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Night Workers: A Dock Ward


Bregan D’aerthe has found a new cover for their illegal business in the rumor of a kidnapping
and human-sacrificing dark cult. It is specifically done by Xzand’re Hsyl’ran using The
Ship’s Prow as a base.

Our adventurers take their new role as investigators when Meloon Wardragon gave them a
mission to investigate these rumors in the infamous Dock Ward. It is late afternoon and the
sun is about to set; it will get dangerous in Dock Ward…

Revelations List
Main Objective: Sewers under The Ship’s Prow
A- Underground/sewers is used by the “cult”
B- The Ship’s Prow is a cover and Meggyn is not who she seems
C- A drow gang is behind the cult

Asking Around
The Investigators might ask for rumors (see: Random Rumors) or specific information. They
can either roll a Charisma (Persuasion) check or a Charisma (Contacts) check (Base DC 13).
Charisma (Persuasion) means just asking around for information to people on the streets,
shops, taverns and inns around. The whole process takes 1d6x5 minutes. But if they choose to
role a Charisma (Contacts) check and be successful then ask them to describe the contact, so
they get a specific contact somewhere around the Dock Ward and you can role-play it if they
choose to visit said contact.

Random Rumors
1- “Oh yes, I’ve heard the rumors of an evil cult. They kidnap people to sacrifice them to their
god or whatever they follow. They say that they worship and old malign being, a very
powerful one. People say that they kidnap nosy people, who butt into their business, so I just
mind my own business. I don’t want to have anything to do with this cult thingies; I would
rather get in bed with Xanathar.
2- “Some people have said that they go underground and come out in different places. That’s
where they take the people they kidnap, under the ground, using secret entrances and sewers.
They must have a secret cult hideout where they sacrifice the poor victims and draw their
blood for their dark business. That’s probably where they perform their wicked cult rituals,
don’t you think so?”
3- “Oh, it is said that they work under the curtain of darkness, secretively perform their
wicked deeds. Whatever they are they are not human, even shapeshifters I’ve heard, with
pitch black skin. Darkness is what’s familiar to them. Under the light they blend into the
common folk. These rumors scare most people. People are even more afraid to go out at night
then always.”
4- “I think, I might have actually seen them two nights ago. It was very late, later than
midnight. I was heading to my place from the harbor, it was cold and I must admit, I was a bit
drunk. But there they were, walking in the thick mist, two or three hooded figures. I could still
smell the strong scent of salty water. I was afraid so I got as far away as I could as quickly as I
could. I think… It was around Fish Street. Or no… Ship Street… No, no, it was Fish Street.”
5- “There were signs of local gangs and criminal organizations, even the big ones getting
disturbed; mostly happens when somebody disrupts the business in your turf, y’know? Maybe
it was this so called cult after all huh? Actually… It has been a few weeks since the rumors of
a strange band of sailors fought with the likes of Xanathar’s Guild and Plague Rats around the
harbor. They were not pleased. And now this cult thing… Tension is rising.”

Missing People

 Floon Blagmaar: Two nights ago, Floon Blagmaar and his friend Volo were drinking
and merry-making at the Skewered Dragon, a dark and bawdy tavern. Approximately
half-an-hour after Volo left, Floon also left the tavern and while walking along the
dark alleyways, he bumped into three shady figures in hoods acting suspiciously,
which resulted in his kidnapping. He is being kept in the cellar of The Ship’s Prow.
 Drank Bigbell: Drank was in Mermaid’s Arms three nights ago having fun while
drunk as an ox. He left the festall at night in the arms of two escorts. When his
stupidity to show off his masculinity got him in trouble with the hooded figures in a
shady backstreet, he got shot two times and the prostitutes escaped in great fear. His
body was disposed of.
 Pavel Nemetsk: Pavel was a dockworker who saw two drow dragging a dead man’s
body, yesterday night, in the docks behind the cover of mist and night. He tried to
interfere, which didn’t end well for him. His body was thrown into water, only to be
found this morning by a poor dockworker who doesn’t want to open his mouth for the
fear of getting himself into trouble. Pavel’s wife Eliza, and the Guild of Watermen
have bothered the Watch but couldn’t get anything out of it.

What the Watch Knows?

The City Watch can give a general description of the rumors: shady hooded figures
supposedly members of a cult walking the streets at night and kidnapping nosy people. There
is no official investigation because there is no solid lead to follow. A Watch-member can
provide the rumor 5 if it hasn’t already been revealed. And if PCs insist on more they would
mention the disappearance of Pavel Nemetsk (see: Missing People). Watch members can also
direct the Investigators to a relevant place around the area for possible clues.

0. Sewers
The uppermost portions of the sewers are in present use and fairly good repair, thanks to the
efforts of the Cellarers’ and Plumbers’ Guild. These tunnels are 20 feet across and contain 3-
foot-wide railless walkway ledges on both sides.
Many older, smaller tunnels are walled up and not in use- at least, not to carry sewage (Plague
Rats use these old tunnels through secret doors.). These tunnels are 12 feet across with a
single 3 foot wide ledge on one side.
Junction Rooms are 30 foot by 30 foot stone cubicles, 20 feet high with 3 foot wide ledges on
4 sides.
Surface shafts are 6 feet in diameter with iron rungs set in the walls to use as ladders to and
from the sewers. The entrance to a shaft is a 3-foot-wide hole capped by a removable metal

 Sewers have masonry ceilings, walls, and floors. The floors are, to the surprise of a first
timer, full of light rubble thanks to all the debris that has been deposited over the years.
 The air supply is reasonably good from a survival stand-point, as the numerous small
feeder pipes bring stench-ridden air down from the surface in addition to refuse.
 The echoing water-flow produces lots of noise, giving disadvantage on checks based on
 The sewers are obviously filled with tainted water. If a characters face or a scar gets wet
they must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. On a fail they are poisoned for 5
minutes. If they roll 11 or less they are infected with sewer plague. The infection will start
after the game ends.
 There is no light in the sewers so generally it’s in total darkness; disadvantage on checks
based on sight.
 And of course a terrible stench pervades the entire network, disadvantage on checks
based on smell.
 Walkway ledges are generally coated in a thin sheen of slime, making them convenient for
purposes of tracking.

Investigating the Sewers

Bregan D’aerthe uses the sewers for smuggling, disposing of victims, moving through the city
and several other things. They

Chase Events (d20)

1 Floor is filled with too much rubble here. Everybody makes a DC 15 Dexterity
(Acrobatics) check. On a failed check, the obstacle counts a 10 feet of difficult
2 The floor is too slippery here. Everybody makes a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw.
On a failed save, they are knocked prone. If they roll 5 or less on the save they fall
into sewage losing their turn (check for sewer plague) and have to use 10 feet in
their next turn to get back on the sidewalk.
3 One of the pipes in the wall burst with a spray of waste water. Everybody makes
either a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw (or directly a DC 12 Constitution saving
throw). If the Dexterity save is failed they make the Constitution save with
disadvantage. On a fail they are poisoned for 1 hour.
4 A nest of rats is disturbed. Make a random choice between participants of the chase.
They are attacked by a swarm of rats and the swarm joins the chase. If this result
comes again, it’s a swarm of bats this time.
5 You must cross over the top of a pipe opening. Make a DC 12 Strength (Athletics)
check to jump over. On a failed check, you fall 1d4 x 5 feet (taking the normal 1d6
bludgeoning damage per 10 feet) and land prone.
6 You run through a pocket of explosive gas. If anyone is carrying a lit torch, candle,
lantern, or other fire-powered light source, open flame, or create fire by magic or
mundane means this round, three participants closest to the explosion makes a DC
12 Dexterity save. On a failed save, they take 3d6 fire damage and half the damage
on a successful one.
7 The sidewalk reaches to an end with a left opening; the tunnel leading left has only
one ledge. To continue on the same direction or to continue left, participants on this
walkway must make a DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check, falling into the water
(check for sewer plague) on a failed save.
8 The chase leads into rounded sewer tunnels, these are tunnels that branch out and
connect in different directions and there is no stream of sewage here. If the chase
was already in these kind of tunnels then this result means that the tunnels branch
put and bend. The quarry can make a Dexterity (Stealth) check to lose the pursuers.
9 The fog of Dock Ward settles into this are of sewer through gratings; Wisdom
(Perception) checks are made with disadvantage.
10 Someone steps on a trap stone and activates a dart trap hidden in one of the walls. A
random participant must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or take 2d4+2
piercing damage and make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save they
fall asleep at the end of their next turn.
11-20 No complication.

Random Encounters (d10)

1 2x Diseased Giant Rats

2 Trapper
3 3x Cellarers’ and Plumbers’ Guild members wearing deep orange caps and cloaks,
with a red border around all hems and cuffs, they carry shortswords; they can tell
that sewers are indeed used by this cult, some colleagues have heard them speak in a
weird language. The truth is one of them is actually working together with Bregan
D’aerthe to help them smuggle goods into the city (see: Investigating the Sewers)
(DC 13 Wisdom (Insight) check to understand something’s wrong with the guy).
4 A dead giant rat and a Carrion Crawler
5 A Wererat hiding 25 gp worth of stolen goods in an unused pipe; she can tell what
the wererat in area 4 says.
6 2 Bregan D’aerthe members (one Drow Spy, one Drow) traveling in the sewers; fill
7 Corpse of Drank Bigbell (see: Missing People); bullet holes on him and a brochure
of Mermaid’s Arms in one of his pockets (Intelligence (Investigation) DC 13). Also
a Carrion Stalker is hiding in its body attacking on close contact.
8 They first encounter a skeleton with cuffs in its hands. Then soon they hear the
howls of a specter. They, then, might find a secret door with a successful DC 16
Wisdom (Perception) check that leads to a small room. This is where this poor soul
was tortured until he died and a symbol of Loviatar is on one of the walls (nine-
tailed barbed scourge, Intelligence (Religion) DC 14). Bregan D’aerthe, found this
secret door and moved the skeleton to scare off the visitors. A successful DC 18
Intelligence (Investigation) check can reach to this conclusion after seeing the torture

1. The Honorable Knight

Where the Trades Ward and Dock Ward meets, shops of different kinds, like a curiosity store,
an apothecary, a clothing store and a restaurant are lined on your lefts and rights. People of
various races and clothing are sitting and chatting in front of the buildings, as a street vendor
calls people to try this drink called coffee from distant lands and a carriage pulled by two
horses passes by your side. There, up front, you see one of the magnificent Walking Statues,
never a sight you get used to experiencing up close. The so-called defender of Waterdeep:
The Honorable Knight! Although it was this same stone building that destroyed some parts of
Waterdeep and have caused the deaths of countless people many years ago. But when
something so big that can crush you with its foot stands next to you, mortal mind tries to find
a way to cope with the situation. A warrior clad in a most classic plate armor, with its head in
a visored helmet towering over the adjacent buildings, and its huge shield as tall as a building
set on ground right next to it. However, as you get close you hear loud shouts of several men:
“Get down you vandals; you will be punished for this behavior. Walking Statues are public
monuments which are property of the city state of Waterdeep. Vandalizing them is a serious
crime. Get down! I repeat, get down now!”

4 people have used ropes to climb the shield of The Honorable Knight and they are painting
on it a writing, “Take your Masks o”. They shout things like “We don’t want anonymous
Lords; show your face you cowards!” A large crowd is gathered to watch this show which is
ended soon by the one and only Griffon Cavalry.

2. Black Wagon Alley

This narrow back-street way leads to a warren of houses inhabited by the poor (including
some thieves). It is named for a ghostly apparition of a black plague-wagon which sometimes
meanders through the alley, slowly and silently, without a horse or a driver. What they will
really encounter though is a group of watchmen, cutting away trip wired set by some
gangsters. They can talk to watch members about the rumors of this cult. (see: What the
Watch Knows?) An Investigator who makes a successful DC 13 Wisdom (Street Smarts)
check can tell that the wire is used to distract the Watch and there might be a potential gang-
business near right now. If they say this, the Watch will lead them to The Black Well Court.

This narrow backstreet alleyway leads to a warren of one storied slums, disclosing the poor of
Dock Ward in all its discomforting honesty. Old and discolored ramshackle buildings lined up
in horrible symmetry surround you; it’s a miracle that they are still standing. Dead flowers in
front of a dirty window, a rotten wooden door with a broken lock, a hungry black cat half-
naked by a skin disease, and a rusted metal plaque hanging on one nail like it’s going to fall
says “Black Wagon Alley”. (Intelligence (Local Knowledge) Check DC13: This street is
named for a ghostly apparition of a haunting, black plague-wagon. There have been many
instances of people saying that they’ve seen this cart meandering through the alley, slowly
and silently, without a driver. Only rotten bodies on its back accompanied by lots of flies and
pulled by an old, sick horse so thin that its bones could be seen through its scarred skin. You
can imagine the disturbing scene which makes your throat struggle to gulp. The alley smells
pretty bad on its own right, but luckily not as bad as half dozen rotten corpses.)

3. Serpent’s Books & Folios

This is one of the dustiest but most exclusive shops in Waterdeep. It is a great source of maps,
charts and books. It includes very rare pieces of work and its proprietor Jannaxil Serpentil is
highly knowledgeable. He is a cold and grumpy old man, yet he is far older than he looks,
protected by magic. Players can check for information here but Jannaxil is not interested in
cult business, he is interested in rare tomes, interesting information (either rare or money-
bringing) and business.

If characters ask Jannaxil about the map, he will examine it for a piece of dragon. After
thoroughly touching, smelling and tasting it he will say that the ink is squid ink which is used
commonly in Dock Ward but the paper on the other hand is made of Sussur Tree, which is
only found in the Underdark, which is mostly used by folk that hail from Underdark.

The store is full of tomes of any kind; engineering instructions, mathematical texts, noble
family histories, and detailed studies of the geography and history of a particular area etc.
Common books cost 25 gp, limited books cost 50 gp, rare books cost 100 gp. Spellbooks are
unreliable of course, and are purchased with a warning of no guarantees as to the absence of
curses or the efficacy of the spells within. Spellbooks can be found in 3 qualities: Low
contains two 1st-level, two 2nd-level and one 3rd-level spell. Mid contains two 3rd-level
spells instead of one and extra one 4th-level and one 5th-level spell. High level contains two
4th-level spells instead of one and one sixth and one seventh level spells as an extra. The
spells in it are random; if the character wants to specifically pick the spells they must buy
them as scrolls. He also pays good prices for rare tomes of any kind but not much for
commonly found ones.

As you stroll down the alley, a sign that catches your eye is “Serpentil’s Books & Folios.”
The battered Serpentil sign hangs above an old, unkempt stone building whose wares
windows is boarded over, and whose black door entry is forbiddingly closed. It’s very strange,
certainly not inviting for a store. On the boards and the door itself you see some types of
glyphs too, probably protective ones, they faintly glow in the darkness. (One of you) have
heard this to be an exquisite shop of everything relating to maps, charts and books. And its
proprietor is told to be highly knowledgeable on this type of business.
As you enter you are welcomed by the darkness. Inside, the shop is very dark. A small and
narrow corridor is all you can sense around. But you see a faint glimmering ahead, which
provides the only light you have. You crawl carefully through what you find out to be a very
short corridor to find yourself in a room crammed with deep-hued bookshelves and walls
paneled with wood. The sole light here comes from magical glowing globes that drift in the
air. Asides from the shelves that contain hundreds of tomes which make up the furnishing of
the whole store, the only other thing is a desk and three chairs across the room in an opening.
There sits an old man with long raven hair and a goatee of same color. He has a long snipe
nose and big ears, and he wears a long black and red robe similar to what a wizard would
wear. He stares at you but doesn’t look pleased by the arrival of his potential customers and
the wrinkles on his forehead only add to his grumpiness.

4. The Black Well Court

A successful DC 13 Intelligence (Local Knowledge) check will that this cramped courtyard is
known for its long-polluted well of black water and it serves as a meeting place for street
ruffians, thugs and cultists. As such, it is regularly patrolled by the Guard and the Watch,
who often find what they look for. Rumors persist of something living in the well, coming out
at night to snatch and feed on passersby.

Tonight a meeting between two agents of two gangs is taking place: Xanathar’s Guild and
Plague Rats. When PCs arrive Xanathar’s agent (Bandit Captain) runs and only fights if he
has to while the Plague Rats’ agent (Wererat) uses the distraction to hide, in the well.
(Someone with Passive Perception over 15 can hear a splash sound.) When they come back an
intentional and successful DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception) roll
would reveal the wererat. They can interrogate either of the ruffians, while they tell nothing
about the business between two factions, they will talk about the cultist rumors, saying “fill

5. The Thirsty Throat

The alley that connects east-side of Dock Ward to The Way of the Dragon is called Candle
Lane. The street itself is definitely not inviting to anyone traveling on the main street, if you
don’t like shady and dangerous alleys. Its name comes from its extreme gloominess, because
it is a narrow alley overhung by tall houses, which is a perfect hunting ground for thieves.
Though now it is heavily patrolled by City Watch. In fact, you do see two Watch members,
chatting and watching around where the Lane bends. And you see two obvious gangbanger
types entering a torn-down building. From the symbol of an ale mug on the beaten down
wooden board, hanging from the wall of the building you understand that it’s a tavern. The
building is as ramshackle as the adjective can ever imply and it doesn’t even have a name
sign. It’s like a pile of wood taking its own lazy time about falling into the street. (A character
who makes DC 13 Intelligence (Local Knowledge) check knows this tavern as The Thirsty
Throat. It’s an old and known place frequented by ruffians, thieves, thugs etc. No innocent
person would ever visit this tavern.)

Inside it’s dark, really dark, and it’s crowded too, with many uncanny figures and the air is
thick, it smells heavily of stale beer. And it’s as quiet as a night in the woods, only sounds of
low whispering and beer mugs instead of crickets and branches in the wind. And to you,
customers are certainly no different than a pack of wolves carefully watching its prey. They
glare at you with obvious dislike in their eyes as they turn their heads from the dark tables to
the door. Behind the bar stands a monstrously fat, toad like man with forearms as big as the
largest hams you’ll see for sale down the street. As he also stands in darkness, you can’t
figure out the rest of his physical details, but you can sense that he looks at you with dislike
and arrogance as he put down a mug and clenches his fists.

The proprietor is Bulaedo “Fists” Ledgileer, a big, brute man with a bald head like a big rock
and “Fists” tattooed on his right arm. His nickname comes from his habit of knocking men
cold with one punch. Neither he nor any other person here is willing to share any information
with pigs.

Also a character with criminal background can make a DC 13 Charisma (Contacts) check to
find a contact here. Or they might intimidate someone to talk but that requires a DC 16
Charisma (Intimidation) check. This would provide them with a rumor from the Random
Rumors. While they’re talking to either “Fists” or anyone else a character who makes a
successful DC 16 Wisdom (Insight) check would notice that the person is nervous about the
washrooms for some reason, little glances etc.

Also a character that makes a successful DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation) check would

realize that a man entered the women side of washrooms, few seconds after they started
asking around. If they follow though, they won’t find anybody there, because the man
climbed down the secret ladder opening (it exists in the man’s WC too) into a little
antechamber that opens up to a harbor-bound sewer channel. A successful DC 13 Wisdom
(Perception) check reveals the ladder under a plank.

Down there, two drow (drow spy) are trading weapons, poisons and other illegal goods to an
illicit buyer. The last guy (thug) went there to warn them and he gets down on the buyer’s
(spy) side. On the either antechamber Investigators must make a Dexterity (Stealth) check
against the disadvantaged Wisdom (Perception) of the enemies on that side to go unnoticed. If
more than 2 adventurers show up, drow throw the goods to sewer waters and both parties start
to escape. Otherwise they fight to quickly kill. Drow run to one side to jump on a boat and
start rowing to the sewer junction which is really close while the humans run towards the
other side. Chased parties shoot while escaping. (see: Sewers)

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