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REMON G2 Server

Installation Guide v.1.7

October 9, 2003

 2003 Computerized Elevator Controls. All rights reserved. REMON-G2 Installation Guide v.1.7 2


1 Installation software 4
1.1 Provided files: ........................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 PC configuration ....................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Internet Explorer Settings.......................................................................................................... 4
2 REMON G2 Server Software Installation 5
2.1 MySQL...................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Database .................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 ODBC........................................................................................................................................ 7
2.4 CTG bus driver.......................................................................................................................... 9
2.5 Web Server.............................................................................................................................. 14
2.6 PHP support............................................................................................................................. 20
2.7 Decode Application................................................................................................................. 22
3 REMON G2 Server settings 23

REMON G2 Server Software Installation Guide 2 REMON-G2 Installation Guide v.1.7 3
This document describes procedure of REMON G2 Server initial software installation and
configuration. REMON G2 Client ActiveX controls install automatically on access to REMON

REMON G2 Server Software Installation Guide 3 REMON-G2 Installation Guide v.1.7 4

1 Installation software
1.1 Provided files:
The necessary files (provided by ViTec) are:
• Database dump file - the file located in “”
• PHP scripts and executables for server side (“” and “”)
• Decode application executable (“”), CTG bus driver (“”).
• PHP patch (php4.1.2.exe)
Downloadable software:
You will also need either Windows 2000 Installation CD (if you are going to install Web Site from
Microsoft Internet Information Services) or Apache 1.3.26 web server software (if you are going to
install Apache, it can be taken from , MySQL 3.23.51 database engine and
MyODBC 2.50.39 drivers for NT to access the database, and PHP 4.2.2 preprocessor (can be taken
WARNING: REMON-G2 has been tested yet with Apache 1.3.12 and 1.3.26. REMON-G2 requires
exact MyODBC version match for its operation. REMON-G2 has not been tested yet with PHP
versions other than 4.2.2 and requires provided patch.

1.2 PC configuration
The software is to be installed into Windows 2000 environment. Clients can also work in Windows 98
The REMON-G2 Server software can run under Windows XP Professional or Windows 2003 Server
(has been tested on Standard Edition). However, testing is still in progress.

The very first thing is to install Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 available from onto all REMON
servers and client computers (only those running Windows 2000) that will work with REMON.

1.3 Internet Explorer Settings

All machines intended to be used as REMON clients (this covers REMON servers as well) should have
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 Service Pack 2 or later installed.

Adjust Internet Explorer settings for each client and server box. In “Start->Settings->Control panel-
>Internet options” select “Security” tab, click “Trusted sites” icon and push “Sites…” button (Figure
1). Add all addresses of known REMON servers to the list. The “Require server verification…”
checkbox must be cleared while adding the addresses.

Figure 1 "Trusted sites" pane

REMON G2 Server Software Installation Guide 4 REMON-G2 Installation Guide v.1.7 5

2 REMON G2 Server Software Installation

The following description covers REMON installation process on REMON server only. The clients do
not need additional preparation.

2.1 MySQL
Install MySQL v.3.23.51 and MyODBC v.2.50.39 for Windows NT (available from ).

Start MySQL as service if not started yet. To do this, run bin\winmysqladmin.exe from MySQL
installation directory. After winmysqladmin icon appears in system tray right click it and select
“WinNT->Install the service” (as shown in Figure 2).

Figure 2 Service installation for MySQL

Set up MySQL . Run bin\winmysqladmin.exe from MySQL installation directory. Winmysqladmin.exe

will ask for user and password as shown in Figure 3. Set user to “root” with password “root”.

Figure 3 Winmysqladmin password prompt

You will see the window (Figure 4).

REMON G2 Server Software Installation Guide 5 REMON-G2 Installation Guide v.1.7 6
Figure 4 Winmysqladmin window
First of all switch to “my.ini Setup” tab. You will see the window shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5 "my.ini Setup" tab

Locate and delete the string “password=root”. Push “Save modifications”. You will see confirmation
dialog box shown in Figure 6. Push “Yes”.

Figure 6 File save confirmation dialog

2.2 Database
Create the database “remon”, set up root password and load provided database dump. Copy contents of to MySQL\bin directory. Run loaddump.bat and press any key when prompted. The batch file
will update root password, create “remon” database and load required data to the database. MySQL
should not report any errors.

REMON G2 Server Software Installation Guide 6 REMON-G2 Installation Guide v.1.7 7
2.3 ODBC
Set up ODBC connection to “remon” database. Start administration of ODBC data sources using
“Start->Settings->Control Panel->Administrative tools->Data Sources (ODBC)” shortcut (Figure 7).

Figure 7 ODBC data sources management panel location

The ODBC DSN administration window is shown in Figure 8. Select “System DSN” tab before adding
a DSN.

REMON G2 Server Software Installation Guide 7 REMON-G2 Installation Guide v.1.7 8
Figure 8 ODBC DSN administration window
If the DSN is not set up yet click “Add…”, select “MySQL” driver from the list and click “Finish”.
After that, fill in the fields as shown in Figure 9 and click “OK”.

Figure 9 DSN settings

REMON G2 Server Software Installation Guide 8 REMON-G2 Installation Guide v.1.7 9
2.4 CTG bus driver
Decide which serial port you will use to connect to CTG bus (the better choice is COM1). You will
need to install a driver on this port.
To install the driver you should:
1. Unpack the provided “CEC_CTG.INF” and “CEC_CTG.SYS” files to a known location.
2. Right click “My computer” icon on the target computer’s desktop and click “Manage” (Figure

Figure 10 "Manage computer" menu

3. You will see a window (Figure 11). Click “Device manager” in the left pane.

Figure 11 "Computer Management" window

4. Click plus sign near “Ports (COM and LPT)” appeared in the right pane. This will expand the
tree (Figure 12).

REMON G2 Server Software Installation Guide 9 REMON-G2 Installation Guide v.1.7 10

Figure 12 "Computer Management" window with expanded ports

5. Double-click the port you wish to connect to CTG bus. A window (Figure 13) will appear.

Figure 13 Communication port properties

6. Click the “Driver” tab. You will see the window (Figure 14).

REMON G2 Server Software Installation Guide 10 REMON-G2 Installation Guide v.1.7 11

Figure 14 "Driver" tab in "Communication Port" window

7. Click “Update driver…” button and follow the wizard screens (Figure 15, Figure 16).

Figure 15 "Upgrade Device Driver Wizard", page 1

REMON G2 Server Software Installation Guide 11 REMON-G2 Installation Guide v.1.7 12

Figure 16 "Upgrade Device Driver Wizard", page 2

8. When the wizard displays Figure 16 click the lower radio button and then click “Next”. You
will see the window (Figure 17).

Figure 17 "Upgrade Device Driver Wizard", page 3

9. Click “Have Disk…” button. You will see the window (Figure 18). Provide the path to
“CEC_CTG.INF” file and click “OK”.

Figure 18 "Install from disk" window

REMON G2 Server Software Installation Guide 12 REMON-G2 Installation Guide v.1.7 13
10. In the appeared window (Figure 19), click the “CEC CTG RS-485 driver” and click “Next”.
The driver will be installed on the desired port.

Figure 19 "Upgrade Device Driver Wizard", page 4

REMON G2 Server Software Installation Guide 13 REMON-G2 Installation Guide v.1.7 14
2.5 Web Server
You should use Microsoft IIS web server due to memory leaks found when using Apache. The
installation procedure is described below.
Depending on the OS type installed, refer to one of the following two sections: “Install Microsoft IIS
5” for Windows 2000/XP Professional, or “Install Microsoft IIS 6” for Windows 2003 Server.
Install Microsoft IIS 5 (under Windows 2000/XP Professional)
1. From the "Windows Control Panel" select the "Add/Remove Programs" applet.
2. Select the "Add Remove Windows Components" tag from the left side of the "Add/Remove
Programs Window".
3. When the Windows finished the preparing of "Windows Components Wizard" window, check
the "Internet Information Services (IIS)" checkbox in the list of available windows components.
4. Then select this item and click in "Details..." button. Make sure that the "World Wide Web
Server" item is checked. Click on the "OK" for "Internet Information Services (IIS)" window.
5. Click on "Next>" button in the "Windows Components Wizard" window.
6. Wait while the Windows installs the IIS (The Windows Installation Disk may required).
7. Unzip into “C:\Inetpub\wwwroot” directory.
8. Unzip into “C:\Inetpub\Scripts” directory.
9. If you use NTFS then perform the additional step:
The Remon Server DLL works under IUSR_<COMPUTER_NAME> user account
(Internet Guest Account). Normally, this user has no rights to modify content of the
"C:\Inetput\wwwroot" folder. Open the "C:\Inetpub" in the Windows Explorer. Right
click on the "wwwroot" folder and select "Properties" from the context menu. Select the
"Security" tag In the dialog appear (if you have not such tag it means that the computer
works under FAT32 and you don't need any additional steps required. Under XP, you
could need unchecking Explorer->Tools->Folder Options->View->Advanced settings-
>Use simple file sharing). Click the "Add..." button. The "Select users, computers, or
groups" dialog will arise. Select the user IUSR_<COMPUTER_NAME> in the list of
users and groups and click on "Add" button. Then click on "OK". In the "wwwroot
Properties" dialog select the new "Internet Guest Account" item in the list of users and
check the "Allow" checkbox for "Modify" permission. Close the dialog by "OK" button.
After these security changes the Remon.dll will have rights to modify (rebuild) files in
wwwroot and the client will be able to display group, multigroup and all other screens in
the right frame of IE.
Change the security settings for "WINNT\Temp" folder is used as temporary network cache for
requests sent from the server. While the IIS launcher user IWAM_<COMPUTER NAME>
has no rights to modify files in "WINNT\Temp" the system lost handles during IE display
Remon screens. Use the "Security" tab in Properties dialog of the "WINNT\Temp" folder to
grant the "Modify" permission to "Launch IIS Process Account". When this is done for
NTFS the Remon server will not loose system resources.
In the case of memory leaks (visible in Task Manager) permit everything except full control to
IWAM_<COMPUTER NAME> and IUSR_<COMPUTER_NAME> users on disk C: and
all of its subdirectories. This is the bug fix for IE. You can also add IWAM_<COMPUTER
NAME> and IUSR_<COMPUTER_NAME> to Administrators group (see item 8 on page
20 below).

Install Microsoft IIS 6 (under Windows 2003 Server)

From the Windows "Start" menu select "Manage Your Server" (Figure 20).

REMON G2 Server Software Installation Guide 14 REMON-G2 Installation Guide v.1.7 15

Figure 20 “Manage your server” screen

Click “Add or remove a role”. You will see “Configure your server Wizard” (Figure 21).

Figure 21 Configure your server Wizard

Click "Next >" to analyze current system settings.
When the wizard has stopped select the "Custom configuration" and click "Next >" again. You will
see “Configure your server Wizard” (Figure 22)

REMON G2 Server Software Installation Guide 15 REMON-G2 Installation Guide v.1.7 16

Figure 22 Configure your server Wizard (2)

Select the "Application server" and click "Next >". You will see the wizard page (Figure 23).

Figure 23 Configure your server Wizard (3)

Do not check both "FrontPage" and "ASP.NET" extensions. Click the "Next >" button. (Figure 24)

REMON G2 Server Software Installation Guide 16 REMON-G2 Installation Guide v.1.7 17

Figure 24 Configure your server Wizard (4)

Verify the information displayed and click "Next >". Wait for the installation is completed. Click
"Finish" to exit the Wizard. From the Windows "Start" menu select "Manage Your Server" once
again (you will see the screen Figure 25).

Figure 25 “Manage your server” screen after adding new role

Select "Manage this application server" for the "Application Server". You will see the screen Figure

REMON G2 Server Software Installation Guide 17 REMON-G2 Installation Guide v.1.7 18

Figure 26 "Application server" screen

Select "IIS Manager"/"local computer"/"Web Service Extensions" in the tree. In the right pane click
on "Add a new Web service extension" (Figure 27).

Figure 27 "New web service extension" dialog

Set "Extension name" to "php", click "Add" button and specify the PHP executable (usually
"C:\PHP\PHP.EXE"), check the "Set extension status to allowed" checkbox. Allow "All Unknown
ISAPI Extensions" (Figure 28).

REMON G2 Server Software Installation Guide 18 REMON-G2 Installation Guide v.1.7 19

Figure 28 "Application server" screen after allowing ISAPI extensions

IIS configuration is completed.

REMON G2 Server Software Installation Guide 19 REMON-G2 Installation Guide v.1.7 20
2.6 PHP support
1. Install PHP 4.2.2 with default settings (into “C:\PHP\”).
2. Run provided php4.1.2.exe patch. You will see the window (Figure 29).

Figure 29 "Extract to" PHP patch window

Provide path to current PHP installation (usually “C:\PHP”) and push “Install”.
During unpack the window (Figure 30) will appear. Push “Yes to all”.

Figure 30 "Overwrite" installer window

3. Copy all files from “PHP\DLLs\” and “PHP\extensions\” directories to “WINNT\system32\”
4. In file C:\WINNT \php.ini replace
- and -
max_execution_time = 30
max_execution_time = 100000000

Figure 31
5. If you installed MS IIS under Windows 2003 skip this item.
From the "Windows Control Panel" select the "Administrative Tools" applet.
Select the "Internet Services Manager" from Administrative Tools.
Expand the tree in left part of the window. Select the tree item:
Internet Information Services
<Computer Name>
Default Web Site
Right click on it and select the "Properties" from context menu. The "Default Web Site
Properties" dialog will appear.
Select the "Home Directory" tag and click on the "Configuration" button.
REMON G2 Server Software Installation Guide 20 REMON-G2 Installation Guide v.1.7 21
In the "Application Mappings" group click on "Add" button. In the dialog appears specify the
PHP executable (normally the "C:\PHP\php.exe") in the "Executable:" field and the
extension "php" in the "Extension:" field. Make sure that the "Script engine" checkbox is
checked. Click to the "OK" button.
Close the "Application Configuration" by "OK" button also.
Click on "OK" in the "Default Web Site Properties" dialog.
Right click again on the "Default Web Server" tree item in the "Internet Information Services"
window and select the "New"\"Virtual Directory" from context menu. The "Virtual
Directory Creation Wizard" will appear.
In the Wizard specify the "cgi-bin" as alias, the "C:\Inetpub\Scripts" as directory, and check the
"Read" and "Execute" checkboxes as Access Permissions.
Right click on appeared “cgi-bin”, go to “Virtual directory” tab if not there and set “Execute
permissions” to “Scripts and Executables”.
Select Internet Information Services -> Default web site-> Properties.. You will see dialog
box shown in Figure 32.

Figure 32 IIS Web Site Properties

Type “100000000” in Connection Timeout box. Click Apply and close this window by
clicking OK.
Select Home Directory tab. Check “Write” box and click Apply. Click Cancel in the window
that will appear.

REMON G2 Server Software Installation Guide 21 REMON-G2 Installation Guide v.1.7 22
As stated by PHP installation program, “NT users may need to set appropriate permissions for
the various php files and directories. Usually IUSR_MachineName will need read write
access to uploadtmp and session directories, and execute access for php.exe and php4ts.dll.”
The easiest way to avoid all of the security issues that result in misoperating REMON server
and 100% CPU consuming is to add IUSR_*** and IWAM_*** users to “Administrators”
group. However, this is a potential security risk for web server.

2.7 Decode Application

Install DA_Exe, DASetup.exe and Kicker.exe to default directory using the supplied installation
Set up serial ports. Run Start->Programs->Remon->Decode Application Setup. Dialog (Figure 33) will

Figure 33 Decode Application Setup utility

Add, edit or delete settings for each desired serial port as needed. Click the desired string in the list and
all the buttons will be highlighted. Clicking “Add…” or “Edit…” button brings up the settings screen
(Figure 34).

Figure 34 Port settings dialog

You can edit the desired serial port name and other parameters within this dialog.
For simplicity, the suitable settings for HC bus are loaded by clicking the “Load HC” button. The same
is true for CTG bus and “Load CTG” button. The given computer hardware can require more precise
adjustment with “Delay 1” and “Delay 2” values. “Delay 1” is delay in microseconds after RTS is set
and “Delay 2” is delay after the first (address) byte is sent.
You can quickly load appropriate settings for HC or CTG bus using corresponding buttons.
(Sometimes the settings should be further adjusted depending on given hardware) Clicking “OK” adds
new port to the list.
The “Database…” button (Figure 33) is for advanced setup and usually should not be used. This button
allows editing some database settings and script names.
After modifying all settings you can click “Accept” (Figure 33) to save settings to registry. You can use
“Cancel” to discard the changes.
If the settings have been changed, the Decode Application must be restarted to use the latest settings.
Restart the computer.

REMON G2 Server Software Installation Guide 22 REMON-G2 Installation Guide v.1.7 23

3 REMON G2 Server settings

Set up users and neighbor servers. Open IE and enter http://localhost/adminauth.php. Use username
“m” and password “m” to enter the protected area. Push “Users administration” to add, edit and remove
users and set their passwords.
Use “Job configuration” to set up names related to local job.
Use “System administration” to set up system properties.
Use “IP Servers Configuration” to add or remove visible remote jobs. NEVER add local job to this

Check system operability. Visit http://localhost/group.php, enter your username and password (you can
use those entered in “Users administration” area in previous step) and see if the information displayed
in the screen is valid.

Set up OCX files location. At the administration page enter name or IP address of server where OCX
files must be stored (“ActiveX source server” entry).

Figure 35 ActiveX server setup

Default ActiveX server is “”. OCX files must be stored in virtual directory “Code” of the
ActiveX server.

REMON G2 Server Software Installation Guide 23

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