21 -10 210 441 100
57 47 -33 -23 759 1089 529
• ∑ x/n = 900/10= 90 ∑ y/n= 700/n= 700/10=70

• = (∑ dxdy)/ ∑x = 3900/6360= 0.6132

• =(∑ dxdy)/ ∑y = 3900/2868 = 1.361

• Calculating the mean of x and y
• Equation of line of regression of y on x

• Equation of line of regression of x on y
• Pbm: There are two sets of marks given marks in Economics
and Statistics. Find:
• (a) two regressions co-efficient
• (b) two regression equations
• (c) the co-efficient of co-relation between the marks in
Economics and Statistics
• (d) The most likely mark in Statistic when marks in Economics
is 30
Marks in
Economics 25 28 35 32 31 36 29 38 34 32

Marks In
Statistics 43 46 49 41 36 32 31 30 33 39
• A departamental store gives in-service training to its salesman which is followed by a
test. It is considering whether it should terminate the service of any salesman who
does not do well in the test. The following data give the test scores and sales made
by nine salesmen during a certain period.
• Test Scores 14 19 24 21 26 22 15 20 19
• Sales (’00 Rs) 31 36 48 37 50 45 33 41 39

• Calcúlate the coeficeient of correlation between the test scores and the sales. Does it indiacate that
the termination of services of low test score is justified? If the firm wants a mínimum sales volume
of Rs 3,000, what is the mínimum test scores that Will enusre conitnuation of service? Also estimate
the most probable sales volumen of a salesman making a score of 28.
• Linear Regression –Concept, Why, Independent and dependent
variable, Linear, Multiple, functional form, equation form,
graphical form. Coefficients, equation and r.

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