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Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 33 (2016) 624e633

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An improved Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) technique for estimation

of flow functions (kr and Pc) from core-flood experiments
Muhammad Yaralidarani, Hamidreza Shahverdi*
Department of Chemical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan 84156-83111, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Oil and gas production from petroleum reservoirs are significantly affected by rock and fluid properties.
Received 30 January 2016 Relative permeability (kr) and capillary pressure (Pc) are two key flow functions in the petroleum
Received in revised form reservoir that are employed in numerical modeling to predict oil and gas production in future. The
18 May 2016
history matching (optimization) techniques are generally used to accurately estimate the flow functions
Accepted 25 May 2016
from the results of core flood experiments.
Available online 31 May 2016
In this study, Ant Colony optimization (ACO) method is modified for the application in the continuous
inverse problem to adjust some unknown variables by either minimization or maximization of objective
Ant Colony Optimization
function. Then this technique is implemented to estimate oil, water and gas flow functions from core-
Gas flood experiments. Some new ideas and innovations are proposed to improve the performance and
Oil convergence of ACO algorithm. This algorithm is an automated history matching technique that can
Reservoir estimate relative permeability and capillary pressure simultaneously. Moreover, this feature enables us to
Relative permeability incorporate different mechanisms (i.e. viscous force, gravitational force and capillary force) of the core
Flow function experiments in the estimation of flow functions. Having developed the algorithm, the validity of this
method is tested using two sets of coreflood experiments including gas-oil and oil-water systems. The
comparison between actual values of flow functions (kr and Pc) and those obtained from ACO method
depicted good agreement and adequate accuracy. Furthermore, the investigation of objective function
value versus iteration number demonstrated that the algorithm is converging to the optimal value.
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the steady state method, two immiscible fluids (e.g. water and oil)
are injected cocurrently at a specific ratio through the core until the
Relative Permeability (kr) and Capillary Pressure (Pc) are two same production ratios are achieved from the outlet of the core. In
important properties in simulation of oil and gas reservoirs that can this method, the relative permeability data can directly be calcu-
directly affect the fluid flow in porous media as well as oil and gas lated from Darcy law. However, this method has some disadvan-
production. These parameters are named as flow function in porous tages like being a time consuming process, unable to capture the
media and governed by fluid saturation. Many researches have values of low saturation and ignoring the effect of capillary forces
been directed toward accurate estimation of these functions in whereas in the unsteady state method, one of the fluids is injected
petroleum industry (Chen et al., 1999; Kerig and Watson, 1986; into the core to displace the resident fluid phases. This test is much
Schembre and Kovscek, 2006). The capillary pressure and relative quicker than the steady-state test but the flow functions (kr and Pc)
permeability are not independent and one can influence the other. cannot be directly drawn from experimental results and need in-
The simultaneous calculation of flow functions from coreflood verse calculation. There are two methods for estimation of relative
experiment is of great importance for petroleum industry partic- permeability from unsteady state tests, analytical (explicit) method
ularly in enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques. and optimization (implicit) method. The most common analytical
Relative permeabilities curve is measured in the core laboratory method is JBN (Johnson et al., 1959) which consists of numerical
by two techniques, steady state and unsteady-state experiments. In differentiation of pressure and production values. In spite of
simplicity, the JBN method has serious limitations including:
ignoring capillary and gravitational forces, considering flow in one
* Corresponding author. dimension, and assuming the fluids to be incompressible and
E-mail address: (H. Shahverdi).
1875-5100/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Yaralidarani, H. Shahverdi / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 33 (2016) 624e633 625

isothermal. Furthermore, the numerical differentiating from matched to those obtained from genetic algorithm, the non-linear
experimental data points causes erroneous results in particular for regression and the modified LevenbergeMarquardt method. They
data which has high fluctuation. In order to overcome the JBN also proposed the ant colony method as a good way of optimization
limitations and obtain a more accurate flow function, the optimi- in petroleum engineering area, especially well testing analysis.
zation or history matching technique is used. In this approach, a In this study, we have used ACO optimization method for
relative permeability and capillary pressure model are tuned in an simultaneous prediction of relative permeability and capillary
optimization procedure to reach an acceptable match between the pressure of immiscible fluids in the porous media. However, to the
laboratory results of the fluid production, pressure drop and the best of our knowledge, no researchers have been employed this
corresponding values calculated by the model (Shahverdi et al., approach so far in the oil industry for estimation of flow functions.
2011). The optimization methods are divided into two types of Furthermore, the previous studies have mainly focused on predic-
deterministic (gradient) and stochastic approaches. Kerig et al. tion of scalar properties in oil and gas fields (e.g. pressure, porosity
(1988) calculated the two-phase relative permeability values from and absolute permeability) whereas in this study, authors estimate
unsteady state test using gradient method. Mejia et al. (1996) the flow function curves which are dependent on fluid saturation.
applied this method to predict three-phase relative permeability Moreover, some significant innovations have been proposed in this
from coreflood experiment. The gradient optimization method study to improve the performance of the traditional ACO algorithm.
originally was developed in 1963 by Levenberg & Marquardt (More , The authors believe the proposed ACO in this research is more
1978). As the name implies the gradient methods takes derivative compatible with real ant behavior in nature.
of the explicit objective function to find the optimal value (e.g. The methodology of modified ACO devised in this study is
Newton method). The main drawback of this method is its de- described for the general optimization problem. Then the model is
pendency to initial guess which could lead to erroneous results validated using unsteady-state coreflood experiment to estimate
when dealing with large number of unknown parameters. relative permeability and capillary pressure simultaneously.
The second type of optimization methods are meta-heuristic
(stochastic) methods that search for the optimal value based on
the stochastic algorithm. Most of these methods are inspired from 2. Ant colony theory (ACO)
rules that exist in nature. The main advantage of meta-heuristic
methods is wide search domain and the ability to avoid trapping One of the most interesting types of meta-heuristic optimiza-
in the local optimal value. The most common meta-heuristic tion techniques is ant colony optimization (ACO), which was orig-
methods are Genetic Algorithm (GA) (Kalyanmoy et al., 2002), inally developed by Dorigo (1992). This method was firstly
Ant colony Optimization (ACO) (Dorigo and Stutzle, 2004), Particle proposed to solve the discrete space problems (e.g. Travelling
Swarm Optimization (PSO) (Riccardo et al., 2007) and so on. Meta- Salesman Problem (Dorigo and Gambardella, 1997), Quadratic
heuristic optimization algorithms have been used in oil industry for Assignment (Maniezzo and Colorni, 1999) but later was developed
estimation of some scalar parameters in petroleum reservoirs (e.g. to solve the continuous domain problems (Socha and Dorigo, 2008;
porosity and permeability of rock) but these techniques have Seçkiner et al., 2013; Xiao and Li, 2011). The ACO algorithm was
seldom been employed for estimation of capillary pressure and devised based on the behavior of ants in nature in which they
relative permeability values. Razavi and Jalali-Farahani (2010) search for the smallest (optimum) path between their nest and
applied ACO algorithm for calculation of absolute permeability (K) food. The investigation on the ants’ life depicted that all ants leave a
and porosity (Ø) by history matching of wells pressure and well substance called pheromones on the pathway while moving. The
production rate. They also implemented both ACO and GA methods amount of this substance in every path is reduced by time because
in a two dimensional oil reservoir model to maximize cumulative of evaporation. In the other hand, the pheromone of a path is
oil production by tuning the location of production and injection increased by those ants that passed through that particular path.
wells, well radius, well pressure and rate of fluid injection. They Hence, the amount of pheromone in a path is controlled by two
obtained a good agreement between the consequences of GA and factors, the rate of evaporation and the number of ants who passed
ACO models. Hajizadeh et al. (2011) applied ACO technique for through that particular path. The pheromones left behind on the
history matching of oil reservoir by tuning some unknown pa- paths can be recognized by the other ants using the sense of smell
rameters which consists of absolute permeability and porosity. such that the ants try to find those paths that have more
They achieved a reasonable agreement between actual parameters
and those obtained by ACO. Hajizadeh et al. suggested ACO method
as an efficient approach in modeling oil reservoirs. Irani and Nasimi
(2012) proposed a proper hybrid of back-propagation (BP) algo-
rithm and ant colony optimization algorithm (ACA) which could
improve the performance of neural networks. They applied this
new method to predict the permeability of a reservoir. The results
showed that the proposed ACA-BP scheme was more efficient and
effective than the BP algorithm. Zhang and Wang (2014) performed
the inversion of reservoir parameters with improved niche ant
colony algorithms (INACA). The method was successful at inverting
porosity and permeability and it was indicated that the relative
error of single parameter inversion can be maintained at less than
0.4 percent. Finally, the numerical simulation showed that the
proposed INACA method is not only an effective convergent opti-
mization method but also well suited one for solving ill-posed
problems. Jung et al. (2015) presented application of ant colony
optimization in estimation of the reservoir properties such as
permeability, skin factor and wellbore storage coefficient from an
insufficient field data. They found that the results have successfully Fig. 1. Paths selected by various ants from nest to food.
626 M. Yaralidarani, H. Shahverdi / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 33 (2016) 624e633

pheromone. Fig. 1 demonstrates a schematic map of the paths from

nest to food source discovered by the various ants. Assuming two
ants commence moving from the nest to the food source (Fig. 1),
one takes the longer path whereas the other selects the shorter
path also each ant leaves the pheromone in its pathway. Since, the
smaller paths take shorter time to be travelled, the pheromone of
these paths would be more compared to that of the longer paths.
This fact causes the shorter (optimum) path to have a higher chance
of selection by other ants. Although the shorter paths have the
higher chance of selection by the ants, the other paths still have the
possibility to be selected by the ants. This fact results in a wide
domain of exploration by various ants and thus discovering a new
path that can be potentially an optimal solution. This feature en-
ables ACO algorithm to find the global optimum value rather than
being trapped into the local optimum value.
The original version of ACO which was devised for the contin-
uous problems, creates an archive of solutions with the constant
number of members (solutions). A weight factor is associated to
Fig. 2. The created path by the various ants.
each of members reflecting the goodness (quality) of that member.
This weight factor is function of the objective function and the
pheromone value which is updated in every iteration. In each used as the length of path in the ant algorithm.
iteration “k” new solutions are created by sampling from the It should be noted that, at the beginning of the optimization
archive. The sampling is performed by a probability function there is no path between start and end point because the unknown
considering the quality of each solution (weight factor). After that parameters have not been guessed yet. The paths (nodes) are
the new members created in the previous step are added to the created gradually by the ants (iterations) as optimization proceeds.
archive and the archive is sorted based on the quality of each This is the main difference between the ACO algorithm proposed in
member. The best members are kept in the list while the worse are this research and the one developed originally to solve the TSP
removed from the archive. The number of the member in the problem (Dorigo, 1992). The paths in TSP (the distance between the
archive remains constant during the various iterations. cities) have previously been identified whereas the paths in our
algorithm are associated with unknown parameters that will be
3. Implementation of ACO algorithm for optimization created progressively by the process of problem solving.
problems The modified ACO algorithm is expressed in three main steps as
In this section, the mathematical algorithm of the improved ACO Step 1: Creating initial paths: At this stage, the initial paths (initial
algorithm devised in this study will be discussed. First, the nota- guess) are generated randomly by the primary ants. At this stage,
tions presenting the formulation of ACO are described below: different values for “Si” are generated randomly using a represen-
Path: is a solution for the problem which consisted of various tative and constrained formula which depends on the physic of the
parameters. These parameters will be described later in this paper. problem. Then the corresponding objective function to each vari-
Si: The unknown variables (vector) which are going to be esti- able (Si) is calculated. Fig. 3 demonstrates a schematic of “k” initial
mated by ACO. This vector is associated to the path i. paths which all are connected to the start node. This should be
Ji: The objective function of the vector Si which certainly de- noted that the number of initial paths dictates the extension of
pends on the unknown variables Si. The objective function is the search domain which may significantly influence the convergence
function that is going to be minimized or maximized by changing Si performance. For complex problems that deal with a larger number
in an iterative process. For many engineering problems, this func- of unknown variables, more initial paths are required. In this
tion is defined as the difference between experimental and research, five initial paths are generated.
modeling values. For these problems, the target is to minimize the Step 2: Pheromone updating: Pheromone Updating is a handy
objective function. tool for measuring the accuracy of created solutions. The paths
Fi: The amount of pheromone left behind in the path i by the
In a “n variable problem”, Si is defined as Si ¼ {R1,i, R2,i, …, Rn,i } in
which Rj,i (1  j  n) are the unknown parameters. It is worth noting
that each ant is equivalent to an iteration in the optimization loop.
The ants that are used to create the initial paths (initial guess) are
exempted from the iterations.
Fig. 2 shows the schematic of paths created by the various ants
in finding the food. The final solution will be achieved while the
minimum objective function (food) is obtained. The start point in
Fig. 2 accords to the initial solution (far from the food) which has
highest objective function and the end point means the lowest
objection function or final solution. Since, the target is to achieve
the minimum path to the food, the length of each path is equal to
the inverse of objective function. In other words, the lower objec-
tive function results in a longer path towards the food. For maxi-
mization problems (e.g. benefits function in economics) in which
the goal is to obtain the highest value, the objective function itself is Fig. 3. A schematic of paths generated by various ants.
M. Yaralidarani, H. Shahverdi / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 33 (2016) 624e633 627

whose objective functions are smaller have more pheromones thus (Si). For instance, in Fig. 3, the paths “k þ 1” and “k þ 2” are
they have more chances to be selected by the ants. Those paths linked to path 2 demonstrating that “Skþ1” and “Skþ2” are pro-
which have larger objective function (smaller “ 1/J ”), on the other duced by some modifications on “S2”. While some other paths
hand, have less pheromones and thus less chance to be selected. are independent depicting that there is not any relationship
This fact depicts that the pheromone of any path has an inverse between their variables, “Si” (e.g. path 1, 2 and 3 in Fig. 3). The
relationship with the objective function of that path. Hence, the maximum number of paths that can be generated from a
pheromone of path “i” can be represented by the following particular path is called maximum split which is a crucial
formula: parameter in convergence and needs to be adjusted properly.
The higher split leads to a wider search domain and more
> chance of capturing the global optimum value but later
< ð1  EÞ F n þ 1 L:Ph:U
Finþ1 ¼
i Ji (1) convergence. The maximum number of split in this research is
: n selected as five.
ð1  EÞ Fi G:Ph:U
New ant (iteration) commences travelling from the start node by
Where “ Finþ1 ” stands for pheromone of path “i” at iteration “n þ 1”
choosing one path among initial paths generated in step 1. The
and “n” is the iteration (ant) number. The L.Ph.U and G.Ph.U are
selection of path at each node is performed by roulette wheel
indicators of local and global pheromone updating, respectively.
technique (Goldberg, 1989).
The L.Ph.U is utilized for the paths that have been selected by the
Having selected one path, the ant arrives to the next node that
current ant (iteration) and “1/Ji” represents the added pheromone
may have one of three following circumstance:
left behind in the path “i” by the current ants. The G.Ph.U is used for
those paths that the current iteration (ant) has not selected. One of
a) The ant arrives to a node that has no path in front. At this sit-
the specifications of the pheromone is evaporation by time leading
uation the ant generates new path (new “Si” and “Ji”) related to
to reduction of the pheromone over time. The Pheromone evapo-
the current path. In other words, the ant produces new variable
ration is a negative feedback on the path goodness and prevents
“Si” by major modification on variable of the current path (“Si-1”).
excessive accumulation of pheromones on the path. In Eq. (1), “E”
This modification is equivalent to the mutation stage in Genetic
represents the pheromone evaporation rate which should be a
value between zero and one. The term “EFni ” depicts the amount of
b) The ant arrives to a node that has maximum split (five paths) in
evaporated pheromone of path “i” over time, hence the “(1-E) Fni ”
front. At this condition the ant will choose one of these paths in
represents the remaining amount of pheromone in that path. The
front using the roulette wheel approach.
term “(1-E). Fni ” illustrates the fact that if a path is not passed by any
c) The number of paths in front of a node is a value between one to
ant, its pheromone will decrease progressively over time and the
maximum split (i.e. five paths). At this state, ant either generates
possibility of selection of the path will be diminished. In this study,
a new path or chooses one of the existing paths. For this pur-
the evaporation rate is considered as 0.15.
pose, a virtual path with a random probability is considered (e.g.
Step 3: Moving ants (main loop): After creating initial paths
path “k þ 3” in Fig. 3) then the probability of all paths connected
(initial guesses), the ants start travelling from start point towards
to the existing node (paths “k þ 1”, “k þ 2”, “k þ 3” in Fig. 3) are
end point either by passing through the existing paths or creating
normalized using Eqs. (4)e(6). After that, the roulette wheel
new paths. This step is the main loop of optimization procedure. In
technique is applied to select one of these paths. If the ant select
this research, we define following principles and rules for optimi-
the virtual path (“k þ 3”), then this path is accounted as a real
zation by ACO:
path and a variable (“Skþ3”) is assigned to that path (“k þ 3”).
Subsequently its objective function (“Jkþ3”) and pheromone (by
1 Each path is equivalent to a solution for the problem which
L.Ph.U) are calculated. In the case that the ant has not selected
consists of four parameters as follows:
the virtual path the virtual path is deleted.

Path i ¼ ½Si ; Ji ; Fi ; Pi  (2) pold

kþ1 ¼ (4)
Where “Si” is a guess for the unknown variables, “Ji” is the objective pold
þ pold
þ pold
function which corresponds to “Si”, “Fi” is the pheromone of path “i”
given by Eq. (1), “Pi” is the possibility assigned to the path “i” which
is related to the pheromone by the following equation: pnew
kþ2 ¼ (5)
þ pold
þ pold
Pi ¼ Pk i (3)
a pold
i¼1 Fi kþ3
kþ3 ¼ (6)
þ pold
þ pold
Where a is a constant parameter designated to accelerate the
convergence speed. We found the value of 1.5 for a, as an appro- This should be highlighted that any ant is allowed to produce
priate value in this study, obtained by trial and error. The “k” in Eq. only one path. In other words, each ant keeps going through the
(3) is the total number of paths until the current iteration. This pre-generated paths until it reaches a node that needs a new path
should be noted that “Si” and “Ji” of each path are constant during to be generated. Having produced the new path, the ant is stopped
running various iterations whereas the possibility (Pi) and the and a new ant commences travelling from the start node (new
pheromone (Fi) of each path are varied by iteration because new iteration starts).
paths are added in each iteration. This should be noted that the idea of “virtual path” is a kind of
“Exploration” and has the merit of creating various solutions which
2 Each path is connected to other paths via a node as shown in increases the chance of reaching the optimized solution. Explora-
Fig. 3. Those paths which are connected to each other via a node tion consists of probing a much larger portion of the search space
represent mathematical relationships between their variables with the hope of finding other promising solutions that are yet to be
628 M. Yaralidarani, H. Shahverdi / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 33 (2016) 624e633

Fig. 4. Algorithm of improved ACO optimization.

Fig. 5. Prediction of relative permeability and capillary pressure using ACO model.

refined. This operation amounts then to diversifying the search in of balance between exploration/exploitation in order to direct the
order to avoid getting trapped in a local optimum. In other words, algorithm to the global optimized value and the higher conver-
exploration is related to global search and improves dynamic effi- gence speed.
ciency. The complete flowchart of the improved ACO described in
the above stages is depicted in Fig. 4. 4. Implementing ACO algorithm to estimate flow functions in
Regarding the ACO parameters (e.g. pheromone evaporation, porous media
maximum split number, parameter “a” in probability formula, etc.),
it should be emphasized that these parameters strongly depend In this section, the ACO approach is used to estimate the flow
upon the type and size of the optimization problem. Hence, for any functions (kr and Pc) in the petroleum reservoirs from the results of
optimization problem, these parameters need to be determined unsteady state coreflood experiments. Different modes of the cor-
carefully using sensitivity analysis. eflood experiments are performed in the oil industry in order to
As described above, the new features and parameters are estimate various parameters of the reservoir rock such as porosity,
considered in the ACO method to improve the optimization pro- absolute permeability, relative permeability and capillary pressure
cess. This modification is mainly focused on the better controlling curves. In the unsteady state coreflood experiment, the sample of

Table 1
Rock properties and dimensions of case 1.

Connate water saturation Average absolute permeability (mD) Porosity Length of model (cm) Diameter (cm)

0.1 2620 0.24 50 5.64

M. Yaralidarani, H. Shahverdi / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 33 (2016) 624e633 629

Table 2
Fluid properties used in case 1.

Phase Water Oil

Density (gr/cc) 1.1 0.80

Viscosity (cp) 1.14 2.52

Fig. 7. Cumulative oil production as a fraction of initial oil in place (IOIP) versus
Injected pore volume for water injection (case 1).

Fig. 6. Core gridding and permeability distribution of case#1.

reservoir rock (core) is saturated with oil then water or gas is

injected through the core to displace oil inside the core. The
effluent productions from the outlet of the core as well as the inlet
and outlet pressure are recorded during the test. These results
alongside the boundary constraints (i.e. injection and production
pressure or flow rate) and initial condition are all employed in the
fluid flow equations (i.e. continuity and Darcy equation) to simulate
the flow in the rock. The full description of simulation in porous
media for petroleum reservoir is given in other references (Ertekin
et al., 2001; Ahmed, 2006; Aziz and Settari, 1979). The estimation of
flow functions from the core experiment is an inverse problem that
requires optimization algorithm as illustrated in Fig. 5. The rock and
fluid properties (i.e. size of core, porosity, permeability, fluid den-
sity and viscosity) measured in the laboratory together with an Fig. 8. Pressure drop across the core (psi) versus injected pore volume for water in-
initial guess for relative permeability and capillary pressure are jection (case 1).
used in a coreflood simulator to obtain the fluid production and
pressure versus time. This should be highlighted that the flow
5. Model validation
function curves (kr and Pc) are generated using an existing empir-
ical correlation (e.g. Corey, LET, …) by considering the specific
In this section, two sets of coreflood experiments are used to
constraints to get a meaningful and a physical trend for kr. The
verify the accuracy of the ACO algorithm proposed in this study.
relative permeability of each phase should be monotonically
First case: In this case, a synthetic core and fluid data were used
increasing with respect to its own saturation and its value is limited
to design an unsteady-state core experiment by a black oil simu-
between zero and one. The mathematical expressions of these
lator. The rock and fluid properties used in this case are given in
constraints are as follows:
Table 1, Table 2. The relative permeability and capillary pressure
0  kri  1 i ¼ oil; water; gas (7) data versus water saturation was imported into the simulator as the
table. The core was modeled by 50 blocks in X direction, 5 blocks in
Y direction and 10 blocks in Z direction. In order to consider the
vðkri Þ
0 i ¼ oil; water; gas (8) heterogeneity of the rock, a normal distribution of porosity and
vðSi Þ permeability with the mean values of 0.24 and 2620 mD were
Having simulated the core, the difference between experimental assigned to the model. The model geometry and gridding is pre-
production, pressure and those of the simulation data are calcu- sented in Fig. 6. The initial and boundary condition of the model is
lated as objective function. Then the optimization algorithm (ACO) given in Table 3. Having run the simulator, the fluid production and
is used to minimize the objective function by adjusting the un- pressure data resulted from the simulation were reported as
known parameters (kr and Pc). experimental data.

Table 3
Initial and boundary conditions used in the coreflood simulation of case 1.

Initial pressure (atm) Initial water saturation Initial gas saturation Water injection rate (cc/hr) Total fluid production (cc/hr) (outlet)

203 0.2 0 40 40
630 M. Yaralidarani, H. Shahverdi / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 33 (2016) 624e633

Fig. 11. Objective function versus iteration number for case 1.

Fig. 9. Relative permeability of water and oil versus water saturation obtained from
the history matching and the experiment for case#1.

Sao o  Saorw

Krow ¼ bo ao (10)
1  Sorw

cw co
Pcow ¼  aw   ao (11)
Sw Swi 1Sw Sorw
1Swi 1Sorw

Where Sw is water saturation, Swr is the minimum water saturation

at which point water phase starts to flow, So is oil saturation, krwo
and krow are water and oil relative permeability in oil-water system,
respectively. Pcow is oil-water capillary pressure.
According to the above equations, the unknown vector is
expressed as follows:

S ¼ f bw ; Swr ; aw ; ; bo ; Sorw ; ao ; cw ; aw ; co ; ao g (12)

This should be highlighted that the specific constraints (Eqs. (7)
and (8)) were imposed on the unknown vector (Eq. (12)) in order to
Fig. 10. Oil-water capillary pressure versus water saturation obtained from the
produce physical shape for kr and Pc during history matching.
experiment and the model for case 1. The objective function used in the ACO algorithm is defined as
After that, the flow function table (kr and Pc) were accounted as
N  2
unknown parameters and the modified ACO algorithm (Fig. 5) was 1 X Exp Sim
J ¼ Wοw QOw  QOw
used to adjust these functions. In other words, the ACO algorithm s2οw i¼1 i i

changed the relative permeability and capillary pressure iteratively

X 2
to obtain an acceptable agreement between experimental data (i.e. 1
þ WDР;w DРExp  DРSim (13)
fluid production and differential pressure) and those of simulation. s2 DР;w i¼1
w;i w;i

The relative permeability and capillary pressure in the ACO al-

gorithm can be represented by any existing empirical correlation. In the above equation, sοw and sDP,w are standard deviations of
The modified Corey model (Eqs. (9) and (10)) (Corey et al., 1956) experimental values for the oil production and pressure drop,
and Skjaeveland’s capillary pressure model (Eq. (11)) (Skjaeveland respectively. These quantities represent the errors associated with
et al., 2000) were considered in history matching of case#1. the coreflood experiments, which can be obtained by repetition of
the experiment. The terms Wοw and WDР,w are weighted co-
Saww  Sawrw efficients compensating the magnitude difference between the two
Krwo ¼ bw (9) quantities (oil production and pressure drop across the core). The
1  Saww
proper adjustment of these factors allows us to match fluid pro-
duction and pressure to the same extend.

Table 4
The estimated parameters of modified Corey model and Skjaeveland model by the ACO method for case 1.

Relative permeability (modified Corey) Capillary pressure (Skjaeveland)

bw Swr aw bο Sοrw aο cw aw co ao

2.508 0.0997 5.8876 1.629 0.3000 3.4334 0.000426 0.84465 0.001786 2.1887
M. Yaralidarani, H. Shahverdi / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 33 (2016) 624e633 631

Table 5
Rock properties and core dimensions for case 2.

Connate water saturation Absolute permeability (md) Porosity Core length (cm) Core diameter (cm)

0.31 200 0.22 6.0 4.502

Table 6
Fluid properties at 25  C for case 2.

Phase Water Oil Gas

Density (gr/cc) 1.00 0.83 0.22

Viscosity (cp) 1.06 1.77 0.0187

Fig. 7 shows cumulative oil production (as a fraction of initial

oil in place) versus injected pore volume (the total volume of
injected fluid as a fraction of total core pore volume) obtained
from the ACO model and the experiment. Fig. 8 demonstrates the
differential pressure across the core against injected pore volume
obtained from the ACO model and the experiment. As can be seen,
the break through time and trend of experimental data are
reasonably matched by ACO model for both fluid production and
Fig. 9 demonstrates relative permeability of oil and water versus Fig. 12. Cumulative oil production as a fraction of initial oil in-place (IOIP) in core
water saturation resulted from the history matching and the versus total injected fluid as a fraction of core pore volume for case 2.

experiment. It should be noted that the relative permeability data

resulted from the core experiments are only reliable for the satu-
ration range in which experiment is occurred. The oil-water capil-
lary pressure versus water saturation obtained from the history
matching shows good agreement with the experimental one as
compared in Fig. 10. The best estimated parameters of capillary
pressure model (the Skjaeveland model, Eq. (11)) and relative
permeability model (the modified Corey model, Eqs.( (9) and (10))
are provided in Table 4.
In order to assess the convergence and performance of the ACO
algorithm, the objective function of case 1 was monitored during
various iterations in Fig. 11. This figure illustrates that at the initial
iterations the objective function has the highest value (or ant is far
from the food) while the objective function value decreases grad-
ually as the optimization proceeds.
The reduction of the objective function during the execution of
the ACO algorithm reflects the reliable performance and conver-
gence towards the desirable solution.
Second case: In this section, the ACO model is verified using the
Oak experimental data (Oak, 1989). The rock and fluid data as well Fig. 13. Differential pressure across the core versus total injected fluid as a fraction of
core pore volume fore case 2.
as the initial and boundary condition of this case are provided in
Table 5, Table 6 and Table 7. In this test, the gas is injected at fixed
rate into the horizontal core initially saturated with oil and connate
water. The values of the pressure drop across the core and cumu- N  2
lative oil production were recorded as experimental data during the 1 X Exp Sim
J ¼ Wοg QOgi  QOg
flooding process. Similar to the previous case, the simulation of this s2οg i¼1 i

test was performed using a one dimensional black oil coreflood N 

X 2
simulator. þ WDР;g DРExp  DРSim (14)
Similar to the water injection test, the objective function used in s2DР;g i¼1
g;i g;i

the ACO process is defined by the following equation:

Where sοg and sDP,g are standard deviations of the experimental oil

Table 7
Initial and boundary conditions of case 2.

Initial pressure (atm) Initial fluid saturations Gas injection rate (cc/hr) Number of grids

Water Oil Gas

10.00 0.31 0.69 0.00 10 20

632 M. Yaralidarani, H. Shahverdi / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 33 (2016) 624e633

Fig. 14. Oil and gas relative permeability versus oil saturation for gas injection test Fig. 16. Objective function variation versus iteration number obtained from simulation
(case 2) obtained from the experiment and the ACO model. of case 2 by the ACO model.

1  S*o
Krog ¼ Krgo  L g  Tg (16)
1  S*o þ Eg S*o

Pcgo ¼  ag (17)

So is the normalized oil saturation defined as follows:

So  Sorg
S*o ¼ (18)
1  Sorg  Swi
S*g is the normalized gas saturation defined as follows:

1  Sg  Sorg  Swi
S*g ¼ (19)
Fig. 15. Gas-oil capillary pressure versus oil saturation for gas injection test (case 2) 1  Sorg
obtained from the experiment and the ACO model.
Where So and Sg are saturations associated with oil and gas phase,
production and pressure drop associated with the experimental respectively. Sorg stands for residual saturation of gas phase (the
data. The terms Wοg and WDР,g are the weighted coefficients minimum gas phase saturation) and Swi represents irreducible or
compensating the difference in the order of magnitude between connate water saturation.
the oil production and pressure drop across the core. The relative According to the Eqs. (15)e(19), the unknown vector to be used
permeability curves in this case are represented by the LET model in the ACO model is expressed as follows (Eq. (20)):
(Eqs. (15) and (16)) (Lomeland et al., 2005) which consists of more
n o
unknown parameters compared to the Corey model (used in the o o
S ¼ Krog ; Lo ; Eo ; To ; Sorg ; Krog ; Lg ; Eg ; Tg ; cg ; ag (20)
first case). The gas-oil capillary pressure curve (Pcgo) is represented
by a shortened form of the Skjaeveland model (Eq. (17)) The ACO algorithm was implemented for this test to obtain the
(Skjaeveland et al., 2000). This should be highlighted that because above unknown vector in an iterative process by getting a match
gas phase behaves as a non-wetting phase against the oil and rock between experimental and simulation data.
surface, the gas-oil capillary pressure should be considered as a Fig. 12 shows the cumulative oil production (as a fraction of
positive value. Hence, the positive part of Skjaeveland model is initial oil in-place in core) versus total injected fluid (as a fraction of
used in gas injection test to represent the gas-oil capillary pressure. core pore volume) obtained from the experiment and the ACO
model for the second case. Fig. 13 depicts differential pressure
 L o across the core during gas injection versus injected fluid (pore
S*o volume) resulted from the experiment and the ACO model. Both
Krog ¼ Krog  Lo  To (15) production and pressure consequences represent sufficient agree-
S*o þ Eo 1  S*o ment between the experimental and the model data.
The comparison between relative permeability of the experi-
ment and that of ACO model obtained from case 2 are provided in

Table 8
Estimated values of Skjaeveland and LET model by the ACO method (case 2).

Relative permeability (LET) Capillary pressure

Krog Lo Eo To Sorg o
Krgo Lg Eg Tg cg ag

0.8429 2.8099 2.0754 0.6979 0.18 0.5170 1.4778 2.7579 0.9037 6.0990 1.0844
M. Yaralidarani, H. Shahverdi / Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 33 (2016) 624e633 633

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from the ACO have acceptable agreement with the corresponding pressure drop in oil-water system
experimental data. The parameters associated with the LET model sog Standard deviations of experimental values for the oil
and Skjaeveland model calculated by the ACO for case 2 are pro- production in oil-gas system
vided in Table 8. sDP,g Standard deviations of experimental values for the
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