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Multiple form of L-phenylalanine sensitive alkaline phosphatase in rat fecal


Article  in  The Japanese journal of experimental medicine · November 1986

Source: PubMed


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3 authors, including:

Yoshihiro Shidoji
University of Nagasaki


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勅ultipleFormof L−PhenyJcllcmine、Sens汁iYeAlkclHne
PhosphcfIcISeinRcI FeccrTExIrc.cIs

(Received for Publication,February21,1986)

Soon Hie KIM,Yoshihiro SHIDOJI and Norimasa HOSOYA

pg如rfmg乃f ofⅣ加古γ最0乃J∫‘ん00g Of肋α協∫CZg花紙,ダα√祝坤of〟gdic言花β,ひれ古びgr∫如0f roた叩J

〃0乃gO,劫乃砂0一点祝,rOたγ0 773JJα如花

Mammalianintestinal alkaline phosphatase for9consecutive days and kept At −200C

isabrush−bordermembraneboundectoenzyme untiluse・Thecombinedfecalpellets,333・5g
Whichcatalysesahydrolysisofmonophosphate− Wet Wt・,Were homogenizedin7vol.of O.9%
estersinanalkalinecondition・Ahalfcentury NaCI solution by a Polytron homogenizer
ago,alkaline phosphatase actlVlty has been (Kinematica,Switzerland)for30sec,tWice.
foundin mammalian feces[1],althoughtheir Thehomogenateswerecentrifugedat8,600×g
OrlglnWaSnOtClarified untilthe mid1970’S.
for20min and the resultant supernatant was
Ithasrecentlybeenreportedthatanimmu− used to meaSure alkalinephosphatase actlVlty・
nologically active alkaline phosphatase derived Alkaline phosphatase actlVlty WaS meaSured
fromintestinal mucosais excretedin rat feces byamethodofBesseyetat.[3]usingp−nitro−
[2]・Fecalexcretion ofthe enzyme has been Phenylphosphateasasubstrate・Theenzyme
SuggeSted to be a final stepinits normal activity was expressed as FLmOles of p−nltrO−
Catabolism.If so,it seems worthwhile to Phenolliberated per min・ Organ specific
Show a molecular relationship betweenintes− inhibitors,SuChasL−Phenylalanineforintestinal
tinaland fecalalkaline phosphatases・How− alkaline phosphatase and L−homoarglnlne for
ever,nOinformationis now available about hepatic alkaline phosphatase,Were uSed−tO
Physicochemical characteristics of the fecal define theisozyme Characteristics ofIalkaline
alkaline phosphatase(S).In this study,We Phosphatase activityln the fecalextracts.
investlgated some characteristics of fecalalka− The fecalextract was applied to a column
line phosphatase compared with theintestinal (1×90cm)of Sephacryl S−300 equilibrated
enzyme,in terms ofinhibition by L−Phenyl− With50mMTris−HClbufferDPH8・Ocontaining
alanine whichis a specificinhibitor agalnSt O・2MNaCl・Bluedextran2000(Pharmacia)
intestinalalkaline phosphatase,and a charge WaS uSed to determine a void volume of the
heterogeneltyOnionexchangechromatography・ COlumn・Bovine serum albumin(Seikagakn
Tenmale Wistarrats,Weighing150g,Were Kogyo Co・),Catalase(Sigma ChemicalCo.),
housedinindividualmetaboliccagesfor3days and ovalbumin(Schwarz/Mann.,Orange−
beforecollectionoffeces・Alaboratorychow burg・)were used as molecular weight
dietand tapplngWaterWerefreeofaccess all standards.

daylong・Fecalpellets were collected with Protein concentrations were determined by

a minimum contamination of urine and food. amethodofLowryetal.[4]withbovineserum
AtlO:00everymornlngthepelletsweresaved albumin as a standard. Fractions from col_

ultravioletabsorbanceat280nm. Escherichia
金 順姫,四童子好広,細谷憲政(東京大学医学部保健
栄養学教室) COtialkalinephosphatase(typeIII)was pur−
252 S.H∴KIM gfαJ. [Vol.56

chasedfromSigmaCo・Homogenatesofrat and the bacterial alkaline phosphatases(Fig・

duodenalmucosawere prepared withlOOvol・ lA). Then,We teSted whether or not L−
of O.9%NaClasintestinalalkaline phospha− phenylalanine was still active toinhibit the
intestinalenzymebutnotto do with thebac−
Anaveragewetweightofdailyfecaloutput terialenzyme evenin the fecalextracts・As
was−5.20±0.23g(mean±S・E・,N=10)perrat・ shownin Fig・lB)theintestinal alkaline
Alkalinephosphataseactivitiesweredetermined phosphataseaddedtothecxtractswasefhcient−
to bel14.9FLmOIp−nitrophenolliberated per lyinhibited byincreaslng COnCentrations of
minperdayinthefecalextracts(TABL臆1)・ L−Phenylalanine,in contrast E・COli alkaline
LPhenylalanine,aninhibitor specific for phosphatase added to the extracts was not
intestinal alkaline phosphataseDinhibited the inhibited apparently・
inadosedependentmannerasshowninFig・ TABLEI Daily excretion of alkaline phospha−
1A.Incontrast,E・COlialkalinephosphatase taseactivitylntOratfeces.
was not foundinhibited at allin the presence
of30mM L−Phenylalanine)at a COnCentration
of which theintestinalenzyme wasinhibited
Fecal宅慧買忠恕atase A/レPhe(−)
LPhe(一) L−Phe(+)  』
tiviti甲Were Partiallyinhibited byincreaslng 114.9±18.5 41.0±3.6 73.9±15.4 58.1±5.0
cohcentration of the amino acid,but at above
15mMOftheinhibitortheactivityinthefecal L−Phe(−)or レPhe(+):in the absence or
presence of30m別[LNPhenylalanine・A means a
extracts rQmained relatively constant・The differencein alknline phosphatase activity be−
inhibitioncurveofthefecalenzymesapparently tween L−Phe(−)andレPhe(+)・10samples
resembledthatofal:1mixtureoftheintestina) were collected fromlO rats.Mean±S.E.

Fig.lInhibition of alkaline phosphatase activities by L−Phenylalanine・


0    10     20     30 0     10     20     30

L・Phenylalanine:(mM) L−Phenylalanine:(mM)

Alkalinephosphataseactivitiesweremeasuredin theabsenceorpresence(2・lj
phatase activitywasmeasuredin the absence of L−Phenylalanirle・▲−ローローロー,
phosphatase(74.5);−○−○−〇一,・Fecalalkalinephosphatase(66・0);一▲ ̄▲ ̄▲ ̄,
A mixture。f E.C。Ii andintestinal alkaline phosphatase(34・5+28・Op)・B,

No fecal alkaline phosphatase actlVlty WaS Phenylalanine,SuggeStlng that most of the

influenced byレhomoarglnlne aS Well as the enzyme actlVlty WaSintestinal orlgln. The
intestinaland thebacterialenzyme (result not 30−60%ammoniumsulfatefraction,afterdial−
Shown). ySIS agalnSt the equilibrating buffer,WaS aP−
The fecal extract was conducted to amm0− Plied to a COlumn of DEAE−Sephadex A−25
nium sulfate fractionation. 44% 0f total (Fig.2). Several sharp peaks of alkaline
alkaline phosphatase activities were recovered phosphatase actlVltyWereelutedbetweenO.1M
in30−60%ammonium sulfate.In this frac_ and O.2M NaCl・ Alkaline phosphatasein
tion,alkaline phosphatase activities Were ln− each peak WaSinhibited by30mM L−Phenyl−

hibited by77%in the presence of 30mM]レ alaninetothesamedegree(Pl;93.1%inhibi−

Fig・2 DEAE−Sephadex A−25ionqexchange column chroIpatOgraphy of fecal

alkaline phosphatase.


0 50       100 150       0



A,A column(2.3×53・5cm)of DEAE−Sephadex A−25was equilibrated with

lOmM=Tris儀HClbufferIpH7・4in thecold room・The fecalalkaline phospha−

tase(95m1,186pmol/min)fractionated with ammonium sulfate of 30−60%

Saturation was applied to the column and washed with675ml oflO・mM Tris−
HCl bu仔er,PH 7.4,then followed by anl.11iterlinear NaCI concentration
gradient from O to O・5Min the buffer・Afterward,remalnlngalkaline phos−
Phatase was elutedwithlM NaClin the buffer.Fractions of15ml each were
COllected at a且ow rate of30ml/hr・A portion(50pl)of each fraction was
used for alkaline phosphatase measurementin the absence(−●−●−●−)Or
PreSenCe(▲▲▲▲▲)of30mM=L−Phenylalanine.5%hPmOgenate Of duodenal
mucosa,Whichwas solubilized with O・1%Triton X−100at4OC forlhr,WaS
Centrifuged atlOJ500×g for90min・The supernatant was applied to the
(#70−75);C,Peak3fraction(#81−88);D,Mixture of Peakl and Peak3
WeredialysedandrechromatographedonDEAE−SephadexA−25column O.3×45
cm)withalineargradient ofO・tO O・5M NaCIconcentration,reSpeCtively.
254 S.H∴KIMβfαg. [Vol.56

tion,P2;86・7%,P3;82.6%,P4;80.4%,P5; that theintestinal alkaline phosphatase even

90・7%inFig.2)・Peakl(Pl),Peak3(P3) inthefecalextractswasquantitativelyinhibited
and their mixture were rechromatographed as byincreaslngCOnCentrationsofLqPhenylalanine
Shownin Fig・2B,C,D. Peakl alkaline and that E・COli alkaline phosphatase which
Phosphatasewasrecoveredatthesameposition WaS eXOgenOuSly added to the extracts did not
aspeakl onthefirst chromatogram,and did make any effect oninhibition of the fecal
not glVe any Other peaks on the rechromat0− alkalinephosphatasebytheaminoacid.The
gram・ Peak3 alkaline phosphatase eluted inhibitor sensitive alkaline phosphatase was
mostly at the same position as peak3.The Calculated to be 58.1% of total alkaline
elution position of peakl was certainly dif−
ferentfromthatofpeak3,because amixture This valuelSin comparable range with those
Ofpeaklandpeak3gave two distinctpeaks (45−60%)reported by Thomas and Henton
Ontherechromatogram(Fig.2D).Duodenal l6].SincetheyusedL−Phenylalanineat5mM,
alkaline phosphatase,Which was solubilized atwhichconcentrationitsinhibitoryeffectwas
With O.1% Triton X−100,WaS eluted as a about a half of that at30mMin this report)
SinglebroadpeakataroundO.25MNaClfrom the percentage of LPhenylalanine sensitive
the same DEAE−Sephadex column. alkaline phosphatase might becbme rather
When the fecal extract was applied to a higherin the same condition as ours.In
COlumn of Sephacryl S−300,0ne maJOr Peak human Samples,a PerCentage Of theinhibitor
Ofalkalinephosphatasewasdetectedataround SenSitive alkaline phosphatasein total fecal
160K dalton・Peakl and peak3from the alkaline phosphatase varied from30tolOO%
DEAE−Sephadex column were eluted at the at5mML−Phenylalaninel7].Anyhow,aSSum−
Same POSitionI SuggeStlng that both enzyme lng that theinhibitor sensitive alkaline phos−
had the戸ame mOlecular size of about160K Phatasein the fecal extractsis allintestinal
dalton(results not shown). Orlgln,ltStOtalactlVltylnOnedayfecalextracts
SeveralinvestlgatOrShavereportedthatalka− iscalculatedabout13%ofthe smallintestinal
line phosphatase was excreted as an active enzyme aCtivity(594・3lLmOl/minin total)in
formin rat fecalpelletsl5]and human stool
l1]・Daily output of fecalalkaline phospha− L−Phenylalanineinhibition study strongly
taseishighlyvariable,forinstance,Duckworth SuggeStS that the fecalalkaline phosphataseis
and Goddenl5]claimed that dietary fiber a mixture ofintestinal and bacterial alkaline
increaseddailyfecalexcretionoftotalalkaline Phosphatases・Further exploration should be
phosphatase activity by7−fold.Even though done to elucidate what L−Phenylalanine resist−
there are many differencesin preparations of antalkalinephosphataseisinthefecalextracts.
SaTPle,Strain(Sprague−Dawley vs Wistar), A maJOrfindingin this studyis that the
aglng,andfoods,aCertainsimilaritybetweena fecalalkaline phosphatase,Whichis L−Phenyl−
previous workl6]and this、rePOrt WaS found alaninesensitive,Showedachargeheterogenelty
indaily昌ⅩCretionlevel(80−1700rl14.9FLmOl/ On a DEAE−Sephadex A−25ion exchange
min/day)oftotalalkalinephosphataseactivity COlumn. The multiple sharp peaks of the
into feces. enzyme actlVlty CannOt be artificial during a
Althoughfecalalkalinephosphatasehasbeen COlumnchromatography,becausearechromato一

Shown to be partiallyinhibited by L−Phenyl− graphy study tells that atleast thefirst peak
alanine[6],nO quantitative analysis has so far (peakl)and the third peak(peak3)Were
been donein detail. Here,in this report, notinterconvertible duringchromatography as
itis clearly shown that the fecal alkaline Shownin Fig・2・A percentage of LqPhenyl−
Phosphatase wasinhibited by L−Phenylalanine alanineinhibition was almost the samein each
inits concentration dependent manner up to Peak(80−90%),SuggeSting that all of these
30mM.InFig.1B,Wehaveconfirmlyshown Peaks were generated from a single source

that might be anintestinalalkaline phospha− peaks onDEAE−SephadexA−25ion exchange

tase・Thesolubilizedduodenalalkalinephos− COlumn with alinear gradient of NaCl・
Phatase seemed more acidic than the fecal Itisdiscussedthatapartofthefecalalkaline
enzymes as shownin Fig・2・ Hence)itis Phosphatase might be a set of catabolites of
likely to assume that the released duodenal theintestinalenzyme・
alkaline phosphatase mightlooseits negative
Charges during catabolisminintestinallumen
or feces.
l1】Lawrie,N・R・:The excretion of phosphatase
Nakataetal・[8]haverecentlyrevealed that in the faeces. Biochem.).,37,31ト312
a charge heterogenelty Of E.Coli alkaline
[2】Lehmann,F.−G.,Hufnagel,H.and Lorenか
Phosphataseis produced by the bacterialpr0− MeyerI H・:Fecalintestinal alkaline phos−
teolytic enzyme・ Hence,ltis not strange to Phatase:Aparameterfor toxic damage of the
SPeCulate thatintestinalalkaline phosphatase) Smallintestizlalmucosa. Digestion,21,156→

which has been released from microvillus
誓embranes,iscatabolizedbysomeenzyme(S) A method ofalkaline phosphatase with 丘ve
lnluminalcontents to glVe a Charge heter0− Cubic millimeters of serum.).Biol.Chem.,
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