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Question: What are the similarities and differences between the terms Myth and Folklore

according to…?
1. The article, “Folklore and Mythology” by Literary
2. The video, “Mythology & Folklore - What's the difference?”
3. The article, “What Is the Difference between Mythology and Folklore?” by G. Wiesen
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Between Myth & Folklore Between Myth & Folklore
“Folklore and Mythology” by (You may add more cells to
Literary this table)

“Mythology & Folklore - Both are forms of storytelling Mythology often derives
What's the difference?” and perhaps the most from what many considered
(You Tube video) ancient forms of narrative. to be sacred texts which aims
to tell us about the time
before we existed, how we
and everything around us
were created which then
became part of people’s
religion. Additionally,
mythology discussed deities
and supernatural figures that
they believed to be involved
in our creation. On the other
hand, mythology focuses on
the beginning of time, the
explanation of Civilization
and culture whereas the
creatures, spirits and deities
almost just exist without this
need for a religious or cosmic
Usually, mythology is known
in a global scale while
folklore, specifically folktale,
is known in a much smaller
scale since they tend to be
exclusive to a specific village
in town or city. Hence,
mythologies attempt to
explain the universe to us
while folklore attempt to
explain specific areas and
“What Is the Difference Both mythology and folklore Mythology pertains to
between Mythology and feature fictional characters something massive in scale
Folklore?” by G. Wiesen and stories. and range, frequently
encompassing thousands of
years, and broad
geographical range. Whereas
folklore is normally on a
smaller scope and is often
considered of as popular
mythology, even so these
stories can be just as widely
People or characters in myths
are frequently divine or
immortal entities who battle
mythical creatures and
participate in happenings
that shape the world's very
essence. Folklore stories, on
the other hand, focus on
local settings and events,
such as the creation of a
neighboring forest or the
birth of a king who formerly
lived over a certain region.

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