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Details of Guide :
Name Emp.No Designation Dept : : : : S. Bhanu Murty 119479 Manager(Electrical) Wire Rod Mill

Details of Individual :
Name Emp.No Designation Dept : : : : N. Eswara Rao 103299 J.O.(Electrical) Wire Rod Mill


This is to certify that Mr.N.Eswara rao, Emp.No : 103299, J.O.(E)/WRM has done the project work titled Digital drive control system for DC drives in WRM for the partial fulfillment of Comprehensive managerial course Phase-III.

Signature of Guide : Name : S. Bhanu Murty Manager(Electrical) Wire Rod Mill

Designation : Dept :


I am grateful to my guide sri. S.Bhanu Murty, Manager (Elect) for his able guidance and encouragement. I also take privilege to thank Sri. A.S.Machinchery, DGM(Elect) W.R.M. Sri.M.N.Murthy, AGM(Elect) and our Honorable DGM Sri. K.K.Ghosh for providing all the facilities required by me. Beside this I am grateful to Sri.K.Maniraj, Asst. Manager(Elect) who has spent his valuable time and suggest all types of techniques and instructions in this project work.

(N.ESWARA RAO) J.O.(Elect) Wire Rod Mill Visakhapatnam Steel Plant

Chapter-1 Wire Rod Mill Chapter 2 ANALOG DC DRIVE CONTROL SYSTEM (BEFORE MODIFICATION) Introduction Speed Control Armature Voltage control Field current control Combined Armature & Field control Control circuits Different types of triggering Synchronizing circuits Major components of Main drive Physical Locations Purpose and Function Drive Faults Switching Sequence of Thyristor Converter Faults and Tripping Limitations of analog drive DIGITAL DRIVE CONTROL SYSTEM (AFTER MODIFICATION) Objectives of Upgradation Digital Drive with respect to WRM Digital Drive Series 6RA70 Simoreg DC Master Features of new System Operator Control Panel Faults and Alarms INTRODUCTION

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 Chapter 3

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6

Chapter 4 CONCLUSION 4.1 Conclusion



The wire rod mill of vsp is high speed 4- strand no-twist continuous mill designed to produce 8,50,000 tonnes of wire rod coils. The mill is designed to produce plain wire rods from 5.5 mm to 12.7 mm dia and weight is approx. 1200kgs. The mill is constructed at an elevated level of + 5350 mm. Rolled billets from LMMM of size125mm x 125 mm of length ranging from 9.8 meter to 10.4 meter and weighing approx. 1235 kgs are used as input material. The mill is design to roll steel stock of 0.9% max. carbon content. The rolled billets received from billet mill are placed on charging grid 1& II at + 0.00 m level in packets form with the help of EOT cranes. The charging gridI is driven by ac motor and charging grid II is operated by dc motor. The cross transport receives the billets individually from charging grid II and transfer them to billet elevator takes the individual billet to mill floor level at +5.35 m. Using billet transfer device and billet positioning device, the packet of 4 billets are further carried forward to furnace entry using another 5 groups of roller table arranged in tandem . After the billets are positioned in front of walking beam furnace, the walking beam of furnace will collect the billets from roller table & charge them into the furnace. The furnace is a combined type walking hearth cum walking beam furnace of 200t/ hr capacity.

The homogenously heated billets are discharged by hydraulically driven discharging device called peel bar into groove of mill stand no.1.a billet withdrawing machine is arranged between furnace exit and stand-1. The roughing mill comprises of seven continuous 4-strand horizontal high stands. The mill stand housing is of closed top design and roll neck is fitted with morgoil bearings for rotation through spindle, gear & motor. Four rotating cropping & chopping shears are provided after stand 7, one each for each line. The cold &split front end of bar head is cropped automatically before feeding to intermediate stand. The intermediate group comprises of 6 two high horizontal stands. A water cooling stretch called A1 water box is installed ahead of these prefinishers to facilitate partial cooling of stock before final rolling in finishing blocks. The facility is used mainly during rebar & high carbon wire rod rolling for grain refinement and increased UTS in final wire rods. A crop & dividing shear is provided ahead water cooling stretch to crop cold front end of bar before feeding to finishing blocks. Also, this gives a dividing cut to bar in the event of trouble in forward stream equipment. Horizontal looper is provided before prefinishing blocks and 10-stand no twist finishing blocks. All the 10 stands of finishing block are used for 5.5 to 6.5 mm size wire rod rolling. After final rolling at finishing block, controlled cooling of wire rod starts using retarded stelmor cooling system. Three water cooling boxes & in between two equalizing zones are provided ahead of finishing block.

The vertically formed coil, inside the chamber on mandrel, is received by downender and loaded onto C-hook horizontally at downender station the C-hooks are carried by a power &free hook conveyer circuit. The coils are finally taken out from turnstiles by EOT magnet cranes.

Chapter -2 ANALOG DC DRIVE CONTROL SYSTEM (BEFORE MODIFICATION) 2.1 INTRODUCTION: D.C. machine is a highly versatile energy conversion device. It can meet the demand of load requiring high starting torques, high accelerating and decelerating torques. At the same time DC machine is easily adaptable for drives requiring wide range speed control and quick reversals. These inherent characteristics can further be modified by feed back circuits. DC machine possesses a high degree of flexibility. These are therefore widely used in industry, particularly for tough jobs as are encountered in steel mill drives- in spite of their higher initial cost. 2.2 SPEED CONTROL:

As most of the industrial loads require constant motor torque and hence separately excited DC motors are used. In a separately excited DC motor effect of change of armature voltage is not reflected on the field.

In a separately excited DC motor there is no direct interlocking between armature and field circuits.

In a drive for Rolling mills armature voltage is much higher than the field voltage. Separately excited motors are widely used for precision control of position, speed and torque output.

Speed control of separately excited D.C. motor is possible in two ways. i) Field current is maintained constant and armature voltage is varied. This is armature control. ii) Field current is controlled to obtain various speeds. When motor field is weakened by maintaining armature voltage constant the maximum speed is decided by the commutation current limit of the motor. The speed range is divided into two parts. i) ii) Variation in speed at constant torque(Ia) Variation in speed at constant (Ia) armature current by varying field flux. The armature voltage range is called constant torque range and the range obtained by field weakening is called constant horse power range.

Base speed is the speed that motor develops at nominal rated voltage at full excitation.

By armature voltage control we can control the speed of the D.C. motor below the base speed.

By field control we can control the speed above the base speed.

Speed control characteristics of separately excited D.C. Motor.

2.3 Armature voltage control: Fig. gives the circuit for controlling motor speed from zero up to rated speed, with the use of dual converter speed can be controlled in either direction with the facility of regenerative breaking.

Armature voltage control

Desired speed is set by the operator on the reference potentiometer. Rate of acceleration can be adjusted by varying the slope of the ramp circuit. Speed reference and feed back signal is applied to the speed controller whose output is applied to the current controller. A limiting circuit is incorporated between speed controller and current controller to limit the armature current to maximum allowable value. Output at current controller is fed to the firing circuit which adjust the firing angle to give the required armature voltage for the desired motor speed. In this scheme the output of speed controller- a voltage proportional error is used as command for current and compared with the armature current. The output of the current controller is the control voltage to the trigger circuit and controls the out of thyristor circuit. When the motor is accelerating it is likely to draw an excessive current. The maximum output voltage of the speed controller will be limited to suit the maximum current in the motor. 2.4 Field current control: Fig. shows the schematic diagram for controlling the motor speed beyond rated speed by weakening the field flux.

Field current control

As the motor speed is to be increased field reference is reduced. This vary the firing angle of the thyristor converter in such a way that the field current is reduced. Study state condition is reached when the field reference is equal to the feed back value. 2.5 COMBINED ARMATURE AND FIELD CONTROL Fig. Shows the combined armature and field control scheme :

Combined Armature and Field control scheme

With this the speed can be controlled from zero to maximum value with automatic change over from armature control to field control and vice-versa. Speed from zero to rated value is obtained from armature voltage control. If now attempts are made to increase the speed beyond rated value, motor back E.M.F. will tend to increase beyond its rated value because field circuit is sluggish in response due to its large time constant. In the field circuit two signals are applied to a field controller, one is the normalized full field reference and the other is maximum of the normalized value of actual value of field current and back E.M.F. Up to rated speed normalized value of back E.M.F. is less than one and hence feed back to the field controller is maintained corresponding to full field current. But as soon as attempts are made to increase the speed beyond rated speed, normalized value of the back E.M.F. tends to increase beyond one and the feed back value applied to the field regulator is more than one. This forces the field regulator to vary the firing angle to reduce the field current to such a value as to limit back E.M.F. to its normalized value of one. Hence for obtaining speed beyond rated value, field is automatically weakened. 2.6 CONTROL CIRCUIT A thyristor controlled circuit can be (i) Power circuit (ii) Trigger circuit (iii) Controller. roughly divided into

Power circuit consists of thyristor and diodes mounted on heat sinks together with protective circuits and transformer. Controller consists of amplifiers, logic circuits, transducers and has a direct relation to the controlled machine and process. A trigger circuit is the link between controller and the power circuits.

To turn on the thyristor three conditions are required. i) ii) SCR should be forward biased The load impedance should not be too high so that if SCR turns on the current in the SCR would reach more than the latching current value. The gate must be made positive with respect to the cathode.


2.7 DIFFERENT TYPES OF TRIGGERING 1) DC Triggering : In this method a D.C. voltage is applied to the gate in the entire interval of conduction. Such voltage cause large gate dissipation. Used to latch very highly inductive loads. 2) Pulse Triggering : It uses a pulse train for triggering. Each pulse is sufficient to trigger the SCR and the pulse duration is chosen to give a sufficient duration for SCR to latch. Pulse triggering has following advantages a) Low gate dissipation at higher gate current b) Small gate isolating pulse transformer c) When first pulse fail to trigger the following pulses can succeed in latching the SCR. This is particularly a boon while triggering inductive circuits and circuits having back E.M.F. In Wire Rod Mill we are using dual pulse firing. Pulse voltage is 24 volts. Pulse width is 11 deg. To 18 deg. At 7 KHz. The principle of control is simple. A saw tooth voltage is generated in the firing circuit and a DC control voltage is supplied from out side. Firing pulse is released of the point of intersection of these two waves. Trigger circuit is built with following sub-circuits i) Synchronising circuit ii) Pulse generator iii) Power amplifier and AND gate to combine various signals iv) Pulse transformer to isolate the trigger circuit from power circuit.

Fig. shows the schematic circuit diagram of a trigger circuit to trigger a thyristor

The pulse train is synchronized with the corresponding A.C. voltage from the mains. The synchronizing voltage is selected from A.C. mains. In fact the transformer used for feeding power to the electronic circuit is used for synchronization also. 2.8 SYNCHRONISING CIRCUIT The A.C. Voltage chosen for synchronization is that voltage whose zero occurs at the instant of triggering corresponding to no delay i.e.

d=0. In multi SCR converters the duration is not 180 deg. For example in three phase bridge circuit the conduction duration of each SCR is 120 deg. In this case two synchronizing voltages are required to fix the conduction interval. One fixes the beginning of conduction and other decides the end of the conduction. This depends on the mains voltage some times result into

interaction of spurious spikes in the A.C. main voltage interacting with synchronizing circuit and thus resulting spurious triggering. This is avoid by taking synchronizing voltage via a filter circuit. Second precaution is taken by not connecting the synchronizing voltage transformer across the secondary of the power supply transformer which feeds the converter. Instead of the

same is connected in parallel with the primary input supply and observing the correct relationship.

When the input to the converter circuit is a by delta/Star transformer there is a phase sift of 30 deg. in the input to the transformer and output to the converter. The synchronizing transformer correction should correct this 30 deg. phase shift by proper correction of the primary winding of the synchronizing transformer,

Power Amplifier and AND gate : The main function of the power amplifier is to make the trigger pulse capable of triggering the largest SCR. It maintains the rise time at sufficiently low value by fast turn on. Usually this is done by AND gating the pulse with the synchronizing signal and end stop pulse generator output. The output circuit : The output of trigger circuit is made available to the SCRs via the secondary windings of the pulse transformer. Invariably there are two secondary windings so that these can be used to trigger two SCRs simultaneously. A pulse transformer insulates the electronic circuit from the power circuit. 2.9 MAJOR COMPONENTS OF MAIN DRIVE The following are main components of main drive. i) High tension circuit breaker ii) Converter transformer iii) Thyristor converter iv) Field transformer v) Field converter vi) Protection & Interlocking cubicle vii) Regulation cubicle viii) D.C. Reactor ix) D.C. High speed circuit breaker x) D.C. No load contactor

xi) xii) xiii)

Tacho Generator Digital Tacho generator Over Speed monitoring unit

2.10 PHYSICAL LOCATIONS i) High Tension Circuit Breaker : For each main drive motor, one H.T. breaker is provided in the load block distribution Substation No : 4 LBDS-4 in ECR-1 at +/-0.00 level. Voltage is at 11 KV Converter Transformer : Each main drive motor had its own converter transformer located on other side of ECR-1 of WRM parallel to mill bay. The transformer step down the voltage to about 700 volts. Thyristor converter, field transformer, Field converter, Protection & interlocking cubicle and regulation cubicle is situated in ECR-1 at +9.00 Mtr.level. D.C. Reactor, D.C. High speed circuit breaker, and D.C. No load contactor is installed at +/-0.00 levelin ECR-1. Main drive D.C. motors fed from 4 LBDS-4 11 KV bus designed to with stand fluctuating loads. Aux. Loads as Shear, Pinch Rolls, Laying Heads etc., driven by D.C. motors & Thyristor converter. A.C. loads are the balance drives as slip ring & squirrel cage motor is employed. Hence load on motor will remain almost constant. These are called non fluctuating load fed from 4 LBDS-5


2.11 PURPOSE AND FUNCTION i) H.T.C.B. : This is used to feed power to the converter transformer and Isolate the power under fault conditions. The minimum oil circuit breaker are of ASEA make. They have over load and earth fault tripping. ii) Converter Transformer : These converter transformers are used to step down the 11 KV supply to the requisite voltage required by device. The specifications for stand No-1 converter transformer is Rating : 1020KVA, Primary : 11 K.V. +/-5%+/-2%, secondary : 745 V, DY11, 5% Imp.

iii) Thyristor Converter Cubicle : The converter cubicle converts the A.C.Supply given by the secondary of the converter transformer into D.C. Supply. The magnitude of D.C. voltage depends on the Thyristor conduction angle. The cubicle consists of a) Non reversible converter bridge b) Gate pulse transformers c) Semi conductor Fuses d) Fuse monitoring unit e) Pulse distribution Board f) Air flow monitoring unit g) Parallel sharing reactor h) Cooling fan i) Control unit equipped with Simadyn cards, in single tier track arrangement for giving stabilized power supply to the converter auxiliaries such as Gate Pulse transformer, fuse monitoring unit, Pulse distribution board etc., Thyristor used one of type R-66, 166 and arrangement of thyristor in the armature is of Bastain type. Non draw out and mounted in cubicle on the front side of the panel door a lamp indication is provided for thyristor fuse failure. iv) Field Transformer Cubicle : This cubicle mainly consists of 1 No. transformer for supplying voltageto fieldconverter panel. It also have 1 No. Current transformer for regulation in field circuit and a surge suppressor. This surge suppressor is a combination selenium stack selected in such a way that they breakdown under transient voltage condition. Field Converter Cubicle : The field converter cubicle consists of dual converter with SITOR thyristor assemblies of 60611 with pulse transformer and semiconductor fuses. 2 Converters in anti parallel its main function is to give D.C. power to field in normal operation mode with 1 converter and 2nd converter is used for quick braking. The change over from the converter I to converter II is done with the help of digital command module. In the main drive braking is with field reversal as in field circuit less voltage and current is to be controlled. Field circuit time constant is more. Main drive reversal is only for



jogging operation. Reversal is not important, so cheaper arrangement is used. The sub assemblies are a) cooling fan b) Thyristor fuse monitoring unit c) Current transformer Protection and Interlocking cubicle : This gives the protection for the equipments installed and for the personnel operating and maintaining the system. Interlocking of all protection measures for proper start up, stopping, tripping during faults and restarting after fault tripping and annunciation system displaying the status of faults. It consists of 2 numbers Protection & Interlocking cubicles. Cubicle 1 mainly consists of 3 Nos distribution transformers and power to other sections is distributed by miniature circuit breakers. The ratings of transformers and the loads are as follows : i) 4 KVA Transformer, 415/380/220 V, (YYO) feeding power to logic control unit. - Regulation Power - Pulse power armature - Pulse power field - D.C. Current Transformer - Converter ventilation Supervision. ii) 2.5 KVA Transformer 415/240 V, feeding power to - AC Control HSCB - No load contactor. iii) 0.25 KVA Transformer 220/20V, feeding power to - indication (18 volts) in Central Supervisory panel - Local control posts - Control Pulpits Cubicle-II consists of logic control unit for indication of faults of thyristor converter with an indication lamp and viewing glass group fault lamp will glow where there is a fault in the thyristor. The fault indications for each converter transformer can also be seen in this P & I cubicle.


Regulation cubicle : This cubicle mainly consists of regulation cards in ES-902 frame with 4-5 tiers. Many of the cards used for analog regulation are of Symadyne and few are of Simatic cards for logic operation. viii) D.C.Reactor : It is an Air core D.C. Reactor an the function of it is to limit the rate of raise of current during fault condition on D.C. side. The abnormal fault condition may be short circuit in the commutator of main drive motor, and to smoothen the D.C. output i.e. it reduces the ripple content in the D.C. supply feeding the main drive. It also reduces the system I t i.e. the square current under short condition with respect to time is reduced by which the ratings for the Semi-Conductor fuses, thyristors are chosen in such a way that

I t of HSCB < I t of Semi conductor fuses < I t of thyristor under short circuit condition, the full load current flows in HSCB, Semi conductor fuses and thyristors. Before the semiconductor fuses and thyristors are damaged. Due to short circuit current the D.C. HSCB should trip and in the case of failure of the HSCB semiconductor fuses should blow before thyristors are damaged. This care is taken because semiconductor fuses and thyristors are very costly. Air core reactor is used because iron core reactor in the case of short circuit yield saturation.


D.C. High Speed Circuit Breaker : This is a single pole high speed D.C. circuit breaker used for switching and over current protection in D.C. systems. The principle feature of HSCB is exceptionally short opening time, the contacts open before the over current reaches its maximum value. As a result of their very short arc development time they interrupt the short circuit current during the rise and therefore limit its magnitude and duration. These breakers are supplied as over current protection circuit breakers fitted with magnetic over current releases independent of current direction.

Two types of HSCB are used. They are 3 WVI and 3WV5. For main dives of 700 KW & 1000KW motors type : 3WVI is used. For main drives of 2000 KW motors type : 3WV5 is used. Technical data : Parameter Rated voltage Rated current Raise of current Di/dt (t=0) Total closing time Total opening time Opening delay : Over current release Shunt release 3WVI 1500 V 2500 A 10 KA/ms 750 ms 3 WV5 1500 V 4000 A 10 KA/ms 750 ms

opening delay + Arc duration

3 ms (approx) 15 to 20 ms (approx)

Arc duration : It depends up on arc voltage, operating voltage, circuit time constant and breaking current. Rated mechanical life (switching operations) 20,000


Permissible Switching frequency i/n = 30 D.C. No load contactor : Since the D.C. contactor is of no load type, interlocking is made to ensure that the D.C. contactor can be energized or de-energized only when armature current and rotational speed of the motor is zero. It can be energized only when HSCB closed. The purpose of it to feed D.C. power to the main drive and operation of the D.C. no load contactor is under control of C.P.H.


Permanent Magnet Analog Tacho : Permanent Magnet Analog Tacho is used for speed feed back. In case of D.C. motors the back E.M.F. is proportional to speed and this can be used feed back. For an electrical isolation and long time stability tachgenerator is used. A D.C. tacho generator is widely used and is basically a permanent magnet generator with low internal resistance. The polarity of the out put direction is indication of direction of rotation. Tacho generator must be mounted stiffly to the motor shaft. Digital Tacho : Digital Tacho is used for correction of speed only. The signal from it is going to the computer. Surge Supressor : Selenium back to back diodes are used as D.C. surge suppressor sudden switching of transformer causes so surge suppressor is used.



2.12 Drive faults: Drive faults is in two categories. i) Internal Fault ii) External fault Internal faults are the fault within the thyristor converter. External faults are external to converter as earth fault, short circuit overload fault reflecting from the load to the converter. HSCB clears all these faults. Semiconductor fuses blow only for internal faults. In the case of voltage dip Armature voltage back E.M.F. will be reflected to system bus so high current is developed.

2.13 SWITCHING SEQUENCE OF THYRISTOR CONVERTER A) Switching ON sequence : i) Controller auxiliaries ON (HIB) ii) H,T.C.B. ON iii) Armature auxiliaries ON (AHIB) iv) D.C. HSCB ON v) D.C. No load contactor(AS) vi) Run reference ON (SW) 2.12 SWITCHING OFF SEQUENCE OF THYRISTOR CONVERTER i) Run reference OFF ii) D.C. Load contactor OFF iii) D.C.HSCB OFF iv) Armature auxiliaries OFF v) H.T.C.B. OFF vi) Controller auxiliaries OFF The above switching ON and OFF sequence are followed whenever a main drive motor is to be started/stopped. The following switching operation is to be completed. Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Device HIB H.T.C.B. A.H.I.B. H.S.C.B. DC contactor Run Reference Location P & I cubicle (can be made ON or OFF) or C.S.P. P & I cubicle (can be made ON or OFF) or C.S.P. or 4LBDS-4 P & I cubicle (can be made ON or OFF) or C.S.P. C.S.P. (can be made ON or OFF) C.P.H. (can be made On or OFF) C.P.H. (can be made On or OFF)

The Run reference for the main drives are coming from the computer when the control from Pulpits are selected for the drives. The command for

releasing reference goes to PLC where all interlockings are checked before passing the command to process computer. 2.14 FAULTS AND TRIPPING Faults are segregated into three categories a) Category A fault : These are the faults which are require immediate tripping of the drive. The faults are : A.C. incomer fuse blown Thyristor fuse blown. If many thyristors are in parallel in one phase then for the first fuse failure only indication will come and for 2nd fuse failure it trips the drive. Motor over voltage Motor over speed Field circuit breaker tripped Field thyristor fuse blown A.C. or D.C. control supply circuit breaker tripped. For the above faults, the H.S.C.B. trips immediately followed by H.T.C.B. with adjustable delay. b) Category B Fault : These faults are not severe and hence can be tolerated for a short time so that the material under rolling can be chopped OFF. The faults are : Thermal (Bimetal) release in the A.C. circuit Transformer Over temperature (trip) Earth fault Motor ventilation failure Motor over temperature trip Converter ventilation failure For above faults, the H.T.C.B. and H.S.C.B. are tripped after a preset time delay.

c) Category C faults: These faults are not harmful and the mill can be operated for a long time with out rectifying the faults. Armature side A.C. surge suppressor fuse un healthy Field side A.C. surge suppressor fuse unhealthy. Since these faults are of motor minor nature no tripping is required but annunciation is providing on Supervisory panel and on the converter as a group fault. Annunciations are given in the control Pulpit for concerned drives. Group fault in C.S.P. and in the individual drive converter panels. 2.15 LIMITATIONS OF ANALOG DRIVE

As the present system is obsolete and sufficient spare support from OEM was not available. The analog drive control system technology out dated. Maintenance cost was high. Fault diagnosis and trouble shooting was difficult due the presence of no. of cards and complex relay logics. All the control system functions are realized with the help of cards, so the number of cards is more. These cards contain a no. of active and passive components, which are prone to aging and are temperature sensitive. Due to presence of more number of cards there are frequent break downs and lead to loss of production. System is sensitive to voltage fluctuations and result in loss of production.

Chapter-3 DIGITAL DRIVE CONTROL SYSTEM (AFTER MODIFICATION) 3.1 OBJECTIVES OF UPGRADATION Analog regulation system to be replaced with digital controllers. Start/Stop, Tripping interlocks to be envisaged in PLCs. All drives and PLCs to be networked by profibus. Annunciations and diagnostics features for analyzing faults and trends. Enhancing production by minimizing the mill down time. Continuous data acquisition of various drive parameters.

3.2 DIGITAL DRIVE WITH RESPECT TO WRM In WRM The Analog system control for DC drives was up graded by digital control system. Retrofitting job was done in WRM where the earlier power stack was used. Only the control electronics was upgraded. Simoreg 6RA70 is the trade name for DC drives as used by Siemens. Siemens had first launched 6RA22 which was a combination of both analog and digital features. With increasing time additional features were incorporated and the latest version came as 6RA70. By drive we mean : 1. Control electronics 2. Power electronics (Converter) 3. Motor The power and control electronics is generally termed as drive. In WRM the specification of the box is 6RA7013-6DV62

6RA is the trade name (Product Code) 70 is the converter model. Here it is Simoreg DC master. 13 is the code for rated DC current and cooling. 6 Corresponds to "Thyristor modules" D corresponds to rated supply voltage V is 4 Quadrant operation 6 is closed loop control (4Q Digital) 2 is closed loop control (Controlled field) IN 6RA70 Box we have : 1. An electronics box with control card called CUD1 2. Interface card 3. Snubber card 4. Power module In addition to above we use pulse interface card (PIC) for triggering the thyristors.


Series 6RA70 SIMOREG DC MASTER converters are fully digital, compact units for three-phase supply which supply the armature and field of variable-speed DC drives. Series 6RA70 SIMOREG DC MASTER converters are characterized by their compact, space-saving construction. Their compact design makes them particularly easy to service and maintain since individual components are readily accessible. The electronics box contains the basic electronic circuitry as well as any supplementary boards.

All SIMOREG DC MASTER units are equipped with a PMU simple operator panel mounted in the converter door. The panel consists of a five-

digit, seven-segment display, three LEDs as status indicators and three parameterization keys. The PMU also features connector X300 with a USS interface in accordance with the RS232 or RS485 standard.

The panel provides all the facilities for making adjustments or settings and displaying measured values required to start up the converter. 3.4 FEATURES OF NEW SYSTEM

Digital drive control system Simoreg- DC master 6RA70 for speed regulation of drives. Technology card T-400 for Position control of Shear Drives.

PLC siemens S-7 400 for sequential interlocking, logic control and Looper control of drives using remote I/Os.

WinCC HMI for historical trending, alarms and events logging. Lab view Software for continuous trending of speed and currents. Drive monitor for diagnosing of drive faults. All drives and PLCs are networked.

3.5 OPERATOR CONTROL PANELS The basic converter is equipped with a simple operator panel (PMU) as standard. Simple operator control panel (PMU Parameterization Unit) The simple operator control panel is mounted in the converter door and consists of a 5-digit, 7-segment display with three status display LEDs and three parameterization keys below.

All adjustments and settings that need to be undertaken for the purpose of start-up can be made on the simple control panel.

Run Ready Fault


P key Switches over between parameter number (parameter mode), parameter value (value mode) and index number (index mode) on indexed parameters. Acknowledges active fault messages. P and RAISE keys to switch a fault message and alarm to the background (see Section 10, Fault Messages and Alarms) P and LOWER key to switch a fault message and alarm from the background back to the foreground display on the PMU (see Section 10, Fault Messages and Alarms) UP key () Selects a higher parameter number in parameter mode. When the highest number is displayed, the key can be pressed again to return to the other end of the number range (i.e. the highest number is thus adjacent to the lowest number). Increases the selected and displayed parameter value in value mode. Increases parameters) the index in index mode (for indexed

Accelerates an adjustment process activated with the DOWN key (if both keys are pressed at the same time).

DOWN key ()

Selects a lower parameter number in parameter mode. When the lowest number is displayed, the key can be pressed again to return to the other end of the number range (i.e. the lowest number is thus adjacent to the highest number). Decreases the selected and displayed parameter value in value mode.

Decreases the index in index mode (for indexed parameters) Accelerates an adjustment process activated with the UP key (if both keys are pressed at the same time). LED displays Run green LED LED illuminated MII, M0).

in Torque direction active state (MI,

Ready yellow LED LED illuminated in Ready state (o1 .. o7). (see r000 in Section 11) Fault red LED LED illuminated in Fault signal present state (o11) (see r000 in Section 11 and Faults and Alarms (Section 10)) LED flashing An alarm is active (see Faults and Alarms in Section 10).

(see r000 in Section 11)

Parameterization is the process of changing setting values (parameters) via the operator panel, activating converter functions or displaying measured values. Parameters for the basic converter are called P, r, U or n parameters. Parameters for an optional supplementary board are called H, d, L or c parameters. The basic unit parameters are displayed first on the PMU, followed by the technology board parameters (if such a board is installed). It

is important not to confuse the parameters of the S00 technology software of the basic unit with the parameters of an optional supplementary board (e.g. T300). Depending on how parameter P052 is set, only some parameter numbers are displayed.

Display parameters are used to display current quantities such as the main set point, Set point/actual value difference of speed controller, etc. The values of display parameters are read only values and cannot be changed.

Setting parameters are used to both display and change quantities such as the rated motor current, thermal motor time constant, speed controller P gain, etc.

Indexed parameters are used to both display and change several parameter values which are all assigned to the same parameter number.


When a fault or alarm message is activated, it is displayed both on the simple operator control panel (PMU) and on the OP1S user-friendly operator control panel (see also Section 7.2, Operator control panels). An alarm stops being displayed immediately the cause of the alarm signal has been eliminated. A fault message must be cancelled by pressing the P key on the PMU or Reset key on the OP1S (panel must be in "Operational display" status) as soon as the cause has been eliminated.

Fault Description F001 Failure of electronics power supply (Active in all operating states) Failure of the electronics supply voltage (terminals 5U1, 5W1, 5N1) in RUN state for longer than the restart time set in parameter P086 or the electronics are operating on under voltage. Possible fault causes: Line contactor has opened in RUN state Brief supply failure Supply voltage too low Fault value: r047 Index 002 to 016: 1 Electronics supply voltage in RUN has been interrupted for longer than setting in P086 2 Supply failure prewarning responds periodically 3 Supply failure prewarning is active for longer than 1.28 s F004 Phase failure on power connections (1U1, 1V1, 1W1) (active in operating states of <= o4) The supply voltage RMS value, calculated from the area of each supply halfwave (rectified average value * peak factor), must be greater than the response value for phase failure monitoring

P078.001 * P353/100%

The distance between two identical supply zero passages of a phase must not exceed 450 degrees. If one of these two conditions remains

unfulfilled for longer than the restart time set in P086, a fault message is activated. After switch-on, the converter waits in operating states o4 and o5 together for a period not exceeding the setting in P089 for voltage to appear at the power terminals before activating the fault message. Possible fault causes: Parameter P353 is incorrectly set Line contactor has opened in operation Fuse has blown in incoming power section supply Interruption in a thyristor firing pulse cable (auxiliary cathodes at connectors X12, X14, X16 are voltage carriers). F006 Under voltage (active in operating states of = o4) The voltage at terminals 1U1, 1V1 or 1W1 is lower than the response threshold for longer than the restart time set in P086. Response threshold for supply voltage:

(P078.001 *(1+ P351/100%)

Possible causes of fault Line under voltage Monitoring values set too sensitively or incorrectly (P351, P078) Fault value: r047 Index 002 to 016: 1 Under voltage has occurred i002 Number of phase that has activated fault message 0 ... Phase UV 1 ... Phase VW 2 ... Phase WU i003 Incorrect voltage value (normalized to 16384)

4 Under voltage persists for longer than time set in parameter P086 (if this is set to >0)

F007 Overvoltage (active in operating states of = o4) The voltage at terminals 1U1, 1V1 or 1W1 is higher than the response threshold (for longer than the restart time set in P086). Response threshold for supply voltage:

P078.001 *( 1+ P352/100%)
Possible causes of fault Line overvoltage Monitoring values set too sensitively or incorrectly (P352, P078)


Drives are not tripping during power dip on over current as the drive control action is very fast. Large voltage and frequency variation range resulting in reduced fuse failure. Ease of maintenance due to fewer cards and lesser amount of wiring. No drift in components (op. amps.) which is present in Analog system resulting in consistent performance. Being a digital system, security of parameter settings is ensured. In the existing analog system, the pot settings can be easily changed. Diagnostics with the help of PC based drive monitoring software package. Less power consumption compared to analog control electronics. Increase system availability improves productivity.

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