LMD22-285 Elastic Cable Test Port

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Zhejiang Lemond Power Equipment Co.,Ltd une Elastic cable inspection report Produc Name | _atic eable Specification 25 Quaaty Tre Seth material polytierhased TP Production date 20726.17 Tesi “Technical requirement Outcome Rest Wire core color Black brown gry, yellow-green Back, brown, gray yllow-reen | Qualified Tato ST Tag sn orm uid Thimest 06mm 0m Quali Shea thickness avenge 2mm 20mm Quaied Thies Tm 759mm Qualified ‘Averabe outer diameter ofelastic cable [1420.5 17mm Qualified ‘Conductor inspection oro 2s 30°02 Quslied Condor F value 000 2001 Qualed Conductor resistance 10 600K 960K Qualifed Teslton vlog ts ithtand voltage of CV /Smin10A without breakdown conf Qualified Sheu immersion voltage ext [stand 2K / Sin 10A meron without breakdown ‘conform Quaid longtion before imslaion aging [150% 15i%6 Qualied ‘longtionafirinslaon aging _[1509620(80:2.0°C= 168) 153% Qualified Tensile aregth before islaion aging _ [12.52 17 66Ninm2 Qualified Tensile srengh afer insulation aging _[12.5:20Nin ) Qualified ‘longtion before sheath aging [150% S00 Oualied longaion of tea ater aging ——_[150%20(8022 070-68) 200% Qualified “Tense stengh of sheath before aging [212 SN 330Nimm2 Qvalied Tensile vengih of heath afer aging —_|12.5¢20Nmm2 230Nnn2 Qualified Aging oxation est soca rowroattr conform ualifed fer 15000 reciprocating movements and 30000 one-way Cran tesex test frovemens, neither eurentinerupion oot hot ict conform usted etteen conductors shal ocir longation under load 5.6, Thermal elongation test tec 6024s: 2008 emul arcs nie ane tarda est fecoossa conform Qunlee Wear sistance est ec e103. 1997 Round wip> 150;ines | Qualified The surface ofthe wire body sal be sro witout ores, eres, concave convex, damage, patterns it te the coor Appearance ofthe insulating ayer shall becca and wearer Foe conform untied llow and gren wires, one color covers 30% 70%, and the ether color overs the rest, Talent Acconting to contrat conform valid Tene dianeterofiasic cable [oma hmm Qualified Outer diameter ofelasic cable __[ODmmnst 91S Qualified —— The mas onthe outer shat shal appear continously Contin otlogrcomen...__ fwiin the distance of $SOmm, and other marks shal appear conform unites z eoninuusly within the distance of 25mm For Siraion egamce ibe eel wih ples of ion oth oak war TO aroun =a Result Noneonformity handling ‘pRework aRepair Serap ghune Testors SS Test date

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