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Name Rahul Pandey

Question 1

From first day at work when Linton has informed that she did not Like Harvard MBA this
remarks cool and Disinterested welcome and There is induction nothing and even at first, they
handover random no. files at EOD.

She has been frustrated with the job in House world because of lack of responsibility and
Scoville’s last minute work unplanned work and the Way Scoville’s talk to him in rude
manner which he does not like.

Question 2
Write your answer for Part A here.

Trait Level: High/Low Example supporting the answer

Openness to low Scoville’s is not at all creative person and

Experience curiousness about others his last time work not
a proper planning .

Conscientiousness Low Scoville’s is not disciplined guy as his last time

work and dependency on other shows Low

Extraversion Low Scoville’s behavior never shows that he is

energetic person

Agreeableness Low Scoville’s is never caring person he never

thinks other his attitude towards Lisa is rude he
is not well-mannered person

Neuroticism high Scoville’s behavior attitude during project

discussion was not good his anger toward Lisa
how you reached this numbers he always thinks
negative that we cannot achieve this numbers.

Two ways in which Lisa can improve her relationship with Scoville’s as per ocean framework

1.Now she understands Scoville behavior now while talking to Scoville’s she should care of
word which she is using, and she should her eagerness that she wants to learn more and she
should also his dedication towards work.
2.As Lisa has analytical skill and strategies, she can use her skill for different marketing
strategies that will help to complete the task on time and made the product customer oriented
and later she can take this to Scoville’s for which he will appreciate toward his work.

Question 3

This represents Hidden Area where the part of your personality Known to you but not known
to others.


1.Lisa can tell his boss that Scoville’s told him “Maintain the learning mode” Act like a
learner that the reason I thought this should be company culture.

2.Lisa should tell his boss about all his skills like Analytical skill, organizational skill,
communication skill even after this Scoville’s give him Typing and copying work.

Question 4

During Lisa performance review Linton misunderstood and started telling the weakness of
Lisa that you have lack of confidence and does not have strong skill which is as per Linton
even she does not give her chance to tell his opinion She also use his power while performance
which was not correct

The 3-2-1 Techniques can be used while her performance review

1.Tell three things that you liked

2. Tell two areas that where you should work or improved

3. Tell one thing that you like the most.

Question 5

1. Company should welcome Lisa and introduce him to their colleagues and proper
welcome introduction of company should happen
2. Company should tell Lisa about his role and responsibility and his daily work and KPI
Metrix which she has to achieve during his tenure.
3. Employee should be in training period until he understands his role and employee’s
become comfortable in the organization.

Question 6

Soft tactics

Impression Management: Here Lisa can shoe Linton that Scoville’s that she is trustworthy, and
Lisa know relation between Scoville’s and Linton. she can ensure both of them that she is
Working Effectively managing his all task and she should also let them know that what small
task is given by Scoville’s is also completed by her

Exchange of information: Exchanging information should be on both side. As Lisa has done
his summer internship she can use that experience and help Scoville’s in marketing project for
which deadline is crossing as his last time work will be done and she can also use most of the
Expert power of Linton by making good relationship with him.
Hard Tactics

Coalition formation: Here Lisa aware that his all staff including Linton has positive feedback
is about her she can show this skill to their colleagues at work. And can spread this message
through them this will be referent advantage.

Information Control: This Spread excess information about someone behavior in you favor.

This can be easily done by Lisa by not letting his conversation with Vernon. this would make
Lisa uncomfortable whenever the topic arise and her behavior would definitely change toward

Question 7

Lisa’s Colleagues has crossed ethics many times there are numerous times they have damage
the relationship between her and boss and colleagues There are lot of discussion between her
and colleagues There are levels of ethics in business

Micro level:

Macro level:

1, Discrimination in treating employees: From the starting Scoville’s and Linton telling
continuously that they did not like Harvard MBA and Discrimination between hiring and
promotion of employees is against the company policy and code of conduct This is Linton
inability against the MBA.

2.Non-Transparency in communication: Because of policy of homecare that they hire MBA

from top schools for marketing position this practice make Linton difficult and uncomfortable
in the organization and Scoville’s promotion as they are not MBA

3. Lack of Mutual respect: while Explaining in his project to Scoville’s which h was assigned
to Lisa Suddenly Scoville’s started shouting and asked how you have reached to this figures
and when Lisa showed her working then Scoville’s challenged her Figured that this is
ridiculous we cannot reach to the figures and shouting at floor this makes Lisa uncomfortable
and lack of mutual respect.

Question 8s

No, Lisa should continue his job.

1.Beacuse if Lisa quits her job, then his colleagues will never understand his ability and
enthusiasm towards work.

2. Lisa can apply ocean method to understand their colleagues’ behaviors and then tackle with
their and let them know about all his skills.

3. Lisa should think Ethically what is correct to his company and then he should take every

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