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1. Text from SEO editor (eventually edited by the user, maximum line-length 125
for better readability)
2. Text from SEO editor (eventually edited by the user, full line-length, for
easy copy&paste)
3. AI-Generated text, with source annotations
4. AI-Generated text, without source annotations

Version #1 - Current version from SEO Editor, less line-width

# Make A Report On Semi-Autonomous Organelles(Mitochondria And Plastids)

Endosymbiotic Origin From purple sulfur bacteria Or Prokaryotic cells, as
mitochondria are similar to prokaryotic cells
(Ricksial bacteria) in DNA structure and DNA sequence, type of ribosomes (70s),
susceptibility of antibiotic chloremphenicols
with protein synthesis, division via amytosis or fission. Plant Organelles In plant
cells, which contains its genetic
material, DNA, and ribosomes are the mitochondria and the plastids.
Compared with some other organelles, mitochondria contain DNA, making them
semiautonomous. DNA in mitochondria contains a
variety of genes that encode 13 proteins required for oxidative phosphorylation.
Mitochondria also contain ribosomes, which
synthesize some of the proteins found within. Mitochondria also contain a double
membrane, the inner one folded over to form
the cristae.
The remaining proteins and enzymes in mitochondria are synthesized under control of
the nucleus. Mitochondria are capable of
producing some proteins required for their function using their DNA, RNA, enzymes,
and ribosomes, and they get others from
the cytoplasm. Alongside these enzymatic arrays, there is an entire protein-
synthesis machinery (ribosomes-70S, DNA, RNAs, a
handful of enzymes), hence, mitochondria are called semi-autonomous organelles of
cells. They contain DNA along with
Ribosomes and are capable to synthesize some of their own proteins hence called
semi-autonomous cell organelles. They are
also capable to synthesize some of their own proteins required for its function.
Plastids are called semi-autonomous organelles as they are able to synthesise some
of their own proteins because of their
existence, but have to depend on nuclear membranes to synthesise other proteins.C
Mitochondria possess their own DNA, which
is separated from DNA found in cell nucleus. Chloroplasts, as well as the other
types of plastids, contain a separate genome
to the one found in the nucleus of the cell. Chloroplasts are a specific type of
plant cell organelle called a plastid,
although sometimes these two terms are used interchangeably.
Chloroplasts are a type of membrane-bound organelle known as a plastid, which
perform photosynthesis, mostly in plants and
algae cells. Gerontoplasts are a type of plastids developed from chloroplasts in
foliage plants as they age. Chloroplast A -
Chloroplasts contain the pigment chlorophyll, which traps energy from sunlight for
LeucoplastA - Leucoplasts are non-pigmented organelles when compared with the other
plastids. There are several types of
plastids, which include the chloroplast, the chromoplast, a gerontoplast, and
leucoplast. Chloroplasts have their own genetic
systems & full machinery for protein synthesis (ds-DNA, RNA, ribosomes, enzymes,
amino acids), hence the chloroplasts are
called as semiautonomous organelles in cells.
Chloroplasts are a semiautonomous organelle that contains few thousands proteins
which are involved mostly in photosynthesis
process, but also in the biosynthesis pathway of many related compounds, that is,
fatty acids (Brehelin et al. Chloroplasts
are similar in size to prokaryotic cells, divided via binary fission, and, as with
bacteria, they possess Fts proteins in the
subdivision plane.
Photosynthetic plants cells 40s smaller subunits, and/or energy-generating ATP,
have ribosomes... The remaining major
features of the chloroplast require DNA, which plastids have in themselves, or the
cells membrane, whereas ribosomes are
found within the mitochondria The mitochondria are rod-shaped organelles found in
all eukaryotic cells. Mitochondria are
found in all eukaryotic cells including plants and animals, while plastids are
found in plant cells only. All the
mitochondria present in the cell are collectively called the chondriome.
Choose the correct statements from the following: a) Plastids have their own DNA
and ribosomes b) Vacuoles are big sized in
animal cells, whereas small vacuoles are found in plant cells c) The golgi
apparatus is also known as a cells suicide pouch
d) Mitochondria are single membrane organelles. Strong evidence points towards
endosymbiosis as the answer to the riddle.
Given the partial evidence supporting the theory that Mitochondria and Chloroplasts
could originate in Prokaryotic organisms.
Mitochondria formed when aerobic-resisting bacteria were consumed; chloroplasts
formed when photosynthetic bacteria were
Because of this, it was possible to track the mass-gene-transfer process from
precursors to present-day chloroplasts toward
the nucleus of cells. Because so many chloroplast genes were transferred into the
nucleus, many proteins which originally
would be translated into the chloroplasts are now synthesised in the plant cells
cytoplasm. Because the cells acquiring a
chloroplast already had mitochondria (and peroxisomes, as well as the cells
membrane to allow for secretion), new hosts for
chloroplasts had to design a unique protein targeting system in order to prevent
sending chloroplast proteins to the wrong
Furthermore, expression of proteins coded by CPDNA is regulated in different steps
in this process, either by transcription
factors found in the chloroplasts or those with a non-chloroplast origin (Sun and
Zerges 2015). Transport of these proteins
from the cytoplasm into the chloroplast lumen is complicated, depending both on the
transport protein structure, and the
translocation proteins from outer and inner membranes (Sun and Zerges 2015 ). Short
amino acid sequences located on the
N-terminal, called translocation peptides, enable the recognition and
transportation of protein of interest across outer and
inner envelope membranes through translocons called TOCs (translocons at the outer
chloroplast membrane) and TICs
(translocons at the inner chloroplast membrane).
Chloroplast DNA nucleoid, ribosomes, the chloroplast thylakoid system with
plastoglobuli, starch grains, and a variety of
proteins are found floating in a protein-rich environment. Stroma (Matrix) contains
circular, or seldom linear, DNA, RNA,
70-S Ribosomes, starch grains, Calvin Cycle enzymes, or Dark Reactions.
Chloroplasts, like mitochondria, contain their own
DNA, thought to have been inherited from their progenitor--a photosynthetic
cyanobacterium absorbed by the first eukaryotic
They eventually lost their cell walls, and most of their DNA, because they were of
no use inside their host cells. Altmann
(1894) established mitochondria as cellular organelles, and called them bioblasts.
The internal membranes of the plastids and
mitochondria are... Bacteria are simple cells, which contain no nucleus and no
other membrane-bound organelles.

Version #2 - Current version from SEO Editor, for copy&paste

# Make A Report On Semi-Autonomous Organelles(Mitochondria And Plastids)

Endosymbiotic Origin From purple sulfur bacteria Or Prokaryotic cells, as
mitochondria are similar to prokaryotic cells (Ricksial bacteria) in DNA structure
and DNA sequence, type of ribosomes (70s), susceptibility of antibiotic
chloremphenicols with protein synthesis, division via amytosis or fission. Plant
Organelles In plant cells, which contains its genetic material, DNA, and ribosomes
are the mitochondria and the plastids.
Compared with some other organelles, mitochondria contain DNA, making them
semiautonomous. DNA in mitochondria contains a variety of genes that encode 13
proteins required for oxidative phosphorylation. Mitochondria also contain
ribosomes, which synthesize some of the proteins found within. Mitochondria also
contain a double membrane, the inner one folded over to form the cristae.
The remaining proteins and enzymes in mitochondria are synthesized under control of
the nucleus. Mitochondria are capable of producing some proteins required for their
function using their DNA, RNA, enzymes, and ribosomes, and they get others from the
cytoplasm. Alongside these enzymatic arrays, there is an entire protein-synthesis
machinery (ribosomes-70S, DNA, RNAs, a handful of enzymes), hence, mitochondria are
called semi-autonomous organelles of cells. They contain DNA along with Ribosomes
and are capable to synthesize some of their own proteins hence called semi-
autonomous cell organelles. They are also capable to synthesize some of their own
proteins required for its function.
Plastids are called semi-autonomous organelles as they are able to synthesise some
of their own proteins because of their existence, but have to depend on nuclear
membranes to synthesise other proteins.C Mitochondria possess their own DNA, which
is separated from DNA found in cell nucleus. Chloroplasts, as well as the other
types of plastids, contain a separate genome to the one found in the nucleus of the
cell. Chloroplasts are a specific type of plant cell organelle called a plastid,
although sometimes these two terms are used interchangeably.
Chloroplasts are a type of membrane-bound organelle known as a plastid, which
perform photosynthesis, mostly in plants and algae cells. Gerontoplasts are a type
of plastids developed from chloroplasts in foliage plants as they age. Chloroplast
A - Chloroplasts contain the pigment chlorophyll, which traps energy from sunlight
for photosynthesis.
LeucoplastA - Leucoplasts are non-pigmented organelles when compared with the other
plastids. There are several types of plastids, which include the chloroplast, the
chromoplast, a gerontoplast, and leucoplast. Chloroplasts have their own genetic
systems & full machinery for protein synthesis (ds-DNA, RNA, ribosomes, enzymes,
amino acids), hence the chloroplasts are called as semiautonomous organelles in
Chloroplasts are a semiautonomous organelle that contains few thousands proteins
which are involved mostly in photosynthesis process, but also in the biosynthesis
pathway of many related compounds, that is, fatty acids (Brehelin et al.
Chloroplasts are similar in size to prokaryotic cells, divided via binary fission,
and, as with bacteria, they possess Fts proteins in the subdivision plane.
Photosynthetic plants cells 40s smaller subunits, and/or energy-generating ATP,
have ribosomes... The remaining major features of the chloroplast require DNA,
which plastids have in themselves, or the cells membrane, whereas ribosomes are
found within the mitochondria The mitochondria are rod-shaped organelles found in
all eukaryotic cells. Mitochondria are found in all eukaryotic cells including
plants and animals, while plastids are found in plant cells only. All the
mitochondria present in the cell are collectively called the chondriome.
Choose the correct statements from the following: a) Plastids have their own DNA
and ribosomes b) Vacuoles are big sized in animal cells, whereas small vacuoles are
found in plant cells c) The golgi apparatus is also known as a cells suicide pouch
d) Mitochondria are single membrane organelles. Strong evidence points towards
endosymbiosis as the answer to the riddle. Given the partial evidence supporting
the theory that Mitochondria and Chloroplasts could originate in Prokaryotic
organisms. Mitochondria formed when aerobic-resisting bacteria were consumed;
chloroplasts formed when photosynthetic bacteria were consumed.
Because of this, it was possible to track the mass-gene-transfer process from
precursors to present-day chloroplasts toward the nucleus of cells. Because so many
chloroplast genes were transferred into the nucleus, many proteins which originally
would be translated into the chloroplasts are now synthesised in the plant cells
cytoplasm. Because the cells acquiring a chloroplast already had mitochondria (and
peroxisomes, as well as the cells membrane to allow for secretion), new hosts for
chloroplasts had to design a unique protein targeting system in order to prevent
sending chloroplast proteins to the wrong organelles.
Furthermore, expression of proteins coded by CPDNA is regulated in different steps
in this process, either by transcription factors found in the chloroplasts or those
with a non-chloroplast origin (Sun and Zerges 2015). Transport of these proteins
from the cytoplasm into the chloroplast lumen is complicated, depending both on the
transport protein structure, and the translocation proteins from outer and inner
membranes (Sun and Zerges 2015 ). Short amino acid sequences located on the N-
terminal, called translocation peptides, enable the recognition and transportation
of protein of interest across outer and inner envelope membranes through
translocons called TOCs (translocons at the outer chloroplast membrane) and TICs
(translocons at the inner chloroplast membrane).
Chloroplast DNA nucleoid, ribosomes, the chloroplast thylakoid system with
plastoglobuli, starch grains, and a variety of proteins are found floating in a
protein-rich environment. Stroma (Matrix) contains circular, or seldom linear, DNA,
RNA, 70-S Ribosomes, starch grains, Calvin Cycle enzymes, or Dark Reactions.
Chloroplasts, like mitochondria, contain their own DNA, thought to have been
inherited from their progenitor--a photosynthetic cyanobacterium absorbed by the
first eukaryotic cells.
They eventually lost their cell walls, and most of their DNA, because they were of
no use inside their host cells. Altmann (1894) established mitochondria as cellular
organelles, and called them bioblasts. The internal membranes of the plastids and
mitochondria are... Bacteria are simple cells, which contain no nucleus and no
other membrane-bound organelles.
Version #3 - AI-Generated text, with source annotations

Make A Report On Semi-Autonomous Organelles(Mitochondria And Plastids)

Endosymbiotic Origin From purple sulfur bacteria Or Prokaryotic cells, as

mitochondria are similar to prokaryotic cells (Ricksial bacteria) in DNA structure
and DNA sequence, type of ribosomes (70s), susceptibility of antibiotic
chloremphenicols with protein synthesis, division via amytosis or fission. Plant
Organelles In plant cells, which contains its genetic material, DNA, and ribosomes
are the mitochondria and the plastids. [Sources: 5, 6]

Compared with some other organelles, mitochondria contain DNA, making them
semiautonomous. DNA in mitochondria contains a variety of genes that encode 13
proteins required for oxidative phosphorylation. Mitochondria also contain
ribosomes, which synthesize some of the proteins found within. Mitochondria also
contain a double membrane, the inner one folded over to form the cristae. [Sources:
0, 3]

The remaining proteins and enzymes in mitochondria are synthesized under control of
the nucleus. Mitochondria are capable of producing some proteins required for their
function using their DNA, RNA, enzymes, and ribosomes, and they get others from the
cytoplasm. Alongside these enzymatic arrays, there is an entire protein-synthesis
machinery (ribosomes-70S, DNA, RNAs, a handful of enzymes), hence, mitochondria are
called semi-autonomous organelles of cells. They contain DNA along with Ribosomes
and are capable to synthesize some of their own proteins hence called semi-
autonomous cell organelles. They are also capable to synthesize some of their own
proteins required for its function. [Sources: 4, 6]

Plastids are called semi-autonomous organelles as they are able to synthesise some
of their own proteins because of their existence, but have to depend on nuclear
membranes to synthesise other proteins.C Mitochondria possess their own DNA, which
is separated from DNA found in cell nucleus. Chloroplasts, as well as the other
types of plastids, contain a separate genome to the one found in the nucleus of the
cell. Chloroplasts are a specific type of plant cell organelle called a plastid,
although sometimes these two terms are used interchangeably. [Sources: 2, 5]

Chloroplasts are a type of membrane-bound organelle known as a plastid, which

perform photosynthesis, mostly in plants and algae cells. Gerontoplasts are a type
of plastids developed from chloroplasts in foliage plants as they age. Chloroplast
A - Chloroplasts contain the pigment chlorophyll, which traps energy from sunlight
for photosynthesis. [Sources: 0, 2]

LeucoplastA - Leucoplasts are non-pigmented organelles when compared with the other
plastids. There are several types of plastids, which include the chloroplast, the
chromoplast, a gerontoplast, and leucoplast. Chloroplasts have their own genetic
systems & full machinery for protein synthesis (ds-DNA, RNA, ribosomes, enzymes,
amino acids), hence the chloroplasts are called as semiautonomous organelles in
cells. [Sources: 0, 6]

Chloroplasts are a semiautonomous organelle that contains few thousands proteins

which are involved mostly in photosynthesis process, but also in the biosynthesis
pathway of many related compounds, that is, fatty acids (Brehelin et al.
Chloroplasts are similar in size to prokaryotic cells, divided via binary fission,
and, as with bacteria, they possess Fts proteins in the subdivision plane.
[Sources: 1, 7]

Photosynthetic plants cells 40s smaller subunits, and/or energy-generating ATP,

have ribosomes... The remaining major features of the chloroplast require DNA,
which plastids have in themselves, or the cells membrane, whereas ribosomes are
found within the mitochondria The mitochondria are rod-shaped organelles found in
all eukaryotic cells. Mitochondria are found in all eukaryotic cells including
plants and animals, while plastids are found in plant cells only. All the
mitochondria present in the cell are collectively called the chondriome. [Sources:
5, 6]

Choose the correct statements from the following: a) Plastids have their own DNA
and ribosomes b) Vacuoles are big sized in animal cells, whereas small vacuoles are
found in plant cells c) The golgi apparatus is also known as a cells suicide pouch
d) Mitochondria are single membrane organelles. Strong evidence points towards
endosymbiosis as the answer to the riddle. Given the partial evidence supporting
the theory that Mitochondria and Chloroplasts could originate in Prokaryotic
organisms. Mitochondria formed when aerobic-resisting bacteria were consumed;
chloroplasts formed when photosynthetic bacteria were consumed. [Sources: 1, 5]

Because of this, it was possible to track the mass-gene-transfer process from

precursors to present-day chloroplasts toward the nucleus of cells. Because so many
chloroplast genes were transferred into the nucleus, many proteins which originally
would be translated into the chloroplasts are now synthesised in the plant cells
cytoplasm. Because the cells acquiring a chloroplast already had mitochondria (and
peroxisomes, as well as the cells membrane to allow for secretion), new hosts for
chloroplasts had to design a unique protein targeting system in order to prevent
sending chloroplast proteins to the wrong organelles. [Sources: 2, 7]

Furthermore, expression of proteins coded by CPDNA is regulated in different steps

in this process, either by transcription factors found in the chloroplasts or those
with a non-chloroplast origin (Sun and Zerges 2015). Transport of these proteins
from the cytoplasm into the chloroplast lumen is complicated, depending both on the
transport protein structure, and the translocation proteins from outer and inner
membranes (Sun and Zerges 2015 ). Short amino acid sequences located on the N-
terminal, called translocation peptides, enable the recognition and transportation
of protein of interest across outer and inner envelope membranes through
translocons called TOCs (translocons at the outer chloroplast membrane) and TICs
(translocons at the inner chloroplast membrane). [Sources: 7]

Chloroplast DNA nucleoid, ribosomes, the chloroplast thylakoid system with

plastoglobuli, starch grains, and a variety of proteins are found floating in a
protein-rich environment. Stroma (Matrix) contains circular, or seldom linear, DNA,
RNA, 70-S Ribosomes, starch grains, Calvin Cycle enzymes, or Dark Reactions.
Chloroplasts, like mitochondria, contain their own DNA, thought to have been
inherited from their progenitor--a photosynthetic cyanobacterium absorbed by the
first eukaryotic cells. [Sources: 2, 6]

They eventually lost their cell walls, and most of their DNA, because they were of
no use inside their host cells. Altmann (1894) established mitochondria as cellular
organelles, and called them bioblasts. The internal membranes of the plastids and
mitochondria are... Bacteria are simple cells, which contain no nucleus and no
other membrane-bound organelles. [Sources: 1, 5, 6]
##### Sources #####









Version #4 - AI-Generated text, without source annotations

Make A Report On Semi-Autonomous Organelles(Mitochondria And Plastids)

Endosymbiotic Origin From purple sulfur bacteria Or Prokaryotic cells, as

mitochondria are similar to prokaryotic cells (Ricksial bacteria) in DNA structure
and DNA sequence, type of ribosomes (70s), susceptibility of antibiotic
chloremphenicols with protein synthesis, division via amytosis or fission. Plant
Organelles In plant cells, which contains its genetic material, DNA, and ribosomes
are the mitochondria and the plastids.

Compared with some other organelles, mitochondria contain DNA, making them
semiautonomous. DNA in mitochondria contains a variety of genes that encode 13
proteins required for oxidative phosphorylation. Mitochondria also contain
ribosomes, which synthesize some of the proteins found within. Mitochondria also
contain a double membrane, the inner one folded over to form the cristae.

The remaining proteins and enzymes in mitochondria are synthesized under control of
the nucleus. Mitochondria are capable of producing some proteins required for their
function using their DNA, RNA, enzymes, and ribosomes, and they get others from the
cytoplasm. Alongside these enzymatic arrays, there is an entire protein-synthesis
machinery (ribosomes-70S, DNA, RNAs, a handful of enzymes), hence, mitochondria are
called semi-autonomous organelles of cells. They contain DNA along with Ribosomes
and are capable to synthesize some of their own proteins hence called semi-
autonomous cell organelles. They are also capable to synthesize some of their own
proteins required for its function.

Plastids are called semi-autonomous organelles as they are able to synthesise some
of their own proteins because of their existence, but have to depend on nuclear
membranes to synthesise other proteins.C Mitochondria possess their own DNA, which
is separated from DNA found in cell nucleus. Chloroplasts, as well as the other
types of plastids, contain a separate genome to the one found in the nucleus of the
cell. Chloroplasts are a specific type of plant cell organelle called a plastid,
although sometimes these two terms are used interchangeably.

Chloroplasts are a type of membrane-bound organelle known as a plastid, which

perform photosynthesis, mostly in plants and algae cells. Gerontoplasts are a type
of plastids developed from chloroplasts in foliage plants as they age. Chloroplast
A - Chloroplasts contain the pigment chlorophyll, which traps energy from sunlight
for photosynthesis.

LeucoplastA - Leucoplasts are non-pigmented organelles when compared with the other
plastids. There are several types of plastids, which include the chloroplast, the
chromoplast, a gerontoplast, and leucoplast. Chloroplasts have their own genetic
systems & full machinery for protein synthesis (ds-DNA, RNA, ribosomes, enzymes,
amino acids), hence the chloroplasts are called as semiautonomous organelles in

Chloroplasts are a semiautonomous organelle that contains few thousands proteins

which are involved mostly in photosynthesis process, but also in the biosynthesis
pathway of many related compounds, that is, fatty acids (Brehelin et al.
Chloroplasts are similar in size to prokaryotic cells, divided via binary fission,
and, as with bacteria, they possess Fts proteins in the subdivision plane.

Photosynthetic plants cells 40s smaller subunits, and/or energy-generating ATP,

have ribosomes... The remaining major features of the chloroplast require DNA,
which plastids have in themselves, or the cells membrane, whereas ribosomes are
found within the mitochondria The mitochondria are rod-shaped organelles found in
all eukaryotic cells. Mitochondria are found in all eukaryotic cells including
plants and animals, while plastids are found in plant cells only. All the
mitochondria present in the cell are collectively called the chondriome.

Choose the correct statements from the following: a) Plastids have their own DNA
and ribosomes b) Vacuoles are big sized in animal cells, whereas small vacuoles are
found in plant cells c) The golgi apparatus is also known as a cells suicide pouch
d) Mitochondria are single membrane organelles. Strong evidence points towards
endosymbiosis as the answer to the riddle. Given the partial evidence supporting
the theory that Mitochondria and Chloroplasts could originate in Prokaryotic
organisms. Mitochondria formed when aerobic-resisting bacteria were consumed;
chloroplasts formed when photosynthetic bacteria were consumed.

Because of this, it was possible to track the mass-gene-transfer process from

precursors to present-day chloroplasts toward the nucleus of cells. Because so many
chloroplast genes were transferred into the nucleus, many proteins which originally
would be translated into the chloroplasts are now synthesised in the plant cells
cytoplasm. Because the cells acquiring a chloroplast already had mitochondria (and
peroxisomes, as well as the cells membrane to allow for secretion), new hosts for
chloroplasts had to design a unique protein targeting system in order to prevent
sending chloroplast proteins to the wrong organelles.

Furthermore, expression of proteins coded by CPDNA is regulated in different steps

in this process, either by transcription factors found in the chloroplasts or those
with a non-chloroplast origin (Sun and Zerges 2015). Transport of these proteins
from the cytoplasm into the chloroplast lumen is complicated, depending both on the
transport protein structure, and the translocation proteins from outer and inner
membranes (Sun and Zerges 2015 ). Short amino acid sequences located on the N-
terminal, called translocation peptides, enable the recognition and transportation
of protein of interest across outer and inner envelope membranes through
translocons called TOCs (translocons at the outer chloroplast membrane) and TICs
(translocons at the inner chloroplast membrane).

Chloroplast DNA nucleoid, ribosomes, the chloroplast thylakoid system with

plastoglobuli, starch grains, and a variety of proteins are found floating in a
protein-rich environment. Stroma (Matrix) contains circular, or seldom linear, DNA,
RNA, 70-S Ribosomes, starch grains, Calvin Cycle enzymes, or Dark Reactions.
Chloroplasts, like mitochondria, contain their own DNA, thought to have been
inherited from their progenitor--a photosynthetic cyanobacterium absorbed by the
first eukaryotic cells.

They eventually lost their cell walls, and most of their DNA, because they were of
no use inside their host cells. Altmann (1894) established mitochondria as cellular
organelles, and called them bioblasts. The internal membranes of the plastids and
mitochondria are... Bacteria are simple cells, which contain no nucleus and no
other membrane-bound organelles.

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