Review Betalains e Emerging Prospects For Food Scientists: Related Papers

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Accelerat ing t he world's research.

Review Betalains e emerging

prospects for food scientists
Nguyen Viet

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Bet alains in t he era of global agri-food science, t echnology and nut rit ional healt h
Ángel Gil-izquierdo

Bet alainic and nut rit ional profiles of pigment -enriched red beet root (Bet a vulgaris L.) dried ext ract s
Paweł St alica

Red bet alains from Opunt ia spp.: Nat ural colorant s wit h pot ent ial applicat ions in foods
Beat riz Cancino-Madariaga
Trends in Food Science & Technology 18 (2007) 514e525


Betalains e emerging
prospects for biosynthetic aspects both at the Leibniz Institute of Plant
Biochemistry in Halle (Saale)/Germany (Strack, Vogt, &
Schliemann, 2003) and at the Laboratory of Cellular Phyto-
food scientists genetics at Lausanne/Switzerland (Zryd & Christinet,
With a focus on food, the scarce attention towards beta-
Florian C. Stintzing* and lains may be due to the fact that red beet has long been con-
sidered the only edible betalainic source. In the past five to
Reinhold Carle ten years, however, leaf and grain amaranth, cactus fruits,
Institute of Food Technology, Section Plant Foodstuff but also coloured Swiss chard and yellow beet have stimu-
Technology, Hohenheim University, August-von- lated food scientists to study betalains from a technological
Hartmann-Straße 3, 70599 Stuttgart, Germany and nutritional perspective (Stintzing & Carle, 2004, in
(Tel.: D49 711 459 22314; fax: D49 711 459 24110; press). The present overview will discuss selected features
e-mail: of betalain chemistry and their importance to food

Betalains have witnessed swayings of scientific interest in the Betalains e a bunch of colourful structures
past 40 years, but only during the past decade research activ- To date, the betalains comprise a quite modest number
ities in many disciplines dealing with breeding, phytochemi- of about 55 structures including the red-violet betacya-
cal, technological and nutritional aspects have broadened nins and the yellow-orange betaxanthins (Stintzing &
the hitherto narrow view on betalains. The challenge of bring- Carle, in press), while up to 550 anthocyanins have
ing together the knowledge from all these different fields of ex- been identified in nature thus far (Andersen & Jordheim,
pertise is considered to be most fruitful. In the present review, 2006). Although not yet being clarified, the co-occurring
the focus will be on the technologically related analytical betacyanin C15-stereoisomers are mainly considered isola-
issues. tion artifacts. In contrast, the analogous C11-isomers for
the betaxanthins have not yet been detected as genuine
compounds. Despite this still small number of structures,
which is expected to grow, betalains are a matter of fas-
As opposed to other pigment classes such as the caroten-
cination. In early days erroneously addressed as flavo-
oids, chlorophylls and anthocyanins, the betalains have
cyanins (betaxanthins) and nitrogenous anthocyanins
been studied with much less intensity. According to litera-
(betacyanins), it was Mabry and Dreiding (1968) who
ture, betalains have experienced peaks of scientific atten-
coined the term ‘‘betalain’’ for both pigment types.
tion in the 1960s and 1970s through the impressive
Only slightly earlier, betanin from red beet was the first
phytochemical contributions by Piattelli (1976) in Italy,
betacyanin (Wyler, Mabry, & Dreiding, 1963) and indi-
Dreiding (1961) and Wyler (1969) in Switzerland, Clement,
caxanthin from cactus pear the first yellow-orange betax-
Mabry, Wyler, and Dreiding (1994) and Mabry (1966) in
anthin structurally characterised (Piattelli, Minale, &
USA, as well as Musso (1979) and Reznik (1975) in
Prota, 1964; Fig. 1). Although the substitution pattern
Germany. Technological and also nutritional issues were
of betacyanins with respect to sugars and additional acyl-
considered in pioneering studies by von Elbe and Goldman
ation resembles part of the structural design of anthocy-
(2000) in USA in the 1970s and 1980s, which were the cat-
anins, distinct differences exist. The uniqueness of
alyst for an extensive breeding programme for red beets
betalains is their N-heterocyclic nature with betalamic
conducted by Gabelman and later Goldman (Gaertner &
acid being their common biosynthetic precursor. Aldi-
Goldman, 2005; Goldman & Navazio, 2003). In the
mine formation with cyclo-Dopa yields the betanidin
1990s research activities were mainly dedicated to
aglycone which is usually conjugated with glucose and
sometimes additionally with glucuronic acid, and may
* Corresponding author. also be further modified through aliphatic and aromatic
0924-2244/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F.C. Stintzing, R. Carle / Trends in Food Science & Technology 18 (2007) 514e525 515

+ + COO-

11 15

indicaxanthin betanin, isobetanin



+N N

11 15



vulgaxanthin I phyllocactin, isophyllocactin

[glutamine-betaxanthin] [malonyl-(iso)-betanin]

OH 3" H
OH HO 2' 1' O 5
+ COO-
H + N

H 15

miraxanthin V hylocerenin, isohylocerenin

[dopamine-betaxanthin] [3-hydroxy-3-methyl-

Fig. 1. Predominant betaxanthins (left) and betacyanins (right) in fruits and vegetables from the Chenopodiaceae and Cactaceae.

acid esterifications. In comparison with the anthocyanins Noteworthy, sinapic acid has been rarely reported for
(Andersen & Francis, 2004), a much smaller number of the betalains (Kugler, Stintzing, & Carle, 2007; Wybra-
substituents have been reported for the betalains: glucose, niec, Nowak-Wydra, Mitka, Kowalski, & Mizrahi,
glucuronic acid and apiose are the typical sugar mono- 2007), while inversely 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaric acid
mers, while malonic and 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaric has never been found as a structural feature in anthocy-
acids as well as caffeic-, p-coumaric, and ferulic acids anins. The yellowish counterpart to the acyanic flavo-
represent typical acid substituents (Strack et al., 2003). noids, the so-called anthoxanthins, are the betaxanthins
516 F.C. Stintzing, R. Carle / Trends in Food Science & Technology 18 (2007) 514e525

(Kremer, 2002), the conjugates of betalamic acid with paintbox principle only recently demonstrated for col-
amino acids or amines (Strack et al., 2003; Fig. 1). oured Swiss chard petioles (Kugler, Stintzing, & Carle,
2004), cactus pears (Stintzing et al., 2005), and inflores-
Betalains in food cences from Gomphrena globosa and Bougainvillea sp.
Besides these biochemically related distinctions, there (Kugler et al., 2007) is comprehensible, its transfer to
are also chemical divergences essential to the food chem- food application has not been pursued with much vigour
ist and technologist. In the first place, the betalains are (Stintzing & Carle, in press). Even more important, the
more water-soluble than the anthocyanins (Stintzing, multiple reactions occurring during processing of beta-
Trichterborn, & Carle, 2006) and exhibit a tinctorial lainic food have been scarcely understood until lately.
strength up to three times higher than the anthocyanins This may be due to the comparatively restricted number
(Stintzing & Carle, in press). The most interesting appli- of edible betalainic food crops known and the little re-
cative feature, however, is the pH stability in the range lated efforts.
from 3 to 7 which makes betalains particularly suitable
for their application in a broad palette of low-acid and
neutral foods. Thus, betalains may be considered substi- Analyses of betalains in food
tutes for the less hydrophilic anthocyanins which under The most straightforward approach to quantify betalains
the same conditions lose their performance through fad- is spectrophotometry. Nilsson (1970) established a method
ing and changing their tint (Stintzing & Carle, 2004). for fresh red beets while their application to heat-treated
The characteristic pigments in members from the Cheno- products was early questioned by Schwartz and von Elbe
podiaceae and Cactaceae governing the respective (1980) who proposed a time-consuming isolation of crys-
nuances are compiled in Table 1. A particular ratio of talline reference substances for quantification purposes.
the yellow-orange betaxanthins and the red-violet beta- Moreover, it was demonstrated that the spectrophotometric
cyanins will determine the colour shade of the particular approach would overestimate colour contents and that
plant (Delgado-Vargas, Jı́menez, & Paredes-López, 2000; HPLC would be indispensable for heat-treated samples
Stintzing & Carle, 2004; Stintzing, Herbach, Moßham- (Schwartz, Hildenbrand, & von Elbe, 1981). Disregarding
mer, Kugler, & Carle, in press), so the broader range these findings, future studies on betalains chiefly relied
of tints may be achieved by the sole presence of beta- on Nilsson’s method, even when studying thermal degrada-
lains, irrespective of the particular pH value. While this tion kinetics (Herbach, Stintzing, & Carle, 2006). For
Amaranthaceae plants, Cai and Corke (1999) proposed
methods of betalain quantification, however, not consider-
ing co-absorbing substances. Later, it was pointed out
Table 1. Main betaxanthins (left) and betacyanins (right) in edible that betalain quantification as proposed by Nilsson would
fruit and vegetables from the Chenopodiaceae and Cactaceae not be adoptable to cactus fruit betalains either and conse-
Chenopodiaceae quently a new approach combining spectrophotometric and
Red beet HPLC data was suggested (Stintzing, Schieber, & Carle,
Vulgaxanthin I Betanin 2003) which was also successfully applied to Swiss chard
Isobetanin petioles, red and yellow beets (Kugler, Graneis, Stintzing,
Yellow beet
& Carle, in press).
Vulgaxanthin I a The betalains have been reviewed earlier (Steglich &
Strack, 1990; Strack et al., 2003). Since then, the follow-
Swiss Chard ing genuine betaxanthins (bx) have been assigned by co-
Vulgaxanthin I Betanin injection experiments with semi-synthesised reference
Miraxanthin V Isobetanin
compounds and mass spectrometric support: alanine-bx
Cactaceae and histamine-bx, ethanolamine-bx and threonine-bx in
Cactus pear Swiss chard petioles (Kugler et al., in press;
Indicaxanthin Betanin Kugler et al., 2004), the methionine-bx in cactus pear
Isobetanin (Stintzing et al., 2005), and the arginine-, lysine- and pu-
Purple Pitayaa,b
trescine-conjugates in Bougainvillea sp. and G. globosa
Betanin inflorescences, respectively (Kugler et al., 2007) and
Isobetanin ethanolamine-bx and threonine-bx in red and yellow beets
Phyllocactin (Kugler et al., in press). Structure elucidation of betacya-
Isophyllocactin nins is more complicated than that of betaxanthins since
partial synthesis as in the case of betaxanthins is not pos-
sible and thus co-injection experiments cannot be as easily
Not genuinely present. carried out. However, the pseudomolecular ions and par-
Presence restricted to certain genotypes.
ticular fragmentation patterns during mass spectrometric
F.C. Stintzing, R. Carle / Trends in Food Science & Technology 18 (2007) 514e525 517

analyses together with UVevis data are instructive for as- Adaption of pH to about 4 has turned out to be recom-
signments as demonstrated for a multitude of structures mendable during red beet processing, for protein precipi-
generated upon thermal exposure of betalainic samples tation of colloidal substances but also allowing
(Herbach, Stintzing, et al., 2006 and refs cited therein) pasteurisation instead of sterilisation treatment with tem-
or 17-decarboxy-amaranthin and various sinapoyl-adducts peratures below 100  C (Stintzing & Carle, in press).
in G. globosa inflorescences (Kugler et al., 2007). In- Most important, a time of cool storage as recommended
versely, compounds with identical masses are difficult to by von Elbe and co-workers to allow regeneration of
differentiate, because different decarboxylation sites are betacyanin colour following thermal exposure has been
conceivable (Herbach, Stintzing, et al., 2006), but also po- recognised as a prerequisite when processing beets (von
sitional and cis/trans-isomers of acylated betacyanins may Elbe & Goldman, 2000; von Elbe, Schwartz, & Hilden-
occur (Heuer et al., 1994; Kugler et al., 2007). In food brand, 1981). While the knowledge from investigations
crops hitherto investigated, the situation was easier be- on beets is highly relevant to other betalainic foods, there
cause the structures detected turned out to be less complex are also distinct differences that need to be considered and
and especially aromatic acylation appeared to be a rare optimised for each colour crop. The most straightforward
event (Stintzing & Carle, 2004, in press; Strack et al., way is to conduct experiments with whole food matrices
2003). Still, unambiguous structural evidence can only because the results obtained can be readily transferred to
be supplied by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) mea- real-term manufacture. To understand specific degradation
surements (Strack, Steglich, & Wray, 1993; Strack & mechanisms, model experiments with purified pigments
Wray, 1994), requiring tedious isolation and a solid exper- may be scrutinised afterwards.
imental set-up. Allowing for full structural assignments,
C NMR data are needed. Corresponding investigations Processing technologies for betalainic crops
exemplified with known betacyanins from red beet and Red beet
purple pitaya as well as betaxanthins from cactus pear In the first place, betalains are associated with red
and yellow Swiss chard have therefore been established beet because it is not only rich in betacyanins but also
only recently (Stintzing, Conrad, Klaiber, Beifuss, & the exclusive commercially exploited betalain crop. It
Carle, 2004; Stintzing, Kugler, Carle, & Conrad, 2006) was Pasch and von Elbe (1977) who proposed to substi-
and successfully applied to partially degraded betacyanins tute synthetic colours banned by the FDA pointing out
(Wybraniec, Nowak-Wydra, & Mizrahi, 2006) thus pre- that FD&C Red No. 2 and No. 40 exhibited half of
senting a dependable tool for future investigations. the tinctorial strength provided by red beet at the same
concentration level. At that time, red beet was proposed
to be included in low-acid food items such as meat and
Colour stability dairy products (von Elbe, Klement, Amundson, Cassens,
For the food technologist, maximising pigment yield & Lindsay, 1974; Pasch, von Elbe, & Sell, 1975) and
during extraction and processing is a prerequisite. Hence, therefore techniques to process beets into juice were
starting with a highly pigmented crop is fundamental. also developed (Wiley & Lee, 1978; Wiley, Lee, Salad-
Therefore, careful selection of appropriate plants and sound ini, Wyss, & Topalian, 1979). The main topics that
technological concepts is crucial and will decide about the needed to be addressed were the fast browning through
success of the respective commercial commodity. polyphenoloxidase activities and the reduction of the nat-
The most comprehensive data are available for red urally high nitrate content. While the first was controlled
beet. Crop colour quality was found to be affected by by heat inactivation and oxygen removal, the latter were
the edaphic factors at the cultivation site, the date of reduced by fermentation strategies (Czapski, Maksymiuk,
planting and harvest time, but was also dependent on & Grajek, 1998; Grajek & Walkowiak-Tomczak, 1997;
the respective cultivar (Stintzing, Herbach, et al., in press). Wiley & Lee, 1978). The selection of appropriate crops
During processing, the betalains will be released from with a high colour content rather than high weight was
their protective compartment and affected by multiple fac- concomitantly addressed (Ng & Lee, 1978; Nilsson,
tors such as the particular pH, water activity, exposure to 1973; Wolyn & Gabelman, 1990). Another topic was
light, oxygen, metal ions, temperature and enzymatic ac- the unpleasant flavour of beet due to geosmin and pyra-
tivities (Delgado-Vargas et al., 2000; Herbach, Stintzing, zine derivatives that needed to be considered for com-
et al., 2006; Stintzing & Carle, 2004). However, within mercial red beet application, especially to sensorially
the optimal area of pH stability, temperature will be the delicate foods (Murray & Bannister, 1975; Pasch &
most decisive factor for betalain decomposition. In gen- von Elbe, 1978). Until lately, when the endogenous bio-
eral, degradation is associated with colour fading or synthesis of red beet to produce geosmin was unambigu-
browning due to subsequent polymerisation, but many ously proven (Lu, Edwards, Fellman, Mattinson, &
more reaction pathways require consideration, some of Navazio, 2003a, 2003b), it was believed that geosmin
which have only recently been scrutinised (Herbach, was due to earth-bound Streptomycetes (Bentley & Meg-
Stintzing, et al., 2006; Stintzing & Carle, in press). anathan, 1981; Dionigi, Millie, Spanier, & Johnson,
518 F.C. Stintzing, R. Carle / Trends in Food Science & Technology 18 (2007) 514e525

1992). To remove this odorant best, a membrane process Structural alterations and colour changes during
(Behr, Göbel, & Pfeiffer, 1984) or a simple destillative processing and storage
removal during juice concentration is applied. Since beets Betacyanins
grow underground, carry-over of earth-bound germs pres- Early studies on red beets demonstrated that betanin
ents a safety issue (Stintzing & Carle, in press). Finally, may degrade by hydrolytic cleavage to yield the bioge-
red beets are afflicted with a narrow colour spectrum netic precursors betalamic acid and cyclo-Dopa 5-O-glu-
(Stintzing, Herbach, et al., in press). Thus, alternative coside from betanin while deglucosylation yielded the
pigment sources have been searched for a long time. respective aglycone accompanied by a bathochromic shift
(Schwartz et al., 1981). Furthermore, betanin was found to
Amaranth, Swiss chard and yellow beet regenerate to a certain extent by recondensation of the hy-
A thorough line of investigations was conducted by Cai drolysis products associated with a colour regain after
and co-workers in a selection programme on Amaranthaceae cold storage of the heated extracts. Upon thermal expo-
plants. Besides pigment pattern characterisation and appli- sure, also isomerisation and decarboxylation of betanin
cational issues, the broad genetic variability of grain and to yield its C15-stereoisomer isobetanin and 15-descarbox-
leaf amaranth was addressed (Cai, Sun, & Corke, 2005). ybetanin, respectively, were observed without affecting
However, the limited colour range known from red beet overall appearance (Schwartz & von Elbe, 1983; von
could not be extended. Hence, further edible plant sources Elbe et al., 1981). Therefore, monitoring total betalain
were addressed among which coloured Swiss chard (Kugler contents has long been considered adequate to track pig-
et al., 2004) and also yellow beet (Kugler et al., in press; ment loss. According to a series of most recent investiga-
Stintzing, Bretag, Moßhammer, & Carle, 2006; Stintzing, tions, this concept requires revision, because a complex
Schieber, & Carle, 2002) were investigated. While pigment spectrum of hitherto unknown degradation products was
yields of Swiss chard amounting to 4e8 mg/100 g stem found (Fig. 2). These compounds were characterised by
fresh weight stayed far behind those of common red beet one- or more-fold decarboxylation and/or dehydrogenation
cultivars with 40e160 mg/100 g fresh weight, another for- of the genuine pigments. Dehydrogenation of betacyanins
gotten crop, i.e. the yellow beet appeared to be a promising at C-14/C-15 to yield the corresponding neo-compounds
source to be studied further. Therefore, a process to obtain entailed by a yellowish colour shift was unambiguously
a highly brilliant juice was developed and application to demonstrated for betacyanins from red beet and also pur-
dairy samples proved to be successful. Antioxidant addition ple pitaya. Even more important, decarboxylation at C-17
as well as acidification was crucial to counteract dopamine and/or C-2 and dehydrogenation at C-14/C-15 were found
oxidation during processing of yellow beet. Notably, blend- to modify appearance and stability of the genuine pig-
ing red and yellow beet juices offered a feasible way to ments (Herbach, Stintzing, et al., 2006 and refs cited
broaden the narrow colour range of red beet preparations therein).
(Stintzing, Bretag, et al., 2006; Stintzing, Herbach, et al., Thus it was concluded that both quantification and
in press). colour measurements should be carried out to adequately
monitor pigment alterations caused during processing.
Cactus fruits
Both being devoid of unpleasant ingredients and at the
same time offering a broad range of colour nuances, cac-
tus fruits appear to be the most seminal betalainic colour
crops (Stintzing & Carle, 2006) and thus have been inves- H
tigated in detail. For the first time, a thorough study to R O C H
produce highly brilliant juices from cactus pears (Opuntia O
HO 2'
ficus-indica [L.] Mill.) was pursued. Moreover, the manu- 1' O 3
HO 2 O
facture of concentrates and spray-dried products was also OH 5
+ C
successful (Moßhammer, Stintzing, & Carle, 2006 and N
refs cited therein). This was of notable importance be- O-
cause it was earlier suspected that the simultaneous pres-
ence of reducing sugars and free amino acids would
trigger detrimental Maillard browning during processing. H 14
Against all odds, colour remained stable and betaxanthin O 15 17 O
retention was admissible. Based on these promising re- C N C
19 H 20
sults, a process for red-purple pitaya (Hylocereus polyrhi- HO OH
zus [Weber] Britton & Rose] fruits was established with
reasonable success (Herbach, Maier, Stintzing, & Carle, Fig. 2. Possible sites of decarboxylation (oval, dotted line), dehydroge-
2007) presenting a solid basis for future technological nation (square, solid line) and deglycosylation (circle; dotted-dashed
optimisation. line) in betacyanins.
F.C. Stintzing, R. Carle / Trends in Food Science & Technology 18 (2007) 514e525 519

Not being noticed by simple spectrophotometric readings, On a quantitative basis, the betacyanins from purple pit-
structural pigment alterations may be accurately moni- aya decomposed faster when isolated from the food
tored by high-performance liquid chromatography with di- matrix (Herbach, Rohe, Stintzing, & Carle, 2006). The
ode-array detection and mass spectrometric investigations qualitative approach was even more rewarding: decarbox-
(Table 2): While betanin was mainly hydrolysed into ylation of betacyanins was found to be more pronounced
its biosynthetic precursors betalamic acid and cyclo- in the food matrix (Herbach, Rohe, et al., 2006) than in
Dopa 5-O-glucoside (Schwartz & von Elbe, 1983) with a purified solution where hydrolytic cleavage dominated.
concomitant fading, decarboxylation and then combined In addition, the respective solvent was decisive: ethanolic
decarboxylation/dehydrogenation reactions were the pre- solutions promoted decarboxylation at C-17, while a CO2
dominant degradation paths for hylocerenin (60 -O-[300 -hy- loss at C-2 was found to be the major event in aqueous
droxy-300 -methyl-glutaryl]-betanin) yielding a red and media (Herbach, Rohe, et al., 2006; Moßhammer, Rohe,
a yellow-orange compound of superior stability. Phyllo- Stintzing, & Carle, 2007; Wybraniec, 2005). These find-
cactin (60 -O-malonyl-betanin) afforded betanin and vari- ings demonstrated that not only the extent of pigment
ous yellow and red dehydrogenated and decarboxylated loss, but also the degradation path would be clearly deter-
derivatives. Both for phyllocactin and especially for hylo- mined by the presence and nature of the accompanying
cerenin, hydrolytic cleavage was a minor event. Thus, the matrix. It is suspected that a selective adsorption process
improved stability of pitaya as compared to red beet to pectins or proteins of the matrix will alter mobility
juice upon heating found earlier was not due to the gen- of the ingredients and their mutual interactions. However,
uine acylated betacyanins in pitaya, but rather due to the the exact mechanism underlying these observations re-
higher stability of the heat-induced artifacts (Herbach, mains to be clarified.
Stintzing, et al., 2006; Stintzing, Herbach, et al., in
press). Betaxanthins
The alleged contribution of the plant matrix to pigment The betaxanthins have received little attention as they
stability (Singer & von Elbe, 1980; Sapers & Hornstein, constitute only minor pigments in red beet and have there-
1979) and the effect of pigment isolation in betalainic fore been addressed much less. Betalainic food crops dom-
preparations has been another interesting research topic. inated by betaxanthins are yellow Swiss chard, yellow beet,

Table 2. Indicators for assessment of process-induced changes in betalainic samples

Parameter Colour change Spectrophotometric assessment HPLC assessment Applicable to

Total betalain content  þ þ All betalainic samples
Betaxanthin/betacyanin ratio , hypsochromic þ þ All betalainic samples
(colour shade) or bathochromic shift
Betanin/isobetanin ratio   þ All betacyanin
containing samples
Betanin/vulgaxanthin I ratio , hypsochromic þ þ Red beet
or bathochromic shift samples, Swiss
chard samples
Betanin/indicaxanthin ratio , hypsochromic þ þ Cactus pear samples
or bathochromic shift
Betanin/phyllocactin ratio   þ Purple pitaya samples
14,15-Dehydrogenated betacyanin þ, hypsochromic shift þ, pretends þ All betacyanin
betaxanthin presence containing samples
2,3-Dehydrogenated betacyanin   þ All betacyanin
containing samples
2-Decarboxybetacyanin   þ All betacyanin
containing samples
15-Decarboxybetacyanin   þ All betacyanin
containing samples
17-Decarboxybetacyanin , hypsochromic shift  þ All betacyanin
containing samples
Deglycosylation , bathochromic shift þ þ All betacyanin
containing samples
Indicaxanthin þ, hypsochromic shift þ, if original þ Cactus pear
sample does not contain samples, purple
this compound pitaya samples
Isoindicaxanthin   þ Cactus pear samples
Indicaxanthin/isoindicaxanthin-ratio   þ Cactus pear samples
þ, Possible; , not possible; and , possible, if present in considerable quantities.
520 F.C. Stintzing, R. Carle / Trends in Food Science & Technology 18 (2007) 514e525

but also yellow-orange cactus fruits (Kugler et al., 2004; ascorbic acid was applied. In contrast, pigment losses
Stintzing & Carle, in press; Stintzing, Herbach, et al., in amounting to 60 and 90% upon dark and light storage
press). at 20  C, respectively, were registered without ascorbic
The colour variability of genuine betaxanthins is quite acid addition (Herbach et al., 2007). Besides quantitative
narrow (Stintzing, Herbach, et al., in press) and heat- data, qualitative colour alterations could be readily
induced chemical changes are little understood. Mainly monitored by the DE*-value comprising all chromatic
based on findings from red beet, the yellow betalains parameters, i.e. lightness L*, green-redness a*, and blue-
are considered less stable than their red counterparts (Her- yellowness b*.
bach, Stintzing, et al., 2006). Most recent investigations
on cactus pear juices demonstrated that isomerisation of Yellow-orange cactus pear
the main compound indicaxanthin will be induced by ther- In agreement with previous findings (e.g., Havlı́ková,
mal exposure. Most interestingly, the isomer ratio of the Mı́ková, & Kyzlink, 1983; Singer & von Elbe, 1980;
main cactus pear betalain indicaxanthin turned out to be von Elbe, Maing, & Amundson, 1974), organic acids
a useful parameter to retrospectively calculate the initial slowed down betalain degradation upon thermal exposure.
pigment content (Moßhammer, Maier, Stintzing, & Carle, Betaxanthins were considerably more stable at pH 6 as
2006). Moreover, de novo formation of indicaxanthin by opposed to pH 4, whereas the pH stability of betacyanins
spontaneous condensation of betalamic acid released depended on the respective acid applied. The most prom-
upon thermal exposure and the free amino compound pro- ising results were obtained with 0.1% isoascorbic acid at
line from the juice matrix was observed (Herbach, Rohe, pH 4 and 0.1% citric acid at pH 6 (Moßhammer et al.,
et al., 2006). 2007). At pH 4, half-life values for indicaxanthin were in-
creased by 0.1% isoascorbic acid dosage from 78.8 min to
Improvement of betalain stability during processing 126.6 min, 31.4 min to 46.5 min, and 13.4 min to 21.7 min
and storage at 75  C, 85  C and 95  C, respectively (Moßhammer,
Purple pitaya Stintzing, et al., 2006). Moreover, stabilisation of betalain
To prove the suitability of purple pitaya for commercial preparations devoid of matrix constituents was less effec-
exploitation, colour and pigment analyses during process- tive compared to juices. Hence, a matrix index was intro-
ing and storage were monitored with juices from purple pit- duced to express the potential of various organic acids to
aya. Since early studies on red beet had shown that betalain improve pigment stability (Moßhammer et al., 2007). Fi-
regeneration after processing increased overall colour re- nally, regeneration of betaxanthins not considered earlier
tention (Czapski, 1985; von Elbe et al., 1981), the betalain was found to be an important factor in maximising pig-
content development of the obtained juices was registered ment yield. Betaxanthin regeneration without additive
over 72 h at 4  C. Completion of betacyanin regeneration was better at pH 6 amounting to 6% compared to only
was found after 24 h and was considered crucial to maxi- 2.5% at pH 4 without additive, while overall colour reten-
mise pigment yield. While a gain of 3% was found for tion was best by addition of 0.1% isoascorbic acid at pH 4
unheated juice, up to 10% colour was regenerated in or 0.1% citric acid at pH 6 prior to heating (Moßhammer
heat-treated samples (Herbach, Stintzing, et al., 2006 and et al., 2007).
refs cited therein). As earlier reports concerning the stabil- Upon cactus pear juice processing at pilot-plant scale,
ising effects of common food additives were found to be vulgaxanthin I being the predominant compound in red
contradictory, organic acids such as citric, ascorbic and iso- beet and Swiss chard was found to be less stable than indi-
ascorbic acids were added to juices and pigment prepara- caxanthin (Moßhammer et al., 2007). This lent support to
tions from 0.1 to 1% prior to heating (Herbach, Rohe, the fact that cactus pear fruits may be regarded as promis-
et al., 2006). Although pigment regeneration and stabilisa- ing betalain colour crops.
tion differed between pH 4 and pH 6, the study focused on During a 6-month storage, pigments were again best
pH 4 being relevant for industrial processes. Noteworthy, protected, if juices were stabilised with 0.1% isoascorbic
purified pigment samples devoid of matrix were less effec- acid. The most notable change was registered during the
tively stabilised than unpurified juice samples and a dosage first month, being less pronounced afterwards. Half-life
of 1% ascorbic acid was found to significantly reduce beta- values of betaxanthins and betacyanins were around 1
cyanin degradation (Herbach, Rohe, et al., 2006; Herbach, month without additive and could be prolonged to 2.6
Stintzing, et al., 2006). After high temperature-short time and 3.6 months by 0.1% isoascorbic acid addition. The
(HTST) treatment at semi-industrial scale, up to two-thirds effect of stabilisation was less pronounced during storage
of the initial betacyanin content were retained. Hence, pit- under light storage when half lives of 0.8 and 1.3 months
aya juice processing was considered feasible if adequate were achieved for betaxanthins and betacyanins, respec-
stabilisation measures were applied to strongly enhance tively (Moßhammer et al., 2007). These studies on purple
overall pigment yield. pitaya and orange-yellow cactus pear demonstrated that
After 6 months of storage under light or in the dark, the choice of the adequate additive at the proper concentra-
70% of the initial betacyanins remained intact when tion will depend both on pigment type (betacyanins and
F.C. Stintzing, R. Carle / Trends in Food Science & Technology 18 (2007) 514e525 521

betaxanthins) and the composition of the respective beta- hitherto unknown betalain in pitaya was indicaxanthin,
lain source (Herbach, Rohe, et al., 2006; Moßhammer, that was otherwise found as artifact in heated pitaya juice
Stintzing, et al., 2006). Consequently, the stabilisation strat- samples (Herbach, Stintzing, et al., 2006). Continuing
egy needs to be adjusted for each commodity. studies need to prove the abovementioned findings for
their consistency with respect to year of harvest and fruit
Quality control of betalainic food maturity.
Markers for processed betalain samples
Suitable markers to identify particular pigment changes Detection of red beet admixtures to purple pitaya
appear to be valuable for food processors. While the total Despite their differing pigment pattern, verification of
betalain colour content and also the particular betaxanthin/ purple pitaya adulteration with red beet preparations
betacyanin ratio, i.e. colour shade have hitherto been turned out to be difficult, due to the co-occurrence of
exclusively used for quality assessment, further parameters betanin and isobetanin. To afford a reliable distinction
may be instrumental, especially to provide evidence of pro- between products based on red beet or cactus fruits,
cess-induced alterations. To allow a consistent statement, authenticity control of betalainic preparations with the
knowledge of the genuine pigment pattern of the particular aim to identify admixtures of inexpensive red beet to
food source is required first. The parameters as compiled in high-priced pitaya extracts is required. Thus, carbon and
Table 2 may be expedient: a higher ratio of isomerisation hydrogen isotope ratios of the purified pigments for the
in the betalamic acid part is generally associated with ex- unambiguous discrimination of cactus (CAM plant) and
tended heat exposure and storage. Dehydrogenation and de- red beet (C3 plant) were acquired (Herbach, Stintzing,
carboxylation are profound markers for heat exposure, while Elss, et al., 2006). Because of different CO2 fixation
deglycosylation presents an indicator for insufficient heat in- mechanisms with C3 plants being more depleted in the
activation of the plant’s b-glucosidase activity and/or fer- heavy 13C isotope (Winkler & Schmidt, 1980), differenti-
mentation (Czy_zowska, Klewicka, & Libudzisz, 2006; ation was possible yielding d13Cv-PDB-values of 17 to
Herbach, Rohe, et al., 2006; Herbach, Stintzing, et al., 18 and 27 to 28 for betanin and isobetanin from pit-
2006; Herbach et al., 2007; Moßhammer, Stintzing, et al., aya and red beet, respectively. Although CAM plants
2006). should exhibit a greater tendency for deuterium enrich-
ment if grown under identical conditions (Ting, 1985), hy-
Differentiation of purple pitaya genotypes drogen isotope equilibria are subject to a range of
Up to now, pitayas (Hylocereus sp.) were subject to metabolic events (Hobbie & Werner, 2004; Schmidt,
cultivation and hybridisation experiments to improve fruit 2003; Schmidt & Kexel, 1998) and will also depend on
quality (Le Bellec, Vaillant, & Imbert, 2006; Nerd, Gut- climatic conditions (Martin & Martin, 2003). Hence,
man, & Mizrahi, 1999; Raveh, Weiss, Nerd, & Mizrahi, d2Hv-SMOW were not meaningful by themselves but sup-
1993; Tel-Zur, Abbo, Bar-Zvi, & Mizrahi, 2004; Wybra- ported the d13C-data when plotted in a correlation chart
niec & Mizrahi, 2002). The most interesting purple pitaya (Herbach, Stintzing, Elss, et al., 2006). Since d13C-values
(H. polyrhizus [Weber] Britton & Rose) has been paral- of betanin and isobetanin were found to be identical, sep-
lelly investigated for its pigment pattern being composed aration of betanin and isobetanin was not required when
of both acylated and nonacylated pigments; and is consid- whole samples were addressed. Based on an equivalent to-
ered a viable source for food colouring (Stintzing, tal soluble solid basis, an addition of 6% red beet juice to
Schieber, et al., 2003; Wybraniec & Mizrahi, 2002). purple pitaya could be detected. Future investigations and
Since no reliable information on pitaya genotypes of extension to a broader set of samples will have to substan-
the Latin American flora where the fruits originally stem tiate these findings.
from was available, dependable parameters for their dif-
ferentiation were required. Therefore, specific betacyanin Admixtures of betalains to anthocyanin preparations
fingerprints of the five Hylocereus genotypes ‘Lisa’, ‘Ore- To improve the colouring strength of anthocyanin
jona’, ‘Nacional’, ‘Rosa’, and ‘San Ignacio’ were assessed preparations at near neutral pH regimes, commixing
(Esquivel, Stintzing, & Carle, in press-a). While individual with red beet appears to be tempting. Therefore, a method
ratios of the main pigments were not consistently mean- to discover red beet addition was required to secure au-
ingful, the ratio of acylated and nonacylated compounds thenticity of the particular anthocyanin preparation. Due
ranging from 0.9 to 5.6 appeared to be a more worthwhile to the similar absorption maxima of anthocyanins and be-
parameter (Esquivel et al., in press-a). Considering the talains, mere spectrophotometric readings would not al-
higher stability of heat-induced artefacts from acylated low to judge if blends were present. Since betalains
rather than nonacylated betacyanins (Herbach, Stintzing, and anthocyanins are mutually exclusive (Stintzing &
et al., 2006), these data promise a high applicational Carle, 2004), betalain detection in anthocyanic prepara-
value. Noteworthy, the presence of neobetanin, earlier re- tions is an unambiguous proof of admixtures. While an
ported to be not present in pitaya fruits, appeared to be earlier attempt was intended to roughly differentiate be-
a valuable tool for genotype differentiation. Another tween an early betalain and a late anthocyanin eluting
522 F.C. Stintzing, R. Carle / Trends in Food Science & Technology 18 (2007) 514e525

fraction (IFU, 1998), a thorough HPLCeMS method for of the processing residues to improve the overall economic
simultaneous assessment of betalains and both acylated balance, such as seed extraction for oil recovery. In this
and nonacylated anthocyanins proved viable for a number line, some prospects for a more thorough utilisation to-
of commercial extracts and was feasible for routine ap- gether with current and future uses of cactus pears (Moß-
plication to detect red beet addition to anthocyanin-based hammer, Maier, et al., 2006) may help scientist to figure
fruit or vegetable preparations (Stintzing, Trichterborn, out the most urgent tasks to pursue in their specific field
et al., 2006). of interest.

Future challenges in betalain research Quality assessment of betalainic preparations

Since markets are increasingly oriented towards natural How betalains change their properties when added to
colourants, extension of the well-established range of fruit food to improve appearance has not been studied system-
and vegetable preparations is required. Moreover, the cur- atically. In this regard, interactions with the food matrix
rent colour market demands a high degree of diversifica- need to be addressed because pigments may change and
tion. Besides the chemical stability, a high tinctorial affect overall appearance. The food matrix may be bene-
strength and constancy in appearance within a broad pH ficial in stabilising pigments, but may also be deleterious
range presents an important criterion. Coloured extracts if the expected colour of the food is impaired through en-
are preferred over purified colours because declaration zymatic and nonenzymatic browning reactions (Moßham-
of the former allows clean labeling. In this respect, the mer, Maier, et al., 2006; Stintzing, Herbach, et al., in
betalains deserve intense research as they offer hues press). Hence, detailed knowledge of the food composi-
and stability characteristics uncommon to anthocyanic tion is required. Moreover, systematic studies on the
sources. pigment composition underlying colour blends from be-
taxanthins and betacyanins both in edible and non-edible
Horticultural aspects for the improvement of colour plants are needed (Stintzing, Herbach, et al., in press).
crop quality Based on these findings the prospective calculation and
From the studies on Swiss chard, it became obvious that exact adjustment of tailor-made hues through blending
their use on a future colourant market would not be of betalainic fruit and vegetable juices as exemplified
competitive (Kugler et al., 2004). Knowledge on pigmented for cactus and beet juices are made possible (Moßham-
Swiss chard is generally quite fragmentary and thus breed- mer, Stintzing, & Carle, 2005; Stintzing, Herbach, et al.,
ing and horticultural studies should be enforced to improve in press; Stintzing, Kugler, et al., 2006) and simplify adap-
pigment quantity per crop (Stintzing, Herbach, et al., in tion to industrial manufacture.
press). Robust analytical HPLCeDADeMS techniques allow
Despite their favourite properties, the main drawback to to monitor changes induced by processing of betalainic
introduce cactus fruits as common colour crops is their lim- fruit and vegetables. Selected compounds and pigment
ited availability and the little efforts hitherto dedicated to profiles may be valuable markers to assess the heat bur-
improve specific properties. Because of their high genetic den a particular food has undergone. However, the lack
variability (Chessa & Nieddu, 2002; Felker et al., 2005; of commercially available reference substances compli-
Mizrahi, Nerd, & Nobel, 1997), cactus pears (Opuntia cates analyses, especially with respect to quantitative
spp.) appear to be a predestined target though. Preliminary determination. Results from thermostability studies on
data from differently coloured cactus pear clones were betacyanins allude to the fact that dehydrogenated and
promising (Stintzing et al., 2005) and future investigations decarboxylated betacyanins present useful markers to ret-
will have to address selected cactus fruits with respect to rospectively assess intensity and duration of heat process-
colour shade, pigment and juice yield both for the fresh ing. Moreover, specific pigments and pigment ratios may
market but also for fruit manufacture. help to obtain an idea about the possible origin and the
processing technologies applied (Table 2). Continuing
Technological tasks for maximising yield during cactus studies will have to substantiate these parameters for
juice production routine application. With an increase of betalain-
Despite promising investigations to produce cactus pear containing preparations on the market, their origin and
(Moßhammer, Maier, et al., 2006) or pitaya juices (Herbach authenticity need to be secured. Common techniques
et al., 2007), further process optimisation is warranted. The such as UV, near- and mid-infrared, visible and Raman spec-
main obstacle is the pectic substances that need to be de- troscopies, electronic nose, polymerase chain reactions,
graded more effectively to facilitate pigment release and al- enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays or thermal analyses,
low improved filtration thus further increasing yield and chromatographic and isotopic analyses are widespread
reducing processing wastes at the same time. To achieve (Fügel, Carle, & Schieber, 2005; Reid, O’Donnell, &
this goal, the mucilage composition of both cactus pears Downey, 2006). Preliminary steps have been taken by iso-
and pitayas needs to be characterised. In addition, the tope ratio differentiation based on typical betacyanin pig-
production design should be extended to the exploitation ments (Herbach, Stintzing, Elss, et al., 2006). These
F.C. Stintzing, R. Carle / Trends in Food Science & Technology 18 (2007) 514e525 523

pioneering studies should be extended to other samples, i.e. Dionigi, C. P., Millie, D. F., Spanier, A. M., & Johnsen, P. B. (1992).
red beet addition to red-purple cactus pear exhibiting the Spore and geosmin production by Streptomyces tendae on
several media. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 40,
same pigment pattern thus establishing a comprehensive 122e125.
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nances. To assure quality and unveal adulteration, further Centrospermae. In W. D. Ollis (Ed.), Recent developments in the
chemical parameters should be included such as the amino chemistry of natural phenolic compounds (pp. 194e211). Oxford:
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2006). York: Marcel Dekker Inc.
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