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Mahendra singh Dhoni

Name of Person 1

High Score
Personality traits using the OCEAN framework

1.He always try new players in the

Three reasons supporting personality trait 1 team
2.He is flexible in all the formats.
3. He always learn from his past
1. He well planned about the
Three reasons supporting personality trait 2 team .
2. He is well disciplined.
3. He is reliable Indian believe
that India will win the match till
Dhoni is in pitch.
1. He is Social person he works for
Three reasons supporting personality trait 3 military to serve the nation
2. He is too confidents and fight
last till last over.
3. He talks lot but he tells the
1. He respect is juniors in the
Three reasons supporting personality trait 4 same way as he respect seniors
2. He is very kind person he
respect his fans so much.
3. He is very polite and always
behave normal even in
pressure condition
1. He is very friendly to all his fans
Three reasons supporting personality trait 5 2. He does not have fear he
always try new players in the
3. He is not anxiety person.

Rohit Sharma
Name of Person 2

Low Score
Personality traits using the OCEAN framework

1. He is more aggressive.
Three reasons supporting personality trait 1
2.he is not so much flexible in all the
3. He does some mistake twice thrice
he bowled so many times on same ball.
1. He act Accordingly situation
Three reasons supporting personality trait 2 faced
2. He is not well disciplined
3. He is good player but as not
reliable that we can depend on
1. He is not a good social person
Three reasons supporting personality trait 3 2. He tensed when the pressure
3. He is less talkative
1.He is not as friendly to his fans
Three reasons supporting personality trait 4 2.He is not as friendly to others
3. He shouts bowlers when the
pressure comes
1. He is not so much friendly
Three reasons supporting personality trait 5 2. He is very conserve
3. He is very anxiety person

The Situation

Assume both A and B are senior managers of two different companies. Both the companies
have decided to add extra deliverables to the roles of all employees by increasing process
adhesion principles, introducing stricter timelines and adding extra travel to meet clients, all
of which will impact their daily duties significantly and increase their work pressure

Speech of Person 1

This is to inform you that we have assigned new project to everyone where everyone will
have new learning and have dedicated timelines for every assignment. And there will be
more travelling where you meet new clients from other cities there will increase in work
pressure definitely but after this project will have good surprise for all of you.
Speech of Person 2

This is for all of you that we are going to assign project to everyone and there will be strict
timelines for everyone if we found that and any of the timeline breach strict action will be
taken against all. This will be target based everyone has to achieve this any how , either
will be on probation period.

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