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Name : Khaerul Majdi

Class : XI Language I

Subject : English (Second Task)

1. What do you know about corona virus?.

Corona virus is one of virus camed from Wuhan, China. It known by COVID
19. It is including in dangerous virus that killed more of thoushand peoples in the
world. It spreads quickly until no onw know whwn the corona virus come into
human body. And It also can kills any person quickly and directly without any
symptoms and notion. It make it so dangerous.
2. How do you know abaut quarantine at home.?.
My opinion about quarantine at home is agood wisdom from the government .
because, there’s no another method to help and stop the spread of corona virus
except quarantine at home. When we stay at home and follow every intructions
from side who compeetent to solve this problem, it means , we have helped and
saved many people soul. Quarantine is a simple method to reduce the spread
effects from this virus.
3. What are the positive and negative effects of learning by daring?
 The positive effect learning by daring.
Students have a lot of time to run their study. The can read
several book to spend their time. They can study from internet,
smarphone apps such as classroom, Ruang Guru, google, you tube etc.
They can take many information from internet than before and they
can think more.......
 The negative effect learning by daring.
Although they have more of time than before, there are some
problems that make learning by daring is not too effective. Start from
adequate equipment from related school for the student and from the
student for their learning. We know that, not all fro the student have
equipment to reach all of it. I mean they have no smartphone,
computer, laptop which can help them to finish their assigment given
by the teacher. The is no internet connection. Certain equipment is
being their constraint for learning by daring.
4. How the corona virus spreads?.
Corona virus spreads very quickly. It can from a direct contact with other
people who affected from it. So, we must more protective to save our health. It
can from a cough, sneeze and from people who gather in. Because of it,
government recommend than we shouldwasg our hand frequently with soap or
hand senitizer whwn we heve gathered, work, or direct contact with person.
5. How are we can affected by coronavirus.
Every one are possibly affected by corona virus. Why?. Because, it spreads
and come into human body and attacks immune systems. And as we know that every
one have the immune systems. So, if it come in and directly attacks this system,
people are possibly affected. But there are are some exeptions. On of them is.
 If anyone have a strong immune system , diffult for corona virus to
attacks his body. If it come into human body, immune will respons it
directly. So, it can not spreads and attacks (alight) an organ in his
body. If a cell or tissue such us bacteria or virus is tranplanted into a
person’s body, the body will respons and rejects it because the foreign
object is considered not a part of their body tissue. The foregn object as
invaders that must be expelled. So it can be simply redefined that the
immune system is the mechanism of the human body to fight or expel
foreign object that enter their body, such as coronavirus. But, if
anyone’s body have a weak immune system, absolutly their body can
not fight or expel the virus. So it can spreads eassyly. And althoug
anyone have a strong immune and the virus is in a great quantities( it
more great\strong than their immune system, they are possibly affected
by coronavirus.
6. How do we know that we have coronavirus?
To know that we have it, there are some symptoms :
We have a fever, our body might also solve problems, muscle aches,
and dry cough. Some of us have difficulity breathing. This condition
usually occurs in those who are elderly or have a history of other previous
diseases. And some people have no certain symptom from their body.
7. What is the most characteristic of the corona virus?
There are the three intial characterictics when corona virus has infected our
body. According to the Desease Control and Prevention (CDP) the intil features
are fever, choghing and shortnes of breath or difficulity breathing.
8. How the process of corona virus test ?.

Corona examination procedure

Following are the corona inspection procedures in Indonesia:
 The first step if we want to check ourself, namely by visiting the
nearest health care facility. We can go to the health center, hospital,
clinic or doctor's practice.
 Furthermore, if according to our doctor's diagnosis ,we should be
referred, the doctor will provide a letter of introduction to the
examination to be given to the referral facility.
 Visit referral facilities. For those of you who meet the criteria as PDP
or ODP, there are currently 132 hospitals receiving COVID-19
referrals, which are spread throughout Indonesia.
9. How to avoid from corona virus?.
 Wash our hand frequently
 Maintain social distancing
 Practice respiratory hygiene
 If we have fever, cough, and diffulity breathing,seek medical care early
 Stay informed and follow advice given by our healthcare provider.
 Avoid touching eyes ,nose and mouth.
10. What do you know about :
a. PDP : (Pasien Dalam Pengawasan.) PDP is a person who is
categorized as being treated by healtworker (being a patient). A person is
also said to be PDP if it shows sighns of illness such as fever, cough,
runny nose, and shortness of breath.
b. ODP : ( Orang Dalam Pemantauan). ODP is person who has traveled
to another country or region which is the center the spread of the corona
virus. In addition, someone who has had contact with a positive corona
person or patient can also be considered an ODP
c. Susfect : when the PDP turns out to have a history of contact that is
believed to be posotive for COVID 19, then that person include in the
“Susfect” criteria. The term suspect refers to people who have shown
corona syptoms. They are stongly suspected of having made close contact
with corona positive patient.
d. ODG/OTG: (Orang Tanpa Gejala). OTG is an individual who shows no
symptoms of corona virus. However OTG has a risk of contracting
positive COVID 19 people.
e. Social distancing , (f). Phychal distancing: Social distancing also called
“physical distancing” means keeping space between ourself and other
people ourside of our home. To practice social or physical diatancing:
 Stay at least 6 feet ( 2 meters) from oother peole.
 Do not gather in groups.
 Stay out of crowded places and avoid mass gatherings.
11. Who is the most at risk of corona virus?.
 Eldery peole.
 People with a history of certain diseases.
 Medical personnel at the hospital.
 Childrens.
12. Whether the corona cirus is worse than the flu? Why? State yous reasons!.
Yes, it is. Because, the corona virus easily spreads and infects anyone. A weak
person’s immune system when corona enters his body will couse a death and
percentage of healing is litle. Corona becomes a global paademic because anyone
can be affected by this deadly virus. Different from someone who is infected with
the common cold (flu). Flu can disappear a few days after medical treatment
( after taking medication) and adequate not have to do social distancing or
physical distancing like corona virus suffers. And death caused by flu are
minimal. And flu viruses will infect people who are near the flu suffers, do not
spreads like corona virus.
13. Why the corona virus is so serius in Italy?.
Although a series of hard measures has been gradually lauched by Itaky to
stop the spread of corona virus, including national lockdowns and the closure of
all unnecessary business, Italy can not “flatten the curvea; or slow to spread of this
infectious diseaase.
14. What shold we do as good society for this time being?.
Affirmation of solidarity must be done periodically through mass media and
social media. The value of solidarity and mutual cooperation ia a local value that
has been owned by the indonesian people for a long time and must be improved at
a critical time like today in order to fight the corona pademic. And the important
thing for pepole as goo society is following the advece or intruction from expert,
government and ulama’.
15. What do you think of indonesian goverment to do avoid corona virus?.
In my opinion, what has been applied by the indonesian government
preforming the global pandemic is veru helpul in breaking the chain of corona
virus in Indonesia. the government has set a social distancing a few weeks ago,
but the spread of corona is getting bigger and wider throghout the regions in
Indonesia. and, and social determinations are drawn to critism or many people
who do not accept it even though the government is doing it for their own health.
There are still people who are not aware of the current situation. Thus allowing
the expansion of the spread of this dangerous virus. And a few days ago, the
government implemented PSBB (National Lockdown) in several areas that were
acutelyaffected by the corona virus. This is very helpul in reducing and breaking
the spreads chain from COVID 19 even thogh a new problem arises which is
inability of people to earn a living ( Economic Problem) . but, the government has
thougt about these conditions so that the problem can be resolved.

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