Eye For An Eye

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Fye for an Eye A Villain with a Vision hy Patrick W. Ross artwork by Carl Critchlow, cartography by Todd Gamble with Patrick Ross “Eye for an Eye” is a DEXD* adventure designed for four grd-level characters. A druid or ranger would be helpful, as most of the adventure occurs in the wilderness (forest and swamp). The party should possess a wide variety of skills. PCs who complete the adventure will probably gain a level and might earn enough experience by the end fo reach sth level. The DM can modify the adventure for characters of levels 1-8 ‘Adventure Background Inthe distant past, druid named ltl protected the forest which the PCS are raveng. During this tne, a soltary wizard named Radler, who abo lived in the area, turned ro ev after tnfing with magic he could not control ltl helped an elven legion banish the wizard and destroy Radeems stronghold. To discourage others from plundering the ruins, lol raised a swamp over the area. Years later ital saved the nearby ham- let of Cherry Knoll from a charlatan who had used an amulet called the Symbol of the False Prophet to charm the townsfolk. ‘ter defeating the huckstr, ltl gave the amulet 10 the town cleric for safekeeping Hol ded a serene old man, leaving behind as tis legacy 9 beavifuly bslenced forest. The descendant of one of his fo- lowers, an intelligent wolf named Thornfur. now carries on this legocy'a3 sel-proclamed guardian ofthe Forest. litl is now but a vague memory fo the townefok of Cherry Knol hey just remember akin, old hermit, Years afer Ilr’ death a hideously deformed chid with nly one eye was born in Cherry Koll. Shunned and teased by the locals and abandoned by his family. the chi, Phgan, vas faen in bythe loca cleray. The chaplain raised and edu cated the boy. Later, he put Plygar to work as a grounds keeper Pygar lived in a stack behind the church Despite the chaglin’s act of Kindness, the majority of Plygars ime was spent reading Books and dreaming of devious ways to exact revenge against the fownsfak who relentlessly tormented him. Piyéer discovered the Symbol ofthe False Pronher hidden inthe church Knowing the history of the em From tales spun by a creeny local widower, Pygar removed the magic amulet and replaced it with a wooden fake, carved and pained ike the ariginal. To cate, no one in Cherry Knol has learned of the theft. raving power, Piygar intended to use the amulet on the townsfolk, bur his plans changed after he stole a boo passing morchant. by adjusting the encounters as described in the “Scaling the Adventure” sidebar. The adventure begins when the PCs are traveling a litle used road between two small towns. The bock was ajournal written by one of Radeems appren- tices. The apprentice, 2 sesh and petulant young tan, had forsaken his master to become an adventurer. Inthe journal the young man (whose name is never mentioned) recounted several botched adventures, the deaths of several companions, and his hope to someday strike it rich. The journal remarked about the destruction of Radeem’s stronghold and gove enough information for Plygar 1 locate the runs. (seems the former apprentice hed planned to loot the ruined sironghols unfortunately, he was captured by an elven hunting. party before he could reach it) Pygar left Cherry Knoll and moved into the swamp. Using stolen materials, he began constructing a series of floodgates that would raise the level of the swamp and buld up a tremen- dous wall of water Releasing the water would destroy Cherry Koolls crops and undoubtedly damage several of is buidings. His plan was simple: While the townsfolk who had tormented him were starving fo death over the winter months, Plygar ‘would explore the ruins ofthe drained swamp. Piygor needed muscle to finish the floadgetes, protect him from the dangers ofthe swamp, and guard him in the unlikely event the townsfolk of Cherry Knoll somehow learned of his plans. He solved this problem by using the Symbol ofthe False Prophet to cast a mass charm spell on a passing caravan. The caravan consisted of Janne, a wealthy merchan’s daughter, and her guards. Uncertain about the duration of the mass charm spall, Plygor recast the spell every few days ensure the caravan's continued loyalty. Janne and her guards regard Piygar as a trusted friend and cannot be convinced that he is anything but @ great and wise man. Only a aspel magic spell (cast upon 2 charmed victim or upon the Symbol of the False Prophet) or several days out of Piygar’s control can break his hold over them. There was only one thing missing from Plygar's triumph, He is quite self-conscious of his missing eye and wanted a false ———— Rea rot en mene eng eer esas ee as een ae Cea ae Fl Use thi ine for modifying the adventure in ted below: Pee aera ee Se a por ean etre aon) on fo retreat or circumvent the nger. Do not roll for random encoun Ber eas ee Pee ee ea they're careless. Modify encounters of EL ee eee ce eee De as Dee a es poe aaa this level, also consider using few if any ee 4th- to gth-level PCs: Run the adver ee eet) See ee en ee ees Ce eee iene Peer eee’ ‘th- to Bth-level PC: Sa eee Se Ae ee ay 1g. ones. Perhap: ee eee ea ec) Pa ecm i Se challenge-to-treasure ratio. This adven- ete ere nen coo eaet Soe ee ‘You should also consider giving the PCs offensive and defen: an ally (ike Orem the mad centaur). have a wand of eye fo fill is empty left socket. Unfortunately, he could not afford fo have one crafted, From Janne he heard that 2 recently deceased halfling (a friend of Janne's father) had a bejeweled false eye, rumored to be of exquisite craftsmanship. Using his charmed guards as intermediaries, Plygar convinced ‘an unscrupulous merchant fo steal the eye for him, As he lacks sufficient funds to pay the exorbitant price he promised, Plygar plans to kill the merchant once the eye Is produced. Revenge, a jeweled eye, 2 ravaged town, and 2 wealth of power gleaned from the ruins: Allof it wll be his Adventure Summary To successfully complete the adventure, PCs must fll Plygar’s plan to flood the town, stop him from exploring the ruins of Radeam’s stronghold, save as many charmed caravan mem: bers as possible, return the stolen Symbol ofthe False Prophet and bejeweled eye to thelr rightful owners, and if possible, bring Plyger to justice. “he adventure begins wit the PCS on the road. They wit- ness an exchange between the merchant's courier and two of Piygn's charmed guards thar ends with the courier’s decapi- tation, Ifthe PCs intercede and discover the bejeweled eye they are soon drawn into Plygar’s scheme. They must travel through the forest and into the nearby swamp, then navigate several dangers within the swamp to reach Piygar's dweling, ‘Along the wey, they might aso form an alance with the for~ test's guardian, Thornfur the wal. The town of Cherry Knol is left deliberately vague so shat you can substitute any sleepy town or hamlet from your eam- paign. The only requirements are that it includes 2 small church, an inn, and a mil. Most of the NPCs encountered in this adventure are either warriors or commoners, as detalles in the Dunasow Masten’ Guide. Forest Encounters ‘The following encounters are keyed to the adjacent Forest Mep. While the PCs are in the forest, check for random encounters once every hour. Consult the “Random Encounters” table for eval, cf the major creatures and NPCs one Me en areca ete eons en Naa ae, Pee ee starting level A Intrigue in the Road, You are traveling north, leaving behind the quaint town of Cherry Knoll. The local miler assured you that you should reach an inn called the Thorn and Petal a few hours after sunset, The road is somewhat overgrown and seldom used, bur easily traversed. The sky is clear, and the sound of song birds in the surrounding forest provides a welcome change from the howling wind. Growing on the side of the road are ‘wildflowers in full loom. Ahead you sce a small man wearing a rose-colored cloak speaking to a pair of burly, armed men. The burly men are dressed in chainmail covered in yellow surcoats bearing the symbol of a merchant house. One carries 9 halberd, the ‘ther a longspear and short sword. it does not appear that they have seen you ‘The small man passes a leather pouch to the guard with the spear: The guard carefully inspects the pouch and places it inside the folds of his surcoat. In-a surprise flash of steel, the other guard swings the halberd at the smell man, decap- rating him, His head fumbles info the underbrush and. van= ishes from sight Allow each PC one partial action. A PC can use the partial action to hide behind 2 nearby bush or tregsor attack the {guards with a readied ranged weapon, The guards are stand: ing 200 fect away. If the PCs do not use their partial action 10, hide, the guards spot them, The PCs have just wimessed Plygar’s “payment” for the bejeweled eye. The two charmed guards, Ontho and Laisls, ‘were sent by Plygar to obtain the eye fram a merchant rogue. named Jellegin Walgar. The decapitated fellow lying in the mid- dle of the road is Jellegin’s courier, Seth, IF the PCs rush the guards or attack them with ranged ‘weapons, Ontho and Lalss flee northeastward and try to lose, the PCs in the forest. They head toward their camp (area D), where they make ther final stand. IF the PCs confront Ontho and Laisis rather than attack them, Ontho introduces himself and his comrade and does most of the talking. He says they were sent ahead by a cara- van yesterday to scout for bandits: Heialso claims to have just Killed one. There are no tracks or other elies ther might cor roborate the guard's story. Ontho does not possess the Bluff skill-a PC can determine whether he's lying by making a suc cessful Sense Motive skill check (opposed by Ontho's ‘Charisma check). Sensing thatthe guards have been charmed requires a separate Sense Motive skill check (DG 25) and must be declared by the PC attempting to detect the enchantment. If the PCs let them go, Ontho and Lssis head toward their ‘camp (area D) where, according te Ontho, they plan to wait for their caravan fo arrive from the north. Ifthe PCs leave, Ontho ‘nd Laisis stay ar their camp only a few minutes before head- ing east toward the swamp. Cs who follow Ontho and Laiss into the forest are spotted unless they remain quiet and out of sight. A successful Hide skill check opposed by the guards’ Spot skill checks) and Move Silently skill check (opposed by the guards’ Listen skill checks) must be made to stay within sight ofthe guards without alert- ing them, PCs cannot take 20 on these rolls, and new rolls must be made each hour of pursuit IF the PCs wish, they can simply track the guards, thus stay— ing out of sighs this requires the Track feat and a successful Wilderness Lore skill check (DC 15) each hour. A felled roll means the frail has been lost; after id2o minutes of searching, 2 new check cen be attempted to find the guards’ tail. PCS ‘who are in no hurry can fake 20 on the rols iF they wish, {F the PCs capture one ot both of the guards, Ontho and Laisis do not mention Plygar unless the charm is successfully dispelled. in other words, they cling to their lies f the charm is dispelled or wears off, they are much more helpful They tll the PCs about Plygar, whom they suspect is an enchanter, and his plan to fleod the town of Cherry Knoll and explore the ruins of Redeem’ stronghold, They know where Plygar’s lair is located and offer to lead the PCs there. They do not allow PCs to harm the other charmed members of thelr caravan, Janne in particular. Near the body of the courier, PCs locate two smath, dark, ray marking stones. The stones are Fairly inconspicuous and identify a rail leading into the forest. Oniho and Laiss are detailed under Creatures below. PCs ‘who search the body of the decapitated courier find a blood- spattered cloak, three days’ rations, and a dagger. Ontho and Lasis carry Treasure #1 and Treasure #2 respectively. Creatures (EL 3): Ontho is 28 years old with broad shoul ders and long, dark hair pulled back ina braid. € Ontho, Human Male War2 (charmed): CR 2; Medium-Size Humanoid (6 fin. alls HD 248=3 (includes Toughness feat); hp 17; nit +1 (Dex; Spd 20 ft; AC 16 (+1 Dex, +5 chainmail armor} Atk +5 melee (idio=2/crit x3, habverdh; AL N; SV Fort +3, Ref #1, Wi - Str 1g, Dex 12, Conn nt 12, Wis 9, Cha g. ‘Sils: Clim +5, Handle Animal +1, Ride +3, Swim +5, Feats: Toughness, Weapon Focus (halberd), Possessions: Choinmail, halberd, wax-sealed scroll (see Treasure #1 below). Lasis is 26 years old with a slender, well-muscled frame, ‘olive complexion, a short beard, and cropped black hair. # Lisis, human male Wore (charmed): CR 2: Medium-Size Humanoid (5 ft. 10 in); HD 2483 (includes Toughness feat), hp 15; Init +0; Spd 20 fi; AC 15 (45 chainmail armor); Atk +4 melee (d81/erit xg, longspear) or +3 melee (1dGst/crit 19-20, short sword}; AL N; SV Fort +3, Ref +0, Will-r Sir 13, Dex 1, on 1 int 10, Wis 9, Cha 6. ‘Skis: Cimb +4, Handle Animal +1, Ride +3, Swim +3, Fears: Tougfiness, Weapon Focus (longspe2r). Possessions: Chainmail, longspeer, short sword, small leather bag (see Treasure #2 below). Treasure #1: In addition to his armor and weapons, Ontho carries a scroll sealed with a small dollop of wax (no author sea). The following is written on the scroli: ‘The serol is unsigned, but Ontho and Laisis assume that it as writen by Jelegn Wagar. PCs who decide to wait for the “meeting” mentioned in Jelegin’s letter will be disappointed: the disappearance of his courier forces Jellegin o abandon all hope of recavering the bejeweled eye and receiving his com- pensation. ‘Abard can make @ bardic knowledge check (DC ig), with a bonus equal to the bard’s lave plus inteligence modifier, 10 recognize Shucky the Imp as @ famous hating comedian, The [DM might aso allow half, PGs from this region to make @ Gather information sil check (OC 15) to know ths. “Treasure qa: Leisis carries a smal leather pouch contain~ ing a glazed ceramic eye with a garnet for a pupil The gem alone i worth soo gp. The eye wih the gem is worth 1000 gp to-collector of oddities. B. The Sheriff's Patrol. Ideally, this encounter occurs before the PCs leave the immediate vicinity of area A. If the PCs have been lured off the road by Ontho and Laisis, you might need to modify or reschedule this encounter. | Alera quick exchange of greetings, Rixn states that he and, his Fellow halfings are pursuing grave robbers. Apparently the ee grave robbers plundered the resting places af several promi nent halfings in a community a few days’ ride to the north, Rid also speaks ofa disraputable merchant who was seen with 2 closked mon near the cemetery. When questioned, the mer- chant, Jellegin Walgar, tried to flee. He was quickly captured but denied any knowledge about the robberies. A PC who is wearing 2 rose-colored cloak (or perhaps the one taken from the body of the slain courier in area A) might have some fast explaining to do Ifthe PCs reveal the fate of Jelegin Walga's courier, Sheriff Rixinasks fo see the body. IF the PCs claim to have recovered the fase eye, Rixin demands is retur. Ifthe Gs try to steal or lie about the eye and ger caught, the sher- if uses the Tactics described below to compel PCs to relinquish the eye, Once the eye is returned, Rixin and his company ‘return to their town, ff shown the scroll recovered from Ontho, Rixin demands it the PCs resist, he grudgingly offers to buy it for 50 gp. He plans to use the scroll as evidence to incriminate Jellegin as the mastermind behind the grave robbings. GGreatures (EL 9): Rixin and his band are detailed below. The community from which these halfings hail has a more sepa- ratistatirude than most halfing communities. They generally clistrust “all folk” Ifthe PC party includes halfings or gnomes, they are less leery. F Rixin Stoutblood, Halfing Mele. Ware CR x Small Humanoid (3 ft alls HD 148; hp 7; it +2 (Dex): Spd 20 fr; AC. 1g (+1 size, +2 Dex, +2 leather armorl: Atk +2 melee (6, crit 1g-20, short sword) or +3 ranged (6/crit x3, shortbow); SO +12 morale bonus on saving throws vs: fear; ALLG; SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +0: Str m, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 11 Skil: Cimb +4, Handle Animal +2, Hide +4, Listen +2, Move Silently +2, Ride +4, Sense Motive +1, Feat: Weapon Focus (short sword). Possessions: Leather armor, short sword, shortbow with 10 arrows, 56 gp in pouch. # Posse, Male and Female Halfings Comi (10): CR '/6; ‘Small Humanoid (g ft. tall: HD adqzt hp 2 each; Init *1 (Dex Spd 20 ft; AC 12 (+2 leather armor); Atk +0 melee (xdO/erit 19-20, short sword) or +1 ranged (6/crit x3, shortbow SO +12 marae bonus on saving throws vs. ear; AL LG; SV Fort +0, Ref «1, Will +0; Sir 10, Dex 2, Con g, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10. ‘Skil: Clmb +2, Handle Animal +2, Hide +4, Jump +2, Listen +44, Move Silennly v2, Ride +5, Spot +2. Fear Skill Focus (Ride). Possessions: Leather armer. short sword, shortbow with 10| arrows, 10 sp in pouch, “The halfings’ ponies are decile and do not attack the POs fleeing if rendered riderless. B Ponies (n): CR '/4; Medium-size Animal (5 fi. tall; HD 26842; hp 1; Init + (Dex); Spd qo ft; AG 3 (+1 Dex, +2 nate rall; Atk +2 melee (y/i, hooves), SQ scent; AL N: SV Fort +4, Ref +4, Wil +0; Str 13, Dex 13, Gon ra Int 2, Wis tt, Cha 4. ‘Skis: Listen +5, Spot +5. ‘SQ-Scent (Ex): Ponies can detect opponents within 3o feet bby sense of smell If the opponent is upwind, the range Increases 10 60 feet; if downwind, it drops fo 15 feet Tactics: If pressed into combat, the halfling rely on missile fire'to preva Their ponies are trained to trot backward (Spd 20 4.) to keep at least 20 feet of distance between the archers and their targets. Archers attack spellcasters first. If four or more haflings are taken down, the morale ofthe posse breaks, at which time they flee ._ Roe ee aged Sees een cates some sort of forest phenomenon oer eee a eee eee Ta result of g- indicates an encounter emcee cane ti Cet oe tee i Cc ket errs Poe ou they can be explained, fcc) ee eee the trail (50%) or Feel a brief earth Pees meme) 2, The PCs hear an unusual sound (cry eee eas oe eer ee ene Se Cec ae eee ed 4. The PCs smell something peculiar Cee oie ae ing food, spicy scent) Ce Boer es ee ees lay strewn about moss-covered rocks. Cee nee ae Ce eed eee eee Soares ee ure Sa ee teens Ree Reece a cn Scouts failed 10 return, the ore chieftain Pee od ta ee Sent 2, Stacked Stones. A 3-foot-high pyra~ een me cei ts eee ee sieecraft can identify these as carapult Ses Cee eer stronghold in the swamp. 3. Burned Tree. [A grea tree ravaged by fre stands Boer ca te es scorched trunk and blackened br ee eee een t Te eae Sr Cae ems eee Sea ncn ea Ce aes ates | . re} ae i ee in the undergrowth. When it notices Poe ane ee ea Cees oe es Use a Se oe a ees CCE eu oe aie! Pa ees attacked by a Medium-size monstrous spider, The arachnid waits in its camou eae aa nce eee eee es Cee ee ce a Se ee Ce ee cet) aa Cee ee oe ee a een webs. See area J for complete statistic 15-6. Git Ants (EL2), The PCs encounter eee lowing the flood of their anthil (area D. They are confused, agitared, and attack Sn ce ae Caras FA eon ey Caer en crey eee Pera ans est as his hunting ground. Thornfur and ee ac er) eee ts eee ie tetoranes ere ea | ao The PCs might encoumer Orem on a nn ae tages arta apples. Once he detects them, he sicad ee eee ee ace ea territory, Orem shoots more arrows at eee ett RR eet eee Perce meme Peete tre RCM Pei ae eo oiecegr me aes es ea ean Pec er eae toes hoovest oF 45 ranged (d8-4/ert 19-20, Darras tye nee cue er ire ene aT Eset Sr ee ee eo Dae em ns cayenne) foe eee eee Pee amet aes Seren 9710. Cockatrice (EL 3) ere ee ee en ee eee ena Seon ea et ee ccockatrice siares at them stupidly for a Se ae Cee antes Ree eee Te) Ce ee era ees OSS ee ia aay Once rer crest Sees ae Oar ee a eee) De Acme a Ae ee somea tr rea ere SA-Petriieation (Sul: Creatures. hit by the cockatrice must make a success: RO erate ea Ceara es Ree aso Cee at ability of other cockatrices, but not other en . into the Forest. Ths narrow trail leads off the road and into the forest. Grea, dare trunks support a dense canopy of leaves. The thin sun ‘ign limls the amount of undergrowth. Rich mosses and lichen grow on the exposed rock, and butterflies flr through the surboams. Although the ta loks seklom travoled, you do spat the occasional footprint. ‘one time, shis forest was tended and protected by the great druid llitl. Now it & watched over by the white wo ‘thornfur, kin to one of the druid’s former followers. His pack has sucessfully repelled a trapper and stopped a smal forest fire; however, Thornfur has been unable 1o remove 2 choke creeper growing near the druids hil or foil Phyger’s plan to drain the swamp to the cast The footprints onthe trail belong to Ontho and Lasis and lead to thet camp (area D) Following the tracks requires the “Track fear and a successful (hough simple) Wilderness Lore skill check (DC 6) D. Guards’ Camp. A 20-foor-diamerer wall of 5;foot-high, sharpened wooden spikes jurs outward from this small camp. The spikes are 6 ‘inches in diameter and spaced 6 inches apart. A lean-to has been consirueted in the center of the bristing ring of spikes. Two deadtalls have been dragged and left next to a cold firepit, Refuse and food scraps have been tossed carelessly ‘aside, The camp looks ugly and out of place in the Forest. Ortho and Laisis used this area fo camp while keeping an tye on the road, which i just barely visible through the tees After repeated wol attacks, they constructed a ring of spikes. (A. walt would be hard-pressed to jump the wal without being skewered) Ths only items of value in the camp are three full water- kins, wo thick woo! cloaks, anda pair of bros IF the PCs fallow Ontho and Laisis back to theit camp, the guards stay only a few minutes-long enough to gather up their bedrall, waterskins, and wool doaks-before heading cast toward the swamp. If attacked in their camp, the guards use the desdfalls as one-half cover against missle stacks. If ‘lowed to continue on their eastward course, Ontho and Lasis 2000 run afoul of Thornfur the whe wol in area F. See that area for more deta E. Memorial, ‘The trail splits in Front of an enormous tree. An ivy-covered block of’ pale stone stands in front of the tree. Afop this slab is a worn and weathered statue of an elf batting a troll The statue captures the moment when the elf, though seemingly ‘overpowered, gracefully sidesteps the trolls clumsy attack ‘and slips his sword through the trols heart. This monument was erected folowing the siege of Radeem's stronghold. It was placed here by the elves to remember those ‘elves who had fallen ridding the world of evil, The. statue stands 4 feet tall and is actually part of the pale stone slab; the ‘whole thing weighs 300 Ibs. After: pulling away the ivy, PCs fluent in Ef ean decipher the script etched into the front ofthe sab. Bards and rogues can make a Decipher Script skill check (DC 25) to translate tho words: ‘hn memory of those Fallen for the cause of light. On ths spot, great heroes began the hard march to abolish a fierce darkness. Many sarileed themselves so that others might ive free ofa tyrants reign F. Remains of the Road. ‘The tail widens suddenly, becoming an ancient road oF dark, ‘ightiy fitted gray stones. The old road continues for a hun- dred yards before its again obscured by dirt and overgrown, ‘with sod This was once the road to Radeem's stronghold and one of the few sections nor consumed by the Forest. The following boxed text should be read or paraphrased to the PCs at this time. However, if the PCs are traling the guards, Ontho and Lalsis, the DM should modify this scene ‘appropriately, as described in the Development section. You see a large white wolf lying on a nearby hilside, easu- ally watching you. The wolf rises slowly and walks lazily to the tral, then siops and eyes you wary, Suddenly, your rind is Filed with visions and flashes of emotion. AL first you find the delirium eisconcersing until you realize thatthe wll 's trying to communicate with you empathically, The wol's ‘thoughts do not convey words, but ican effectively make known the substance of its ideas ‘Although the wolf claims to understand human speech, it cannot speak. I refers to itself as Thornfur, guardian of the forest, and warns that great danger lies ahead, The wolf tums toward the south and asks you to follow, offering a ‘lace of safety where you ean fal: and rest. ‘Thornfur is a descendant of one of ilito's lupe followers. IF the PCs attack him, Thornfur flees to area G, gathers his wolf brethren, and returns to drive the PCs out of the forest Unless the PCs attack or threaten him, Thomfur invites them to lita’s sod house (area GIF the PCs decline, Thornfur offers a nonspecific “reward” if they'll accompany him. If they sill refuse, he watches them depart then lopes off into the for= fest IF the PCs agree to accompany him, Thornfur pads ahead of the group and leads them to the sod house. While Thornfur accompanies the PCs, do not roll for random encounters. Greature (EL 1): The PCs should not receive experience points for slay Thornfur, only for befriending him Thornfur (White Wolf: CR x; Medium-Size Animal (6 ft. long); HD 2d8r hp 18; Init +4 (Dexl, Spd 50 fs AC 16 (eq Dex, =2 natural), Ak +3 melee (dst, Bite), SO scent, AL N: SV Fort +5, Ref +7, Will + Str 13, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 6 ‘Skils: Hide +5, Listen +6, Move Silently +6, Spot +4, Feat ‘Weapon Finesse (bite. S0-Scent (Ex): Thornfur can detect opponents within 30 feet by sense of small. If the opponent is upwind, the range increases to 60 feet if downwind, it drops 1015 feet. Development: Ifthe PCs have been rang Ontho and Laiis, the encounter with Thamfur is changed somewhat. Seeing an opporruity to thwart Plyger’s plans, Thornfur ambushes the guards. A batle erups, and Lains is Kled, During the ban, however, Thornfur is reduced ro ~ hitpoints and begins losing "hit point per round until he stablizes (10% chance per round) or dies (drops to -10 hitpoints). Otho escapes with anly a few Scratches and has 1g hit points remaining after the encounter. Believing thar both Lasis andthe welf have been slain, he con- tinues fo fle east toward the swamp. Administering first aid to Thornfur requires a successful Heal skil check (OC 1g). Once stabilized and raised to 0 hit points or more, Thornfur empathcally thanks the PCs and offers to guide them to lito’ sod house (as described above). if Thornfur dies, the PCs have no such guide and must con- tinue on thelr own, vally, “a wolf cub alent otherwise, he is already: inside, The wolves attack only if Thornfur is not present or if Thornfur so commands. If the PCs enter the sod house, read or paraphrase the fol lowing: IF the PCs have not previously met Thornfur, he attempts fo communicate with them as described in area F. Thornfur invites the PCs to sit at the fable while he paces back and forth and empathically relates his story. He tells of a “iwisied man” (Plygar) who built a dam and flooded @ local antl (area D, He is also troubled by a choke creeper that has taken root in the Forest (area H) and would like the PCs’ help destroying it. He would also like the PCs to rid the nearby swamp of the dam builder, in return, Thornfur tell which areas of the forest the PCs should avoid: specifically he anthl (Gres) and the spider glade (area J), He also offers them free sanctuary anyiime they are inthe forest. I the PCs decline to help, Thornfur shows them a patch of comfrey (an herb) growing on the nearby hilside, Druids can use heirtature sense ability to recognize the comfrey, which is sometimes tall bruisewort and boneknit. When applied daly 10 the skin, irallows wounds to hes! at twice the normal rate. The herb fas ho effect on other ailments such 2s poison or disease. Fifteen applications can be harvested from this area without destreying the herb patch, Ifthe patch is com- Pletly stripped, PCs can obtain twenty applications. IF the PCs sil decline to assist, Thornfur allows the PCS to harvest honey from the nearby beehives. Up to 4 pounds can be successfully extracted each week. The honey is worth 5 gp per pound. Harvesting the honey without incurring the Bees’ ‘wrath requires 2 successful Wiklerness Lore skil check (DC 15] A failed roll indicates thatthe characteris stung by bees for id3 points of damage each round for 3 rounds. Open flame drives away the bees and negares damage in subsequent rounds, wile dousing oneself with alcohol or vinegar causes the bees to cease their attacks. If the herbs and the honey aren't enough to entice the PCs into helping, Thorafur asks them to leave, IF the PCs agree to help, Thornfur suggests they stay inthe den until sunrise. A few males leave for 3 while and return with enough rabbits to feed everyone. Thornfur indicates that Lensls and cookwere can be found in the cupboard. The pack is quite Fascinated ifthe PCs bul fire end cook the rabbits. Aicr eating; the pack settles down and watches the pups romp bout the raom. Creatures (EL 6): Not including Thornfur, there are cight ‘adults and four wolf pups in the sod house, The adults defend the cubs to the death. However, if two or more adut wolves are slain, the rest flee, looking back momentarily to make sure they are not folawed. ‘@ Adult Wolves (8): CR 1; Medium-Size Animal (5 ft, long); HD 2d8¥+4; hp 13 each; Init +2 (Dex); Spd 50 fr AC 14 (+2 Dex, ++2 natural; Atk +3 melee (id6+1, bite SO scent; AL Ny SV. Fort +5, Ref +5, Will + Str, Dex 15, Con 1g, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6. ‘Skis: Hide +3, Listen ¥6, Move Silently +4, Spot #4. Fear: ‘Weapon Finesse (bite}. $Q-Scent (Ex): Wolves can detect opponents within 30 feet by sense of smel. If the opponent is upwind, the range Increases 10 60 Feet, if downwind, it drops to 15 feet. ‘@ Wolf Pups (4): CR "/g; Tiny Animal (2 fl longs HD ‘V/adB; hp 4 eacts Init 91 Dexl Spd 3o fis AC 14 (42 size, 1 Dex, +1 natural; Atk +0 melee (bite; SO scent (see above) ALN; SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Wil+0; Sr 8, Dex 12, Con 1, nt 2, Wis 10, Cha 6. ‘Stile: Hide +, Listen +2, Move Sletly +3, Spot +2 H. The Choke Creeper. The PCs are noi likely to encounter the choke ereeper unless they agree to help Thornfur and his ‘wolves rid the forest oF the manster. Thus, the folowing boxed text assumes that Thornfur and the other aduit wolves are ‘accompanying the PCs, and it should be modified otherwise: Hanging from the trees is the choke creeper, a horrible plant described under Greature below. The wolves’ statistics are presented in areas F and G. They attack the main vine, leaving the PCs to deal with the eight branching vines Creature (EL 6, 4 if wolves are present): The choke creeper has chosen a damp, secluded section of the forest as its lr. its statistics are spit between the main vine (which has no effective attacks) and the branching vines. IF the main vine is not completely destroyed (reduced fo-1o it points and burned with ire or acid), it regrows fully in one month, Choke Creeper=Main Vine: CR — (see Branching Vines below); Gargantvan Plant (Go ft. long; HD 2od8+140; hp 200; Init-2 (Dexl: Spd 10 ft, climb 10 Ft: AC 1g -4 size, -2 Dex, = natural; Ak =: SA vines (see below); SQ fire resistance 5, cold resistance 10, immune to electricity, plant: ALN: SV Fort +i9, Ref +4, Will +2; Str 32, Dex 6, Con 25, Int — Wis 2, Cha. © Choke Creeper—Branching Vines (8): CR s; HD 2d8-6; hp 13 each; Init +0; AC 16 (1 size, +7 natural: Atk +7 melee (Constrition, see below); Face 5 ft. x 10 fs Reach 20 fis SA constriction; Sir 20, Dex 10, Con 17, Int —, Wis *, Cha other statistics same as Main Vine above. ~ The branching vines are extensions of the parent vine and do not possess their own ‘Wisdom or Charisma scores. IF the main vine dies, the branch- ing vines all de as well ‘Silt Climb +6. SA-Gonstricrion (Ed): Fa branching vine hits an opponent and makes a successful grapple check (see Chapter 8: Combat inthe PH it begins constricting is prey in subsequent rounds. Until the grapple is broken or the vine is severed, the victim takes 1dqi5 points of consitiction damage each round (no attack roll necessary). ifthe vine scores a critical hit with its intial artack roll and manages to grapple its victim, it wraps itself around the vie- tims larynx or windpipe. in addition to taking constriction damage each subsequent round, the victim must make a Constitution check (DC 10) on the round damage begins: the DDC increases by 1 every round thereafter. The round after failing @ Constitution check, the vietim falls unconscious (o hp The next round, the vietim drops to ~ hit points and is dying. In the third round, the victim suffocates and dies, Note that reatures immune to critical hits cannot be strangled. A creature being constricted or strangled by a branching: vine can attack the vine with a Smell weapon, attempt fofree itself from the vine's grapple with a successful Strength check. (OC = the vine's Srength check), or slip free by making a suc- cessful the Escape Arist skil check (DC = the vine's Strength check) ‘SQ-Fire and Gold Resistance (Ex): The creeper negates th first 5 points of damage dealt by any fire-based attack and the first 10 points of damage dealt by any cold-based attack. ‘SQ-Immune to Electricity (Ex): The choke creeper is impervious to lightning and electrcity-based attacks. ‘SQ-Flant: Choke creepers are immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. They are not subject to critical his Development: If Thornfur survives the batl, he welcomes the PCs as den brothers and sisters and offers their den as a place to heal or hide, as they need. He reemphasizes the offer of free passage through the forest and gives the PCs access to the beehives in area G. Ifthe PCs continue into the swamp, Thornfur offers what aid he can. His pack is 100 Few in qum= bers to risk entering the swamp, but he patrols the edges of the swamp and assists PCs when they return. He also warns the PCs not to leave the road and to avoid the spider glade (area J). If Thornfur does not survive the battle, the PCs are wel- comed back tothe sod house, bur communication with the sur- viving pack members is nigh impossible without the aid of speak with animals spells. PCs without such magic can influ ence the wolves toward a specific course of action by making 2 successful Animal Empathy skill check (DC ta). For instance, a druid or ranger PC can use the Animal Empathy ski 10 coax fone or more wolves into showing the party the safest way to the swamp. I. The Great Anthill The following description assumes that the PCs arrive during daylight hours and should be modified accordingly ifthe PCs arrive at night: There are over thirty giant ants in this colony, but mary have wandered off in confusion and might be: encountered elsewhere in the forest. Only eight giant worker ants, four giant soldier ants, and the queen currently occupy the field or the immediate area. They are described under Creatures below. The Treasure lies scattered amiong the eaves that form the queen's nest. The wet, earthen mound is all that remains of a giant antl. Many ants, including pupae, were drowned when Plygar raised the level of the swamp and unknowingly leoded this field in the process, PCs peering in the amhole see a 5-foot-diamerer tunnel thar descends straight down. Dark waters have risen to within 10 feet of the surface and have flooded the lower chambers = and tunnels. Flotsam, including drowned giant ants, float im the water. PCs can tel that the colony has flooded recently due to he slight erosion and fresh corpses in the entrance. Creatures (EL 8): PCs who cross the field ta explore the collapsed anhll arouse the giant ants ie. # Giant Ant Workers (8): CR ¥; Mediuim-Size Vermin (4 ft long); HD 2d8; hp 9 each: Init +0; Spd 50 ft, climb 20 fiz AC 17 (27 natural, Atk +1 melee (46, bite; SA improved grab; SO darkvision 60 ft, vermin; AL N; SV Fort +3, Ref +0, Will 4; Sir 10, Dex 10, Gon 1o, nt ~, Wis 1, Ch 9. ‘Skits: Cimb +8, isten +5, Spot +5, ‘SA-Improved Grab (Ex IF a giant ant hits with its bite attach, it deals normal damage an! attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity (improved grab works only against opponents atleast one size smaller than the creature.) Each successful grapple check it makes during succassive rounds automatically deals normal bite damage. Ir does not provoke attacks of opportunity. lt can even move (possibly carrying away the opponent 3Q—Vermin: Giant ants are immune fo all mind-influencing fects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, and morale effects). Giant Ant Soldiers (4): CR = Medium-Size Vermin (4 F. long) HD 2d8+2; hp 1 each; lit +0; Spd go f climb 20 fry AC 17 G7 natural; Atk +g melee (adgsa, bite; SA improved grab, acid sting! SQ darivision Go vermin; ALN: SV Fort +4, Re 40, Will: Str 14, Dex 10, Con 1g, Int =, Wis 13, Chas. ‘Skis: im +40, Listen =6, Spot +6. SA-Improved Grab (Ex): Tis special atack fs expla under the Giant Worker Ant description above. IF ir succ fully grabs its opponent, a giant soldier ant can sting its grap pled opponent (see below) as well as deal automatic bite demage on successive rounds SA~Acid Sing (Ex a gant soldier ant successfully grabs an opponent, it can attempt to sting each round using ts Full attack bonus. A hit with the sting attack deals 1dqes points of piercing damage and dq points of acid damage. Nea eee a eet SC ACE aR LaLa} cen Wind cy ro Seay cee ed oy rey es Se ee re eer ete is treated as one-quarter concealment. Ranged attac os err ae the effect Poet Se ete eet ee eee ment” in Chapter 8: See ee ——— SQ-Vermin: Same as above, B Giant Ant Queen (): CR 2; Large Vermin (4 ft long; HD. 44844; hp 22: Init -1 (Dexh: Spd go ftz AC 17 (+ sizo, 1 Dex, ‘+g natural: Atk +5 melee (ed improved grab; SQ darkvision 60 ft, vermin (see above N; SV Fort +5, Ref +0, Wil 42; Sir 16, Dex g, Con 13, Int Wis 13, Cha 1 ‘Skis: Listen +7, Spot +7. ‘SAImproved Grab: Same as above. Tactics: Two workers arrive within 1 round, and rwo new workers enter combat each round thereafter until all eight have arrived. Two oF the soldiers ants defend their queen by changing and biting any PCs who come within 50 feet. (When charging, the ants receive a +2 bonus fo their frst attack roll bur suffer a -2 penalty to AC for the round. However, they must have at least 10 feet between them and their intended prey to charge.) The other two soldiers guard the queen; treat this as a readied action, as described in Chaprer 8: Combat in the PH. Ths allows a soldier ant to instantly attack a PC who ‘comes within 5 feet of them or 1a feet ofthe queen. The queen sadies an action to attack the first fae who enters an area she hreatens; however, she does not leave her nest Treasure: Scattered among the leaves, beneath the queen, are three rough gems: a 10g moss agate, a 50-gp blood: stone, and @ 50-gp smoky brown quartz, 34, biteh Face g fi. x10 fts SA aL J. Spider Glade. The following description assumes thar the PCs happen upon this area during daylight hours, If the PCs are traveling at night, they see only a gleam of metal in the moonlight ‘An armored man stands between two gnarled trees, 200 Feet off the trail A fongsword and shield are spread out to his ‘sides, as if evoking e challenge. His armor isrusiy and shows much wear, su Se Se ee NC ae ee) ore) vil Temp cool oe spell in ea) made ag Sa and crossbow boli There are fewer trees growingiin this area, and most of them are twisted and gnarled. The armored man remains per- fectly sill, ignoring, calls and attacks by the party. PCs who ‘make a successful Spot skill check (DC 10) or approach within 400 feet of the armored figure notice the following: “The armored figure is all that remains of a lost adventurer ‘who perished in this lightly wooded copse. His skeleton i held up by thin, gossamer webs spun by eight medium monstrous spiders that lurk in the trees nearby. PCs approaching within 100 feet of the skeleton’ must make a successful Spot ski check (DC 10) to detect the webs. A Spot check roll higher than the spiders’ Hide skill check roll indicates that the PCs have also spotted one or more of the monstrous spiders lurk- ing in the nearby trees. (See Creatures below.) PCs approaching within 50 feet must make o Reflex save (06 10) to avoid blundering into more nigh-invisible strands draped batween the trees. Those who fail the Reflex saving throw are entangled and can try to break the webs, requiring a Strength check (DC 26), or escape the webs, requiring 4 successful Escape Artist skill check (DG 20), Working free of the webs is a full-round action. Ifthe first attempt fais, new attempls can be made in subsequent rounds. Entangled PCs cannot perform any other actions. PCs cannot take 20 ro free themselves until after the spiders are slain. PCs who are not tensnared can attack the webs, There ore four web “sheets,” teach one large enough to snare a Small or Medium-size PC: each web “sheet” has 6 hit points and slight damage reduction (fire), ‘The Treasurelis hidden on the dead adventurer’s corpse. Creatures (EL 6): The spiders use their Hide skill to remain unseen, stacking anyone who blunders into their webs or who comes within 50 Feet of the skeleton ree spiders can attack a Small PC, while up to four spi- ders can aitack a Medium-size PC. The spiders live in clutches of four, each clutch making its home inthe boughs or hollowed trunk of a nearby tree. They use their web-spinning ability 10 create web sheets, and they can use this ably as a form of direct attack (as described below) Medium-Size Monstrous Spiders (8): CR 1; Medium-Size Vermin ( F. long) HD 2d8-+2: hp 11 eacks Init +3 (Dex), Spd 30 fr, climb 20 M1; AC 14 (+3 Dex, «1 natural Atk +4 melee id6 and poison bite SA poison, web; SQ vermin, AL Ns SV Fort +44, Ref 43, Will +0; Str, Dex 17, Con 1a Int ~, Wis 10, Cha 2 Skil: Cimb +12, Hide +10, Spot +7. Feat: Weapon Finesse (cite). SA-Poison (Ex): Ifa spider deals damage with its bite, the target must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 12) after 1 minute ar take ad points of temporary Strength damage SA—Web (Ex): These spiders often waitin their webs or in trees, then lower themselves silently on sik strands and leap anto prey passing beneath. A single strand is strong enough to support the spider and one creature of the same size Monstrous spiders using this trick gain 2 +8 competence bonus to Hidevand Move Silently checks. Web spinning spiders tan cast a web eight times 2 day. This is similar to an artack with a net but has a maximum range of 550 feet, with a range increment of 10 feet, and is effective ‘against targets up to ofié Size smaler thatthe spider The web sei ae Mere slovne ro ca ged creature cen escape with a successful Escape Artis sil ‘chock (DC 20) or burs it witha successful Strength check (OC 26). The entangling web has 6 hit points ‘$0-Vermin: The spiders are immune fo all mind-iniuene- ing effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, and morale effects) Tactios: The spiders prefer 1o attack ensnared prey and can move through their own webs without suffering a penaliy to thai climb speed. PCs entangled in the webs cannot defend themselves and are treated as prone, granting the spiders a +r4 circumstance bonus 10 attack rol Treasure: The deceased adventurer wears oFusted breast plate (worthless). The small steel shield and longsword are ike- Wise rusted. The shield sharers when struck, and the sword is {good for one attack before snapping lke a twig. In a purse fucked inside the adventurer’s breastplate are the following ‘coins: 80 sp, 15 ap, and 12 pp. Hcken in the adventurer's left boot is Viel conaining a potion of neutralize poison, K. Bats in the Wilow Tree. Feel free to use this encounter if the PCs wander off the trail and become lost in the forest ‘Although this encounter is normally ser in a small clearing north of area J, it can be placed anywhere in the forest encountered, they are sleeping. Any PC who parts the fronds {0 enfer the space between the trunk and the hanging branches smells the disgusting o¥oiof bat guano. The intruder also spooks the swarm, causing the bats to boil out of the tres. Greatures (EL 2): The bat swarm is similar fo a summon swarm spall (es described in the PH! except for the following effects: Weapons have litle effect on the swarm, but fire or some other damaging area effect hat inflicts 10 points oF dam- age disperses the swarm. Torches caught in the swarm are instantly snuffed. Casting a spel inside the swarm requires 2 suecessful Concentration skill check (OC 25). Bats (70): CR 1/10; Dimmutive Animal (1 ft. wingspan) HD 4/4dB; hp 1 each; Spd 5 7, fly 40 fl. (ood, AC 16 (rg size, +2 Del Atk —j Face 1 ft, 1 ts Reach o fig SQbindsight; ALN; SV Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2; Str, Dex 15, Con 10, In 2, Wis 14, Cha 4 ‘Skil: Listen v9, Move Silently +4, Spot +9. Bats receive a +44 racial bonus to Spot and Listen skilichecks. These: bonuses ae lost ifthe blindsight is negated $Q-Blindsight (Ex) Bars can “see” by emitting high-fre~ quency sounds, inaudible to most other creatunes, that allow them to locate objects and creatures within 120 feet. A sence spell negates this and forces the bat to rely on its weak vision, ‘which has a maximum range of 10 feet LL Gateway to the Swamp. ‘After @ few mies on the trail you slmpse a large open eid, The path breaks through the trees, reveating « vast marsh. Aer the relative quit of the forest the croaks of frogs, buzzing ‘of insects, and cries of marsh: birds flood your ears. The smell of moist decay fils he air. Rushes grow a8 high ‘és 8 feet im some afeos, obscuring ‘sion. To the lef of the tral fan old -gerbage.heep. Broken chai, rotted ‘wood, and scraps of old canvas are | ple along wih chunks of rusted iron, the remains of a wagon, and a handful of capper coins oo Growing atop the refuse pile bur hid- dden beneath the discarded canvas ere the Creatures, Scaitered upon the refuse heap and intended to lure the PCs closer to the debris isthe Treasure. (Creatures (EL g): Disturbing the can- vvas exposes thres shrickers, Plygar cul- tivated these fungi a8 early warning devices, Once disturbed, the shriekers mit a deafening wail that Plygar can hear from across the swamp. The two ‘uards stationed in area N investigate the noise, arriving in 3 rounds. See area NN for their statistics and tactics Shriekers (gh: CR 1; Medium-Size Pat (4 ft. tall: HD 2dB-4: hp 19 each; Init +0; Spd o ft: AC 1g (ag natural: Atk =; SA shriek; SQ plant; AL Ne SV Fort ++4, Ref — Will-4: Sir ~, Dex — Con 13, Int, Wis 2, Chat ‘SA~Shriek (Ex: Movement or alight source within 10 fest of a shrieker ‘causes the fungus to emit a piercing wail that lasts for id3 rounds. The sound attracts nearby creatures that are dis- posed ro investiga i SQ-Plant: Shriekers are immune to. mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. They are not subject fo erica hits Treasure: PCs searching the refuse for treasure find a measly 15 cp. Development: I? he shriekers are triggered, Piygar and his retinue cannot be caught flat-footed by the PCs. Swamp Encounters ‘he fllowing encoumers are keyed tothe above map. Wile the PCs aren the swamp, check for random encounters once very hour. Consult the “Random Encounters” table For the encounter descrprions IM. [sands and Bridges, Read or paraphrase the following after the POs cross the first bridge: Ror ‘An Eye” YF | Swamp Map oy Approaching the first bridge, you can. see a series of other baidges throughout the swamp. Some of the bridges are no ‘more than reinforced planks extending between two land masées. Others are more elaborate though poorly con structed affairs composed of scrap wood. The smal slends ‘themselves are choked with vegetation, Reeds and rushes abound. A narrow. winding parh has been cui through tha ‘reeds, Mosquitos and gnats dence around your eyes and attempt to sting exposed flesh, PGs must travel the aths in singe file. Amit the reeds, PCs ‘wielding Large weapons (except Tor scythes) suffer a -2cir- ‘cumstance penslty to attack rol. The: muddy earth halves all movement rates. PCs attempt ing 10 cross uncleared areas move al one-quarter speed Furthermore, the swamp vegetation is damp and ignores the first 5 points of damage from any fire-based attack. ‘The water in the swamp varies from 6 to 3o fest deep: to determine the depth in feet in any given location, roll sd6. ‘Some of the bridges are actualy False bridges; these are detailed under Trap below. The Creatures lurk in the swamp and attack any PC swimming or falling into the water. ‘The mosquitoes and gnats are nothing more than a minor nuisance, PCs who make a successful Wilderness Lore skill check (DC 20) can find the necessary herbs to create a salve that repels such insects. Creating enough salve for four PCS ‘requires 1 hour. Each application is good for 24 hours. Creatures (EL 4 per catfish): Prowling the water are two. giant catfish, One giant catfish claims the northern portion of the swamp (near areas Q-T), and the other claims the south ‘em portion of the swamp (near areas M-P). Each round a PC remains in the water has a cumulative 10% chance of attract= ing the attention ofa catfish. As the PC cannot see through the murky water of the swamp, the catfish automatically carches its prey flat-footed, Giant Catfish (2): CR 4 Large Animal (nf. long: HD 74814; hp 45 each; Init +2 (Dex); Spd swim 60 ft; AC 15 (1 size, +2 Dex, +4 noturalh Atk +7 melee (Wd8g, bite, SA improved grab, swallow whole; Face 5 ft. x10 fis ALN; SV Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +g: Str 17, Dex 15, Con 1g, Its, Wis 2, Cha, ‘Skil Listen +7, Spot +7. SA-Inproved Grab (Ex): the cash hits is opponent, it ccan make 9 grapple check [see Chapter 8: Combat in the PH) fo grab its prey. This is typically a precursor to swallowing its prey whole (see below.) ‘SA-Swallow Whole (Ex): The catfish can swallow oppo- nents ir grabs with a bite attack. If it makes a second success- ful grapple check after a grab, i swallows its prey. The catfish can swallow only Mediumsize or smaller creatures. The swal lowed creature takes 1d8+2 points of crushing: damage from the teeth and 2 points of acid damage per round from diges- tive juices. A swallowed creature can also cut its way out using laws or 2 Small or Tiny slashing weapon: the gullet can take 10 points of damage (AC 1s). This damage is subtracted from ~ the catfis’s total hit points as wel. The catfish's gullet can hold fone Medium-size, two Smell, four Tiny, eight Diminutive, or sixteen Fine or smaller opponents, “Trap: Some of the bridges (as indicated on the map) are set to colapse when over 150 pounds are applied atthe center. Broken bridges fall into the swamp with a wet snap, dumping PCs into the water. PCs who make a successful Reflex saving throw (DC 15) can leap to either the far or near shore. IF the PCs maintain a tight marching order, only the PCs nearest either shore are entitled 10 a Reflex saver the others automat~ ‘cally fall into the water. The giant catfish are accustomed to waiting for prey near the bridges, and any PC who drops into the water at these points is attacked the Following round, N. The Floodgates. Hali-hidden by the reeds is en elaborate set of floodgates. ‘Athough built with scrap lumber, they are clever in design. ‘A complex series of fevers and ropes operates the various gates. Someone has undercut the natural revetment that originally held the water from the swamp and buit the gates fo raise the level of the water in the swamp even further. Inthe back of your mind, you recall that Cherry Knol had 2 small ri running through the town, irrigating is fields If this dam were destroyed or the floodgates released, the water might flood the town, ne doubt ruining the harvest. Refer to the diagram of the floodgates (below). They are designed such that when the ropes are cut, the gates fall out~ ward. The counterweight are the only things keeping the gates from falling and releasing the surge. Ps with the Knowledge (engineering) skill ean make ski check (DC 12) 10 figure out how the floodgates operate. A suc- cessful skil check also reveals the manner in which PCs can alleviate the threat to the town. Lowering the floodgates slightly can drain the swamp without damaging the town but this takes a week. A failed Knowledge (engineering) skill check indicates thar the PC cannot comprehend how the levers and Feuer Ray Co eae nL Se rere cates a hazard. t Coe) 1. Wild Onion Patch. Growing amid the reeds is a patch of wikd onions. PCs who ee rc some of the Finest tasting onions in the See pulled from the soll and sold for 2 gp per ne ra ae ec ee 2. Horsemint Plant. A druid with the nature sense abiity or any PC who makes Pete tren ees Weenies a eee ee cr ee Ste ee are ‘and rubbed over the entire body, the ee Ce a ee Ls ence ae ed can harvest enough horsemint 1o make four applications (which can be sold for Pee) eee ae ae) eee eee ots See a eke sume this plant receive the equivalent of Soe he rr en kee ts Se ee eee) Fortirude save with a +2 bonus fo the cet eee herbalist for 25 gp. a ns ee ee) the flowers are picked and mashed down Cee! Sen co eed Ca ae Rs eee ae oT) eee ee) Cee eg os PeCHE emame eer) Sete aa Beem The swarm limits vision to 10 feet, and spellcasting within the cloud is impossible. ee Creatures caught in the swarm, regard- Pee a the end of each round they remain within. eee ee Ceo ee en pore ee ee eee a oR Rn ka en Hit Dice flee as well, though a successful Te eee aS effect. (This urge to flee is an extraord Dec) Heavy smoke or fire drives off the Reo ee ecm Oats ee) eto ee oe Finds’ 3-4. Mud Hele, The first PC in the Se et ea aa) Se nee Co oe Deut eee een) Extricating oneself from a mud hole ty ae ets tee er wa Peete Sa ea the strongest PC make the Strength cera oni et ae must make a successful Sirength check vs. DC 10 to add a +2 modifier to the See cee Lan although it might ruin certain belongings eres er et eae) ese eer jong leeches are typically encountered ee aa ered ee ee ane ee Vermin (2 ft. longl; HD 148; hp 4 each Bee eee ene Pee ie aoe Cee eco aaa SV Fart +2, Ref +0, Will 0; Sir 6, Dex See ees Br ee ny See Ce a eee ee ae) ee ae anack. The vietim is entitled to 2 Spot See area Se a Pee ea ee) fo Ce ceil CR ny pore ee ee eg eee toe eee ee eos es eee! ee ec s Ce eae after draining 6 points. Victims recover ee oe ec Ee eg ae re eet pea ete en ee CeO ure Pace eon ue cly ee ee Sac Cee eae ee Pee ee beta cn oy eee ate ie Bee eae nis cee esc at age to the leech on contact and causes it Pcie mics Ce ee immune to all mind-influencing effects Coe rae Sie) 7-8. Stirges (EL 3). These stirges feed on oer as small swamp denizens, but they. don't eee eer eter ee Oa on a ee ae) eae ee ee eet CS Lea Eee Ary ond eee err ea er eee ate eter Ca eee cor) eee a ree ee een ees ee a Be eae ‘SA=Blood Drain (Exh A sige drains eee Ce iC ee remains attached, Once it has drained 4 Pe ee flies of to digest the meal Pe ae er ete hate ee ees ee rc co ee Dees winches work. PCs who randomly cut ropes might release the ‘urge, with @ 20% cumulative chance for each rope cut. Plyzar plans to cur the ropes himself once he has the bejeweled eye in his possession Guarding the floodgates are two wartiors charmed by Fiygor. (See Crestures below.) The guards stand next fo the winches that raise and lower the floodgates. Greatures (EL 3): Fredrick and Porlow are members of Janne’s caravan. Ifthe charmis dispelled, they gladly lead the PCs 10 Plygar’s hideaway and warn them about the other charmed members of their caravan. Fredrick is 30 years od, bal, burly. and tanned, Poriow is 21 years old, narrowly bul, and has scruffy brown hair. He has a jagged scar on his left check—the result oF a broken bot- Ho in the hands of an angry barmaid # Fredrick, Human Male Ware (charmed): CR 2; Medium- Size Humangid (5,1. 8 in. tall; HD 2d8: hp 2; nit +1 (Dex) Spd 20 ft of. im swamp); AC 16 (+i Dex, +5 chainmail armor); Aik ‘+4 melee (dBri/ort 19-20, longsword), +3 ranged (1d8/ crit 19-20, ight crossbow; ALIN; SV Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +0; Str 1, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha i. ‘Si: Handle. Animal +4, Ride +3, Swim +3. Feats: Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (longsword) Possessions: Chainmail longsword, light crossbow with 10 bolts, x2 pin pouch. # Porlow, Human Male Wart (charmed): CR; Medium-Size Humanoid (ft. 7 in. all; HD 18; hp 6; iit +1 (Dex; Spe 20 ft. 40 fin swamp); AC 16 (+1 Dex, +5 chainmail armor); Atk +2 mole (dB /erit»,shortspear), +2 ranged (1d8/eri 19-20, ight crossbow) AL Ne SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +; AL Ni Str 1, Dex 12, Con 10, Int, Wis 10, Cha vo. Skis: Climb +2, Jump 42, Ride +2, Swim +2. Fears: Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (shortspear) Possessions: Chainmail, shortspear, ight crossbow wih 10 bls, 4 gp in pouch, Tactics: If aracked with ranged weapons, the guards use the winches for one-half cover, granting them a +4 bonus 10 ‘AC and a +2 bonus to Reflex saving throws. The surrounding reeds also afford three-quarters concealment, resuling in 3 430% miss chance for all ranged attacks. PCs using the reeds io conceal themselves also benefit from this miss chance. (See the "Cover" and “Concealment” rules in the Chapler 8: Combat in the PH) ©. Lair of the Frogs. You come to 2 crossroads in the wail The center area has been trampled down, and a half dozen oddly shaped boulders are strewn about. . The boulders are, in fact, monstrous frogs. If the PCs approach the boulders (or attempt to walk past them) without Taking any special precautions, they are caught flat-footed 9s the frogs attack. Because of their nature sense ability, druids auiomaically see the “boulders” for what they are and cannot be caught flat-footed by the frogs. A druid can also warn his or her companions of the danger to prevent the frogs from {ining surprise, in which case initiative is handled normally. Creatures (EL 5): The monstrous frogs can leap at any PCs within Go Fee, regardless of marching order. PCs who are not caught flat-footed gain an attack (of opportunity as the frogs leap into threatened areas. The giant frogs can leap 60 feet forward oF 15 Feet straight up, but they cannor jump backward or 10 ‘either side. The frogs fear open flames and always retreat from them. Medium-Size Monstrous Frogs (6) (GR 5 Medium-Size Animal (qf. ong HD -2d812; hp m each Init +2 (Dex: Spd 30 ft. ‘swim 20 ft; AC 1g (+2 Dex, +1 natural): Atk +2 melee (d6, bitel SA’ leap, adhesive ‘tongue: SQ low-light vision: AL N: SY Fort +, Ref +5, Will +2: Sir n, Dex 14, Con Int s, Wis 14, Cha 4. Skits: Jump (See below), Listen +4, Spot +4, Swim +6, Fear Weapon Finesse tongue) ‘SA-Leap (Ex): A monstrous Frog can leap up to 60 feet horizontally (is feet vertically) and attack with its bite. This is treated as a charge (+2 bonus to the attack roll, 2 penalty 1o AC). To leap, the monstrous frog must be at lesst 10 feet From its target SA-Adesive Tongue (Bx: & mon- strOus frog within 20 feet of its prey lashes out with is sticky tongue instead of leaping, striking with a 42: bonus (granted by the Weapon Finesse feat). Tongue attacks teal no damage and are treated as grappling attacks excent that they do not provoke attacks ofiopportunity. Fa giant frog suc- cessfully snares its prey with its tongue, it is automaticaly drawn into the frog's mouth the folowing round and bitten (no attack roll required). If the tongue is struck (AC 1) for any. amount of damage, the frog releases the vielim and does not attack that PC ogain ‘These monstrous frogs cannot use-their tongues to reel in| prey of Large size or bigger. P. Giant Boos’ Nest. in fhe center of this reed island is a small clearing. Six 2 oot-diameter holes have been dug into the ground, They appear to be burrows, : IF the PCs explore the clearing, the Creatures emerge from ‘the holes and artack. Subtract from this number any giant bees that the PCs have already slain as wandering creatures. Greatures (EL 5): Ths island is home to four giant bees (a Medium-size cousin of the larger giant wasp. ‘9 Medium-Size Giant Bees (4): CR 2: Medium-Size Vermin (4 ft-longl; HD 2d8+2; hp each; Init +1 (Dex); Spd 20 ft, 60 Fi. (Good); AC 15 (+1 Dex, +4 natural, Atk +2 melee fidgi1 and polson, sting), +1 melee (id, bite); SA poison; SQ vermin; AL N;SV Fort +4, Rf +, Wil +t; Str 10, Dex 12, Con ta, Int —, Wis 13, Cha ro Skil: Inuit Direction +7, Spor +. ‘SA-Poison (Ex): Any PC stung by a giont bee must make a successful Fortitude savin throw (DC 15) or take 1d6 points oF temporary Dexterity. damage; after 1 minute, the slung PC ‘must maKeldiséed Fortitude saving throw (same DC) or take another 1d6 points of temporary Dexterity damage. ‘SQ-Vermin: The giant bees are immune fo all mind-inflis fencing effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, and morale effects). . Gorgoyle Statue. Half buried in the mud is @ gargoylsh statue with broken ‘wings and sharp folons. The sfatue's fanged mouth is holow. ‘A red-winged blackbird has bult a small nest inthis orifice ‘The “statue” is one of the stone gargoyles that used to ‘grace the roof of Redeem's stronghold This particular one was actually @ rainspout. The gargoyle is nothing more than a harmless statue, and the blackbird flees ifthe PCs attack or approach. The nest is currently empiy. Cs who lift the 100-Ib. gargoyle find the Treasure. Treasure: Plygor has hidden varnished wooden coffer beneath the gargoyle. The coffer is unlocked and sealed against the dampness; contained within are two potions of cure mod- rate wounds that Plygar keeps for emergencies. Development: If Piygar is wounded but manages to fies his attackers, he tips over the gargoyle, opens the coffer, and Arinks:enior both of the potions within. R. Rusted Battering Ram. ‘A large lump of rusted and pited metal protrudes from the ‘muddy ground, Rusted pins, each two Fingers thiek, extend ‘through the back of the object. Coser scrutiny allows PCs to identify the object as the head fof an ancient battering ram~s remnant of the baile thar ult- mately felled Radeem's stronghold. 8. Ruins of Radeem’s Stronghold. “Juting from the placid water of the swamp are the ruins of ‘a stronghold, Grest walls made of dark ston hav been cast down, and only a few portions of wal and partially collapsed spires extend shove the waterline: The envire ruin is sur- rounded by water. Once the swamp is drained, the PCs can explore the ruins, possibly locating a ramp in center courtyard that leads down fo a locked and sealed iron door (area St). Plygar stumbled ‘upon the key 10 this door and has itn his possession. The water around the sironghold varies in depth, as detailed in area M. Exploring the Ruins (Areas 81-812) Once the swamp is drained and the water hes receded, PCs can access the chambers beneath the ruins of Radcem's stronghold through a hidden door (area Si) or ramp (area Sia) Although exploring the ruins is not required to complete theit mmission, PCs who thwart Plygar ond obiain fis iron key might be tempted to explore the dungeons below the stronghold ‘81, Courtyard and Iron Door. The towers inner buildings, and wals of this once impressive stronghold now lay in ruin, Giant piles of rubble choke: the courtyard, which is awash in standing pools of water and muck ‘A thorough search of the areaireveals @ half-buried iron door leading below. Clearing the door of mud and debris reues svere it ea ‘The door is locked and stuck, Plyger's iron key opens the lock, or PCs can unlock the door with a successful Open Lock skill check (DC 20}, but a successful Strength check (DC 28) is. sill required fo pul it open. PCs can also use 2 knock spell fo ‘open the door. Opening the door reveals @ set of stairs leading down, Although the walls and ceiling are damp and cold to the touch, the area is clear of mud, {® Locked Iron Door: 2 in. thick; Hardness 10; hp 60; Break DC 28; Open Lock DC zo, 8e, Elomental Door. The symbols engraved on the lever are simple representa tions of the four elements (air, earth, fire, and water, in that order). The iron levers cannot be detached from the bronze panel, nor can the panel be removed from the wall Radeem’s steward devised this door to allow entry only to those familiar with Radeem's wicked past. The inscription on the bronze panel is written in Elven and reads, “Only those who know of the master’s magic may pass unharmed. Which ‘of the four elements del mighty Radeem call upon to subjugate the ogres of ihe Bonebreaker clan?” ‘An accurate chronicle of Radeem’s exploits and accom- plishments ca id in Plygar’s hovel (area T), History tells that Radeem subjugated the ogres using Earth magic (specifi- cally, an earthquake spell cast from a scrol) Thus, the correct answer fo the riddle is “Earth” To get past the stone door, the Gs must pull down the earth lever, Pulling one of the other levers iggers the Trap. The stone block that seals the entrance to the dungeons was, designed 10 slide into the north wall when the correct lever is pulled, The block rests atop a series of stone gears and rollers that don't allow the block to be forcefully pushed aside. The door remains open for 10 rounds. PCs on the east side can ‘open the stone block by pulling a single iron lever mounted to the adjacent wall ‘Trap (EL gh: Pulling down the ir, fire, or water lever unleashes a flesh-corroding gas that fils the lower hallway in front of the stone door. The gas issues forth from cracks in the corridor walls and tiny holes in the levers themselves. Those within the area of effect who fail a Fortitude saving throw (DC17) take 308 points of damage each round they remain inthe cloud; those who make a successful saving throw sustain half damage. The gas remains for 10 rounds. The trap can be triggered three tines before the gas supply is depleted. ‘77 Poison Gas Trap: GR 3; 348 points of damage: Fortitude save (DC17) halves damage; Search (OC 20); Disable Device OC This corridor is damp and dark, but otherwise featureless, ‘As the PCs move withingo Feet of area S4, they detect the foul stench of rotting flesh. ‘84, Briefing Room. When the Creatures detect the PCs, they attack. The tap- estries and pieces of parchment on the table are described under Treesure below. Creatures (EL 3): Five zombies dwell here, The zombie steward and the three zombies in chainmail are human and attack with their claws. The ogre zombie wilds a greataxe, ® tluman Zombies (4): CR 1/2; Medium-Size Undead: HD diag (includes the Toughness feat; hp 16 each; Init =: (Dex Spd go fi; AC 1 (1 Dex, +2 natural of 16 C1 Dex, +2 natural +5 chainmail ormor); Ark +2 melee (id6+1, slam); SQ undead, partial actions only, AL N; SV Fort +0, Ref ~1, Will +3; Str 13. Dex 8, Con ~, Int Wis 1, Cha 3. Feat: Toughness. PM 80-Undead: Zombies are Immine 10 mind-inuencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease, They are not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage. $0-Parial Actions Only (Ex: Zombies have poor reflexes and can perform only partial actions. Thus they can move or attack, but not both in the same round, ® Ogre Zombie (i): OR x; Large Undead: HD qdier3, (includes the Toughness feat); hp 29; init -1(Dexls Spd 40 fis AC 1g G1 size, -1 Dex, +g natural, +3 studded eather armor); Atk +4 melee (idiz+afcrt x3, greataxe) or tqumelee (id8-4, slam); Reach 10 ft; SO undead (see above). partial actions only (see above}; AL N: SV Fort +, Ref +0, Will x4; Str 17, Dex 8, Con —,Int-, Wis 10, Cha 3. Feat: Toughness. - Possessions: Studded leather armor, greatax, Treasure: Four 15 fi. x 1§ fi. tapestries adorn the walls, Together they depict a large-scale map of the realm. They weigh 50 ls. apiece and are worth 50 gp each (or 200 gp for the set), even in their poor condition. PCs inspecting the papers on the table find some ancient batle plans and two arcane scrolls (endurance and displacement, Development: You can use the tepestry-maps as spring boards for Further adventures by having 2 fev “ost locations indicated on the maps, Among the places of interest are the former lars of the Bonebreaker ogres and the Rotting Claw nol tribe, as well as other places visited or plundered by Radeem. 85, Thaumaturgie Circle. Climbing a pai 0° short stairwells, you reach a eorrdor that curves avay in two directions. The floar of these curving passages are covered with intricate runes: The tuins act ‘ade of multicolored send painstakingly paured into narrow grooves, A successful Spellerat skil check (OC 15) Is needed to rec cgnize the runes as components of a thaumaturgic circle—a means fo trap or drive away outsiders (extra-planar beings). Walking down ether branch of the circular corridor or ether- wise disturbing the sand destroys the circle, releasing Taurra the halfiend from her imprisonment in area 86. 86, Thurra’s Chamber. ‘The two circular branches of the corridor join at the base of 4 short staircase leading up fo an open archway. Soft fira- light glows from within, ee ‘The 15-foot-high chamber beyond contains a cenapied bed, an ornate marble bath. a teble with @ game board. atop it, a mahogany wardrobe, and a stone hearth. Siting quietly next tothe firenace, playing the game, is sad bur beaut ‘woman. When she moves, her dark hat falls aide, revealing ‘mma horns. Batike wings spreac! out behind her as. she slowly stands. *Finally.” she says. “After all these years, peo- ple to talk to” ‘The woman is Radeem’s unsrustworthy hal-fiend concu- bine, Thurra. To ensure that she would not flee in his absence, Radeem created the thaumaturgic circle 10 confine her. [Although Redeem provided many creature comforts for his mistress, he never realized that she had, infact, fallen in love with him, When Thurre's mother (@ succubus) learned of this forbidden love, she banished Thurra from Hell, Thurra is sill devoted to Radeem and desperately wishes to know his where- abouts. Her reaction to the PCs is detailed more fully in the Tactics saction below. The fireplace is actually a permanent image, creating the perception of both heat and light. The more precious canfen’s ofthe room are detailed under Treasure below. Creature (EL 7}: Thurra has reddlish-copper skin, small hors jutting from her forehead, and balike wings that enable her toy # Thurra, Female Half-fiend/Half-human Rog/Sor2: CR 7; Medium-Size Outsider (Evil, Chaotic); HD gd+6 (Rog) lus ‘dq (Sorh, hp 26: Init +6 (Dexk Spd 3o ft, fly 30 Ft. aver- age’; AC 17 (+6 Dex, +1 natural) or 21 (+6 Dex, +1 natural +4 mage armor): Aik #3 melee (62, bite). or +4 melee (dq? idge1, claws) or +5 melee (id4ea/crit 17-20, #1 Keen dagger) SA spelh-like abilities, sneak atack +246; SQ darkvision 60 fr fiendish resistances, evasion, uncanny dodge: AL CE; SY Fort +43, Ref +9, Will +6 includes +2 for iron Will feat) Sir 14, Dex 122, Con 1g, In 17, Wis 1, Cha 10. Skils: Blufl +9, Concentration +7, Decipher Script +7; Diplomacy +8, Escape Arist 412, Hide +32, Intimidate 47, Knowiedge lercana) +5, Listen +4, Move Silently +12, Open Lock +9, Pick Pocket +i, Reed Lips +7, Search +8, Speieaft “+6, Spot +5, Tumble +12: Fears Blind-igh, Iron Wil Spell (8/5 per day, chosen from the: folowing, lists 0— daze, disrupt undead, ghost sound, ray of frost, reed magic, sst-change self, chil touch, mage armor. ‘SA-Spell-ike Abiities (Spl Thurra can use the following spell-ike abilities at sth level: darkness a/day, desecrate day, ‘and. mholy bight vay. _SA-Sneak Aitack (Ex): Any time Thurre's target would be denied its Dexterity bonus to AC (or when she flanks the tar- e'), Thurra’s attack deals an exira 248 points of damage. See Chapter 3: Classes in the PHY for details. ‘SQ-fiendlish Resistances (Sv) Thurra is immune to poison and has acid, cold, electricity, and fire resistance 20 (meaning, ‘thatthe first 20 points of damage dealt by an acid-, cok, elec- ‘nical, or fire-based attack against Thurrais ignored). ‘SQ-Evasion (Ex): IF exposed to ony affect that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, Thurra takes no damage with a successful saving throw. SA-Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Thurra retains her Dexterity bonus to AG regardless of being caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. Fossessions: +1 keen dagiger (a gift from Redeem), gold anile bracelet ser with three small rubies (worth 1,560 gp), Tactics: After introducing herself to the PCs, Thurra inquires about Radeem and his current whereabouts IP the PCs claim to know nothing about the wizard or his lacation, Thurra suspects that they might be enemias who have Come to plun der Redeem’ lair during the wizards absence. She refuses to believe that Radeem is dead. (He: was, after al, a powerful wiz~ ard who had magically prolonged his life on several occasions) Ifthe PCs cannot justi their presence in Radeem's stronghold and assure Thurra that they are not Radeem’s enemies (with 2 successful BlfP ski check against DC 25), Thutra commands ‘them to leave the stronghold at once and “never return; attacking those who do not comply. Before entering melee, she kes to cast mage armor on her- self followed by umholy blight and darkness. In melee combat, she wields her +1 keen dagger. She dislikes attacking with her natural weapons (too unseemly) and bites and claws opponents sonlysif driven into a rage or reduced to half her bit points IF she is reduced to 6 bir points of fewer, Thurra tries 10 flee, grabbing the dimension door scroll in area Sp and using it to transport to the surface. She does not wander far from the stronghold, knowing thet her lover could return at any ‘moment 10 crush the unwanted interiopers. I the PCs agree to leave the ruins, Thurra allows them to depart unmolested. Once she is freed from her captivity and eft alone, she grows, bored waiting for Radeem: after one day of freedom, she leaves the stronghold in search of her lost love and does not return, However, before leaving she casts desecrite ft area 8 (fo moke the skeletons there tougher, as described in the ‘desecrate spells description) and wakes the very young black dragons in area Sit ‘Treasure: Searching the wardrobe reveals a small ebony box containing 2 set of silver berber tools (worthng gp) and three richly embroidered sik robes {worth 25 gp each). Also stashed in the wardrobe is cork-stoppered glass bottle con- taining 2 potion of protection from elements (acid Four jade ornaments, carved in the shape of dolphins (and worth 75 gp each, can be easly pried from the bedposts, Lying atop the game table are 34 handsomely carved, light ‘wooden playing cards adorned with numerals and human Fig- res (royalty, knights, wizards, bishops, and nobles). The pecu- liancard game, called Ryzaq, can be Sold for 10 gp fo someone interested in novelty items. Beneath the mud, marble tiles cover the stone steps The smooth surface combined withthe water and mud mates fogt= ing treacherous. See Trap below. eoeee Trap (EL 1/4): PCs who descend the stars without bracing themselves must make.a successful Reflex saving throw (OC 12) or slip and fall, Those who fall take 1d points of damage. PCs who fall while wearing metal armor or with weapons in their hands make a tremendous racket that awakens the two black dragons in ares Su, 88, The Great Hall ‘This grand hall was where Raceem inspired his troops. Fhe soletons are disturbed or approached within 20 feet, they attack (@s described under Creatures. below). The balcony ‘overlooking area Sq is explained in the Trap section. The spiral staircases descend to a pair oF corridors 10 feet below this chamber. The corriders pass underneath th floor ‘of this room and open into area Sq. The hallways are dark and filled with 6 feet of muddy water, but otherwise they are fea turaless Greatures (EL The eight skeletons are the animated rem= rants of Radeem’s alte guards. They fight until successfully turned or destroyed @ Human Skeletons (8): CR '/g; Medium-Size Undead (6 fi alls HD siz; hp 10 each In +5 (Dex, Improved inv Spd 30 fts AC 1g (ri Dex, +2 natural, Atk +0 melee (idg/id, claws); SO undead immunities {see below); SV Fort +0, Ref +, Will 42; AL N; Sir 10, Dex 12, Con Feat: improves initiative, ‘SD—Undead Immunities (Ex) Skeletons are immune fo cold= based attacks. They are not damaged by plercing weapons and take only half damage from slashing Weapons, They are also immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. They are nor subject to offical its sub- dual, ability damage, energy drain, ot death from massive damage. Trap (EL 1/4): The posts that support the balcony have eroded, and the balcony collapses under 250 lbs. of weight. PCs on the balcony when it collapses must make a successful Reflex saving throw {DC 15) or fal 10 feet to the water-filled aucitorium floor, faking 164 points of damage, They are also attacked the folowing round by the monsters in ares S9. PCs Inv, Wis 10, Cha i. who rélfa natural on thal Reflex saving throw lose whatever items they were holding; these items fall into the murky water, and a successful Seach sil check (DC 1) fs needed To find them; PCs can ake 20 on this ral they are not iy combat Sixty of Radeem’s elite soldiers were kept here in, stasis, awaiting their master’s return. They did not awaken when the ‘water and mud began seeping into the chamber, and they drowned. The room is currently inhabited by the Creatures, Submerged beneath 6 feet of water and mud are several ‘rows of rotting wooden benches angled so that they face the statues positioned atop the 20-foct-high northern ledge. The sfaiues are meant fo depict Radeem and four other powerful wizards, hough their features are obscured by stone cloaks ‘and cowls. Hidden behind the middle statue is the Treasure, “uhich is protected by the Tap. Creatures (EL 3): monstrous centipedes feed on the carrion in this room. However, they prefer live prey and attack any PCs who violate their lar or disturb its contents, ‘B Medium-Size Monstrous Centipedes (7): CR 1/2; Medium- Size Vermin; HD 148; hp 4 each; Init +2 (Dex Spd 40 fs AC 1g (+2 Dex, +2 natural Atk +2 melee (46-1 and poison, bite SSA poison; SQ vermin; AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +0; Sir 49, Dex 15, Con 10, int ~, Wis 10, Cha 2. Skil: Climb +8, Hide +7, Spot +7. Feat: Weapon Finesse bite. ‘SA-Poison (Ex Any PC bitten by a centipede must make «successful Fortitude saving throw (OG 1) after 1 minute or take ide points of temporary Dexterity damage. ‘SQ-Vormin: The centipedes are immune to all mind-influ- cencing effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, and morale cffects). ‘Treasure: Hidden behind the middle statue, set into the floor of the ledge, isa fi. x 1 ft. x1 ft. secrer compartment. Finding the compartment requires @ successful Search skill check (DC 1g), but once found the compartment is. easily ‘opened, Tucked ins are a few items Radeem kept hidden for emergencies: a wand of invisibility \6 charges remaining), 0 potion of spider climb, and an arcane scroll (dimension door) ina sealed with wax. T Rodaem cast a Leomund!s trap spell upon the sectét compariment holding the Treasure. Intended to discour- age thieves, the spall has no genuinely harmful effects ‘S10. Mud-choked Passages. ‘These blocked passages are provided for DMs who wish to expand the dungeon. eee RE “This was once the fair of Radeem'’s prized per, an aul black dragon named Crishia. While wating for Redeem to return, Crishka died, bur not before rearing her young. Her chien named Elgeth and Rath, have sustained themselves by devour: ing their mother's dead flesh, dissolving through her thick Scales with their corrosive cid. Al that remains of Crishka are bones, and the young dragons are hungry for warm mest (Once awakened, they attack as described under Tacies below The bow-shaped indentation carved out ofthe highest i is currently empty bur magical fils with carrion once pat ‘month. Blood and ena line the sides oF the “bow” The heap of coins i deaied under Treasure below. Creatures (EL 6): The male black dragon is named Elgth, the Fema Rath *B Very Young Black Dragons (ls GR 4: Small Dragon (4 ft long plus tail; HD 7dize7; hp 4g eachs Init +o; Spd 60 ft, fy 100 Ft. (average), swim Bo Ft: AG 17 (size, +6 natal Ak 4g melee (albus, bite), +4 melee (g/d, clawsh SA breath ‘weapon; SO. immunities, water breathing, bndsight, darkison 200 it; AL CE; SV Fort +6, Ref #5, Will 5; Sir, Dex 1, Con ‘3, lot B, Wis, Cha 8 ‘Shi: Blu +4, Escape Arist +7, Listen sie (includes ‘Aleriness feat), Search vio, Spot tz (cludes Alertness feat fear: Neriness. ‘SA~Breath Wegpan (Su) Te black dragons breathe a ine of acd 5 feet high, 5 fect wide, and qo Feet long. The acc deals qdq points of damage oF half a Reflex saving throw {0G rg)is successful, Once a dragon breathes, i must wait da rounds before it ean do 30 again. ‘SQ-inmunies (Ext Black dragons are immune to acd. sleep, and paralysis ‘SQ-WererBrearbng (Ex): The dragons can breathe under- water indefinitely and can freely use ther breath weapon, spel, and other abilities while submerge: ‘SQ-Blindsighr (Ex) Aragon can ascertain creatures by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but aso by nti ing vibration and other environmental clues) with a range of 6 fest Tactics: Rath sleeps in a murky pool of water against the south wal idden from pain sight. Egeh sleeps in the eastern portion of the chamber, behind the skeletal remains oF her deceased mother. Both young dragons sleep mest ofthe day but awaken tothe sound of loud noises from area 8 or So or the sound of intruders entering thir domicie. PCs who make 4 sucessful Hide sil check (DC 15) followed by a successful ‘Move Silently sk check (DC 1) can enter the room without awakening the dragons. Once the dragons are awake and alert, however: all Hide checks are made against the dragons Spot stl checks, while all Meve Silemiy skill checks are opposed by the dragons’ Lsten sil checks. Once intruders are detected, Ekjeth emerges from behind the dead dragon and tries to lure PCs into the room, using the tiers and her mother’s rotting corpse as one-half cover (+4 10 ‘AG, +2 10 Reflex saving throws) and enabling her brother Rath to catch the PCs flat-footed. As the PCs converge on Elgeth, Rath rises from the murky pool behind them, cutting off their ‘escape. The two dragons then pounce on their nearest foes, tearing with their teeth and claws and spewing; horrible acid ‘every 1g rounds ‘The dragons are infants, and their tactics are fairly straight~ forward. Even if one of them is killed, the other fights savagely to the bitter end, Treasure: In a small pile atop the uppermost tier are 2,500 £8P. 7.450 sp, and 9,000 Cp. Ste, Drogons’ Exit Ramp. The 20-foor-high stone doors ‘embedded in the eastern wall of the dragons’ lair are stuck, No handles protrude to gain purchase, so opening them is even more difficull. A knock spell opens the doors, or they can be smashed open. Water leaks from the top of the doors, forming 2 pool at the base of the portal WHuge Stone Doors: 4 in. thick; Hardness 8; hp roo; Break De 40. Development: If the swamp has not been drained, PCs who manage to open the doors unleash a torrent of water that com: pletely floods the dungeon within 30 rounds and drains the ‘nearby swamp. (This also reduces the pressure on the floodgates in area N and foils Plygar’s scheme to unleash a torrent on the ‘unsuspecting town of Cherry Knoll) The black dragons, undead, and giant cemipedes occupying the dungeon are unaffected by the flooding. The wateako breoks the spel that binds Thurra, at which point she flees the dungeon. Once clear she Wes 10 find our who or what was responsi forthe loading. I she dis- covers the PCs, she confronts them as descrited in area S6. PCs within 60 feet of the doors are automatically caught by the deluge of water and are slammed for 146 points of dam- ‘age. PCs who can hold their breath and are not encumbered an swim up the ramp to the surface (oF back through the dungeon) once the torrent subsides. T. Plygar’s Hovel ‘A wooden shack has been assembled in the swamp. Most of ‘the building is set on shits, hovering a foot over the water~ line. The fieldsrone chimney attached to the hovel has been built on one of the small islands adjacent to the shack, Moss- covered shingles tle the roof. The shack is composed of mis- ‘matched pieces of scrap lumber. Cheasecoth covers the ‘windows and cracks between the boards 0 keep out the larger insects. A porch partially surrounds the hovel and is linered with firewood. Picks and shovels ay near a door that is really no more than a rickety set of old wagon buckboards lashed together. Several figures stand on the porch, ‘A g-foot-high wall of piled stones has been built at the hhead of 9 connecting bridge, on the left side. This primnive fortification appears unmanned. JF the PCs reach the hovel without creating foo much noise, Piygar and his charmed guards are taken by surprise: (Have he PCs make Move Silently and Hide skill checks, opposed by the guards’ Listen and Spot sil checks respectively, 10 reach the ila!’ bridge undetected) IF surprised, three Clover Trade Company guards are standing on the porch; they were recently sprayed by a skunkend. are not allowed inside until they. air out, The remainder of Plygar's group, inluding Plygar himself are inside the shack Near the bridge is a 4-foot-tall half wall of neatly piled. stones, Crouched down behind the half-wal, polishing his longsword or cleaning his crossbow, is the charmed leader of the caravan guards, Kholsor, IP warned that intruders are approaching, Khelsor uses the half= wal as cover while shooting bolts at any Ps attempting to cross the bridge. The half-wall provides +7 bonus to. AC and ‘4g bonus to Reflex saving throws. if one or more PGs make it across the bridge, Khelsor leaps. our with sword in hand and tries to hokd the PCS: at bay while the guards on the bridge shoot their crossbows. (They suffer 3-4 penalty to their attack rolls for Firing into melee.) IF Ontho and Laisis (see area A) made irback to Plygar’s shack. they are among the guards present Creatures (EL 6): Janne is a small bur attractive young woman, 32 years old with raven-black hair and green eyes. She fights only o defend herself or Plygar. Armed with a daeger, she guards the entrance to the shack until Plygar makes good his escape. ¥ Janne Clover, Female Human Exp2 (charmed): CR 1; Medium Humanoid (5 Ft. 3 in. tll; HD a2d6-2; hp 6; Init +10; Spd go f (45 fin swamp, AC_10; Atk +0. melee (idadcrit 19-20, dagger: AL ING: SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Wil +3; Sir g, Dex 1, Con 9 Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 13, ‘Skil: Appraise +8, Bluff +6 (includes ‘Skil Focus feat), Diplomacy. +6 (includes Skil Focus feat), Gather Information +5 Handle Animal +3, Profession (merchant +5, Move Silently +2, Ride +5, Sense Motive +3, Swim +2. Feats: Skil Focus (Buf? Skill Focus (Diplomacy). Possessions: Dagger with a 100-gp topaz ser in its pommel, 25 gp in pouch, F Clover. Trading Company Guards, Male Human Wars (8) (charmed): CR 1 Medium-Size Humanoid (5 fg in. tall HD 1d8; hp 6 each; Init ~1 (Dex), Spd 20 ft (o fi. in swamph, AC 14 (1 Dex, #5 chainmail armor Atk +2 melee (WBri/erit 19-20, longsword), +2 ranged (48/erit 19-20, ight crossbow) AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref 1, Wi 40; AL Nr Str 12, Dex g, Con 10, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 10. Skil: Climb +2, Jump +2, Ride +2, Swim +2, Feats: Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (ongsword, Possessions: Chainmail, longsword, light crossbow with 10 bolts, 2 gp in pouch Khelsor served as a soldier and mercenary before joining the Clover Trading Company. He is 48 years ol! with cropped, slate-gray hain and a rugged complexion # Khelsor Stormdancer, Male Human Firg (charmed): CR 4: Medium Humanoid (5 ft. ain: HD_gd10+3; hp 28; Init rq UUmproved Initiative); Spd 20 ft. (io fr in swamp); AC 16 (+5 chainmail armor, +1 small shield): Aik +6 melee idB+id64g/crit 19:20, + shock longsword) or 43 ranged (id8/crit 19-20, light ccrosshow): AL N; SV Fort +4, Ref +1, Wil +1 ALN; Str 15, Dex 10, Con 13, nt 1, Wis 10, Cha Possessions: Chainmail, small steel shield, +1 shock Jongsword (see Treasure below), ight crossbow with 12 bolts, 20. gp in pouch. ‘SKils: Climb +5, Handle Animal +3, Ride +3, Swim +5, Fears: Cleave, Improved initiative, Mounted Combat, Power Attack Tactics: The charmed caravan guards have orders to pro~ tect Piygar. They are also predisposed to prorect Janne, their true leader When Pighting opponents in light armor, Khelsor uses his Power Arack Fear 16 transfer part of his base melee attack modifier to his melee damage rolls in such cases, subtract 2 from his melee attack modifier and add 2 to his melee damage modifier. He also uses his Cleave feat whenever the opportu- rity presents itself Sleeping, Pallets IF his charm is dispelled, Khelsor immediately turns against Plygar, helping the PCs any way he ean. His First loyalty i 10 Janne, however, and Khelsor never leaves her undefended. Treasure: Khelsors blade fsa unique magic iter. The entire length of the sword is etched with fanciful scrollwork, The hilt and pommel are wrapped in blue dragon hide. The blade, Seciri (named afer an infamous blue dragon), has been passed down through generations of his family, although it was originally forged for a king. (The king had been usurped and killed before the blade was finished.) Legends claim that who= ever wields Seciril in battle is doomed to a short lie; although previous wilders died at a relatively young age (fighting m ‘great wars), there is no actual curse on the blade ‘in addition ro the regular damage (1811) the +1 fongsword crackles with electricity on a successful strike, deling an extra 146 points of damage to the smitten target. Inside the Shack IF Plygar is expecting intruders, he jams the door with a small bookcase. Breaking down the door requires a. successful Strength check (DC 1), and PCs can use the “Ald Anotter” Tule in the PH to help one another. ‘When the PCS first enter the shack, read or paraphrase the: following: MLN Ed ae cheer taeats et ee con ind later deprive them of their De ee TSC eu a y ea ae et ea eRe rete eres Sica Ceicnart Ce CE eee rine Sein charm, Just like the cha een Dua ete} their natures or p Fm Reet immediately break the ee ee ee understand Pac utter the « Pra eet eee Market Cee i ‘The shack is packed with eluiter and iluininated by 2 smal lantern hung from the falters ond sunlight filtering through the cloth coverings. Nai fo the walls are two buckets fe atch rainwater from the leeky root. The floor has wide gaps in the boards and in some piaces has rorted through. table littered with food scraps leans over one such hole Belind the door is @ small bookcase, A cupboard, two barrels, fithy sleeping pallets, and 2 cauldron are packed against the wal, Asma anvil has been aifixed 10 the apron {of a great fedstone fireplace. Three shipping crates support ‘a plank table covered with Treshiy pounded nails.» forge hammer, rivets and a bellows The windows are trapped to discourage PCs from climbing through; see the Trap section below. IP she guards protecting the shack are overwhelmed or turned against him, Plygar abandons the shack as described in Tactics below, taking wih him the Treasure carried on his per~ son. IF he is forced to confront the PCs, read or paraphrase the folowing: Before you stands a small, hunched man with «missing left ‘eye. He Wears oversized boots and a fiihy, soot-covered robe, A length of frayed rope binds his waist. Around is neck hangs an iron amulet shped the a black sun crossed ‘With a brass lighming bolt and wresthed in gold: The man ‘mies vaguely of tin “You thought you coulkl save that pathetic town2” he says In-a raspy voice, “For years those people have tormented ime, and | won't allow you to spoil my: revenge! When J release the dam, their crops wil be destroyed, and they will enjoy a winter of starvation! I will laygh at sheir pathetic ries! This is my hour of glory, and | yon't ler you ruin it” The cupboard contains a week of trail rations for fourteen people, and the barrels hold rainwater. The three crates hold the merchant caravan's supply of wine (36 bottles worth 10 gp apiecel. IF her charm is broken, Janne claims possession of the ‘wine crates, each of which clearly bears the mark of the Clover Trading Company. The bookshelf near the door holds two tomes, The first book describes the rise and fall of Radeem, as told from the perspective of a former apprentice. Among Radeem's greater accomplishments were the following: Fes th s= Radeem summoned an air elemental that devastated the Rotting Claw gol tribe that lived in the distant hil, ‘= The wizard incinerated a tribe of lizard folk using a wand of fireball. No vestige of the reptile tribe remains to this day. ‘= Radeem called upon a great flood to drive a band of {goblin raiders from their cavernous lair (which is reportedly near the wizard’ stronghold), This deed awed a nearby clan of wild gnomes, who agreed fo help the wizard excavate the dun= eons beneath his stronghold. ‘= The wizard enslaved a tribe of ogres (the Bonebresker Clan) with the help of an earthquake spell cast from a scroll Radeem later used the compliant ogres to raise his mighty stronghold. The second book is a chronicle of Plygar’s activities since leaving Cherry Knol, scrawled in Piygar’s poor handwriting, Plygr keeps the latter book so that others can benefit from his genius and his musings. Most of the margins are filed with ‘nintellgble rants ond curses, mostly directed toward the peo- ple of Cherry Knoll. Neither book is valuable Creature (EL 2): Pygar is a reprehensible and devious vil Iain, At the first opportunity, he uses the mass charm power of the Symbol of the False Prophet fo force the PCs inio sub_ servience. Suspecting that the item has only a Few charges remaining, he tries to affect as many PCs as possible at once. He orders charmed PCs to surrender the bejeweled eve (if Plygar suspects they have it) and guard the shack while he and any surviving caravan guards open the floodgates in area N IF she is alive, Janne is left behind to guard the shack # Plygar, Human Male Comg: CR 2; Medium Humanoid (5 ft. 2 in. rally HD gq (Includes Toughness feat); hp 125 nit = (Dex: Spd go fg fin swampl; AC 9 C1 Dax Atk +1 melee fidafert 19-20, dagger); AL NE; SV Fort 41, Ref 40, Will +4 includes Iron Will fat); Str 10, Dex g. Con 40, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 6. ‘Skil: Climb +2, Craft (engineering) +6, Listen +7 (includes ‘Neriness feat], Rope Use +3, Spot 45 (includes Aleriness Feat), Swim +2. Fears: Alermess, Iron Will, Toughness. Possessions: Dagger, waterproof sack. See Treasure below for other items and equipment Tactics: Ifthe security of the shack is compromised, Plygar throws all of his precious belongings in a waterproof sack climbs down through one of thé Roles inthe floor, and swims to area Q. using the ruins of Radeem’s strongholds cover and as a resting. point. Before entering the water, he spends 1 round rubbing himself with horsemint ol, which the at cat-

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