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Abyssinian roller

 Common name Scientific name with author and year
 IUCN statu Description
 Distribution and habitat Behaviour and ecology
 Status references


The Abyssinian roller is a colorful bird belonging to the Coraciidae family, also known as the
family of old-world birds. There are eight other families under the same order, Coraciiformes.
The word Coaciiformes is driven from the Latin word coracium, which means 'like ravens.' Its
scientific name, Coracias abyssinicus, was given by Johann Hermann, a French naturalist, in
1783. The name roller was given to the species because of the aerobatics displayed by the birds
while flying. They get their common name, roller, in honour of their dazzling midair barrelroll
displays to impress prospective mates. These birds are found in equatorial regions and breed
across tropical Africa. The Abyssinian roller range occupies the Sahel, southern Mauritania,
Senegal, Somalia, Ethiopia, western Yemen, and Saudi Arabia. It is also known as the Senegal
roller. They are usually found in the southern parts of its range, but northern breeding birds
temporarily live away and slowly migrate in short distances towards the south after the wet
season. An Abyssinian roller (Coracias abyssinicus) saliently sits on tree branches, overhead
wires, or posts, carefully observing and analyzing its surroundings from a height to spot potential
prey such as small rodents and medium to large-sized insects, similar to a large shrike, it nests in
a scantily lined hole or tree. To secure its prey, an Abyssinian roller bird will attack any intruders
by diving in front of them and even fly through a forest fire to prey on the injured invertebrates.
Birds of this species are fearless and great hunters.

The Abyssinian roller (Coracias abyssinicus), or Senegal roller, is a member of the roller
family of birds which breeds across tropical Africa in a belt south of the Sahara, known as the
Sahel. It is resident in the southern part of its range, but northern breeding populations are short-
distance migrants, moving further south after the wet season.

The Abyssinian roller is a large bird, nearly the size of a jackdaw at 28–30 cm (11–12 in). It has
a warm brown back, with the rest of the plumage mainly blue. Adults have 12 cm (4.7 in) long
tail streamers. Sexes are similar, but the juvenile is a drabber version of the adult. Abyssinian
roller is striking in its strong direct flight, with the brilliant blues of the wings contrasting with
the brown back and the long tail streamers trailing behind. The call of the Abyssinian roller is a
harsh crow-like gak sound, or a screeched aaaargh.[2][3]

Distribution and habitat

The Abyssinian roller is native to tropical Africa. Its range extends from southern Mauritania and
Senegal in the west and to Ethiopia,Somalia and northern Kenya in the east. It also occurs in
south-western Saudi Arabia and western Yemen. This is a common bird of warm open country
with some trees, and has adapted to farmland and human habitation.

Behaviour and ecology

Abyssinian rollers often perch prominently on trees, posts or overhead wires, like giant shrikes,
whilst watching for the large insects and small rodents on which they feed. They will dash into
the smoke of a forest fire for disturbed invertebrates. They are fearless, and will dive and roll at
humans and other intruders. The display of this bird is a lapwing-like display, with the twists and
turns that give this group its English name. It nests in a scantily lined hole in a tree or building,
and lays three to six eggs.[2]

The population trend for the Abyssinian roller is thought to be upward, as it exploits the
opportunities provided by modern agricultural practices and urbanization. It has an extensive
range, and the International Union for Conservation of Nature has rated its conservation status as
being of "least concern".


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