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Zarah Luz Pacquiao

BSED 3rd yr

Week 4-5 ELT 312 (54)

Let’s check!

1. What is the oldest form of Chinese script called?

a. Jiaguwen b.Pictures c. Divination d. Hieroglyphs

2. What invention helped spread Chinese writing throughout the country?

a. The printing press c. Woodblock printing
b. Public transport d. Public universities

3. Who is the most famous Chinese poet?

a. Li Po b. Du Fu c. Bai Juyi d. Mao Zedong
4. Who was the founder of Taoism?
a. Lao Tzu b. Chung-tzu c. Lieh-tzu d. Liu An
5. Who was the people’s poet?
a. Han-shan b. Po Chu-I c. Tu FU d. Li Po

Let’s analyze!

Direction: Make an argumentative essay about the poem by Confucius “A Wife Mourns
for Her Husband”

The poem is all about true love. Marriage is said to be a lifetime commitment to a man.
The pain and happiness of marriage are said to be the spices of married life. But what if
you have to say good bye for a reason? Would it be fair if death separates the couple?
For me, couple can be separated by death but their true love to each other remains.
True love never ends. You are maybe physically separated but you are emotionally

Let’s check!
1. What language was used in the earliest Japanese texts?
a. Chinese b. Japanese c. Korean d. Malaysian

2. It is a short poem consisting of five lines of five-seven-five-seven-seven syllable

a. Kojiki b. Haiku c. Tanka d. Choka

3. It is a long poem ranging up to 150 lines in length and cast in the form of alternating
lines in five and seven syllables followed by a concluding line in seven syllables.
a. Kojiki b. Haiku c. Tanka d. Choka

4. Which among the following is NOT a characteristic of a Haiku?

a. It is an embodiment of elegant simplicity and tranquility.
b. It is known as the shortest form of poetry of Japan.
c. Its only focus is on nature and has no metaphorical meaning.
d. Its translated version need not to follow the pattern.

5. It is the finest work not only of the Heian period but of all Japanese literature and
merits being called the first important novel written anywhere in the world.
a. Genji Monogatari b. Kafka on the Shore
c. Kokoro d. The Wind-up Bird Chronicle
Let’s analyze!

Using the diagram below, present the plot of In a Grove (Ryunosuke Akutagawa).

Rising Action 3:
Rising Action 3: Tajomaru rapes Masago
Tajomau leads Masago into the bamboo

Rising Action 3:
Rising Action 2: Kanazawa no Takehiko dies
Tajomaru ties up Takehiko in the bamboo

Rising Action 1:
Tajomaru meets Kanazawa no Takehiko and
Rising Action 3:
Tajomaru flees with the horse, bow and

In Japan, near the Yamashina stage road, In a
grove of unnamed mountain

In a nutshell!

Compose a Haiku poem.

The dry leaves whisper

Telling stories to themselves
In a gust of wind

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