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Part 1

Hi Name,

I hope you are doing amazing! I was having a look at your profile, and I noticed we as women share a
similar love to look and feel great … That stopped my scrolling 🤩

Anyway, I am excited to connect with you.

If clients reply, carry the conversation a bit before sending them Part 2
If they do not reply also send Part two 30 min after Part one…

Part 2
Hi Name,

I was just curious, have you ever wondered how you could make a small difference in your daily
nutritional habits to constantly look and feel great and still be able to enjoy the cravings we all have
without compromising what you enjoy the most? I was recently exposed to this amazing
TransforME Blueprint simple, yet effective Nutritional Coaching container, followed by most of my
friends which helped us to get into the best shapes of our lives, without sacrificing the foods we love
most. In the end, it’s all about you and providing professional assistance to support you in living a
sustainable lifestyle for successful long-term results.

I invite you to learn more about this amazing program as I know you would appreciate valuable tips
from this amazing mentor & Coach (Kristine Crouch). She is just fantastic to get involved with.

Part 3
(Only if they do not respond after your Part 2 message)

Hi Name,

Sorry to bother you again as I know you must be on a busy schedule. 🤦‍♀️

I just want to follow up to hear if you got a chance to have a look at our amazing TransforME
Blueprint Program Video, supported by our most recent testimonials?

If you have some free time during your schedule, please have a look at a convenient time slot to join
our free 45-min Vision To Action strategy session. I have attached our Founder & CEO (Kristine
Crouch) personal Calendly link below for your convenience as very valuable Nutritional tips will be
shared, I know you would appreciate learning more about.

Part 3

If clients look interested, try to guide them to book a call

Hi Name,

If you have some free time during your schedule, please have a look at a convenient time slot to join
our free 45-min Vision To Action strategy session. I have attached our Founder & CEO (Kristine
Crouch) personal Calendly link below for your convenience as very valuable Nutritional tips will be
shared, I know you would appreciate learning more about.

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