Jerome - Old Messaging Frameworks

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Connection Message:
Hey {FirstName}, appreciate you accepting my connection request...could be way off here, but
are you currently investing in real estate in the XXXX area?

If they say no-

any reason why not? Having income outside of my job allowed me to leave corporate America.

If they say yes

Ok real quick are you working with just residential stuff or commercial too?

Ok so residential (or commercial) …. Do you focus mainly on passive or active?

(if they say anything other than apartments in the question above this should be the next
"Have you ever considered apartment ownership?"

So when it comes to your strategy what would you say was the biggest game changer for
And to name a few pieces here.... Knowledge, Deal Flow, Access To Experience Partners,
or Capital?

If they say no - Ok, maybe in the very near future.. Is it ok to send you some info on how
you can bring value in the market without any money?

If they say Sure - ok, here is the link..

And what property size are you currently investing in?

Ahhh can definitely lend some insight on the whole investment side, if you're open to it?

Cool, just so i know exactly where you are at , how many deals are you seeing per week
right now?

Ohhh shoot, in that case , do you want to check out what works extremely well for us when
it comes to the creating deal flow ...... and how we could possibly help…
Would you be against having a conversation?

ok awesome, in that case what day / time works best to connect with one of our team leaders
on this ?
And whats the best email / phone number so i can send over a calendar invite?
just sent a calendar invite to your email, please verify you received as you cannot always trust
technology :)

GHOST Messages

Still with me?

Thoughts on this^

:) ^

Are you ignoring me on purpose?

GIF “talking to a wall”

Message after, feels like i'm talking to a wall lol

^^ bumping this

Yeah so not trying to be a burden here man…. Is this something you're still looking to check

Foot in door, with picture of your foot

Everything ok?

Have you given up on X?

Have you given up on me?

this is starting to feel like prom again feeling stood up again

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