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the brain.

This extra energy is important in kundalini sadhana, since it keeps the voltage of prana shakti at a high level. The perineal pressure awakens the source of energy and actively distributes prana upwards to the higher centers.

Padmasana is also utilized for certain kundalini techniques such as tadan kriya. Though siddhasana is generally preferred in most of the other techniques, padmasana can also be used as an alternative. The disadvantage is that padmasana does not apply a direct pressure on mooladhara chakra.

Those who cannot sit comfortably in siddhasana can do utthanpadasana instead, though it is difficult to maintain for an extended period of time. In the kriya yoga practices of maha mudra and maha bheda mudra, utthan padasana can be done instead of siddhasana, and is by tradition accepted as its equal.

Another asana, bhadrasana, also applies a good pressure on mooladhara chakra and can be substituted for siddhasana in many of the practices. It is also the required sitting position for manduki mudra, one of the techniques of kriya yoga.

In the descriptions of the kundalini practices, we have stated the best asana for each practice. Only use one of the alternative asanas if the recommended asana is not suitable.

Practice 1: Siddhasana

The accomplished pose (for men)

Sit with the legs extended in front of the body. Fold the right leg and place the sole of the


foot flat against the left thigh with the heel pressing the perineum, the area of mooladhara chakra, between the genitals and the anus.

Fold the left leg and place the foot on top of the right calf.

The heel should press against the pelvic bone directly above the genitals.

Push the toes and the outer edge of this foot into the space between the right calf and thigh muscles. It may be necessary to move and replace the right kg for this. Grasp the right toes, either from above or below the left calf and move them upward into the space between the left thigh and calf.

The legs should now be locked with the knees on the ground and the left heel directly above the right heel. Make the spine steady, straight and erect, as though it were planted in the ground.

Note: Siddhasana can be practised with either leg upward. It should not be practised by persons with sciatica or sacral infections.

Other classical asanas such as ardha padrnasana and sukhasana can also be used, but not as effectively. Therefore, dedicate yourself initially to the perfection of siddhasana. In the beginning it is recommended that a folded blanket or small cushion be used to raise the buttocks slightly. This will enable you to rest the knees on the ground and to achieve a balanced posture. However, the blanket or cushion should not be too thick. One or two inches in height should be enough. There must be a sustained but comfortable awareness of pressure on the perineal trigger point.

Practice 2: Siddha yoni asana


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