A Detailed Less-Wps Office

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I. Objectives:

• Observe how the problem solving is solved in addition and subtraction operation

• Practice problem solving in addition and subtraction operation

• Answer the problem solving independently

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Addition and Subtraction of One-Digit Numbers

B. Grade Level: Grade II

C. Materials: Cartolina , Marker , Paper , and Pen

D. Values Integrated: Critical and Fast Thinking

III. Learning Activities

Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

A. Greetings

Good Morning Class !

Good Morning too Ma'am Nath !

How are you all today ?

We are good today Ma'am !

That is good to hear !

B. Prayers

Class , Please do all of you stand up and we

are going to have an opening prayer this
(All students will stand up for opening prayer )

Let's bow our head , Close are eyes and Close

our hands together
( All students will bow their head , close their
eyes and Close their palm together )

In the Name of the Father , the Son and the

Holy Spirit , Amen.

Jesus , This is a great morning for us to learn

new things in our subject , We would like to
say thank you for caring us , protecting
us ,guiding us , giving us strength and giving
us intelligence for us to be able to do things
and solve a problem solving . We would like to
ask forgiveness in the sin we made , big or
even small things , In Jesus Name .


In the Name of the Father , the Son and the

( The students follow the prayer as teacher say
Holy Spirit , Amen
the word and do the sign of the cross for
closing the prayer )

( The student sit in their chair)

You may all can sit now

C. Checking Attendance

Class , before we proceed to our new

lesson for today , I will check you attendance
first . So, as I call your name , please do raise
your right hand and say present . Okey class ? Yes Ma'am !

Joevin Balon ( Student raise his hand ) Present Ma'am !

Dherlene Buena ( Student raise her hand ) Present Ma'am !

( Teacher will call the remaining students in

the class )
( The remaining students will raise their right
hand as the teacher call them and say present )

D. Energizer

Class , I want you all to stand up and we are

going to have some activity . Are you okey Yes Ma'am , it is okey with us !
with that class ?

Okey Class , All you have to do is use our

finger for us to able to solved a problem .Okey Yes Ma'am ,we are now ready !
Class ? Are you ready ?

Game 1 :

I have a 1 finger in left and I have 3 I have 4 fingers altogether Ma'am !

fingers in right hand , How many finger I have
altogether ?

Very Good Class , We have 4 fingers

Game 2 :
I have 2 fingers left behind Ma'am !
I have 4 finger in my left and if I am
going to remove 2 finger from my 4 finger ,
How many finger were left ?

Very Good Class , We have 2 fingers left in

our left hands
Yes Ma'am , our fingers did help us !

Did your fingers in both hands help you to

solve the number solving ?

That's good to hear , Remember class that even

our fingers can help us to solve problem

E. Drill
Yes Ma'am , we do understand !
Class , I have here some 4 pictures compose
of two categories , First , 2 pictures for
addition and the another 2 picture for
subtraction , You can still use your finger as
you compute the problem , Do you understand
class ?

( First 2 Pictures for addition )

1. If we add 3 cats and 2 cats altogether , We

have 5 cats Ma'am

We have 3 cats and 2 cats , if we add the cats

altogether , how many cats do we have ?

That is correct Class , If we add 3 cats and 2

cats we have 5 cats all in all.

2. Ma'am , if we add the 3 ice cream from another

2 ice cream , we have 4 ice cream altogether !

Class, We have here 2 ice cream and

another 2 ice cream , if we add it altogether ,
how many ice cream do we have now ?
That is
correct , we have now 4 ice cream

( Present last 2 picture for subtraction ) If we subtract the 3 apples from the 5 apples ,
1. we do have 2 apple left only Ma'am !

We have 5 apple class and we have 3

apples as well , if we are going to subtract the 3
apples from 5 apples , How many red apples
were left ?

That is correct class , we have 2 left red

apples ?
If we subtract 1 ball from 4 balls , there are 3
balls left Ma'am !

In this picture class , you see that we have

4 balls and 1 ball as well , if we are going to
subtract the 1 ball from the 4 balls , how many
balls were left now ?

That is correct class , the remaining ball we

have now is 3 balls
Yes Ma'am , we do understand !
F. Review
Class , I am going to post on the board a
Cartolina , and there are problem solving
written in it , an addition problem solving and
subtraction problem solving . In this activity
we are not going to use any picture for you to
able answer it even it just a numbers . This will
help you to easily understand how to solve a
problem. Ma'am If we add 4 and 8 , the answer is 12
Do you understand class ?

( The teacher will post the cartolina and let the

student answer it with the guidance of the
teacher )

• Addition Problem Solving

Ma'am , if we add 5 and 2 , the answer is 7
4 + 8 = ____

Class , if we add 4 and 8 , What is the answer ?

Ma'am , if we add 6 and 7 , the answer is 13

That is correct , the answer is 8 .

5 + 2 = ____
How about this one class , if we add 5
and 2 , what is the answer ?

That is correct class , the answer is 7. Ma'am , if we subtract 5 from 15 , the answer
is 10
6 + 7 = ____
How about this one , if we add 6 and 7 , what
is the answer ?
That is right class , the answer is 13. If we subtract 6 from 9 , the answer is 3 Ma'am

•Subtraction Problem Solving

15 - 5 = ____
Class , what is answer if we subtract the 5
from 15 ?
If we subtract 4 from 10 , the answer is 6
Very good Class , the answer is 10.

9 - 6 = ____
How about this one class , If we subtract 6
from 9 , what is the answer ?

Very good class, the answer is 3.

10- 4 =____
How about this last one , if we subtract 4 from
10 , what is the answer ?

Very good class, the answer is 6.

I see that you all easily get our lesson from Yes Ma'am , we are now ready for our
today class. Very good . activity !

G. Presentation

Class , since that you are all now fully

understand our lesson for today , as well know Answer :
also how to solve problem solving in addition
and subtraction operation. I have prepared an
sheet activity for all of you regarding to our 1. 10
lesson that we have tackled. This activity is
composed of 10 items only , 5 for addition 2. 8
problem solving and 5 for subtraction problem 3. 11
solving . All you have to do is get your pencil
and eraser . 4. 8

Are you ready class for our activity for 5. 14

today ?

Answer :
Test I : Addition
1. 5
Direction : Solve and Answer Carefully the
2. 4
addition problem solving in each item .
3. 1
1. 7 + 3 = ____
4. 6
2. 4 + 4 = ____
5. 2
3. 9 + 2 = ____

4. 2 + 6 = _____
Yes Ma'am , We are all done !
5. 6 + 8 = _____

Test II. Subtraction

( Students will pass their paper forward )
1. 8- 3 = ____

2. 6 - 2 = ____
( The first student in every row hand it over to
3. 5 - 4 = ____ teacher as she collect it )

4. 9 - 3 = ____

5. 7 - 5 = ____

Are you done answering class ?

Okey class , since all of you are done

already , i want you to pass your paper forward

( The teacher collect the sheet activity paper in Yes Ma'am , we do understand now our lesson
every row ) for today

H. Generalization

Okey Class , Always remember that if we are

going to answer a problem solving , we should
first know what operation is used in the
problem , if it's addition or subtraction for us to
not get confused how to answer the problem
solving . Remember class also that using our
fingers can help us also not only our mind.

Do you get now the addition and

subtraction of one -digit number as our lesson

" The only way to learn math is to do study mathematics "

for today class ?

Very good class , that is good to hear !

Submitted By :

Nathalia D. Abuel

BEED Gen-Ed 3B

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