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1) Question : Upon his arrival at an airport in Bangkok, Thailand, on an

official trip to visit the Thai premier, the Philippine President

was met by a boisterous and an unruly Filipino crowd clamoring
for his resignation. One of the Filipino demonstrators named XX
suddenly approached the President and hurled invectives at
him. YY, one of the Filipino security escorts, drew a firearm and
shot XX, resulting to the latter's death. May YY be criminally
prosecuted in the Philippines for killing XX?
Your answer : C. No, because the crime was committed outside the Philippine
Correct answer C. No, because the crime was committed outside the Philippine
: territory.
2) Question : The period of prescription of penalties shall commence to run
from the date when the offender __________.
  Your answer : A. flees while serving his sentence
Correct answer A. flees while serving his sentence
3) Question : Whenever an accused has undergone preventive detention for
a period equal to or more than the possible maximum
imprisonment of the offense charged to which he may be
sentenced and his case is not yet terminated, he shall be
Your answer : D. released immediately without prejudice to the continuation
of the trial thereof
Correct answer D. released immediately without prejudice to the continuation
: of the trial thereof
4) Question : Correctional penalties include ______.
Your answer : B. Prision Correccional, Arresto Mayor, Suspension, and
Correct answer B. Prision Correccional, Arresto Mayor, Suspension, and
: Destierro
5) Question : The penalty prescribed for Rape by sexual assault is reclusion
perpetua when ____.
  Your answer : A. rape is committed with the use of deadly weapon
Correct answer D. by reason or on the occasion of the rape, homicide is
: committed
6) Question : In order to export a confession, Senior Police Officer Malupit
electrically shocked the head, and intentionally amputated the
ear, of Bitoy, a prisoner under his custody. Bitoy became
insane. Police Officer Malupit is criminally liable for ____.
  Your answer : A. Violation of the Anti-Torture Act
Correct answer D. Violation of the Anti-Torture Act, Maltreatment of Prisoners,
  : Serious physical injuries, and mutilation, on 4 separate
7) Question : When the subsidiary penalty imposed is only a fine, the
subsidiary imprisonment shall not exceed ______ months.
  Your answer : C. six (6)

Correct answer C. six (6)

8) Question : The crime of Libel prescribes in _______.
  Your answer : A. six (6) months
Correct answer C. one (1) year
9) Question : X was sentenced to suffer imprisonment of 4 years, 2 months
and one day as minimum to 6 years and to pay the offended
party P5,000.00 pesos. X applied for probation which was
granted by the court. X shall still pay P5,000.00 because
  Your answer : D. it was not remitted by the probation
Correct answer A. probation affects only the criminal aspect of the case
10 Question : Destierro consists of banishment of the convict to a distance of
) ____.
Your answer : B. not less than 50 kilometers but not more than 250
kilometers radius
Correct answer A. not less than 25 kilometers but not more than 250
: kilometers radius
11 Question : A judgment of conviction becomes final in all of the following
) EXCEPT _____.
  Your answer : D. When the accused starts to serve his sentence.
Correct answer D. When the accused starts to serve his sentence.
12 Question : Bribery is qualified if a public officer ______.
Your answer : B. refrains from arresting or prosecuting an offender who has
committed a crime punishable by reclusion perpetua or death
Correct answer C. refrains from arresting or prosecuting an offender who has
  : committed a crime punishable by reclusion perpetua and /or
13 Question : A shot B and the latter was hit. B sustained slight physical
) injuries. The bullet which hit B also hit C who died as a result.
What crime is committed by A?
  Your answer : D. Homicide with Slight Physical Injuries.
Correct answer C. Homicide with Attempted Homicide.
14 Question : A shot B. B was hit. The bullet which hit B also hit C. B suffered
) a mortal wound but was saved by timely medical intervention.
For his part, C died. A voluntarily surrendered to the police.
What crime did A commit?
  Your answer : A. Homicide with Frustrated Homicide.
Correct answer A. Homicide with Frustrated Homicide.
15 Question : X distributed materials which glorify crimes or encourage

) violation of laws. X committed ______.

  Your answer : D. Unlawful Publication
Correct answer D. Unlawful Publication
16 Question : China and Philippines are at war against each other. A, B, C,
) and D are all Filipino citizens. They agreed and decided to aid
the Chinese by providing them information about the
movement of Philippine troops. A, B, C, and D supplied the
Chinese soldiers with up to date information about the
deployment of Philippine Troops. Karla, the girlfriend of C,
despite her knowledge of the act committed by A, B, C, and D
did not report it to the authorities as soon as possible as
required by law. Which of the following is correct?
Your answer : D. Karla is not liable because Treason was committed by A, B,
C, and D.
Correct answer D. Karla is not liable because Treason was committed by A, B,
: C, and D.
17 Question : The phrase "delivering the person arrested to the proper
) judicial authorities" means ________.
Your answer : D. filing of the case before the court that has jurisdiction of the
crime committed
Correct answer D. filing of the case before the court that has jurisdiction of the
: crime committed
18 Question : Nestor is married to Marie. Nestor went to Aruba to work.
) While Nestor was there, he fell in love with Minda and married
her in Aruba. Which of the following is correct?
Your answer : D. Nestor committed Bigamy but is not liable because criminal
law is territorial in character.
Correct answer D. Nestor committed Bigamy but is not liable because criminal
: law is territorial in character.
19 Question : Susan induced Bryan to kill Raymond. She promised to marry
) Bryan if the latter can do the act. Bryan killed Raymond. Which
of the following is correct?
  Your answer : A. Both Susan and Bryan are liable for Murder.
Correct answer A. Both Susan and Bryan are liable for Murder.
20 Question : KC left his cell phone at the dash board of his car. Arvin picked
) up a stone and smashed the windshield of the car of KC. Arvin
took the cell phone of KC. Arvin committed the crime of
  Your answer : A. Robbery
Correct answer B. Theft
21 Question : Subornation of Perjury is committed by any person who
) deliberately procures another to _______.
Your answer : B. testify falsely and the person procured actually testifies as

Correct answer B. testify falsely and the person procured actually testifies as
: told
22 Question : Four men robbed a passenger jeepney. The men killed two of
) the passengers and raped the only female passenger. The four
men are liable for the _______.
Your answer : D. special complex crime of Robbery with Homicide, and the
  rape is only an aggravating circumstance, by way of exception
to the provisions of Article 48 of the Revised Penal Code
Correct answer D. special complex crime of Robbery with Homicide, and the
  : rape is only an aggravating circumstance, by way of exception
to the provisions of Article 48 of the Revised Penal Code
23 Question : A crime resulting from negligence, reckless imprudence, lack of
) foresight or lack of skill is called
  Your answer : B. culpa.
Correct answer B. culpa.
24 Question : Which of the following statements constitute Inciting to
) Sedition?
Your answer : C. Leaders of jeepney and bus associations shouting “Bukas
tuloy ang welga hanggang sa magkagulo na!”
Correct answer B. Speeches extolling communism and urging the people to
: hold a national strike and paralyze commerce and trade.
25 Question : Direct bribery is a crime involving moral turpitude. From which
) of the following elements of direct bribery can moral turpitude
be inferred?
Your answer : C. The offender takes a gift with a view to committing a crime
in exchange.
Correct answer C. The offender takes a gift with a view to committing a crime
: in exchange.

1) Question : The effect of the death of an accused wherein the judgment of

conviction against him is pending appeal is that ____________.
Your answer : B. only the criminal action is extinguished while the pecuniary
  liabilities ex delicto adjudged against the accused may be
enforced against his estate
Correct answer A. the criminal action and the civil action instituted therein for
: recovery of civil liability ex delicto are extinguished
2) Question : During a war between the Philippines and Libya, SS, a Libyan
national who resides in the Philippines, entered an office of the
Department of National Defense in Manila. While inside, SS, in
three sheets of paper, wrote down information and data which
he copied from a two-inch thick journal with its cover page
stamped marked "TOP SECRET". That same day, SS, through
mail, sent said sheets of paper to his friend ZZ, the Defense
Minister of the enemy country. The data and information
gathered by SS relates the defense of the Philippines. Of what
crime may SS be charged?

  Your answer : A. Treason under Article 114 of the Revised Penal Code.
Correct answer A. Treason under Article 114 of the Revised Penal Code.
3) Question : XX went to the house of YY, a septuagenarian, for the purpose
of abducting her. Upon reaching the house of YY, XX found YY
lying lifeless in a couch. XX nevertheless carried the corpse of
YY and brought it to a safe house. Later, XX sent a text
message to YY's rich son, ZZ, from whom he demanded
ransom in exchange for the release of YY from captivity.
Believing that YY was still alive and fearing that XX would kill
YY, ZZ, as instructed by XX, deposited P5 million in bank
account of XX. What crime may XX be correctly charged of?
  Your answer : C. Grave Threats.
Correct answer B. Special Complex of Kidnapping with Homicide.
4) Question : Mistake of Fact is an absolutory cause because the accused
acted ______.
Your answer : C. without criminal intent and negligence but with freedom of
action and intelligence
Correct answer C. without criminal intent and negligence but with freedom of
: action and intelligence
5) Question : The pecuniary liabilities of an offender include ______.
Your answer : A. repation of damaged cause, Indemnification of consequential
damages. Fine, and cost of proceedings
Correct answer A. repation of damaged cause, Indemnification of consequential
: damages. Fine, and cost of proceedings
6) Question : Generally, if the offender in a criminal case is acquitted, his civil
liability is also extinguished, EXCEPT when the ________.
Your answer : C. acquittal is due to non-imputability or an exempting
Correct answer C. acquittal is due to non-imputability or an exempting
: circumstance
7) Question : The felony of piracy is qualified when the _____.
Your answer : C. offender have attacked a vessel by boarding or firing upon
the same
Correct answer A. crime is accompanied by any forum of physical injuries.
8) Question : That man is occasionally subdued by strange social
phenomenon that compels him to do wrong is known in
Criminal Law as the ______ theory.
  Your answer : B. Positivist
Correct answer B. Positivist
9) Question : Which of the following grants oblivion to all the effects of
conviction and restores political rights?
  Your answer : A. Amnesty

Correct answer C. Absolute pardon

10 Question : The sentence in the Indeterminate Sentence Law is called
) indeterminate because _____.
Your answer : D. it cannot be determined as to how long the convict will serve
  sentence because after serving the minimum, he may be
released on parole
Correct answer D. it cannot be determined as to how long the convict will serve
  : sentence because after serving the minimum, he may be
released on parole
11 Question : X, a provincial fiscal, was travelling to a certain municipality to
) conduct a preliminary investigation. Along the way, Bartolo,
who was then driving a truck refused to give way to the car of
the fiscal and even zigzagged in front of the car of the fiscal to
prevent it from overtaking his truck. The fiscal signaled the
truck to stop which Bartolo did. X introduced himself as a fiscal.
Bartolo drew his gun, cocked it and pointed it to the fiscal.
Which of the following is correct?
Your answer : A. Bartolo committed Direct Assault upon a person in authority
  because the performance of duty of the fiscal includes his
traveling to the place of work.
Correct answer A. Bartolo committed Direct Assault upon a person in authority
  : because the performance of duty of the fiscal includes his
traveling to the place of work.
12 Question : A shot B. B was hit. The bullet which hit B also hit C. B suffered
) a mortal wound but was saved by timely medical intervention.
For his part, C died. A voluntarily surrendered to the police.
What is the proper penalty on A taking into consideration the
Indeterminate Sentence Law?
Your answer : A. Prision Mayor in any of its periods as minimum to Reclusion
Temporal in its minimum period as maximum.
Correct answer C. Prision Mayor in any of its periods as minimum to Reclusion
: Temporal in its maximum period as maximum.
13 Question : George and Anna cohabited as husband and wife without the
) benefit of marriage. They begot a child Juanito. When Juanito
was 18 years of age, he quarreled with his grandfather Jose,
the father of Johnny. Juanito killed his grandfather Jose. What
crime is did Juanito commit?
  Your answer : A. Homicide.
Correct answer A. Homicide.
14 Question : What is a crime under the Revised Penal Code where the
) penalty imposed by law is the same regardless of whether it
was intentionally committed or it resulted from negligence?
  Your answer : D. Malversation
Correct answer D. Malversation
15 Question : Persons who are directly vested with jurisdiction, whether as an

) individual or as member of some court or government

corporation, board or commission are referred to as ____.
  Your answer : C. Persons in Authority
Correct answer C. Persons in Authority
16 Question : A quasi recidivist is any person who ______.
Your answer : B. shall commit a felony while serving sentence or before
serving sentence
Correct answer B. shall commit a felony while serving sentence or before
: serving sentence
17 Question : Which is NOT a mode of committing Violation of Domicile?
  Your answer : A. Entering a dwelling against the will of the owner.
Correct answer D. Entry without the consent of the house owner.
18 Question : The Philippines and Malaysia are at war. Armed hostilities have
) begun. The Philippine government prohibited flight to Malaysia.
Jonathan has a girlfriend named Melody who is based in
Malaysia. Jonathan boarded Garuda, an airplane bound for
Malaysia. Before the airplane could take off, Jonathan was
arrested by members of the civil aviation command. Jonathan
committed _______.
  Your answer : C. Flight to enemy's country
Correct answer C. Flight to enemy's country
19 Question : Chobolts is the step father of Johara. One day, Chobolts and
) Johara quarreled. Because of hate and anger, Chobolts put the
clothes of Johara in a luggage and burned them. Chobolts
committed the crime of ______.
  Your answer : A. Malicious Mischief and is liable
Correct answer C. Arson and is criminally liable
20 Question : Martinez hid behind the trunk of a tree to wait for the arrival of
) Jose. The latter was a long time enemy of Martinez. After an
hour, a person arrived. The person resembled the features of
Jose. Martinez shot the person who died as a result. It turned
out that the person is Justine. Which of the following is correct?
Your answer : D. Martinez is liable for murder because treachery can be
appreciated even if the intended victim is not the one killed.
Correct answer D. Martinez is liable for murder because treachery can be
: appreciated even if the intended victim is not the one killed.
21 Question : Judge Saragoza retired from the government service. One day,
) he met Kamlon whom he convicted of a crime while he was still
a Judge. Kamlon attacked Judge Saragoza by boxing him on
different parts of his body. The motive of Kamlon was to exact
revenge upon the Judge. Kamlon is liable for ______.

  Your answer : A. Direct assault upon a person in Authority

Correct answer D. Physical Injuries
22 Question : Dr. Chow, a government doctor, failed to submit his Daily Time
) Record (DTR) from January to March 2000 and did not get
approval of his sick leave application for April because of
evidence that he was actually moonlighting elsewhere. Thus,
the medical Director caused the withholding of his salary for
the periods in question until he submitted his DTRs in May
2000. Can Dr. Chow prosecute the medical director for causing
him undue injury in violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt
Practices Act?
Your answer : D. No, since Dr. Chow brought it upon himself, having failed to
submit the required DTRs.
Correct answer D. No, since Dr. Chow brought it upon himself, having failed to
: submit the required DTRs.
23 Question : Minority is a privileged mitigating circumstance which operates
) to reduce the penalty by a degree where the child is
  Your answer : C. below 18 years acting with discernment.
Correct answer C. below 18 years acting with discernment.
24 Question : The accused was shocked to discover his wife and their driver
) sleeping in the master's bedroom. Outraged, the accused got
his gun and killed both. Can the accused claim that he killed
the two under exceptional circumstances?
Your answer : B. No, since the accused did not catch them while having
sexual intercourse.
Correct answer B. No, since the accused did not catch them while having
: sexual intercourse.
25 Question : Deeply enraged by his wife's infidelity, the husband shot and
) killed her lover. The husband subsequently surrendered to the
police. How will the court appreciate the mitigating
circumstances of (i) passion or obfuscation, (ii) vindication of a
grave offense, and (iii) voluntary surrender that the husband
invoked and proved?
Your answer : D. It will appreciate passion or obfuscation and vindication of a
  grave offense as just one mitigating circumstance and
voluntary surrender as another.
Correct answer D. It will appreciate passion or obfuscation and vindication of a
  : grave offense as just one mitigating circumstance and
voluntary surrender as another.

2) Question : May a criminal action for Bigamy be prosecuted de

  Your answer : B. No, because Bigamy, by its nature, is a private crime.
Correct C. Yes, because Bigamy may be classified either as a
answer : public crime or a private crime.

3) Question : The accessory penalties of reclusion temporal are

Your answer : D. civil interdiction during the period of penalty and
perpetual absolute disqualification
Correct C. civil interdiction for life and perpetual absolute
answer : disqualification.
4) Question : The penalty prescribed for Rape by carnal knowledge is
reclusion perpetua when ________.
Your answer : A. rape is committed by means of grave abuse of
Correct A. rape is committed by means of grave abuse of
answer : authority
5) Question : The penalty prescribed for Rape by sexual assault is
reclusion perpetua when ____.
Your answer : D. by reason or on the occasion of the rape, homicide is
Correct D. by reason or on the occasion of the rape, homicide is
answer : committed
6) Question : Under PD 532, Highway Robbery is committed by any
person who _____.
Your answer : A. seizes another by means of violence against or
intimidation of person while on any Philippine highway
Correct B. seizes another for extortion while on any Philippine
answer : highway
7) Question : In Violation of BP 22, the prima facie presumption of
knowledge of insufficiency of funds is brought into
existence only after is it proved that the ______.
Your answer : B. check was dishonored by the drawee bank upon
  presentment and drawer failed to pay in full the holder
of the check within 5 banking days
Correct C. issuer of the check had received a notice of dishonor
  answer : and he failed to make good the check within 5 days from
receipt thereof
8) Question : Rapots stole the cell phone of Jarred. Rapots gave the
cell phone to Tibor. Rapots told Tibor not to tell anybody
that he is the source of the cell phone. Tibor agreed and
from then on kept, possessed and used the cell phone.
Is Tibor an accessory to the crime?
  Your answer : C. No, because he is a principal in the crime of Fencing;
Correct C. No, because he is a principal in the crime of Fencing;
answer :
9) Question : A judgment of conviction becomes final in all of the
following EXCEPT _____.
  Your answer : D. When the accused starts to serve his sentence.
Correct D. When the accused starts to serve his sentence.
answer :
10) Question : A and B challenged each other to a fight. In the course

of the fight, A killed B. A was chased by policemen. A

went to C, his friend and confessed to C that he killed B.
C gave P10,000.00 to B which B used to elude the
authorities. Which of the following is correct?
  Your answer : C. C violated PD 1829
Correct C. C violated PD 1829
answer :
11) Question : X, a provincial fiscal, was travelling to a certain
municipality to conduct a preliminary investigation.
Along the way, Bartolo, who was then driving a truck
refused to give way to the car of the fiscal and even
zigzagged in front of the car of the fiscal to prevent it
from overtaking his truck. The fiscal signaled the truck
to stop which Bartolo did. X introduced himself as a
fiscal. Bartolo drew his gun, cocked it and pointed it to
the fiscal. Which of the following is correct?
Your answer : A. Bartolo committed Direct Assault upon a person in
  authority because the performance of duty of the fiscal
includes his traveling to the place of work.
Correct A. Bartolo committed Direct Assault upon a person in
  answer : authority because the performance of duty of the fiscal
includes his traveling to the place of work.
12) Question : Cattle Rustling means taking away by any means,
method or scheme, without the consent of the
owner/raiser, of any large cattle ______.
Your answer : C. for the purpose deriving benefits therefrom directly or
Correct B. whether or not for profit
answer :
13) Question : What crime is committed by shooting at another with
any firearm without intent to kill?
  Your answer : D. Illegal Discharge of Firearm.
Correct D. Illegal Discharge of Firearm.
answer :
14) Question : A young dancer danced nude before men who are 70
years old and above in a party of old men. Is the young
dancer liable?
  Your answer : D. Yes, for obscene show.
Correct C. No, because her audience will not be corrupted
answer : anymore.
15) Question : In a birthday party for the child of Judskie, Tibor left his
cocked .45 caliber gun in one of the tables. The children
ran around the table. In the process, a child nudged the
table and the gun fell on the ground and it fired. This
created a commotion and the children and guests
scampered for safety. Which of the following is correct?
Your answer : D. Tibor is not liable because there was no material
damage or injury that was caused.

Correct D. Tibor is not liable because there was no material

answer : damage or injury that was caused.
16) Question : Daniel discovered one morning that his expensive Cartier
watch was missing, He suspected Deborah, his
housemaid to have stolen it. He confronted Deborah and
accused her with Theft but the latter professed her
innocence. Daniel detained Deborah and brought her
later to the police station. Daniel is liable for _____.
  Your answer : A. Illegal arrest
Correct C. Unlawful arrest
answer :
17) Question : Oscar hates his 70 year old grandmother. One day,
Oscar brought his grandmother in the forest and left her
there. Which of the following is correct?
Your answer : C. Oscar committed Abandonment of a person in
Correct B. Oscar committed no crime because he did not find his
answer : grandmother in an uninhabited place.
18) Question : Pluto is a lady jail warden. She got a big crush on Calixta
who is detained for violation of the drugs law. She put
Calixta on solitary confinement for misbehavior. One
night, Pluto summoned Calixta to her office. She told
Calixta that she likes her and wants to make love with
her and in return Calixta will have no restrictions in jail.
Which of the following is correct?
Your answer : A. Pluto is liable for Abuse against chastity because she
made indecent proposal to Calixta, a woman detainee.
Correct A. Pluto is liable for Abuse against chastity because she
answer : made indecent proposal to Calixta, a woman detainee.
19) Question : Gregory invited his lady love Xyra for a joy ride. When
Xyla got tired of the endless ride, she pleaded to
Gregory to bring her home. Gregory refused and instead
brought Xyra in a house in Pasig. He refused to let go
Xyra unless she signs a promissory note to marry him.
They stayed in the house overnight. Gregory is liable for
  Your answer : A. Coercion
Correct A. Coercion
answer :
20) Question : The accused was 16 years old when he committed the
crime. At the time of the promulgation of sentence, the
accused is still 18 years old. Which of the following may
be undertaken?
  Your answer : D. File a Motion for Recognizance.
Correct C. File a Motion to Suspend Sentence.
answer :
21) Question : An act of grace proceeding from the power entrusted
with the execution of the laws which exempts the

individual on whom it is bestowed from the punishment

the law inflicts for the crime he has committed is
referred to as ______.
  Your answer : C. Pardon
Correct C. Pardon
answer :
22) Question : What takes place when a person at the time of his trial
for one crime shall have been previously convicted by
final judgment of a crime embraced under the same title
of the Revised Penal Code?
  Your answer : D. Recidivism
Correct D. Recidivism
answer :
23) Question : X draws a check upon request of Y, the payee, who told
X that he would merely show the check to his creditor to
gain more time to pay his account. The check bounced
upon presentation by the creditor. Under the
circumstances, who can be prosecuted for estafa based
on the dishonored check?
Your answer : A. Y as the one who negotiated the check contrary to
the agreement
Correct A. Y as the one who negotiated the check contrary to
answer : the agreement
24) Question : Dagami concealed Bugna's body and the fact that he
killed him by setting Bugna's house on fire. What crime
or crimes did Dagami commit?
  Your answer : B. Separate crimes of murder and arson
Correct B. Separate crimes of murder and arson
answer :
25) Question : Which of the following statements constitute Inciting to
Your answer : B. Speeches extolling communism and urging the people
  to hold a national strike and paralyze commerce and
Correct B. Speeches extolling communism and urging the people
  answer : to hold a national strike and paralyze commerce and

1) Question : HH killed her three-year old daughter, GG. After having told of
such fact, FF assisted HH in her escape. Under the
circumstances, FF may be exempt as an accessory thereto if
  Your answer : B. HH and FF are sisters-in-law
Correct answer B. HH and FF are sisters-in-law

2) Question : A woman who kills her one-day old illegitimate child may be
convicted of ___________.
  Your answer : B. Infanticide
Correct answer B. Infanticide
3) Question : Correctional penalties include ______.
Your answer : B. Prision Correccional, Arresto Mayor, Suspension, and
Correct answer B. Prision Correccional, Arresto Mayor, Suspension, and
: Destierro
4) Question : A person commits inciting to sedition by _____.
Your answer : D. inciting rebellious conspiracies or riots through speeches,
writings and other media of representation
Correct answer D. inciting rebellious conspiracies or riots through speeches,
: writings and other media of representation
5) Question : In the absence of satisfactory explanation, the user of a
falsified documents is deemed the author of the falsification if
the _____.
Your answer : B. use of falsified document was closely related in time with the
falsification and the user had the capacity to falsify
Correct answer B. use of falsified document was closely related in time with the
: falsification and the user had the capacity to falsify
6) Question : In Usurpation if Civil Status, the intent of the offender is to
Your answer : A. assume the filiations, or the parental or conjugal rights of
Correct answer B. enjoy the rights arising from the civil status of the person
: impersonated
7) Question : The accused's husband was still living when she contracted the
second marriage. Her defense was that she was advised by her
husband's relatives that he was already dead. Hence, she acted
under mistake of fact. Accused is _____.
  Your answer : D. not liable of any crime
Correct answer A. liable for bigamy
8) Question : When the subsidiary penalty imposed is only a fine, the
subsidiary imprisonment shall not exceed ______ months.
  Your answer : C. six (6)
Correct answer C. six (6)
9) Question : According to the order of severity, the penalty next lower in
degree from Arresto Mayor is ______.
  Your answer : A. Destierro
Correct answer C. Arresto Menor
10 Question : Destierro consists of banishment of the convict to a distance of

) ____.
Your answer : A. not less than 25 kilometers but not more than 250
kilometers radius
Correct answer A. not less than 25 kilometers but not more than 250
: kilometers radius
11 Question : Band consists of _____|_.
  Your answer : A. more than three (3) armed malefactors
Correct answer A. more than three (3) armed malefactors
12 Question : Jesus and Remedios are husband and wife. When Remedios
) was 7 months pregnant, Jesus died. Three months after
Remedios delivered her child, she married Reynaldo, her first
love. Remedios was charged with premature marriage because
being a widow, she married within 301 days from the death of
her husband. Is Remedios liable?
Your answer : D. No, because it was her husband Jesus who fathered the
Correct answer C. No, because the period of 301 days is only for cases where
: the woman is not pregnant.
13 Question : X mixed poison in the coffee of Y to kill him. Unknowingly, Y
) drank his coffee laced with poison. Nothing happened to Y as
the poison had no effect at all. What crime is committed by X?
  Your answer : C. Impossible Crime.
Correct answer C. Impossible Crime.
14 Question : A number of persons secretly united and use devious and
) undercover means to bring about an overturn public affairs or
undermine and cause the downfall of a person with a position
or authority is referred to as ____.
  Your answer : D. Cabal
Correct answer D. Cabal
15 Question : What is known as the improper performance of an act which
) might be lawfully done?
  Your answer : B. Misfeasance.
Correct answer B. Misfeasance.
16 Question : Which of the following is NOT a qualifying aggravating
) circumstance?
  Your answer : B. Nighttime.
Correct answer B. Nighttime.
17 Question : What is the felony where the principal offender must be a
) member of the AFP or the PNP organization or a public officer
with or without civilian support?

  Your answer : D. Coup d' etat

Correct answer D. Coup d' etat
18 Question : Nestor is married to Marie. Nestor went to Aruba to work.
) While Nestor was there, he fell in love with Minda and married
her in Aruba. Which of the following is correct?
Your answer : C. Nestor committed Bigamy but is exempt from criminal
Correct answer D. Nestor committed Bigamy but is not liable because criminal
: law is territorial in character.
19 Question : Terence took Li Wings against his will, detained him and
) demanded for ransom. The ransom was not paid, Terence
killed Li Wing. Terence committed the crime of _____.
  Your answer : C. Kidnapping with Homicide
Correct answer C. Kidnapping with Homicide
20 Question : Randy is a chick magnet. Despite his marital status, he indulges
) in unabated philandering. His wife Lorna had been suspecting
all along that Randy is having illicit relations with Maja, her
close friend. One day, Lorna went to the office of Randy and
rummaged the drawers of the table of Randy. Lorna discovered
love letters of Maja to Randy confirming not only illicit relations
but their cohabitation in a plush Makati condominium. Lorna
seized the love letters. Which of the following is correct?
Your answer : C. Lorna is not liable because being the wife of Randy she is
exempt from criminal liability under Art. 332 of the PRC.
Correct answer D. Lorna is not liable for discovering secrets through seizure of
  : correspondence because the article is not applicable to spouse
with respect to the letters or papers of either of them.
21 Question : The Single Larceny doctrine applies to ______.
  Your answer : D. RA 3019
Correct answer D. RA 3019
22 Question : A "moving crime" is one where ______.
Your answer : C. the action may be instituted or tried in the court of the area
where any of the essential ingredients of the crime happened
Correct answer B. the crime was committed on board a moving vehicle or
: transportation
23 Question : Dionisio saw a person open the door of his car. Dionisio
) inquired who the person was but received no answer. Dionisio
fired his gun into the air. The person lifted his right arm chest
high and because of this, Dionisio shot him. The person died. Is
Dionisio liable?
Your answer : D. Yes, because there was no reasonable necessity of the
means employed.

Correct answer C. Yes, because the raising of the hand is not unlawful
: aggression.
24 Question : The presence of a mitigating circumstance in a crime
Your answer : C. affects the imposable penalty, depending on other modifying
Correct answer C. affects the imposable penalty, depending on other modifying
: circumstances.
25 Question : X, without intent to kill, aimed his gun at Z and fired it, hitting
) the latter who died as a consequence. Under the circumstances
Your answer : A. X cannot plead praetor intentionem since the intent to kill is
presumed from the killing of the victim.
Correct answer A. X cannot plead praetor intentionem since the intent to kill is
: presumed from the killing of the victim.

1) Question : TT was prosecuted for and convicted of Reckless Imprudence

Resulting in Multiple Homicide for the death of six high school
students who were his passengers in the school bus he was
driving that figured in a vehicular collision. He was accordingly
sentenced to suffer a prison term and was ordered to pay the
victims' heirs damages in the total amount P5 million. The day
after the judgment was promulgated, TT applied for probation.
Subsequently, the private complainants formally moved for the
issuance of a writ of execution against KK, TT's employer, to
enforce KK's subsidiary civil liability. As lawyer of KK, which of
the following arguments could you validly raise in opposition to
said motion?
Your answer : D. TT's inability to satisfy his civil liability has not yet been
Correct answer D. TT's inability to satisfy his civil liability has not yet been
: established.
2) Question : Infanticide is committed when the accused killed an infant
whose age is _____.
  Your answer : C. below 3 days old
Correct answer C. below 3 days old
3) Question : Robbery with use of force upon things is qualified if it is
committed in an uninhabited place _____.
  Your answer : A. and by a band
Correct answer A. and by a band
4) Question : In the felony of illegal assembly, if any person present at the
meeting carries an unlicensed firearm, it shall presumed, in so
far as he is concerned, that the purpose of said meeting is to

  Your answer : C. commit acts punishable under the RPC

Correct answer C. commit acts punishable under the RPC
5) Question : In falsification of Public Documents, damage caused to a third
person is immaterial because ______.
Your answer : D. what is punished is the mere act of falsification, a public
document being competent evidence of the facts stated therein
Correct answer C. what is punished is the perversion of the truth which the
: documents solemnly proclaims
6) Question : Accused struck the face of the offended party, saying that he
would kill her if she would not return to him the Rolex watch
she has lost. Accused is liable for ____.
  Your answer : A. Grave Threals because the injury is absorbed
Correct answer B. Physical injuries because the treat to kill is absorbed
7) Question : Accused who fired a gun towards the house of the offended
party is liable for ____.
  Your answer : A. Illegal Discharge of Firearms
Correct answer B. Alarms and Scandals
8) Question : A circumstance that would negate conviction for violation of BP
22 is when the ______.
Your answer : D. notice of dishonor was deliver by the offended party, not by
the drawee bank
Correct answer B. bank overlooked the drawer's credit arrangement and
: dishonored the check
9) Question : Destierro consists of banishment of the convict to a distance of
Your answer : A. not less than 25 kilometers but not more than 250
kilometers radius
Correct answer A. not less than 25 kilometers but not more than 250
: kilometers radius
10 Question : In Habitual Delinquency, the offender shall be sentenced to the
) penalty provided by law for the last crime of which he be found
guilty and an additional penalty. However, the total of the two
(2) penalties to be imposed upon the offender shall in no case
exceed _____ years.
  Your answer : D. forty (40)
Correct answer C. thirty (30)
11 Question : The sentence in the Indeterminate Sentence Law is called
) indeterminate because _____.
Your answer : D. it cannot be determined as to how long the convict will serve
  sentence because after serving the minimum, he may be
released on parole
  Correct answer D. it cannot be determined as to how long the convict will serve

: sentence because after serving the minimum, he may be

released on parole
12 Question : Which of the following is true in Estafa with abuse of
) confidence under Art. 315 of the Revised Penal Code?
  Your answer : B. Deceit is not an essential element.
Correct answer B. Deceit is not an essential element.
13 Question : X, a provincial fiscal, was travelling to a certain municipality to
) conduct a preliminary investigation. Along the way, Bartolo,
who was then driving a truck refused to give way to the car of
the fiscal and even zigzagged in front of the car of the fiscal to
prevent it from overtaking his truck. The fiscal signaled the
truck to stop which Bartolo did. X introduced himself as a fiscal.
Bartolo drew his gun, cocked it and pointed it to the fiscal.
Which of the following is correct?
Your answer : A. Bartolo committed Direct Assault upon a person in authority
  because the performance of duty of the fiscal includes his
traveling to the place of work.
Correct answer A. Bartolo committed Direct Assault upon a person in authority
  : because the performance of duty of the fiscal includes his
traveling to the place of work.
14 Question : What is referred to as the duly recorded authorized movements
) and handling of seized drugs or laboratory equipments from
the time of seizure/confiscation to receipt in forensic laboratory
to safekeeping to presentation in court to destruction?
  Your answer : C. Chain of Custody.
Correct answer C. Chain of Custody.
15 Question : Which of the following is NOT a qualifying aggravating
) circumstance?
  Your answer : B. Nighttime.
Correct answer B. Nighttime.
16 Question : During a fiesta celebration, a free for all fight erupted at the
) middle of the public plaza. After the smoke of battle had
cleared, X was found dead. The person who killed him cannot
be ascertained. Two witnesses, however, pointed to A and B as
the persons who stabbed X. It cannot be ascertained though
who between A and B inflicted the fatal blow that caused the
death of X. Which of the following is correct?
Your answer : B. A and B should be charged with death caused in a
tumultuous affray.
Correct answer A. A and B should be charged with homicide.
17 Question : Coup d' etat is a swift attack accompanied by ______.
  Your answer : D. violence, intimidation, threats, strategy and stealth

Correct answer D. violence, intimidation, threats, strategy and stealth

18 Question : Chobolts is the step father of Johara. One day, Chobolts and
) Johara quarreled. Because of hate and anger, Chobolts put the
clothes of Johara in a luggage and burned them. Chobolts
committed the crime of ______.
  Your answer : C. Arson and is criminally liable
Correct answer C. Arson and is criminally liable
19 Question : Susan induced Bryan to kill Raymond. She promised to marry
) Bryan if the latter can do the act. Bryan killed Raymond. Which
of the following is correct?
  Your answer : A. Both Susan and Bryan are liable for Murder.
Correct answer A. Both Susan and Bryan are liable for Murder.
20 Question : A debtor who absconds with his property but there are many
) remaining sufficient properties left to answer for his obligations
is liable for _____.
  Your answer : B. no crime
Correct answer B. no crime
21 Question : Carlos was convicted of theft in 1980. He served the sentence
) and was released in 1990. In 1988, he was convicted of Estafa
and was released in prison in 2000. In 2006, he was convicted
of Serious Physical Injuries. Which of the following is correct?
Your answer : C. The aggravating circumstance of Habituality under
  paragraph 10 of Article 14 of the Revised Penal Code, and not
Habitual Delinquency, can be appreciated against Carlos.
Correct answer A. Carlos is a habitual delinquent.
22 Question : Ismael, an adopting parent, induced Ruben, his adopted son to
) kill Ignacio. Marcial, the brother of Ismael, overheard the
conversation of Ismael and Ruben. Marcial gave his 45 caliber
gun to Ruben and told him to use it in killing Ignacio. Ruben
killed Ignacio by using the gun furnished by Marcial. Which of
the following is correct?
Your answer : C. Ismael is liable as principal by inducement, Ruben as
principal by direct participation and Marcial as accomplice.
Correct answer C. Ismael is liable as principal by inducement, Ruben as
: principal by direct participation and Marcial as accomplice.
23 Question : Principles of public international law exempt certain individuals
) from the Generality characteristic of criminal law. Who among
the following are NOT exempt from the Generality rule?
  Your answer : B. Commercial Attache of a foreign country
Correct answer B. Commercial Attache of a foreign country
24 Question : Dr. Chow, a government doctor, failed to submit his Daily Time

) Record (DTR) from January to March 2000 and did not get
approval of his sick leave application for April because of
evidence that he was actually moonlighting elsewhere. Thus,
the medical Director caused the withholding of his salary for
the periods in question until he submitted his DTRs in May
2000. Can Dr. Chow prosecute the medical director for causing
him undue injury in violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt
Practices Act?
Your answer : D. No, since Dr. Chow brought it upon himself, having failed to
submit the required DTRs.
Correct answer D. No, since Dr. Chow brought it upon himself, having failed to
: submit the required DTRs.
25 Question : X, a court employee, wrote the presiding judge a letter,
) imputing to Y, also a court employee, the act of receiving an
expensive gift from one of the parties in a pending case.
Because of this, Y accused X of libel. Does Y need to prove the
element of malice in the case?
Your answer : B. Yes, malice is not presumed since X wrote the letter to the
presiding judge who has a duty to act on what it states.
Correct answer B. Yes, malice is not presumed since X wrote the letter to the
: presiding judge who has a duty to act on what it states.

1) Question : RR, with intent to kill, shot WW from a distance of ten (10)
meters. Because of poor aim, the latter was hit only on his left
earlobe. When WW retreated, RR pursued him while firing
several shots at WW. When he was cornered at a dead end, RR
pointed the gun at his head and pressed its trigger. It did not
fire as the gun had run out of bullets. By reason thereof, RR
left. For what crime may RR be validly indicted?
Your answer : B. Frustrated Homicide, as RR has already performed all acts of
  execution which would have produced the death of WW were it
not for a cause independent of his will.
Correct answer A. Attempted Homicide, as RR was not able to inflict a mortal
  : wound on WW by reason of a cause other than his own
spontaneous desistance.
2) Question : RR and SS have agreed and decided to rape TT. While on their
way to TT's house, they met UU whom the duo had advised of
their plan. Nevertheless, UU decided to go with them. At TT's
house, RR and SS took turns in raping her with UU holding TT's
arms during the entire incident. RR, SS and UU were later
prosecuted for rape. In case of conviction, UU is guilty as
Your answer : A. principal by direct participation, having personally taken part
therein by acts which directly tended to the same end
Correct answer A. principal by direct participation, having personally taken part
: therein by acts which directly tended to the same end
3) Question : DD, on the occasion of robbery, killed SS, DD's grandmother.

In case DD would be charged and convicted of Robbery with

Homicide (Art. 294 [a], RPC), how should his relationship with
the victim affect his criminal liability?
  Your answer : D. No effect on DD's criminal liability
Correct answer A. As a mitigating circumstance under Article 15 of the Revised
: Penal Code.
4) Question : The essence of counterfeiting coin is to _____.
Your answer : B. create a spurious coin made by imitating the peculiar design
of a genuine coin
Correct answer D. give a false coin the appearance of a true and genuine coin
5) Question : In a Qualified Seduction case, prosecution established beyond
reasonable doubt the commission of the crime and the
aggravating circumstances of treachery and disregards of sex;
while the defense established the presence of the mitigating
circumstances of voluntary surrender and an illness of the
offender that diminished the exercise of his will power. In
imposing the penalty/sentence, the maximum term should be
Your answer : B. 1 degree lower than the prescribed penalty in its maximum
Correct answer A. 1 degree lower than the prescribed penalty in its medium
: period
6) Question : Isabelito was 2 months 18 years of age when he committed the
crime. He was charged with the crime 3 months later. He was
23 when he was finally convicted and sentenced. Is he entitled
to an automatic suspension of sentence under RA 9344?
Your answer : B. NO, because he was no longer a minor at the time the
charge was filed in court.
Correct answer D. NO, because he was above 21 years old at the time of the
: promulgation of sentence.
7) Question : During a rebellion, the city Treasurer, whose duty is to collect
payments due to the city government, continued to collect
payments from the citizen and he turned them over to the
rebels to be used in the furtherance of rebellion. The City
Treasurer is liable for the crime of _____.
  Your answer : D. Disloyalty of Public Officer or Employees
Correct answer A. Rebellion
8) Question : Noy forcibly abducted Shelly against her will and with lewd
design; brought her in a nipa hut; and attemted to rape her
twice. Fortunately, Shelly escaped. The crime's committed
is/are _____.
  Your answer : A. Forcible Abduction
Correct answer A. Forcible Abduction
9) Question : A person commits the crime of Carnapping by _____.

Your answer : D. taking, with intent to gain, a motor vehicle belonging to

another without the latter's consent
Correct answer D. taking, with intent to gain, a motor vehicle belonging to
: another without the latter's consent
10 Question : Deborah has a bank deposit of P 50,000.00. She was able to
) withdraw P150,000.00 because of the manipulation made by
Jessie, the manager of the bank who certified that Deborah has
more than the amount to be withdrawn. Which of the following
is correct?
  Your answer : B. Jessie is liable as principal by indispensable cooperation.
Correct answer B. Jessie is liable as principal by indispensable cooperation.
11 Question : Robbery in an uninhabited place is qualified when committed
) by a ____.
  Your answer : A. band in an uninhabited place
Correct answer C. band and in an uninhabited place
12 Question : What is known as mock serenade where persons involved
) pretend to be serenading but actually the purpose is to create
  Your answer : D. Charivari.
Correct answer D. Charivari.
13 Question : Jonas and Jean had an altercation. In the course of the heated
) argument, Jonas killed Jean. After killing her, Jonas had anal
intercourse with the victim. Jonas committed the crime of
  Your answer : A. Homicide
Correct answer B. Murder
14 Question : Libel may be committed by means of writing or similar means
) EXCEPT ____.
  Your answer : D. Cartography
Correct answer D. Cartography
15 Question : The crime committed if a person represents himself as another
) and assumes the latter's rights or filiations is _____.
  Your answer : D. Usurpation of civil status
Correct answer D. Usurpation of civil status
16 Question : In BP 22, what is the effect if the check is presented to the
) drawee bank beyond 90 days?
Your answer : C. The prime facie presumption of knowledge of the
insufficiency of funds is lost.
Correct answer C. The prime facie presumption of knowledge of the
: insufficiency of funds is lost.

17 Question : Brigandage is indiscriminate highway robbery which maybe

) committed by _____.
  Your answer : C. four armed person
Correct answer A. a single armed person
18 Question : A induced B to kill X. B attacked X from behind and stabbed
) him to death. Which of the following is correct?
  Your answer : A. A is liable for Homicide and B is liable for Murder.
Correct answer A. A is liable for Homicide and B is liable for Murder.
19 Question : Romeo raped Juliet in front of Bruno, the husband of Juliet.
) Romeo tied Bruno at the post of the house. Romeo enjoyed
ravishing Juliet in full view of the helpless husband. The crime
is attended by the aggravating circumstance of _______.
  Your answer : B. Ignominy
Correct answer B. Ignominy
20 Question : The husband has for a long time physically and mentally
) tortured his wife. After one episode of beating, the wife took
the husband's gun and shot him dead. Under the
circumstances, her act constitutes
  Your answer : B. battered woman syndrome, a complete self-defense.
Correct answer B. battered woman syndrome, a complete self-defense.
21 Question : X killed B, mistakenly believing that she was his wife, upon
) surprising her having sex with another man in a motel room.
What is the criminal liability of X?
  Your answer : D. Homicide.
Correct answer D. Homicide.
22 Question : X, without intent to kill, aimed his gun at Z and fired it, hitting
) the latter who died as a consequence. Under the circumstances
Your answer : A. X cannot plead praetor intentionem since the intent to kill is
presumed from the killing of the victim.
Correct answer A. X cannot plead praetor intentionem since the intent to kill is
: presumed from the killing of the victim.
23 Question : The mitigating circumstance of immediate vindication of a
) grave offense cannot be appreciated in a case where
Your answer : A. Following the killing of his adopted brother, P went to the
place where it happened and killed S whom he found there.
Correct answer A. Following the killing of his adopted brother, P went to the
: place where it happened and killed S whom he found there.
24 Question : The accused was shocked to discover his wife and their driver
) sleeping in the master's bedroom. Outraged, the accused got
his gun and killed both. Can the accused claim that he killed
the two under exceptional circumstances?

Your answer : B. No, since the accused did not catch them while having
sexual intercourse.
Correct answer B. No, since the accused did not catch them while having
: sexual intercourse.
25 Question : When committed outside the Philippine territory, our courts DO
) NOT have jurisdiction over the crime of
  Your answer : D. rebellion.
Correct answer D. rebellion.

1) Question : During a war between the Philippines and Libya, SS, a Libyan
national who resides in the Philippines, entered an office of the Department
of National Defense in Manila. While inside, SS, in three sheets of paper,
wrote down information and data which he copied from a two-inch thick
journal with its cover page stamped marked "TOP SECRET". That same day,
SS, through mail, sent said sheets of paper to his friend ZZ, the Defense
Minister of the enemy country. The data and information gathered by SS
relates the defense of the Philippines. Of what crime may SS be charged?  
Your answer : A. Treason under Article 114 of the Revised Penal Code.  
Correct answer : A. Treason under Article 114 of the Revised Penal Code.

2) Question : Alarms and Scandals is committed by any person who shall ____.  
Your answer : A. discharge any firearm, rocket, fire cracker, or other explosive  
Correct answer : C. engaged in nocturnal amusements to disturb public peace

3) Question : Arrest by a peace officer is lawful, although without warrant,

when the ____.  
Your answer : C. person to be arrested is a detention prisoner or a convict by
final judgment  
Correct answer : D. person to be arrested has escaped while being transferred
from one penal confinement to another

4) Question : In Libel, the element of publication is satisfied if the defamatory

matter, after it is written, is made known to _____.  
Your answer : B. another person  
Correct answer : B. another person

5) Question : Lotlot and Potpot, both hungry for not having eaten for two days,
intended to steal two cans of biscuit from a delivery truck loaded with said
products. They placed the biscuits inside their knapsacks. Before they could
jump out of the truck, they changed their minds and returned the two cans
of biscuits to the pile in the truck. At the moment, they were accosted by the
owner of the truck. Are Lotlot and Potpot liable of any crime?  
Your answer : A. YES, they are liable of Attempted Theft because they
commenced the commission of Theft but were not able to perform all the acts of
execution because they were caught.  

Correct answer : C. YES, they are liable Consummated Theft because they had
performed all the acts of execution the moment they gained possession of the
biscuit and desistance is too late.

6) Question : Inceptually, Nora, 16 years old, consented to go with Tirso to a

certain place. But Nora is, thereafter, prevented, with the use of force and
intimidation, from leaving the place and his detained against her will. Tirso is
liable of _____.  
Your answer : B. Kidnapping and Serious illegal Detention  
Correct answer : B. Kidnapping and Serious illegal Detention

7) Question : The accused's husband was still living when she contracted the
second marriage. Her defense was that she was advised by her husband's
relatives that he was already dead. Hence, she acted under mistake of fact.
Accused is _____.  
Your answer : A. liable for bigamy  
Correct answer : A. liable for bigamy

8) Question : During a failed coup, police authorities arrested the members of

media who covered the event "X" and "Y", newspaper publisher, called some
media men to a meeting inside Pusit Hotel "X" and "Y" proposed to them that
they called on other media men to boycott any press conference by
government officials. "X" and "Y" also proposed that they organize a group of
500 for the purpose of challenging the government by force of arms in order
to prevent future media arrest "X" and "Y" promised to give financial aid and
to buy the needed firearms for the purpose. The media men present agreed.
Unknown to all of the "W", a newspaper columnist included in the
government payroll, was within hearing distance. "W" immediately reported
the matter to the police and they were arrested. "X" and "Y" are liable for
Your answer : A. Illegal Assembly  
Correct answer : D. no crime at all

9) Question : The penalty one degree lower from Reclusion Temporal maximum
to death is ______.  
Your answer : B. Prision Mayor maximum to Reclusion Temporal in its medium
Correct answer : A. Prision Mayor maximum to Reclusion Temporal in its
minimum and medium periods

10) Question : Rapots stole the cell phone of Jarred. Rapots gave the cell
phone to Tibor. Rapots told Tibor not to tell anybody that he is the source of
the cell phone. Tibor agreed and from then on kept, possessed and used the
cell phone. Is Tibor an accessory to the crime?  
Your answer : C. No, because he is a principal in the crime of Fencing;  
Correct answer : C. No, because he is a principal in the crime of Fencing;

11) Question : A slapped X. B saw the act committed by A. B stabbed and

killed X. Which of the following is correct?  
Your answer : C. A is liable as principal in the crime of Physical Injuries and B is
liable as principal in the crime of Homicide.  
Correct answer : C. A is liable as principal in the crime of Physical Injuries and B
is liable as principal in the crime of Homicide.

12) Question : X held up a car with three passengers. At gun point, he

took the expensive watches of the two passengers. The driver of the car tried
to fight back so X killed him. He didn't get any valuable from the driver. What
crime did X commit?   Your answer : D. Robbery with Homicide.  
Correct answer : D. Robbery with Homicide.

13) Question : Which of the following is NOT a qualifying aggravating

Your answer : B. Nighttime.  
Correct answer : B. Nighttime.

13) Question : Arnaldo, a law student, was flunked in Roman Law by his
professor Atty. Reyes. Angered by this, Arnaldo waited for him and boxed
him on the face. Atty. Reyes suffered injuries and was medically attended for
3 days, Arnaldo committed _______.  
Your answer : A. Direct Assault with slight Physical Injuries  
Correct answer : D. Qualified Direct Assault

14) Question : Which of the following is a correct statement involving

damage in relation to Falsification of Private Document?  
Your answer : C. Damage or at least an intent to cause damage is an element
of Falsification of Private Document.  
Correct answer : C. Damage or at least an intent to cause damage is an element
of Falsification of Private Document.

15) Question : A "moving crime" is one where ______.  

Your answer : B. the crime was committed on board a moving vehicle or
Correct answer : B. the crime was committed on board a moving vehicle or

16) Question : Jaime, Marco and Carlo raped Shee-an. The three were
arrested and charged with Rape. Marco, who is single, offered to marry
Shee-an. Shee-an accepted the offer and they got married. What is the effect
of the marriage on the liabilities of the three?  

Your answer : D. It shall extinguish only the liability of Marco as the rapes
perpetrated by Jaime and Carlo are separate and distinct from the liabilities of
Correct answer : D. It shall extinguish only the liability of Marco as the rapes
perpetrated by Jaime and Carlo are separate and distinct from the liabilities of

17) Question : Carter killed Dexter in the presence of Joe and Jordan, who
were both armed at the time of the killing. Dexter was not able to give a
fight because of the presence of Joe and Jordan who served as bodyguards
of Carter. What aggravating circumstance attended the crime?  
Your answer : B. "With the aid of armed men".  
Correct answer : B. "With the aid of armed men".

18) Question : Norman was charged with Murder. During the hearing, it
was proven that Norman killed the victim inside the latter's house without
any provocation. Norman should be imposed the penalty of _____.  
Your answer : D. Reclusion Perpetua.  
Correct answer : D. Reclusion Perpetua.

19) Question : What is the rule which provides that crimes committed on
board a foreign merchant vessel while on the body of water of another
country are not triable in the country unless they affect the peace and
security of that country?  
Your answer : C. French rule  
Correct answer : D. English rule

20) Question : As a modifying circumstance, insanity  

Your answer : A. is in the nature of confession and avoidance.  
Correct answer : A. is in the nature of confession and avoidance.

21) Question : Dr. Chow, a government doctor, failed to submit his Daily
Time Record (DTR) from January to March 2000 and did not get approval of
his sick leave application for April because of evidence that he was actually
moonlighting elsewhere. Thus, the medical Director caused the withholding
of his salary for the periods in question until he submitted his DTRs in May
2000. Can Dr. Chow prosecute the medical director for causing him undue
injury in violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act?  
Your answer : D. No, since Dr. Chow brought it upon himself, having failed to
submit the required DTRs.  
Correct answer : D. No, since Dr. Chow brought it upon himself, having failed to
submit the required DTRs.

22) Question : The exchanges of highly offensive words between two

quarrelling women in the presence of a crowd of people constitute  

Your answer : C. two separate counts of light slander, one for each woman.  
Correct answer : C. two separate counts of light slander, one for each woman.

23) Question : X, a court employee, wrote the presiding judge a letter,

imputing to Y, also a court employee, the act of receiving an expensive gift
from one of the parties in a pending case. Because of this, Y accused X of
libel. Does Y need to prove the element of malice in the case?  
Your answer : B. Yes, malice is not presumed since X wrote the letter to the
presiding judge who has a duty to act on what it states.  
Correct answer : B. Yes, malice is not presumed since X wrote the letter to the
presiding judge who has a duty to act on what it states.

25) Question : The three accused forcibly took their victim from his car but the
latter succeeded in freeing himself from their grip. What crime did the three
accused commit?   Your answer : D. grave coercion.   Correct answer : D. grave

1) Question : In defense of one's property rights, the indispensable requisite

of unlawful aggression is __________________.
Your answer : C. present although it is not accompanied by a physical attack
upon the person making the defense
Correct answer C. present although it is not accompanied by a physical attack
: upon the person making the defense
2) Question : Whenever an accused has undergone preventive detention for
a period equal to or more than the possible maximum
imprisonment of the offense charged to which he may be
sentenced and his case is not yet terminated, he shall be
Your answer : D. released immediately without prejudice to the continuation
of the trial thereof
Correct answer D. released immediately without prejudice to the continuation
: of the trial thereof
3) Question : ANG was convicted of a crime punishable by an ordinance and
is sentenced to a penalty of fine of P2,000.00. By reason of
insolvency, he applied for probation within the period for
perfecting an appeal. May the application for probation be
Your answer : C. Yes, because probation may be granted whether the
sentence imposes a term of imprisonment or fine.
Correct answer C. Yes, because probation may be granted whether the
: sentence imposes a term of imprisonment or fine.
4) Question : In the absence of satisfactory explanation, the user of a
falsified document is deemed the author of the falsification if
the _____.
Your answer : B. uttering of the falsified document was so closely connected
in time with the falsification

Correct answer A. user was caught in actual possession of the falsified

: document
5) Question : Pedrito, a helper of Don Romantico, had long wanted to kill him
due to his abusive treatment of the helper. One day, while Don
Romantico was sleeping on his rocking chair in the terrace,
Pedrito suddenly fired a volley of shots towards Don
Romantico. It turned out, however, that Don Romantico has
been dead for a severe stroke an hour ago. Is Pedriro criminally
Your answer : B. YES, because subjectively he is a criminal although no crime
is committed.
Correct answer B. YES, because subjectively he is a criminal although no crime
: is committed.
6) Question : The importance of the Chain of Custody rule in drug operations
is to _____.
Your answer : B. establish the corpus delicti, that is, the existence of the
dangerous drugs
Correct answer A. ensure that the drugs subjected to laboratory examination
  : and presented in court is eh same drugs seized from the
7) Question : "X", a broadcaster, admitted in public that he received bribe
money from " Z", chief of staff of president "Y", Pres. "Y"
scolded "Z" for his failure to silence "X". Hence, "Z" hired "W"
to kill "X" at the price of P500, 000.00. so the next day, while
"X" was a lightning from his car , "W" shot "X" but missed,
hitting "T" instead "T" a passerby, died, "Z" and "W" were both
indicted for the crime of homicide with attempted Murder,
which is a _____.
  Your answer : A. compound crime
Correct answer A. compound crime
8) Question : Habitual delinquency is limited only to which of the following
six felonies?
Your answer : C. Falsification, Robbery, Estafa, Theft, Serious Physical
Injuries, Less Serious Physical Injuries.
Correct answer C. Falsification, Robbery, Estafa, Theft, Serious Physical
: Injuries, Less Serious Physical Injuries.
9) Question : What is the order of payment of Pecuniary liabilities of an
Your answer : A. Reparation of damage caused, indemnification for
consequential damages, fine and costs.
Correct answer A. Reparation of damage caused, indemnification for
: consequential damages, fine and costs.
10 Question : Cattle Rustling means taking away by any means, method or
) scheme, without the consent of the owner/raiser, of any large
cattle ______.
  Your answer : B. whether or not for profit

Correct answer B. whether or not for profit

11 Question : A hacked B. He missed hitting B but the blade of the bolo
) landed at the neck of C who died as a result. What crime is
committed by A.
  Your answer : C. Homicide with Attempted Homicide.
Correct answer C. Homicide with Attempted Homicide.
12 Question : A shot B. B was hit. The bullet which hit B also hit C. B suffered
) a mortal wound but was saved by timely medical intervention.
For his part, C died. A voluntarily surrendered to the police.
What crime did A commit?
  Your answer : A. Homicide with Frustrated Homicide.
Correct answer A. Homicide with Frustrated Homicide.
13 Question : Prince, a civilian noticed a heavy traffic in Claro M. Recto Road.
) To ease the traffic, he started blowing his whistle and directed
the flow of traffic. Freddie, a taxi driver ignored his stop sign.
Prince approached the taxi driver and confiscated his driver's
license. Prince is liable for what crime?
  Your answer : B. Usurpation of Official Function.
Correct answer B. Usurpation of Official Function.
14 Question : A private person who by the use of threats compels another to
) change his residence commits _______.
  Your answer : A. Expulsion
Correct answer B. Grave Coercion
15 Question : Arnaldo, a law student, was flunked in Roman Law by his
) professor Atty. Reyes. Angered by this, Arnaldo waited for him
and boxed him on the face. Atty. Reyes suffered injuries and
was medically attended for 3 days, Arnaldo committed
  Your answer : D. Qualified Direct Assault
Correct answer D. Qualified Direct Assault
16 Question : During the routinary inspection of the prison cells, a jail guard
) found out that Gilbong, a convict serving sentence, has an ice
pick tucked under his bed. Possession or concealment of a
deadly weapon is punished by a special law. Gilbong is
considered ______.
  Your answer : C. Quasi- recidivist
Correct answer D. Not a quasi- recidivist
17 Question : Nestor is married to Marie. Nestor went to Aruba to work.
) While Nestor was there, he fell in love with Minda and married
her in Aruba. Which of the following is correct?

Your answer : D. Nestor committed Bigamy but is not liable because criminal
law is territorial in character.
Correct answer D. Nestor committed Bigamy but is not liable because criminal
: law is territorial in character.
18 Question : Josephine is a 17 year old widow. Ryan courted Josephine. Not
) long after, Ryan succeeded in having sexual intercourse with
Josephine under the pretext of marrying her. Which of the
following is correct?
Your answer : C. Ryan is liable for Simple Seduction because virginity is not
an element of the crime.
Correct answer C. Ryan is liable for Simple Seduction because virginity is not
: an element of the crime.
19 Question : Arnold was sentenced to pay a fine of P800.00 for a crime
) punishable by a fine not exceeding P2,000.00. In case of
insolvency, how long would be Gino's subsidiary imprisonment?
Your answer : B. Arnold shall suffer 100 days of subsidiary imprisonment
computed at the rate of P 8.00 a day;
Correct answer B. Arnold shall suffer 100 days of subsidiary imprisonment
: computed at the rate of P 8.00 a day;
20 Question : A police officer surreptitiously placed a marijuana stick in a
) student's pocket and then arrested him for possession of
marijuana cigarette. What crime can the police officer be
charged with?
Your answer : D. Complex crime of incriminating an innocent person with
unlawful arrest
Correct answer D. Complex crime of incriminating an innocent person with
: unlawful arrest
21 Question : X draws a check upon request of Y, the payee, who told X that
) he would merely show the check to his creditor to gain more
time to pay his account. The check bounced upon presentation
by the creditor. Under the circumstances, who can be
prosecuted for estafa based on the dishonored check?
Your answer : A. Y as the one who negotiated the check contrary to the
Correct answer A. Y as the one who negotiated the check contrary to the
: agreement
22 Question : Minority is a privileged mitigating circumstance which operates
) to reduce the penalty by a degree where the child is
  Your answer : C. below 18 years acting with discernment.
Correct answer C. below 18 years acting with discernment.
23 Question : The crime of robbery in an inhabited house or public building is
) mitigated when the offenders
  Your answer : D. although armed took property valued at only P200.
Correct answer D. although armed took property valued at only P200.
24 Question : A public officer who immediately returns the bribe money

) handed over to him commits

  Your answer : A. no crime.
Correct answer A. no crime.
25 Question : In an attempted felony, the offender's preparatory act
  Your answer : D. requires another act to result in a felony.
Correct answer D. requires another act to result in a felony.

1) Question : RR, with intent to kill, shot WW from a distance of ten (10)
meters. Because of poor aim, the latter was hit only on his left
earlobe. When WW retreated, RR pursued him while firing
several shots at WW. When he was cornered at a dead end, RR
pointed the gun at his head and pressed its trigger. It did not
fire as the gun had run out of bullets. By reason thereof, RR
left. For what crime may RR be validly indicted?
Your answer : A. Attempted Homicide, as RR was not able to inflict a mortal
  wound on WW by reason of a cause other than his own
spontaneous desistance.
Correct answer A. Attempted Homicide, as RR was not able to inflict a mortal
  : wound on WW by reason of a cause other than his own
spontaneous desistance.
2) Question : AA, a member of the AKO fraternity, hurled a hand grenade at
BB, CC, and DD, all members of KAU fraternity. When it
exploded, trio suffered serious physical injuries that
necessitated the amputation of either or both of their legs. In
the information charging AA of multiple frustrated murder,
treachery, abuse of superior strength, and "by means of
explosion" were alleged therein to have attended its
commission. In case the prosecution would be able to prove
AA's guilt to the crime charged, how would the foregoing
circumstances be appreciated?
Your answer : D. By means of explosion as a qualifying circumstance, and
treachery as generic aggravating circumstance.
Correct answer D. By means of explosion as a qualifying circumstance, and
: treachery as generic aggravating circumstance.
3) Question : RC took his sweetheart CR to TB, a private individual who, in
priestly attire and posing as Fr. BT of the Roman Catholic
Church, solemnized their marriage. Based on the foregoing,
what charge or charges may be properly filed against TB?
Your answer : C. Usurpation of authority under Article 177 of the Revised
Penal Code.
Correct answer B. Usurpation of official functions under Article 177 of the
: Revised Penal Code.
4) Question : ZZ is a member of the House of Representatives representing a
party-list group. Upon indictment for Illegal Assembly, a felony
punished by prision correccional in its maximum period to

prison mayor in its medium period, a warrant for his arrest was
issued. In case the said warrant would be implemented against
him while Congress is in regular session, may the arresting
officer be held liable for Violation of Parliamentary under the
Article 145 of the Revised Penal Code?
Your answer : D. No, because the maximum term of imprisonment prescribed
for the offense for which ZZ was arrested exceeds six (6) years.
Correct answer D. No, because the maximum term of imprisonment prescribed
: for the offense for which ZZ was arrested exceeds six (6) years.
5) Question : Direct assault is committed if a person in authority or his agent
was attacked while ______.
Your answer : A. performing his official duties, or the attack was by reason of
the past performance of official duty
Correct answer D. engaged in the performance of official duties, or on occasion
: of such performance
6) Question : Arbitrary detention is committed by _______.
Your answer : B. manifestly restraining the person or liberty of a one arrested
without warrant
Correct answer B. manifestly restraining the person or liberty of a one arrested
: without warrant
7) Question : A person is prima facie liable for Fencing if the proceeds of
robbery or theft are found in his _____.
  Your answer : A. possession
Correct answer A. possession
8) Question : A public officer commits a corrupt act, under RA 3019, the
moment he _____.
Your answer : A. receives, directly or indirectly, any gist, present, share,
  percentage, or benefit in correction with any contract
transaction between the government and any other party
Correct answer B. accepts employment in a private enterprise which has a
  : pending official business with him within one year after its
9) Question : The essence of sexual harassment in a workplace is the _____.
  Your answer : B. superior's act of taking advantage of his subordinate
Correct answer D. use of sex a power or means of dominion
10 Question : Habitual delinquency is limited only to which of the following
) six felonies?
Your answer : C. Falsification, Robbery, Estafa, Theft, Serious Physical
Injuries, Less Serious Physical Injuries.
Correct answer C. Falsification, Robbery, Estafa, Theft, Serious Physical
: Injuries, Less Serious Physical Injuries.
11 Question : The Three Fold Rule applies only if a convict were to suffer at
) least ____ penalties.
  Your answer : B. three (3)

Correct answer A. four (4)

12 Question : X was charged with an offense. He was sentenced to suffer
) imprisonment of 6 years and one day and to pay a fine of
P2000.00. X was not able to pay the fine. Which of the
following is correct?
Your answer : D. X should not suffer subsidiary imprisonment because the
principal penalty imposed is higher than prision correccional.
Correct answer D. X should not suffer subsidiary imprisonment because the
: principal penalty imposed is higher than prision correccional.
13 Question : A and B are engaged in a ferocious fight. Both are armed with
) bolos and they were hacking each other. The father of A
arrived and shouted to A: "Kill him my son!" Eventually, A killed
B. Which of the following is correct?
Your answer : D. The father is not a principal by inducement because he was
not present at the inception of the attack.
Correct answer B. The father is not a principal by inducement because the son
: A had already a reason to kill B.
14 Question : George took Daphne against her will for the purpose of
) marrying her. George is married but is separated in fact for 2
years. Which of the following is correct?
Your answer : B. George is liable for Forcible Abduction because there being
  an impediment to the marriage, his purpose can be considered
as lewd.
Correct answer B. George is liable for Forcible Abduction because there being
  : an impediment to the marriage, his purpose can be considered
as lewd.
15 Question : X stole the savings passbook of Y. He withdrew P50,000.00
) from the bank by counterfeiting the signature of Y. What crime
did X commit?
  Your answer : C. Two crimes of Theft and Estafa thru Falsification
Correct answer B. Estafa thru Falsification.
16 Question : A shot B. B was hit. The bullet which hit B also hit C. B suffered
) a mortal wound but was saved by timely medical intervention.
For his part, C died. A voluntarily surrendered to the police.
What is the proper penalty on A taking into consideration the
Indeterminate Sentence Law?
Your answer : B. Prision Mayor in any of its periods as minimum to Reclusion
Temporal in its medium period as maximum.
Correct answer C. Prision Mayor in any of its periods as minimum to Reclusion
: Temporal in its maximum period as maximum.
17 Question : A number of persons secretly united and use devious and
) undercover means to bring about an overturn public affairs or
undermine and cause the downfall of a person with a position
or authority is referred to as ____.
  Your answer : D. Cabal

Correct answer D. Cabal

18 Question : What is the felony committed by collecting as payments objects
) of a nature different from that provided by law?
  Your answer : A. Fraud against the public treasury.
Correct answer C. Illegal Exaction.
19 Question : Ardan was employed at the Bureau of Internal Revenue. In
) 2005, he was charged with Violation of R.A. 3019 before the
Ombudsman. In 2006, Ardan transferred to the Bureau of
Customs. In 2006, the Sandiganbayan ordered his suspension
from office. Which of the following is correct?
Your answer : B. Ardan can be suspended because the Sandiganbayan has
the authority to suspend him.
Correct answer D. Ardan can be suspended because RA 3019 does not state
  : that the public official must be suspended only in the office that
he held when the crime was committed.
20 Question : A private person who comes to the aid of a person in authority
) becomes _______.
  Your answer : B. agent of a Person in Authority
Correct answer B. agent of a Person in Authority
21 Question : The Single Larceny doctrine applies to ______.
  Your answer : D. RA 3019
Correct answer D. RA 3019
22 Question : What is referred to as the Principle which states that: "The
) owner of a thing has the right to exclude any person from the
enjoyment and disposal thereof and he can use force to
prevent or repel an actual or threatened physical invasion of his
  Your answer : C. Doctrine of Self Help.
Correct answer C. Doctrine of Self Help.
23 Question : Any person who, having found lost property, shall fail to deliver
) the same to the local authorities or to its owner is liable for
  Your answer : C. theft.
Correct answer C. theft.
24 Question : Which of the following circumstances of dishonor of a check
) can be a basis for prosecution under the bouncing checks law?
Your answer : B. The check, drawn and issued in the Philippines, was
dishonored by the drawee bank in a foreign country.
Correct answer B. The check, drawn and issued in the Philippines, was
: dishonored by the drawee bank in a foreign country.

25 Question : A special complex crime is a composite crime

Your answer : B. with its own definition and special penalty provided by the
Penal Code.
Correct answer B. with its own definition and special penalty provided by the
: Penal Code.

1) Question : Under the Anti-Fencing Law of 1979 (P.D. 1612), which of the
following circumstances constitutes prima facie evidence of
Your answer : B. Mere possession of any item or anything of value which has
been the subject of robbery or thievery;
Correct answer B. Mere possession of any item or anything of value which has
: been the subject of robbery or thievery;
2) Question : DD, on the occasion of robbery, killed SS, DD's grandmother.
In case DD would be charged and convicted of Robbery with
Homicide (Art. 294 [a], RPC), how should his relationship with
the victim affect his criminal liability?
Your answer : B. As an aggravating circumstance under Article 15 of the
Revised Penal Code.
Correct answer A. As a mitigating circumstance under Article 15 of the Revised
: Penal Code.
3) Question : One of the essential elements of the crime of fencing is that a
crime of robbery or theft has been committed. For this element
to be present _________.
Your answer : C. a finding of probable cause to charge the offender of
robbery or theft would suffice
Correct answer B. the offender in theft or robbery must first be convicted by
: final judgment thereof
4) Question : Anyone who acts in defense of his person or rights does NOT
incur criminal liability provided the following requisites are
Your answer : C. Unlawful aggression on the part of the victim, reasonable
  necessity of the means, employed to prevent the attack, and
lack of sufficient provocation on part of the accused.
Correct answer C. Unlawful aggression on the part of the victim, reasonable
  : necessity of the means, employed to prevent the attack, and
lack of sufficient provocation on part of the accused.
5) Question : Accused gave the 10 pieces of five-peso coin the appearance of
10 ten-peso coin by making it silver plated on the outer portion
and used the money to by canned goods. Accused is liable for
  Your answer : A. Estafa

Correct answer A. Estafa

6) Question : A public officer commits a corrupt act, under RA 3019, the
moment he _____.
Your answer : B. accepts employment in a private enterprise which has a
  pending official business with him within one year after its
Correct answer B. accepts employment in a private enterprise which has a
  : pending official business with him within one year after its
7) Question : That man is occasionally subdued by strange social
phenomenon that compels him to do wrong is known in
Criminal Law as the ______ theory.
  Your answer : B. Positivist
Correct answer B. Positivist
8) Question : Habitual delinquency is limited only to which of the following
six felonies?
Your answer : C. Falsification, Robbery, Estafa, Theft, Serious Physical
Injuries, Less Serious Physical Injuries.
Correct answer C. Falsification, Robbery, Estafa, Theft, Serious Physical
: Injuries, Less Serious Physical Injuries.
9) Question : X was sentenced to suffer imprisonment of 4 years, 2 months
and one day as minimum to 6 years and to pay the offended
party P5,000.00 pesos. X applied for probation which was
granted by the court. X shall still pay P5,000.00 because
  Your answer : A. probation affects only the criminal aspect of the case
Correct answer A. probation affects only the criminal aspect of the case
10 Question : A attacked B with a knife. B ran away and jumped into the river
) to avoid A. B drowned and died. What is the liability of A?
Your answer : C. A is liable for the death of B because the proximate cause of
the latter's death was his chasing him with a knife.
Correct answer C. A is liable for the death of B because the proximate cause of
: the latter's death was his chasing him with a knife.
11 Question : X was charged with an offense. He was sentenced to suffer
) imprisonment of 6 years and one day and to pay a fine of
P2000.00. X was not able to pay the fine. Which of the
following is correct?
Your answer : D. X should not suffer subsidiary imprisonment because the
principal penalty imposed is higher than prision correccional.
Correct answer D. X should not suffer subsidiary imprisonment because the
: principal penalty imposed is higher than prision correccional.
12 Question : Delito complejo means that ____.
  Your answer : B. a series of acts is committed about the same place and

about the same time arising from a single criminal resolution

Correct answer C. an offense is committed as a necessary means to commit
: the other
13 Question : A was charged with Murder. During the hearing, A was able to
) prove voluntary surrender, sufficient provocation and passion
or obfuscation. In case of conviction, the penalty to be imposed
upon A is _______.
Your answer : B. Prision Mayor in any of its periods as minimum to Reclusion
Temporal in its medium period as maximum.
Correct answer D. Reclusion Perpetua.
14 Question : There are four mitigating circumstances and one aggravating
) circumstance. Under the rules on offsetting, there remain three
mitigating circumstances. The judge therefore lowered the
penalty by one degree and applied the penalty in the medium
period. Is the judge correct?
  Your answer : A. Yes, because there are three mitigating circumstances left.
Correct answer C. No, because the penalty should not be lowered by one
  : degree considering that there is an aggravating circumstance
15 Question : What crime is committed by shooting at another with any
) firearm without intent to kill?
  Your answer : D. Illegal Discharge of Firearm.
Correct answer D. Illegal Discharge of Firearm.
16 Question : Martinez hid behind the trunk of a tree to wait for the arrival of
) Jose. The latter was a long time enemy of Martinez. After an
hour, a person arrived. The person resembled the features of
Jose. Martinez shot the person who died as a result. It turned
out that the person is Justine. Which of the following is correct?
Your answer : D. Martinez is liable for murder because treachery can be
appreciated even if the intended victim is not the one killed.
Correct answer D. Martinez is liable for murder because treachery can be
: appreciated even if the intended victim is not the one killed.
17 Question : Roger Padilla uses in public a uniform of a General in a World
) Air Force Organization, a pseudo or fictitious group which he
organized. Which of the following is correct?
Your answer : C. Roger Padilla is not liable for Illegal use of uniform because
  his organization does not carry authority which the public looks
up to and respect.
Correct answer C. Roger Padilla is not liable for Illegal use of uniform because
  : his organization does not carry authority which the public looks
up to and respect.
18 Question : Josephine is a 17 year old widow. Ryan courted Josephine. Not
) long after, Ryan succeeded in having sexual intercourse with
Josephine under the pretext of marrying her. Which of the
following is correct?

Your answer : C. Ryan is liable for Simple Seduction because virginity is not
an element of the crime.
Correct answer C. Ryan is liable for Simple Seduction because virginity is not
: an element of the crime.
19 Question : X entered an enclosed estate despite the written notice "No
) trespassing". He climbed the mango tree inside and gathered
half ripe fruits. X committed the crime of ______.
  Your answer : B. Theft
Correct answer B. Theft
20 Question : A free for all fight erupted at the Melvin Jones Grandstand.
) After the smoke of battle had cleared, Jovit was found dead. X
was identified as the person who stabbed Jovit to death. X is
liable for ______.
  Your answer : C. Homicide
Correct answer C. Homicide
21 Question : X replaced the amount of 10 dollars to 100 dollars. The
) alteration is so imperfect that is very visible. Which of the
following is true?
Your answer : C. X is not liable for Counterfeiting because it does not have
the appearance of a genuine currency.
Correct answer C. X is not liable for Counterfeiting because it does not have
: the appearance of a genuine currency.
22 Question : Julian, a policeman pursued an armed prisoner who had just
) escaped from jail. He fired at the latter when he refused to be
captured. The slug fired from the pistol hit the leg of the
prisoner and thereafter also hit and injured X, a person nearby.
Which of the following is correct?
Your answer : C. Julian is not criminally liable because being in the fulfillment
of a duty he was not committing a felony.
Correct answer C. Julian is not criminally liable because being in the fulfillment
: of a duty he was not committing a felony.
23 Question : The maxim "Nullum crimen nula poena sine lege" means that
  Your answer : D. crime is a product of the law.
Correct answer D. crime is a product of the law.
24 Question : To save himself from crashing into an unlighted truck
) abandoned on the road, Jose swerved his car to the right
towards the graveled shoulder, killing two bystanders. Is he
entitled to the justifying circumstance of state of necessity?
Your answer : C. Yes, since the instinct of self-preservation takes priority in an
Correct answer C. Yes, since the instinct of self-preservation takes priority in an
: emergency.
25 Question : Deeply enraged by his wife's infidelity, the husband shot and

) killed her lover. The husband subsequently surrendered to the

police. How will the court appreciate the mitigating
circumstances of (i) passion or obfuscation, (ii) vindication of a
grave offense, and (iii) voluntary surrender that the husband
invoked and proved?
Your answer : D. It will appreciate passion or obfuscation and vindication of a
  grave offense as just one mitigating circumstance and
voluntary surrender as another.
Correct answer D. It will appreciate passion or obfuscation and vindication of a
  : grave offense as just one mitigating circumstance and
voluntary surrender as another.

1) Question : Alarms and Scandals is committed by any person who shall ____.
Your answer : A. discharge any firearm, rocket, fire cracker, or other
explosive   Correct answer : C. engaged in nocturnal amusements to disturb
public peace

2) Question : Arrest by a peace officer is lawful, although without warrant,

when the ____.   Your answer : C. person to be arrested is a detention
prisoner or a convict by final judgment  
Correct answer : D. person to be arrested has escaped while being transferred
from one penal confinement to another

4) Question : In Libel, the element of publication is satisfied if the defamatory

matter, after it is written, is made known to _____.  
Your answer : B. another person  
Correct answer : B. another person

5) Question : Lotlot and Potpot, both hungry for not having eaten for two days,
intended to steal two cans of biscuit from a delivery truck loaded with said
products. They placed the biscuits inside their knapsacks. Before they could
jump out of the truck, they changed their minds and returned the two cans
of biscuits to the pile in the truck. At the moment, they were accosted by the
owner of the truck. Are Lotlot and Potpot liable of any crime?  
Your answer : A. YES, they are liable of Attempted Theft because they
commenced the commission of Theft but were not able to perform all the acts of
execution because they were caught.  
Correct answer : C. YES, they are liable Consummated Theft because they had
performed all the acts of execution the moment they gained possession of the
biscuit and desistance is too late.

6) Question : Inceptually, Nora, 16 years old, consented to go with Tirso to a

certain place. But Nora is, thereafter, prevented, with the use of force and
intimidation, from leaving the place and his detained against her will. Tirso is
liable of _____.  
Your answer : B. Kidnapping and Serious illegal Detention  
Correct answer : B. Kidnapping and Serious illegal Detention

7) Question : The accused's husband was still living when she contracted the
second marriage. Her defense was that she was advised by her husband's
relatives that he was already dead. Hence, she acted under mistake of fact.
Accused is _____.  
Your answer : A. liable for bigamy  
Correct answer : A. liable for bigamy

8) Question : During a failed coup, police authorities arrested the members of

media who covered the event "X" and "Y", newspaper publisher, called some
media men to a meeting inside Pusit Hotel "X" and "Y" proposed to them that
they called on other media men to boycott any press conference by
government officials. "X" and "Y" also proposed that they organize a group of
500 for the purpose of challenging the government by force of arms in order
to prevent future media arrest "X" and "Y" promised to give financial aid and
to buy the needed firearms for the purpose. The media men present agreed.
Unknown to all of the "W", a newspaper columnist included in the
government payroll, was within hearing distance. "W" immediately reported
the matter to the police and they were arrested. "X" and "Y" are liable for
Your answer : A. Illegal Assembly  
Correct answer : D. no crime at all

9) Question : The penalty one degree lower from Reclusion Temporal maximum
to death is ______.  
Your answer : B. Prision Mayor maximum to Reclusion Temporal in its medium
Correct answer : A. Prision Mayor maximum to Reclusion Temporal in its
minimum and medium periods

10) Question : Rapots stole the cell phone of Jarred. Rapots gave the cell
phone to Tibor. Rapots told Tibor not to tell anybody that he is the source of
the cell phone. Tibor agreed and from then on kept, possessed and used the
cell phone. Is Tibor an accessory to the crime?  
Your answer : C. No, because he is a principal in the crime of Fencing;  
Correct answer : C. No, because he is a principal in the crime of Fencing;

11) Question : A slapped X. B saw the act committed by A. B stabbed and

killed X. Which of the following is correct?  
Your answer : C. A is liable as principal in the crime of Physical Injuries and B is
liable as principal in the crime of Homicide.  
Correct answer : C. A is liable as principal in the crime of Physical Injuries and B
is liable as principal in the crime of Homicide.

12) Question : X held up a car with three passengers. At gun point, he

took the expensive watches of the two passengers. The driver of the car tried
to fight back so X killed him. He didn't get any valuable from the driver. What
crime did X commit?   Your answer : D. Robbery with Homicide.  
Correct answer : D. Robbery with Homicide.

13) Question : Which of the following is NOT a qualifying aggravating

circumstance?   Your answer : B. Nighttime.  

Correct answer : B. Nighttime.

14) Question : Arnaldo, a law student, was flunked in Roman Law by his
professor Atty. Reyes. Angered by this, Arnaldo waited for him and boxed
him on the face. Atty. Reyes suffered injuries and was medically attended for
3 days, Arnaldo committed _______.  
Your answer : A. Direct Assault with slight Physical Injuries  
Correct answer : D. Qualified Direct Assault

15) Question : Which of the following is a correct statement involving

damage in relation to Falsification of Private Document?  
Your answer : C. Damage or at least an intent to cause damage is an element of
Falsification of Private Document.  
Correct answer : C. Damage or at least an intent to cause damage is an element
of Falsification of Private Document.

16) Question : A "moving crime" is one where ______.  

Your answer : B. the crime was committed on board a moving vehicle or
Correct answer : B. the crime was committed on board a moving vehicle or

17) Question : Jaime, Marco and Carlo raped Shee-an. The three were
arrested and charged with Rape. Marco, who is single, offered to marry
Shee-an. Shee-an accepted the offer and they got married. What is the effect
of the marriage on the liabilities of the three?  
Your answer : D. It shall extinguish only the liability of Marco as the rapes
perpetrated by Jaime and Carlo are separate and distinct from the liabilities of
Correct answer : D. It shall extinguish only the liability of Marco as the rapes
perpetrated by Jaime and Carlo are separate and distinct from the liabilities of

18) Question : Carter killed Dexter in the presence of Joe and Jordan, who
were both armed at the time of the killing. Dexter was not able to give a
fight because of the presence of Joe and Jordan who served as bodyguards
of Carter. What aggravating circumstance attended the crime?  
Your answer : B. "With the aid of armed men".  
Correct answer : B. "With the aid of armed men".

19) Question : Norman was charged with Murder. During the hearing, it was
proven that Norman killed the victim inside the latter's house without any
provocation. Norman should be imposed the penalty of _____.   Your answer :
D. Reclusion Perpetua.   Correct answer : D. Reclusion Perpetua.

20) Question : What is the rule which provides that crimes committed on
board a foreign merchant vessel while on the body of water of another
country are not triable in the country unless they affect the peace and
security of that country?  
Your answer : C. French rule  
Correct answer : D. English rule

21) Question : As a modifying circumstance, insanity  

Your answer : A. is in the nature of confession and avoidance.  
Correct answer : A. is in the nature of confession and avoidance.

22) Question : Dr. Chow, a government doctor, failed to submit his Daily
Time Record (DTR) from January to March 2000 and did not get approval of
his sick leave application for April because of evidence that he was actually
moonlighting elsewhere. Thus, the medical Director caused the withholding
of his salary for the periods in question until he submitted his DTRs in May
2000. Can Dr. Chow prosecute the medical director for causing him undue
injury in violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act?  
Your answer : D. No, since Dr. Chow brought it upon himself, having failed to
submit the required DTRs.  
Correct answer : D. No, since Dr. Chow brought it upon himself, having failed to
submit the required DTRs.

23) Question : The exchanges of highly offensive words between two

quarrelling women in the presence of a crowd of people constitute  
Your answer : C. two separate counts of light slander, one for each woman.  
Correct answer : C. two separate counts of light slander, one for each woman.

24) Question : X, a court employee, wrote the presiding judge a letter,

imputing to Y, also a court employee, the act of receiving an expensive gift
from one of the parties in a pending case. Because of this, Y accused X of
libel. Does Y need to prove the element of malice in the case?  
Your answer : B. Yes, malice is not presumed since X wrote the letter to the
presiding judge who has a duty to act on what it states.  
Correct answer : B. Yes, malice is not presumed since X wrote the letter to the
presiding judge who has a duty to act on what it states.

25) Question : The three accused forcibly took their victim from his car but
the latter succeeded in freeing himself from their grip. What crime did the
three accused commit?   Your answer : D. grave coercion.  
Correct answer : D. grave coercion.

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