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AGUA_ District: __SAN MIGUEL 2_______

School: __SMNCH______________

Activity Sheet
How Electricity Flows

At the end of the activity, students should be able to trace the path of electricity from
the generating station, transmission station, and residential areas.

Materials: Pen and paper

1. Observe the picture below.

2. Trace the parts of electrical grid. Write your answers in Column 1 of the table on
the next page. Possible answers are listed below.
Transmission line Distribution line

Step-up transformer Transformer on pole

Step-down transformer Generation Power Plant

3. Identify the function of each part of the grid. Write your answers in Column 2 of
the table on the next page. Possible answers are listed below.

Steps down voltage before entering house Steps up voltage for transmission

Step-down voltage from transmission Generates electricity

Carries electricity to households Carries electricity over long distance

4. Answer the guide questions below the table.

Table 1. Parts and Function of Electrical Grid

Parts of the electrical grid Function

1. Generation power plant Generates electricity

2. Step - up transformer step-up voltage for transmission

3. transmission line carries electricity over a long distance

4. step - down transformer step - down voltage from transmission

5. distribution line carries electricity to household

6.transformer on pole steps down voltage before entering the house

Guide Questions:

1. Where does electricity start its flow? Generation power plant

2. After the electricity is generated, why does it need a transformer for transmission?
● transformer is needed for transmission in order to convert the voltage either to
increase the voltage ( step-up transformer) or decrease the voltage (step-down
transformer). And also to avoid line losses and voltage drop lines.
3. Why does the electricity need to reduce after transmission?
● due to the resistance of the transmission wires, reducing the transmission
cables will reduce energy loss.
4. How is electricity distributed to household?
● from the generation power plant to step-up transformer to transmission line to
step down transformer which reduces the voltage to the distribution line to the
transformer pole which steps down the voltage before entering the houses to
household the final consumer.

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