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eye; and by Fermat's principle, established by Huygens for

determined, but in the following table the figures are at least

lines, whence the term ``alexandrine'' verse. The authors

travels. This account, entitled Remarks on Several Parts of

a well-known educationalist. The township seems to have

executive council of Massachusetts, and from 1863 to 1873 was

Habesh, ``mixed,'' and was a derisive name applied by the

producing various oxidation products, but if the amino group

made by Great Britain with the regent and paramount chief of

from Frederick, including extensive judicial rights which

the erosive action of water. They are in fact the valleys

value. Aesthetics has to prove the sensuous value, the

or under meteorological conditions different from those which

drawbacks, the guerre de course was the most successful

election, Adams was chosen president, defeating Thomas Jefferson;

the year 1098, to Stephen Harding (a native of Dorsetshire,

it keeps the literary analysis within scientific limits.

to give special study to fossil elephants, on which he became

their travelling expenses; and when they are settled in any

regarded as sacred, and no instance has been known of its

has been identified, without any foundation, with Alexander,

to have been a child of singular attractiveness and promise,

The literature of the first century, exemplified by these few

it the final appellate court in admiralty, except as above

quality, and water or a liquid principle, and to fix it by

thoroughly Oriental--a mass of mean, irregular wooden buildings,

chamber it may be a shrine. In the town itself there are

household. Alexandria seems from this time to have regained its

Ed. Meyer, and works quoted under GREECE, Ancient

Kerber (Beitrage zur Dioptrik, Leipzig, 1895-6-7-8-9). A.

of Asma'i (q.v..) M`G. de Slane (Paris and London, 1842),

French systems of aesthetics: The spiritualistes.

fourth censor in 1755. In June 1755 he read the Gulstonian

esteemed his finest work. On a commission from Rucellai he

18th, the corps took little part. Its work was done, and it

been laid upon the conduct of individuals, or of classes of

declared to be British. The fact appears to be that British

of transport is very heavy, the exportation of grapes is a

introduction of a more complete symbolism for quantities and

collieries, ironworks and tinplate works in the district;

and the diocese was divided into two parts. Sherborne was

``That my personality is the surest thing I know may be true.

of Iannina had not long continued. Ali was angered by the

uniformly level banks being only interrupted by swamps and

into a stream running to the east. The letters were usually

diet, especially the pressed and dried curd called krut

mineralogist and geologist, was born at Berlin on the 11th

retiring disposition, ceased in her twentieth year, and it is

declining towards the end of the lactation. The variations due

reason for the abolition of second-class carriages, which

Renaissance Doric orders it is crowned by a moulding. In the

ether, glacial acetic acid, chloroform and benzene. On heating

intolerable tutelage of the estates. The first occasion

stations in various parts of the world. Of these stations

Yet it is a curious fact that the three longest glaciers in

(April 29, 1879). He was at that time serving as a lieutenant

turning-point in the rivalry was the treaty of Utrecht (1713),

ABANDONMENT (Fr. abandonnement, from abandonner, to

of several canals connecting it with Beaucaire, with Cette,

attention. In 1837 he issued the ``Prodrome'' of a monograph

The facilities for intermediate are far inferior to those for

Laurus, according to whom swans' eggs or leather balls filled

crown altered the precedence and placed the queen's advocate

due to better feeding in consequence of the introduction of

officer of the crown in the College of Advocates or Doctors'

the guest-houses (XX). We may also call attention to the

hydrozoa, on which he published in 1871-1872, through the Ray

(1824); P. Paulitschke, Die geogr. Forschung des afrikan.

upper Amazon basin, decreed, on the 31st of July 1867, the

of Basel under the name of Honorius II., marched to Rome, and

East India Company in Bagdad by a private postal service,

by a well marked constriction from the posterior and larger

Hildebrandt, Airships past and present (London, 1908).

myocommas, which stretch between the skin and the central

years. In 1717 he was invited to the congregation of Usher's

world. On the 11th of June 1867 he left Gibraltar and reached

Santarem, but a considerable distance inland, bordering the

a court in a state to which a corporation owes its charter,

accompany their male relatives to the battle-field for the

AEthelweard, Florence of Worcester. Secondary: Saxon

the plan of the Accademia del Cimento. It originally consisted


rebellious pasha of Scutari, whom he defeated and killed. He

Poikile Stoa. Many of the sculptors of antiquity, including

Captain Francois Peron (Paris, 1824), who was marooned

themselves in the case of a defaulting county council. They

that the Eskimo lived formerly farther south on the Atlantic

F.R.S.L. Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature.

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