Cassia Grandis Volatile Compounds Cuba Pino 2011

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Volatile Compounds of Cassia grandis L. f. Fruit from

J. A. Pino
Instituto de Investigaciones para la Industria Alimenticia , Carretera al Guatao km 3½,
La Habana, 19200, Cuba
Published online: 08 Dec 2011.

To cite this article: J. A. Pino (2010) Volatile Compounds of Cassia grandis L. f. Fruit from Cuba, Journal of Essential Oil
Research, 22:6, 599-601, DOI: 10.1080/10412905.2010.9700409

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Volatile Compounds of Cassia grandis L. f. Fruit

from Cuba

J. A. Pino*
Instituto de Investigaciones para la Industria Alimenticia Carretera al Guatao km 3½, La Habana 19200, Cuba

Volatile compounds were isolated from Cassia grandis fruit by simultaneous distillation-solvent extraction. The
volatile concentrate was examined by GC and GC/MS. A total of 108 compounds were identified (30.47 mg/kg), from
which linalool (31.5% of the total volatiles) was the major compound.

Key Word Index

Cassia grandis, Fabaceae, fruit volatiles, linalool.

*Address for correspondence Rec: July 2008

Acc: September 2008
1041-2905/10/0006-0599$14.00/0­—© 2010 Allured Business Media

Vol. 22, November/December 2010 Journal of Essential Oil Research/599


Table I. Volatile compounds of Cassia grandis fruit

Compound RI mg/kg Compound RI mg/kg

isovaleraldehyde 650 1.41 amyl isovalerate 1108 0.21
2-methylbutanal 654 0.85 camphor 1146 0.41
1-penten-3-ol 673 0.07 lilac aldehyde B 1148 0.14
1-penten-3-one 678 0.12 lilac aldehyde A 1155 0.17
2,3-pentanedione 700 t borneol 1169 t
pentanal 706 0.02 ethyl benzoate 1173 0.08
acetoin 720 t trans-linalool oxide (pyranoid) 1176 0.05
acetal 730 0.04 terpinen-4-ol 1178 0.12
isoamyl alcohol 740 0.45 p-cymen-8-ol 1183 0.01
2-methylbutanol 742 0.27 a-terpineol 1189 0.86
dimethyl disulfide 744 0.41 dimethyl tetrasulfide 1232 0.07
(E)-2-pentenal 754 0.03 nerol 1234 0.12
ethyl isobutyrate 755 t (Z)-3-hexenyl 2-methylbutyrate 1235 t
(Z)-2-pentenol 774 t hexyl 2-methylbutyrate 1236 t
isobutyric acid 785 t 1-phenyl-1-butanone 1251 t
hexanal 802 0.14 geraniol 1254 0.31
2-furfural 837 0.17 geranial 1262 0.02
Downloaded by [Anadolu University] at 07:04 24 December 2014

(E)-2-hexenal 855 0.12 bornyl acetate 1289 0.02

(Z)-3-hexenol 859 t lavandulyl acetate 1291 t
hexanol 871 t undecanal 1307 0.07
isovaleric acid 885 0.95 p-vinylguaiacol 1312 0.10
2-methylbutyric acid 887 1.13 a-terpinyl acetate 1349 0.45
valeric acid 918 t eugenol 1359 0.34
a-pinene 939 t (E)-isosafrole 1375 t
camphene 954 0.05 a-copaene 1377 0.04
1-propylbenzene 959 0.03 methyl (Z)-cinnamate 1379 0.09
benzaldehyde 960 1.61 b-elemene 1391 0.15
dimethyl trisulfide 970 1.39 methyl eugenol 1404 0.17
sabinene 975 t b-caryophyllene 1419 0.41
b-pinene 979 0.06 (E)-cinnamic acid 1454 0.38
1-octen-3-ol 980 t a-humulene 1456 0.26
6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one 986 t ethyl (E)-cinnamate 1467 0.18
myrcene 991 0.05 germacrene D 1485 0.05
dehydroxy-trans-linalool oxide 993 0.03 b-selinene 1490 0.13
dehydroxy-cis-linalool oxide 1008 0.05 a-selinene 1498 0.10
a-terpinene 1017 0.02 g-cadinene 1514 t
p-cymene 1025 0.04 d-cadinene 1523 0.02
1-propenylbenzene 1027 0.02 dodecanoic acid 1567 0.08
limonene 1029 0.18 spathulenol 1578 0.03
1,8-cineole 1031 0.59 caryophyllene oxide 1583 0.23
(Z)-b-ocimene 1036 0.12 isobutyl (E)-cinnamate 1642 0.07
benzyl alcohol 1038 t b-eudesmol 1651 0.02
phenylacetaldehyde 1042 0.57 tridecanoic acid 1667 0.15
(E)-b-ocimene 1050 0.09 pentadecanal 1710 0.03
g-terpinene 1060 0.04 isoamyl (E)-cinnamate 1741 0.97
acetophenone 1065 0.36 tetradecanoic acid 1780 0.10
trans-linalool oxide (furanoid) 1073 0.27 ethyl tetradecanoate 1792 0.01
cis-linalool oxide (furanoid) 1087 0.29 benzyl salicylate 1863 t
terpinolene 1089 t pentadecanoic acid 1878 0.08
o-guaiacol 1090 t hexadecanoic acid 1991 1.14
methyl benzoate 1093 t ethyl hexadecanoate 1995 0.10
linalool 1097 9.59 isopropyl hexadecanoate 1999 0.02
isoamyl isovalerate 1105 0.22 ethyl octadecanoate 2197 0.04
2-phenylethanol 1107 0.04

RI = Retention indices on HP-5MS; t = trace (< 0.01 mg/kg)

600/Journal of Essential Oil Research Vol. 22, November/December 2010

C. grandis

Plant Name and Source of 1:10. Chromatographic retention indices were calculated of
separated compounds relative to a C6-C25 n-alkanes mixture.
Fruits of Cassia grandis L.f. (Fabaceae) (1 kg) were har-
Semiquantitative analysis of the compounds was performed
vested on trees at El Cano, near Havana. A voucher specimen
by assuming that component response factors were the same
of the plant was deposited at the Herbarium of the National
as the response factor for the internal standard.
Botanic Garden in Havana.
GC/MS was performed on a Hewlett-Packard series
Previous Work 6890 gas chromatograph equipped with an HP-5MS fused
silica column (30 m x 0.25 mm x 0.25 mm) and an HP-5973
Cassia grandis L.f., commonly named cañandonga (Cuba), mass-selective detector was used. The chromatographic condi-
carao (Costa Rica), bukut or stinking toe (Belize), and pink tions were the same as those described for GC-FID. Carrier
shower (Florida), is a medium-sized tree, up to 20 m tall, gas (He) flow rate was 1 mL/min. The detector operated in
semi-deciduous, young branches and inflorescence covered electron-impact mode at 70 eV by 1.8 scans/s. Detection was
with a rusty colored lanate indumentum. Leaves with 10–20 performed in the scan mode between 30–400 Daltons. Con-
pairs of leaflets, petiole 2–3 cm long, lanate, leaflets subsessile, stituents were identified by comparison of their mass spectra
elliptical-oblong, 3–5 cm x 1–2 cm, subcoriaceous, rounded at with those of authentic standards or those in NBS, Wiley, and
both ends. Inflorescence a lateral raceme, 10–20 cm long, 20–40 NIST libraries, and in-house Flavorlib library. Identification
flowered; flowers with sepals 5–8 mm long, petals initially red, was confirmed in many compounds by their relative retention
Downloaded by [Anadolu University] at 07:04 24 December 2014

fading to pink and later orange. Fruit pendent, compressed, indices. Mass spectra and retention indices from the literature
20–40 cm long, 3–5 cm in diameter, blackish, glabrous, woody, (3) were also compared.
rugose; inside, transversely oriented compartments with papery The volatile compounds identified in the fruits of C. grandis
walls contain flattened, round, tan-colored seeds (1.5 cm) as grown in Cuba are tabulated in Table I. One-hundred-eight
well as large amounts of thick, strong-smelling, dark-colored volatiles were identified which constituted more than 98%
sweetish pulp. This fluid, whose odor can be characterized as
of the total composition (30.47 mg/kg). The most prominent
being unpleasant at best, is easily detected when pods have
compound was linalool (31.5%). Other major compounds were
fallen and broken under the trees. The pungent pulp found
isovaleraldehyde (4.6%), isovaleric acid (3.1%), 2-methylbutyric
abundantly in the pods is eaten alone or sometimes mixed with
acid (3.7%), benzaldehyde (5.3%), dimethyl trisulfide (4.5%)
milk and used as refreshment (1). The fruit is reputed to cure
and hexadecanoic acid (3.7%). Linalool with its floral-woody
anemia and is used as a natural herbal remedy for a variety of
odor with a faintly citrusy note, isovaleraldehyde with its acrid-
ailments (2). Cassia grandis tree is mainly distributed from
pungent note, isovaleric acid and 2-methylbutyric acid with
southern Mexico, to Surinam and Brazil.
their pungent-acid odor, benzaldehyde with its powerful sweet
A review of the literature reveals that the fruit volatiles of
note, reminiscent of freshly crushed almonds, and dimethyl
this species have not been the subject of previous studies.
trisulfide with the penetrating odor of fresh onion (4), evidently
Present Work have an important contribution to the odor of the fruit; while
hexadecanoic acid is virtually odorless.
A portion of 100 g of fruits (without seeds) and 500 mL
of distilled water were immediately subjected to the isolation
of volatiles. The isolation was carried out by simultaneous Acknowledgments
distillation-solvent extraction with 25 mL of previous distilled The author thanks Elda Roncal and Yojhansel Aragüez for their
diethyl ether for 30 min in a Likens-Nickerson apparatus. technical assistance.
Internal standard (0.87 mg of methyl nonanoate) was added
to the supernatant before isolation. The extract was dried over
anhydrous sodium sulfate and concentrated with a Kuderna- 1. J.T. Roig, Diccionario Botánico de Nombres Vulgares Cubanos.
Danish microapparatus with a 10-cm Vigreux column to 1 mL Editorial Cientifico-Técnica. La Habana, Cuba (1988).
and then, to 0.2 mL with a gentle nitrogen stream. 2. J. Tillán-Capó, J. Rodríguez-Chanfrau, J. M. Gómez-Mirabal, Z.
Pardo-Ruíz and S. Agüero- Fernández, Actividad antianémica de la
An HP 6890 Series II with flame ionization detector and with Cassia grandis L. Rev. Cubana Farm. 38(3), 130-133 (2004).
a fused silica HP-5MS capillary column (60 m x 0.25 mm x 0.25 3. R. P. Adams, Identification of Essential Oil Components by Gas
μm) was used. The temperature program was 2 min isothermal Chromatography/Quadrupole Mass Spectroscopy. Allured Publ.
Corp., Carol Stream, IL (2001).
at 50oC and then 40–220oC at a rate of 4°C/min. The carrier flow
4. S. Arctander, Perfume and Flavor Chemicals. Det Hoffensbergske
rate was 1 mL/min. Injector and detector temperatures were Etablissement, Copenhagen, Denmark (1969).
kept at 220oC. Volumes of 1 mL were injected with a split ratio

Vol. 22, November/December 2010 Journal of Essential Oil Research/601

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