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Test 4 @ Paper 2 Service Rules by Sanjeev Sir (Re-Test)



1. Service Rules - 100 Questions

Section 1 : Service Rules - 100 Questions

1 If a child fails in a particular class, the reimbursement of Children Education Allowance …

Shall be stopped

Shall not be stopped

Will be paid at 50% of the normal rate

None of the above.

Correct: +1

2 What is the distance criteria between school/institution and residence for reimbursement of Hostel Subsidy?

8 Km

20 Km

50 Km

Irrespective of any distance

Correct: +1

3 The classified city for HRA based on the population of above 50 lakh with effect from 1-7-2021 is




Correct: +1

4 In case there is no public transport available in a particular stretch of journey, the Government servant may be reimbursed as
per his entitlement for journey on transfer a maximum limit of ……… kms covered by the private/personal transport based ona
self-certification from the Government Servant.

25 km

15 km

50 km
100 km

Correct: +1

Test 4 @ Paper 2 Service Rules by Sanjeev Sir (Re-Test) · Service Rules · Questions Page 1 of 32
5 If a person dies while he is under suspension before the disciplinary or court proceedings instituted against him is concluded,
the period between his date of suspension & date of death will be treated as

Earned Leave



Extra Ordinary Leave

Correct: +1

6 A Government servant is deemed to have been placed under suspension, if he is detained in custody for a period exceeding-

24 hours

12 hours

48 hours

6 hours
Correct: +1

7 When does the review of suspension not become necessary on completing 90 days of suspension

Deemed suspension

Under detention

If it is not validated

None of the above

Correct: +1

8 A Complaints Committee has been constituted in each Ministry / Department /Office as per the norms / guidelines
issued by the Hon’ble Supreme Court. State the purpose for which it is constituted

To forbid the practice of untouchability

To Prohibit the Government servants from taking part in proselytization activities

To enquire into the complaints of sexual harassment of working women in the workplace

To deal with the representation from Government servant on service matters

Correct: +1

Under which Act does a Government servant communicate official information in performance of his duties

Evidence Act

Copyright Act,1914

Right to Information Act,2005

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Contract Act

Correct: +1

10 If a Government Servant dies while on leave, for which Leave Salary is payable and an increment falls due during this
leave, the difference between the amount payable as Leave encashment before proceeding on leave and after the
benefit of increment is given during the currency of leave, will be paid as

Ex-Gratia to be sanctioned by the Head of the Department

Arrears of increment sanctioned by the Head of the Department

Leave Salary

None of the above

Correct: +1

Communication of unauthorized information like Government circulars, secret notes, and repeated appeals to the
unauthorizedpersons amounts to an offence under

Indian Evidence Act

Ofkcial Secrets Act

Right to Information Act

Copyright Act

Correct: +1

12 What is the maximum limit of gift to be received on occasions of weddings, funerals, religious functions by a Group ‘B’





Correct: +1

13 A retired Group A Officer should seek permission of Govt. within ….. If he wish to take post – retirement commercial

One year

Three years

Five years

None of the above

Correct: +1

14 What action should be taken against a Government servant for subletting of Government accommodation

No action necessary

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Damage license fee to be recovered

To initiate disciplinary action under Rule 14 of CCS (CGA) Rules

warning to be issued

Correct: +1

15 The authority who is competent to create a post, can fix the pay of a Govt. Servant on his initial
appointment at a stage beyond the minimum under:

FR 27

FR 26

FR 23

Pay cannot be kxed more than the minimum

Correct: +1

16 If an employee is promoted to a post having higher responsibilities, the pay on such promotion shall be
fixed under

FR 22 I (a) (1)

FR 22 I (a) (2)

FR 23

FR 26

Correct: +1

P Period of Suspension is treated as duty for the purpose of pension if:

Penalty imposed for major penalty

Minor Penalty imposed

Suspension is revoked at later date

Suspension is treated as EOL

Correct: +1

An employee who is promoted to the post has to exercise an option for the fixation of pay under the relevant rules:

Within 15 days of promotion

Within one month of promotion

Within three months of promotion

Within 7 days of promotion

Correct: +1

Test 4 @ Paper 2 Service Rules by Sanjeev Sir (Re-Test) · Service Rules · Questions Page 4 of 32
19 A Govt. Servant tendered resignation on 1.3.2017. Authority accepted the resignation & relieved him w.e.f.
25.3.2017. On 21.4.2017 the Government Servant changed his mind and withdrew the resignation. What are the
grounds under which the authorities can allow the withdrawal of resignation?

i) Resignation was not tendered with a view to taking up an appointment under Commercial

ii) The Conduct of the Government Servant was in no way improper during the intervening period
from the date of relieving to date of request for withdrawal

iii) The intervening period does not exceed 120 days

iv) The post vacated by the officer is available

iii) & iv) are true

i) to iv) are true

i), ii) & iii) are true

i), ii) & iv) are true

Correct: +1

20 An officer holding a cadre post has been promoted to the ex-cadre post. While holding the ex-
cadre post, he is appointed to another higher ex-cadre post. His pay on promotion to the higher
ex-cadre post will be fixed with reference to

cadre post

Since he is promoted from one ex-cadre post to another ex-cadre post, his pay on such promotion shall be with reference to ex-
cadre post

The pay shall be kxed with reference to Cadre post and if there is any drop in emoluments, the same will be allowed as personal
pay to be absorbed in future increases

None of the above

Correct: +1

21 Compassionate Allowance shall be:

Full Pension

Not exceeding two third of Compensation Pension

One third of normal pension

None of the above

Correct: +1

22 When the Government Servant dies while in service without making any nomination and does not
have any family how the DCRG is paid?

It lapses

To any relatives on production of affidavit

To the persons in whose favour produces a Succession Certificate from Court

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It is payable as per the nomination of GPF

Correct: +1

23 A Group “A” officer who is retired from service has been re-employed on 1.5.2016 in a Civil post.
He was drawing a pension of Rs. 43690 for his earlier employment. On his re-employment, the
amount of pension to be ignored while fixing his pay is

Rs. 4000

Rs. 15000

Rs. 43690 (entire pension)

Rs. 10000

Correct: +1

24 An officer who held the post below Group “A” / Commissioned Officer, on his re-employment pay
will be fixed

By ignoring the entire pension

By ignoring Rs. 1000 from the pension

Pay is fixed after deducting the pension drawn

None of the above.

Correct: +1

25 Family Pension payable to a married son below 25 years is

30% of Emoluments drawn by the Government Servant when he died

50% of Emoluments drawn by the Government Servant when he died

Double of the entitled Family Pension

None of the above

Correct: +1

26 The circumstance which give rise to the fixation of Pay of a Government Servant are?

(A) Intial Appointment

(B) Promotion to a higher post

(C) On proceeding to Deputation / Foreign Service

Only in case of (A) & (B)

Only in case of (B) & (C)

Only in case of (A) & (C)

In all the cases mentioned above.

Correct: +1

27 An officer has been asked to handle the current duties of another sanctioned post. He will be eligible of additional
remuneration in the form of honorarium

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Additional 10% of his pay

Additional 10% of the additional post’s pay

Either A or B which is higher

No additional pay will be given

Correct: +1

28 A pay of the post has been revised upward. The employees holding the post shall be eligible to
exercise an option for fixation of pay under:-

Under FR 22 I (a)(1)

Under FR 22 I (a)(2)

Under Rule FR 23

Either under option A or option B

Correct: +1

2 A Govt. Servant is sent on Deputation on Foreign Service. The employee has an option for:

(A) Retaining the parent office pay + Deputation Allowance

(B) Selecting the foreign service pay

Only (A) option will be available

Only (B) option will be available

Both the options (A) and (B) will be available

None of the above.

Correct: +1

30 A penalty of withholding of one increment was issued on 12/05/2017 for a period of two years
without cumulative effect. He was drawing the pay of Rs. 41100 in cell 6 Level 6 from 01/01/2016.
At what stage his pay will be fixed on 01.07.2017 for implementing the penalty of withholding

Pay Level At 6 are:-


Rs. 41100 Cell 6 Level 6

Rs. 43600 Cell 8 Level 6

Rs. 42300 Cell 7 Level 6

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None of the above

Correct: +1

31 A person who is initially engaged on contract for a specified period is subsequently appointed in a
pensionable post without break in service. How his service will be treated for the purpose of
pension? Available options are:-

(A) ) He can exchange the Contributory P.F. Benefits received & count earlier service

(B) ) He can retain the CPF benefit with interest thereon

(C) He has no option, he should forgo the earlier Service

Only in case of (A) & (B)

Only in case of (A)

Only in case of (B)

Only C option is applicable.

Correct: +1

3 The effect of punishment of "Withholding one increment" and "Withholding next increment" here meaning of both

(A) Withholding one increment means :-It means one increment will be withheld for a specified
period for say 2 or 3 years.
(B) Withholding next increment means:- It means all the increments falling during the specified
period for say 2 or 3 years will be withheld.

Only (A) is correct

Only (B) is correct

Both (A) and (B) are correct

Both (A) and (B) are incorrect.

Correct: +1

3 Which of the following statement you find correct?

(A) TA on Retirement is not admissible if the retiree settles at the last station of retirement.
(B) TA on Retirement is admissible if the retiree settles at station of retirement but change of
residence is involved and distance should exceed by 20 Km.

Only (A) is correct

Only (B) is correct

Both (A) and (B) are correct

Both (A) and (B) are incorrect.

Correct: +1

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T.A. is admissible to the family of the Government Servant died while Leave Preparatory to Retirement
TA is admissible.

TA is not admissible

3/4 of the TA admissible

50% of the amout of TA admissible

Correct: +1

Promotion of 3 retired employees was cancelled and they were reverted to lower post in pursuant
of an Order from Court. Based on the reversion after retirement, the pay of the officials was
notionally fixed and the pension was revised downward. Your comment:

Since they had reverted as per Court Order, downward reversion of pension is required

Pension should have been re-calculated on the notional pay even there is no involvement of Court.

Pension cannot be revised downward to the disadvantage of pensioner

None of the above

Correct: +1

Luxury charges charged by the hotel are ……….

Not reimbursable at all.

Allowed in expensive locality only

Allowed overall limit of the Hotel charges.

Reimbursable within the limit of Hotel charges as per entitlement of the Government Servant.

Correct: +1

37 A military Pensioner joined in Civil Post and opted to retain Military Pension. He became eligible
for Civil Pension also. His family is eligible to draw family pension from:

(A) Military Pension

(B) Civil Pension

Only Military Pension

Only Civil Pension

Either Military or Civil Pension as per his choice.

Both the pensions

Correct: +1

38 What are the Government dues that can be recovered from Dearness Relief of a Pensioner?

Excess payment of Salary & Allowances

Outstanding Loans & Advances

Outstanding License Fee

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None of the above

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Correct: +1

39 Commutation of pension is permissible only after the medical examination in some of the following cases. Choose
the correct answer:
a) Retired on Invalid Pension
b) Compulsory Retirement under Rules 40 of CCS Pension Rules
c) Compassionate Allowance
d) Retiring Pension under FR 56(k)

In all the cases except (a)

In all the cases except (b)

In all the cases except (c)

In all the cases except (d)

Correct: +1

40 If a Government servant retires under the scheme of voluntary retirement while he

is on leave not due, without returning to duty, the retirement shall take effect from?
Date of voluntary retirement sought
Date of commencement of the leave not due
Government servant on leave not due cannot apply for voluntary retirement
Date as decided by the appointing authority

Correct: +1

41 Tenure post means

a permanent post

a temporary post

a permanent post the incumbent of which holds for a specified period

a post created for a duration of five years.

Correct: +1

42 Government Servant retired on 31.05.2017. Head of Office requests the Pension Disbursing
Authority to recover from Dearness Relief Rs. 4,758/- being the excess payment of salary during
June 2016. What would you do

It can be recovered from Dearness Relief

Since it is Govt. dues, the same can be recovered from Pension also

Request to recover the amount should be made by HoD and not HoO

Only arrears of license fee can be recoverable from Dearness Relief.

Correct: +1

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Officer leaves his headquarters at 8 a.m. reaches a place 40 km off and after performing his duties
there, he returns to headquarters 4 p.m. on the same day. The journey was performed in a
Government Vehicle. He is entitled to:

15% of Lumpsum amount of his entitlement for food charges

35% of Lumpsum amount of his entitlement for food charges

50% of Lumpsum amount of his entitlement for food charges

None of the above.

Correct: +1

44 A Government servant did not submit his tour T.A. claim for which he had taken advance, within on
year of its becoming due on the plea that his pay is yet to be fixed in the revised scale of pay. The
authority directed that the tour advance should be recovered from his pay in one installment as his
right to T.A stood forfeited.
i) The order of the authority is not correct
ii) The Order of the authority is correct
iii) The Govt. Servant can be permitted to submit his claim after one year if the pay is yet to be fixed
in the revised scale.
iv) None is true

i) is correct

ii) is correct

i) & iii) is correct

iv) is correct

Correct: +1

45 Disciplinary Proceeding was pending when the Government Servant superannuated on 31.5.2016.
Enquiry completed and final order issued on 25.8.2017 exonerating him fully. Retirement Gratuity
paid to him on 19.9.2017. Pensioner demands interest on late payment because delay occurred for
administrative lapse. How do you deal with the case?

No interest is payable on delayed payment of Gratuity

No interest is payable as the gratuity was paid within a month’s time from date of exoneration

Interest is payable from 1.9.2016

Interest is payable from 01.06.2016

Correct: +1

46 Pay for determining the TA/DA entitlement in CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 means:

Basic Pay drawn in the Pay Level in the Pay Matrix

Basic Pay drawn in the Pay Level in the Pay Matrix + NPA

Basic Pay drawn in the Pay Level in the Pay Matrix + NPA + DA

None of the above

Correct: +1

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47 A Government Servant is missing from 18.9.2016, Family filed a FIR on 29.9.2016. Police gives a
certificate on 18.11.2016 that the Government Servant is not traceable. Family Pension payable





Correct: +1

48 TA advance payable to the family of the deceased Government Servant is limited to

90% of the probable amount of travelling expenses

75% of the probable amount of travelling expenses

50% of the probable amount of travelling expenses

33.33% of the probable amount of travelling expenses

Correct: +1

49 TA bill will become time barred if not presented within……….

30 days

60 days

90 days

One year

Correct: +1

50 Temporary Disability Certificate from Medical Board was produced by Son of the Government
Servant to get his family pension for life. What is the periodicity to produce the certificate to
continue to get the family pension?

Once in two years

Once in three years

Once in five years

Once produced, he need not produce again

Correct: +1

51 A Govt. Servant appointed to another post through competitive examination open for public and
Government employees. He had traveled from old head quarter (Patna) to new head quarter
(Mumbai). He claimed TA bill.

The DDO states he does not entitle for TA

He is entitled for only joining time.

He is entitled for only joining time and joining pay (TA bill)

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Correct: +1

52 What is “emoluments” as per GPF Rules?

Only Basic Pay + GP

Basic Pay, GP, Leave Salary or Subsistence Allowance

Basic Pay and DA

Basic Pay, DA and GP

Correct: +1

53 Can a female member exclude her husband from “family” in her nomination for GPF?

Cannot be excluded from Nomination

Can be excluded from Nomination

Can be excluded, only if divorced

None of the above

Correct: +1

54 Whether a temporary Government servant can subscribe to GPF?

He can subscribe to GPF by giving his option within one year also

He can subscribe to GPF only completion of one year service

He cannot subscribe to GPF at all

I am looking for another option

Correct: +


How many times the amount of GPF subscription can be


Once in a year

Twice in a year

Thrice in a year

None of the above

Correct: +1

56 Maximum subscription to GPF of an official who puts in three years of service is

Pay plus GP as on date

Pay plus GP as on 31st March of previous financial year

Pay plus DA as on date

6% of Pay plus GP + DA
Correct: +1

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57 When does the subscription to GPF cease in case of retirement of a Subscriber on

During the last month

During the last three months

During the last two month

During the last ten months

Correct: +1

58 Up to ……. Percentage of balance at credit of GPF can be withdrawn for the purpose of Housing





Correct: +1

59 Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme is calculated on the average balance of GPF for the last ……..

20 months

24 months

30 months

36 months

Correct: +1

60 An Officer due for retirement within one year applied for GPF withdrawal without giving any
reasons. The Sanctioning Authority rejected the claim and insisted on the reason for the
withdrawal. Your comments:

Subscriber can withdraw without giving any reasons up to 95% of balance

Subscriber can withdraw without giving any reasons up to 90% of balance

Sanctioning Authority is right in rejecting the claim for want of reasons

Subscriber cannot withdraw any amount from GPF within one year of retirement

Correct: +1

61 A Govt. servant retired on 31-12-2019 (VRS). His GPF subscription is to be recovered up to:

Up to December 2019

Up to October 2019

Up to September 2019

Up to November 2019

Correct: +1

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62 While on Temporary Transfer on Foreign Service in India A Government Servant is governed by :

Leave Rules of the Borrowing organization

Leave Rules of the Parent Department

Special Leave Rules

None of the above

Correct: +1

63 On resignation, otherwise than on technical grounds, a Govt. Servant is entitled to encashment of :-

Full EL at his credit

3/4th EL at his credit

½ EL at his credit

Not entitled for encashment

Correct: +1

64 The maximum amount of Earned Leave that can be granted to a Govt. Servant under suspension

30 days

180 days

240 days

None of the above

Correct: +1

65 Maximum limit of accumulation of Earned Leave w.e.f. 01-07-1997 is

Correct: +1

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300 days

240 days

360 days

None of the above

Correct: +1

66 A Govt. Servant is on 175 days of Extra Ordinary Leave during a six monthly period. The
Earned Leave being credited in the succeeding half year shall be reduced by:

15 days

18 days

17 days

EL is not reduced at all

Maximum amount of Leave Not Due that can be granted to a Govt. Servant in the entire service is:-

180 days.

240 days

360 days

90 days

Correct: +1

68 Leave Sanctioning Authority cannot

refuse Leave

revoke Leave

alter the kinds of leave

reduce Leave

Correct: +1

69 A Govt. Servant took EL from 25 May to 24 June 2020. He superannuated on 30th June 2020.He
asked for commutation of EL to HPL on 01-07-2020. Your comment:

He can commute leave within 30 days from his joining duty

He can commute only 15 EL to HPL

Commutation of leave can be permissible when applied only during service

None of the above

70 Half

Correct: +1

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Leave (HPL) shall be credited @ ……. Completed calendar month. Correct: +1





Correct: +1

71 Which two kinds of leave cannot be combined?

Earned Leave & Half Pay Leave

Maternity Leave and Leave Not Due

Half Pay Leave and EO

Earned Leave and Casual Leave

Correct: +1

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A suspended officer is re-instated. He wishes to contribute the subscription for the period of
suspension. Which of the following action you find correct?

PAO rejected his request out rightly

PAO agrees to his request and accepted 100% contribution.

PAO agrees to accept 50 % of the entire sum of his GPF subscription for the period of suspension as contribution.

PAO agrees to accept 3/4 of the entire sum of his GPF subscription for the period of suspension as contribution.

Correct: +1


Two months Earned Leave was sanctioned to a Government Servant whom Competent Authority
decided to retire him compulsory. Would you subscribe to this action?

Yess, the action taken by the Leave Sanctioning Authority is in order.

No, the action taken by the Leave Sanctioning Authority is not in order.

Yess, bu the Leave should be sanctioned by the HoD concerned.

Yess, bu the Leave should be sanctioned by the Secretary of the Ministry concerned.

Correct: +1

74 Betrothal and marriage of the same child should be treated as one reason for the purpose of Advance/ Withdrawal from GPF

The above statement is correct.

The above statement is incorrect

Advance / withdrawal is not allowed for the above purpose.

None of the above

Correct: +1

75 A male employee died while in service leaving a nomination in favour of minor child. PAO has
made Payment to Stepmother being the natural guardian of the nominee. Your comments?

Stepmother is a natural guardian. PAO was correct

Stepmother cannot be a natural guardian. PAO was incorrect

PAO was incorrect, as Payment should be given the person who officially produces natural guardian certikcate from the court.

None of the above

Correct: +1

76 Leave sanctioning authority combines Special Casual Leave which is not permissible with

Casual Leave

Regular Leave

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Both Casual Leave and Regular Leave

Neither with Casual Leave nor with any regular leave

Correct: +1

77 Which of the following statement you find correct

(A) Study Leave can be granted to official other than CGHS for 30 months.

(B) Study Leave can be granted to official of CGHS for 36 months.

Only (A) is correct

Only (B) is correct

(A) and (B) both are correct

(A) and (B) both are incorrect

Correct: +1

78 Leave shall not be granted to a Government Servant against whom the Competent Authority decides
to :

Dismiss from service

Remove from Service

Compulsory Retirement

All of the above

Correct: +1


Leave Sanctioning Authority can waive production of medical certificate up to :-

10 days at a time

7 days at a time

5 days at a time

3 days at a time

Correct: +1


A Government Servant transferred from New Delhi to Mumbai. He did not avail full joining time. He
applied for crediting un-availed JT of 13 days to his EL. His EL at credit was 297 days. Authority
credited 13 days to EL account by making entry 300 + 10

EL account should have credited only with 3 days

Entry made is absolutely right

Un-availed joining time of 13 days should shown separately

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Correct: +1


Leave Not Due is sanctioned only for Permanent employee. But a temporary Govt. Servant who
completed one year of service is suffering from TB. He can be sanctioned maximum of Leave Not Due
at a time

180 days

220 days

300 days

360 days

Correct: +1


An apprentice shall be entitled to ----

(A) leave, on medical certificate, on leave salary equivalent to half pay for a period not exceeding
one month in any year of apprenticeship;
(B) extraordinary leave under Rule 32

Both for (A) and (B)

Only (A)

Only (B) is

None of the above

Correct: +1


Child Care Leave cannot be sanctioned less than ….. at a time.

3 months

1 month

15 days

None of these

Correct: +1


CCL cannot be sanctioned for more than …… occasions during a calendar year




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Correct: +1


Study Leave may be granted to Government Servant

i. Who has completed period of Probation satisfactorily

ii. Rendered not less than 5 years continuous service excluding probation period
iii. Rendered not less than 5 years continuous service including probation period
iv. Who is not due to reach the age of superannuation within 5 years

i, ii, iii are right

i, ii, iii & iv right

All are wrong

i, iii & iv are right

Correct: +1


During the Study Leave spent on outside India, GS is entitled to get Leave Salary

As he was on HPL

As if he was on duty

He will not draw any Leave Salary during the study leave spend abroad

Last Pay/Leave Salary Drawn

Correct: +1


A Group B Gazetted Officer demands that CGEGIS @ Rs. 120/- p.m. be recovered .

Recovery should be made @ Rs. 120/- p.m.

Recovery should be made @ Rs. 60/- p.m.

Recovery should be made @ Rs. 30/- p.m.

Recovery should be made @ Rs. 15/- p.m

Correct: +1


A Group C employee appointed on 2nd January 2017 should contribute to CGEGIS from the same
month @ Rs. ……

Rs. 10/- p.m

Rs. 15/- p.m.

Rs. 20/- p.m

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Rs. 30/- p.m.

Correct: +1


DDO recovered Rs. 2000/- towards arrears of License fee from the saving fund of the CGEGIS

DDO can recover Government dues from the CGEGIS benefits

No Government dues are recoverable from the payment of Saving Fund

Recovery can be made only from Insurance Fund

I am looking for another option

Correct: +1


When there is no nomination to CGEGIS, the payments can be made to nominees as per:

GPF Nomination

DCRG Nomination

Equal Share to all members

Benefit will be lapsed

Correct: +1


Maximum limit restricted to that admissible for the emoluments as per payment of Bonus Act with effect
from 1-4-2014 is

Rs. 7000/- per month

Rs. 18000/- per month

Rs. 6908/- per month

None of the above

Correct: +1


What is true about CGHS---

(a) The spouse drawing higher pay will contribute to the Scheme. Parents of the non-
contributing employee will not be eligible for the Scheme’s benefits.
(b) However, a female contributor has the option to include her parents-in-law, instead of her
parents in the family for availing of the medical benefits.
(c) If both the Government servants contribute, parents of both will be eligible for the benefits.
(d) Judicially separated couple are treated as separate entities.

Only (A) is correct

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Both (A) and (B) are correct

All are correct.

Correct: +1


Match the following-

Post Age of Superannuation

1 General Duty Medical Officers of CHS (i) Sixty-two years
2 Military Officer in a Civil Department (ii) Sixty-five years
3 Specialist in medical or scientific fields (iii) Sixty-four years
4 Eminent Scientist of international stature (iv) Sixty years

1-(ii), 2-(iv), 3-(i), 4-(iii)

1-i(ii), 2-(iv), 3-(i), 4-(ii)

1-(ii), 2-(i), 3-(iv), 4-(iii)

1-(iii), 2-(i), 3-(i)v, 4-(ii)

Correct: +1


What is the Deputation Duty Allowance in respect of officers of Central Government / autonomous Body
appointed on the personal staff of Ministers?

10% of the Basic Pay subject to a maximum of Rs. 4000 per month

15% of the Basic Pay subject to a maximum of Rs. 9000 per month

20% of the Basic Pay subject to a maximum of Rs. 8500 per month

7-1/2% of the Basic Pay subject to a maximum of Rs. 4500 per month

Correct: +1


Identify the wrong statement in respect of retention of Government accommodation by a Government

servant proceeding on deputation for training abroad?

A Government servant proceeding on deputation abroad can retain the accommodation allotted to
him for a maximum period of six months.

The License fee for the period of deputation will be the same rate at which it would have been
charged had he not gone on deputation.

Where period of deputation is more than six months, he shall be charged licence fee at a
market rate

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A Government servant can retain the accommodation as long as he completes the training
abroad irrespective of the duration

Correct: +1


What is the pay entitlement of a Government servant during Joining Time on promotion?

Pay last drawn in the old post at the time of relinquishment of charge

Pay in the New Post

No Pay

Leave Salary

Correct: +1


Which Level of officers are entitled to travel by Air on LTC with effect from 1-7-2017?

Level 6 to Level 8 (by economy class)

Level 9 to Level 13 (by economy class)

Level 5 to Level 7 (by economy class)

Travel by Air is not allowed in LTC

Correct: +1

98 A member under the scheme of CGEGIS died on 15-06-2020. What will be the action justiked on part of being a DDO regarding
deduction of CGEGIS subscription?

No subscription for the month of June will be recovered.

Proportionate subscription for 15 days will be recovered.

Full subscription for the month of June will be recovered.

None of the above.

Correct: +1

99 Mr. X holding a post in Level 9 and drawing pay of Rs.75,600 on 11.2.2020 was transferred to Level at his own requet on
15.04.2020. What will his pay be in Level 8

The Pay Level are given:-

Level 8 Level 9

70000 71300
72100 73400
74300 75600
76500 77900


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74300+ 1300 (PP)


Correct: +1

100The maximum ceiling of limit for reimbursement of a complete Denture of one jaw would be?


Rs.2, 000



Correct: +1

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Test 4 @ Paper 2 Service Rules by Sanjeev Sir (Re-Test)



1. Service Rules - 100 Questions

Section 1 : Service Rules - 100 Questions

1 Shall not be stopped

2 50 Km

3 27%

4 100 km

5 Duty

6 48 hours

7 Under detention

8 To enquire into the complaints of sexual harassment of working women in the workplace

9 Right to Information Act,2005

10 Ex-Gratia to be sanctioned by the Head of the Department

11 Official Secrets Act

12 Rs.15,000

13 One year

14 To initiate disciplinary action under Rule 14 of CCS (CGA) Rules

15 Pay cannot be fixed more than the minimum

16 FR 22 I (a) (1)

17 Minor Penalty imposed

18 Within one month of promotion

19 i), ii) & iv) are true

20 The pay shall be fixed with reference to Cadre post and if there is any drop in emoluments, the same will be allowed as personal
pay to be absorbed in future increases

21 Not exceeding two third of Compensation Pension

22 To the persons in whose favour produces a Succession Certificate from Court

23 Rs. 15000

24 By ignoring the entire pension

25 None of the above

26 In all the cases mentioned above.

27 No additional pay will be given

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28 Under Rule FR 23

29 Both the options (A) and (B) will be available

Rs. 42300 Cell 7 Level 6

31 Only in case of (A) & (B)

32 Both (A) and (B) are correct

33 Both (A) and (B) are incorrect.

34 TA is not admissible

35 Pension cannot be revised downward to the disadvantage of pensioner

36 Allowed overall limit of the Hotel charges.

37 Both the pensions

38 Outstanding License Fee

39 In all the cases except (d)

40 Date of commencement of the leave not due

41 a permanent post the incumbent of which holds for a specified period

42 Only arrears of license fee can be recoverable from Dearness Relief.

43 35% of Lump-sum amount of his entitlement for food charges

44 i) & iii) is correct

45 Interest is payable from 1.9.2016

46 Basic Pay drawn in the Pay Level in the Pay Matrix

47 29.9.2016

48 75% of the probable amount of travelling expenses

49 60 days

50 Once in five years

51 He is entitled for only joining time and joining pay (TA bill)

52 Basic Pay, GP, Leave Salary or Subsistence Allowance

53 Can be excluded from Nomination

54 He can subscribe to GPF by giving his option within one year also

55 Twice in a year

56 Pay plus GP as on 31st March of previous financial year

57 During the last three months

58 90%

59 36 months

60 Subscriber can withdraw without giving any reasons up to 90% of balance

61 Up to December 2019

62 Leave Rules of the Parent Department

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63 ½ EL at his credit

64 None of the above

65 300 days

66 15 days

67 360 days

68 alter the kinds of leave

69 Commutation of leave can be permissible when applied only during service

70 5/3

71 Earned Leave and Casual Leave

72 PAO rejected his request out rightly

73 No, the action taken by the Leave Sanctioning Authority is not in order.

74 The above statement is incorrect

75 PAO was incorrect, as Payment should be given the person who officially produces natural guardian certikcate from the court.

76 Both Casual Leave and Regular Leave

77 Only (B) is correct

78 All of the above

79 3 days at a time

80 EL account should have credited only with 3 days

81 360 days

82 Both for (A) and (B)

83 None of these

84 three

85 i, iii & iv are right

86 As if he was on duty

87 Recovery should be made @ Rs. 60/- p.m.

88 Rs. 10/- p.m

89 No Government dues are recoverable from the payment of Saving Fund

90 GPF Nomination

91 Rs. 7000/- per month

92 All are correct.

93 1-(ii), 2-(iv), 3-(i), 4-(iii)

94 15% of the Basic Pay subject to a maximum of Rs. 9000 per month


A Government servant can retain the accommodation as long as he completes the training abroad irrespective of the

96 Pay last drawn in the old post at the time of relinquishment of charge

97 Level 9 to Level 13 (by economy class)

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98 Full subscription for the month of June will be recovered.

99 74300+ 1300 (PP)

100 Rs.1,000

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Test 4 @ Paper 2 Service Rules by Sanjeev Sir (Re-Test)



1. Service Rules - 100 Questions

Section 1 : Service Rules - 100 Questions














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28 Option for fixation of pay will be available in the Rule FR 23 and fixation will be done as per either FR 22 I (a)(1) or (2)



31 Refer Rule 17 of Pension ..... Here exchange means to refund the CPF and to retain means not to draw the CPF of the previous






















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