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88 STRESSES IN VESSELS ON TWO SADDLES NOTATION: All dimensions in inches Q = Load on one saddle Ibs. R= Radius of shell S_ = Stress pound per sq. inch @ ts = Wall thickness of shell th = Wall thickness of head (Excluding corrosion allow.) K = Constant, see page 90 6_= Contact angle of saddle degree 2/32) 223 £/ss) e838 Max. Allow. Stress 2B lo=|2=a0 olg S| AT mHe In tension S1 plus the stress due to Z| 2@ | Saootes internal pressure (PR/2t,) shall not BBE | the ton exceed the allowable stress value of EE Ic ZEB [omnes <4 — shell material times the efficiency of | 24 | sowom |S 7KRt girth seam, a? Ss 2/23 *See note on facing page In compression the stress due to in- $52 ternal pressure minus Sj shall not ex- a 22 + (,.R-P ceed one half of the’ compression B55] a +2 yield point of the material or th E23 |wwsran| QL, L? _ 4A)) ‘atue given by: ore geez | srvun a\ (4 Lj E 3 & | Compresion 1+ ( ) ~ (2/3)(100)(R) 8 | FE | compen 3L Si 2 (55) (AR)L2 - (2/3)(100)(4R)] Rts So IN Gye (pe laeecks 22) SHELL Rts \L+44 A Bas <2 5; shall not exceed 0.8 times the = eed ow 5 = K3Q ( L-2A allowable stress value of vessel ma- @ |32 | sue 2 = RE y terial. a |3= Rt, \L+4%3 H = (a is 3 — S3 plus stress due to internal pres- z|2 IN g, = KsQ sure shall not exceed 1.25 times the eae. |e Rts allowable tensile stress value of head 2 mate & |e. 8 |ae = (8w| ado NOTE: Use formula with factor Ky Bld. if ring not used or rings are adjacent g bol to the saddle. Use formula with fac- a Hoy he 5, = KsQ tor K3 if ring used in plane of saddle. 2 STRESS @ _|INHEAD Rth = Q 3KeQ 2/4 3 Serres S6VRIs) 203 Sq shall not exceed 1.50 times the = [15 allowable tensile stress value of shell Bie material & Sle oO 12K,0R! : ely 4ts(Dt 1 S6VRig) Lt? Ss shall not exceed 0.5 times the & 's fie compression yield point of shell ma- 3 terial, Sl, a], at : & |¥_§| sottom s. KoQ G |es5) oF ~~ t(b+1.56VRts) & 2) sHELL 7 7 4 2 QQ 2 J] 4 Z e g g a TANGENTIAL SHEAR CIRCUMFERENTIAL STRESSES IN VESSELS ON TWO SADDLES NOTES: Positive values denote tensile stresses and negative values denote compression. E = Modulus of elasticity of shell or stiffener ring material, pound per square inch. The maximum bending stress S} may be either tension or compression. Computing the tension stress in the formula for Sj, for factor K the values of K; shall be used. Computing the compression stress in the formula for S, for factor K the values of Kg shall be used. When the shell is stiffened, the value of factor K = 3.14 in the formula for Sj. The compression stress is not factor in a steel vessel where t/R 50,005 and the vessel is designed to be fully stressed under internal pressure. Use stiffener ring if stress S$) exceeds the maximum allowable stress. If wear plate is used, in formulas for S for the thickness t; may be taken the sum of the shell and wear plate thickness, provided the wear plate extends R/10 inches above the horn of the saddle near the head and extends between the saddle and an adjacent stiffener ring. In unstiffened shell the maximum shear occurs at the horn of the saddle. When the head stiffness is utilized by locating the saddle close to the heads, the tangential shear stress can cause an additional stress ($3) in the heads. This stress shall be added to the stress in the heads due to internal pressure. When stiffener rings are used, the maximum shear occurs at the equator. If wear plate is used, in formulas for Sq for the thickness t, may be taken the sum of the shell and wear plate thickness and for t2 may be taken the shell thick- ness squared plus the wear plate thickness squared, provided the wear plate extends R/10 inches above the horn of the saddle ,and A 8R(480), A(48) > R/2 (60/2), the applicable formula: Ss. @ 3K6Q a Atg(b 41.56 YRry a A/R =48/60 = 0.8; K = 0.036 (from chart) =! 300,000 _ 30.036 x 300,000 44 aay 0 See Aad (4 + 1.56 VOX) 2t ae ‘S, does not exceed the stress value of shell material multiplied by 1.5; 20,000 1.5 = 30,000 psi Stress at bottom of shell (Ss) Ss=— Xe a (b+ 1.56-~V Ri) Ss= — 0-760 x 300,000_ __ 6,319 psi 1(24 + 1.56 /60xT ) Ss does not exceed the compression yield point multiplied by 0.5; 38,000 x 0.5 = 19,000 psi STIFFENER RING SADDLES FOR LARGE HORIZONTAL VESSELS SUPPORTED BY R | NOTATION. A= Cross sectional area of ring plus the effective area of shell, Moment of inertia, in’ Constant, see next page Load on one saddle, Ibs. Radius of shell, in. Max. combined stress, psi. Contact angle, degree ey Zon TYPE OF RING MAX. STRESS. Max Allow FORMULAS A Saddle A] iar ete tt S6VRI aa Saddle and Ring |} tr 2 (tet S6VRiS) oo Ring Inside. Compression at the Shell Governs Ring Out: Stress at the Shell Ring Outside, Stress at the Tip of the Ring Ring Inside. Compression at the Shell Governs Ring Outside. Stress at the Shell Ring Inside. Stress at the Shell Ring Inside. Stress at the Tip of the Ring fee fd Ring Outside. Compression at the Shell Governs Ring Inside. Stress at the Shell Ring Inside. Stress at the Tip of the Ring KsQ_KioQR Ic Se= A In compression 0.5 times the yield point of shell or ring material whichever is smaller. In tension the allowable stress value of shell or ring material whichever is smaller. _ g,=-KoQ_ KioQR AR Hd STIFFENER RING FOR LARGE HORIZONTAL VESSELS SUPPORTED BY SADDLES VALUES OF CONSTANT, K (Interpolate for Intermediate Values) monde a ee#=eég=|_-. | 170° | 180° K, 34 | 33 32 30 ora e7 25 Ky os3 | os | 037 | 032 [| 0x6 | 02 | 017 NOTES: 1. In figures & formulas 4-F positive signs denote tensile stresses and nega- tive signs denote compression. 2. The first part of the formulas for S¢ gives the direct stress and the second part gives the circumferential bending stress. 3. If the governing combined stress is tensional, the stress due to internal pressure,PR shall be added. ts CALCULATION OF MOMENT OF INTERIA (1) 1. Determine the width of shell that is effective to resist the circumferential bend- ing moment. The effective width = 1.56VR;,; 0.78VRr, on both sides of stiffener ring. 2. Divide the stiffener ring into rectangles and calculate the areas (a) of each rectangle, including the area of shell connection within the effective width. Add the areas (a) total area = A. Multiply the areas (a) with the distances (Y) from the shell to the center of gravity of the rectangles. Summarize the results and denote all AY. 4. Determine the neutral axis of the stiffening ring, the distance (C) from the shell to the neutral axis C a 5, Determine the distances (h) from the neutral axis to the center of gravity of each rectangle of the stiffener. 6. Multiply the square of distances (h2) by the areas (a) and summarize the results to obtain AH’, 3 7. Calculate the moment of inertia /g of each rectangle /g = ag , where 6 = the width and d = the depth of the rectangles. 8, The sum of AH? and ¥/g gives the moment of intertia of the stiffener ring and the effective area of the shell. See example calculations on the following pages. STIFFENING RINGS Moment of Inertia (J) — Example Calculations (All dimensions in inches — R = 72 in. outside radius of shell) 1 = 0.78 VR = 0.78 V72 x 0.5=4.68 AREA Ig bt 86 x 0.53 j ee 5? 4 fo a 0.103 in. AREAQ Ig ind 05x68 =9,00 in. 12 h eR | ax | ae 1 4.93 0.25 123 re 744 | 0.10 2 3.00 3.50 10.50 2.02 4.08 12.24 9.00 AY=11.73 = — _|AH?=19.68| Ie=9.10 1.48 I = AH? + Ig = 19.68 + 9.10 = 28.78 in.4 | te to = 0.25 1-156 VRd; = 1.56 V72 x 0.25=6.618 5 Z * i AREAQ Ig 4 3 3 “2 Syd _ 13.14 0.259 _ 9,99 in & | AREAQ@ 7 2bad) _ 0. fo 0.50% 6 _ 9 99 ind ae MARKS, . [ bd? OF AREAS i axh 2 Q 3.43 0.125 | 043 Tas55 | 212 | 721 0.02 @ 3.00 3.250 9.15 1.670 2.19 837 9.00 total | 4-643] 9 — | Av=to.18s) 9 — — — |an’=15.64| Ig=9.02 AY _ 10.18 = 1018 — 158 I= AH? + Ig= 15.64 + 9,02 = 24.66 in.* 97 STIFFENING RINGS Moment of Inertia (1) — Example Calculations (All dimensions in inches — R = 72 in. outside radius of shell) 1 = 0.78 VRdj = 0.78 V72 x 0.5 = 4.68 bah Ig b ~ 2.86% 0:5 9.103 int ERD b “an ee © 9.00 in! aE = bid" 4x0.5° . Fr = 7 = 0.04 in! MARK OF | (AREAS ae Y | chs h Ez axh 1 4.93 025 [123 292d 25.83 2 3.00 3.50 [10.50 0.96 | 0.92 2.76 3 2.00 675 | 13.50 | 421 17.72 35.44 | 7 — | an=64.03 1- 1.56 VRdy = 1,56 V72 x 0.25= 6.618 AREAQ Ig i _ 13.74 x 0.25% _ 0.02 in.* 2” 12 AREAQ Ig bd) _ 0.50x63 _ 9.00 in." 2 1 ARPAQ Ig by@®_ 8 x0.25? _ 0.01 in! 2 12 MARKS AREA A F bd OF AREAS a y axy h KH axh? 2 1 3.43 0.125 0.43 2.59 6.72 23.09 0.02 2 3.00 3.250 9.75 0.53 0.28 0.84 9.00 3 2.00 6.375 12.75 3.66 13.40 26.80 0.01 7 TOTAL A=8.43 _ AY=22.93) = - | AH” = 50.73 | Ig= 9.03 WAY _ 22.93 _ See S fal 4 8.43 2.72 I= AH* + Ig=50.73 + 9.03 = 59.76 in. 98 DESIGN OF SADDLES WEAR PLATE HORN OF, SADDLE MAX. EFFECTIVE AREA 1. The saddle at the lowest section must resist the horizontal force (F). The effective cross section of the saddle to resist this load is one third of the vessel radius (R). F=K,,Q, Where Q= the load on one saddle, Ibs. K,, = constant as tabulated. The average stress shall not exceed two thirds of the compression yield point of the material. (See example below.) VALUES OF CONSTANT K,, {Contact Angle| 120° 130° 140° 150° 160° 170° 180° Ky .204 222 241 .259 279 298 318 EXAMPLE: Diameter of vessel = 8'- 6" Weight of vessel = 375,000 Ibs. Q= 187,500 Ibs. Saddle material: SA 285 C Web plate thickness = 0.25 in. Contact angle = 120° K,, = 0.204 from table above R/3 = 51/3 = 17 inches Force, F = K,, x= 0.204 x 187,500 = 38,250 Ib. To resist this force the effective area of web plate = R/3 x 0.25 = 4.25 in? 38,250/4.25 = 9,000 Ibs. per square inch. The allowable stress = % x 30,000 = 20,000 psi. The thickness of the web plate is satisfactory for horizontal force (F). 2. The base plate and wear plate should be thick enough to resist longitudi- nal bending over the web. 3. The web plate should be stiffened with ribs against the buckling.

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