Evolution of Displays

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Technical Seminar Report


“Evolution of Displays”

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the

Requirements for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Technology


Computer Science and Engineering


Aditya Nagnath Kumbhar

Roll no: 04

Under the guidance of

Prof. P. J. Kokane



This is to certify that the technical seminar entitled “Evolution of

Displays” has been presented by Aditya Nagnath Kumbhar (Roll no 04) in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of Bachelor of
Technology in Computer Science and Engineering for academic year 2021-22,
from M. S. Bidve Engineering College, Latur, Maharashtra.

GUIDE S.Y. Incharge

Prof.P.J.Kokane Prof. S.R. Tandale




The Evolution of Displays is nothing but the change display technology has
gone through in the past years. From television screens to mobile phones
display technology has revolutionized and enriched our lives in countless ways.
From the earliest electromechanical television, which used AM radio waves and
aluminum discs to display images, to today’s most modern organic light-
emitting diode technology, the evolution of display technology is a fascinating
exploration in human innovation.

From the beginning of this field, this field has seen many changes. A number of
technologies got introduced and discarded, to give the promising results. Each
innovation bringing new and better results than before. From the first CRTs to
today’s modern day OLEDs this field has had many new innovations.

This field is still very active every year we get a number of new updates,
innovations and better displays. Companies like LG (Life’s Good), Sony,
Panasonic compete every year to bring their best in class products to market.
Not only these market leaders but many new companies are trying to enter this
market as the demand for better displays is continuously increasing.

Even if the modern day OLEDs are a bleeding edge technology we still need to
get rid of some of the issues we face. The Research and Development
departments of the leading companies are still trying to get better displays and
make this technology cheaper and more accessible.

I take this opportunity to express my hearty thanks to all those who individually
as well as collectively helped me in the successful completion of this seminar
on “Evolution of Displays”.

I would like to express my immense gratitude and sincere thanks to

Prof. P. J. Kokane, whose cooperative guidance has helped me in successful
completion of this seminar. I would also like to thank Prof. S. R. Tandale,
Second Year in charge for his constant support.

Name: Aditya N. Kumbhar

Roll no: 04
Branch: CSE
Class: S.Y.

Sr. No Content Page no

1. Introduction 6

2. History 7

3. Types of Display 10

4. Basic Terms in Display 20

5. Comparison of different technologies 21

6. Conclusion and Future Scope 22

Chapter 1
In today’s modern world there is hardly any need to explain someone what a
Display is, majority of the work we do is very heavily dependent on displays.
Display technology is commonly associated with an output device that presents
information in visual form. Displays are used in TVs, computer monitors,
smartphones, and a variety of other devices including AR/VR headsets. In 2021,
an estimated 1.74 billion households owned a television set worldwide, with
around 80 percent of the global population owning a smartphone. Other types of
displays include military displays, broadcast reference displays, public area
displays, and medical monitors.

There are countless number of technology that came into existence due to the
invention of technology. Today we can hardly see any job that doesn’t require
the use of a display. At the beginning the display was only meant to be an
output device. But soon after the commercialization of Display, people realized
that there are a number if things that can be done with the use of a display.

And this is how displays entered several fields, it was not only seen as an output
device but also as an entertainment device. The first CRTs were a huge hit as
people found a new way to entertain themselves. Television became an instant
hit as people fell in love with the idea of home entertainment.

This is what gave a huge boost to this field. Manufacturers started improving
and commercializing this technology. This all started due to Karl Ferdinand
Braun’s Cathode Ray tube. In this report we will see how the displays evolved
from the firsts CRTs to modern day televisions.
Chapter 2

With all of the advancements being made in display technology, it’s hard to
believe that the knowledge used to create and develop this technology is over a
hundred years old. In fact, the first baby steps into the field of display
technology began as far back as 1897 when Karl Ferdinand Braun, a physicist
and inventor, built the first Cathode-Ray Tube. This small tube would enable
the very first televisions to be built and create an industry that has advanced in
leaps and bounds from its humble beginnings.

Karl Ferdinand Braun and his Cathode Ray tube 1897

In 1907 British radio researcher Henry Joseph Round discovers
electroluminescence, a natural phenomenon. Light that doesn’t produce heat.
This was the foundation for LEDs, and a much more efficient way to produce
light. Their biggest drawbacks were limited size and safety, as a cracked EL
light can create a live high-voltage circuit.

Henry Joseph Round

In 1962 Nick Holonyack invents the first light light emitting diode (LED) that's
visible to the human eye and he came to known as "the father of the LED”.

Nick Holonyack “Father of LED”

Some important events

 In 1964 both the first working LCD (liquid crystal display) and the first
PDP (plasma display panel) were invented. LCDs came to dominate due
to mass production, and plasma displays were limited due to their higher
weight and lack of size scale.

 Researchers at Eastman Kodak invent OLED (organic light-emitting

diode) technology, an advancement in electroluminescence. OLEDs are
thin, flexible, and remarkably small compared to LEDs. The technology
would advance further to challenge LCD with better blacks and a thinner
profile and no need for a rigid substrate. Even after billions of dollars of
R&D, OLEDs are still costly to manufacture in high quantity and have
limited lifetimes compared to LCD and LED technology.

 Sometime around 2007, LCD televisions beat out Plasma as the consumer
(or, arguably the producer’s) choice due to their large size and lower cost.

 In 2008 AMOLED, or active-matrix organic light-emitting diode, brings

OLEDs a big step further with increased resolution and infinite contrast

 In 2012 eReaders became popular.

Chapter 3
Types of Displays
1. CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) Televisions

An antenna (aerial) on your roof picks up radio waves from the transmitter.

With satellite TV, the signals come from a satellite dish mounted on your wall
or roof. With cable TV, the signal comes to you via an underground fibre-
optic cable.

The incoming signal feeds into the antenna socket on the back of the TV.

The incoming signal is carrying picture and sound for more than one station
(program). An electronic circuit inside the TV selects only the station you want
to watch and splits the signal for this station into separate audio (sound) and
video (picture) information, passing each to a separate circuit for further

The electron gun circuit splits the video part of the signal into separate red, blue,
and green signals to drive the three electron guns. The circuit fires three electron
guns (one red, one blue, and one green) down a cathode-ray tube, like a
fat glass bottle from which the air has been removed.
The electron beams pass through a ring of electromagnets. Electrons can be
steered by magnets because they have a negative electrical charge. The
electromagnets steer the electron beams so they sweep back and forth across the
screen, line by line.

The electron beams pass through a grid of holes called a mask, which directs
them so they hit exact places on the TV screen. Where the beams hit the
phosphors (coloured chemicals) on the screen, they make red, blue, or green
dots. Elsewhere, the screen remains dark. The pattern of red, blue, and green
dots builds up a coloured picture very quickly.

Meanwhile, audio (sound) information from the incoming signal passes to a

separate audio circuit.

The audio circuit drives the loudspeaker (or loudspeakers, since there are at

least two in a stereo TV) so they recreate the sound exactly in time with the
moving picture.
2. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)

Let us ride on a beam of light as it passes through the various components of an

LCD screen:

 As the screen is powered-up, backlight LED emits the white light.

 Light goes into the light guide plate (LGP), reflects internally, and is distributed
evenly over the upper surface of the panel.

 Diffuser sheet further disperses the light, so no hot-spots are observed outside of
the LGP.

 DBEF recycles the scattered light and prism sheet ensures that the light is
focused and directed towards the viewer.

 Bottom polarizer allows light of the vertical wavelength to pass through while

blocking other orientations.

 Vertically polarized light then passes through the liquid crystal layer.
 The liquid crystals are then manipulated by applying appropriate voltage
through the TFT and common electrode. Liquid crystals can block the white
light to a variable degree. The filter in front of each subpixel only allows
through a range of wavelengths appropriate to its colour. To control the
brightness of each subpixel, the liquid crystal cell is energized or de-energized
to block or transmit light.

 The light passes through the liquid crystals and the colour filters to produce the
primary red, green and blue colours.  

 The polarized light then is filtered by the top polarizer—only horizontally

polarized light is transmitted.

 Finally, the viewer can enjoy the vibrant colour, high contrast and crisp image
on the digital display.
3. Light Emitting Diode (LED)

An LED (Light-Emitting Diode) screen is an LCD screen, but instead of having a
normal CCFL backlight, it uses LEDs as the source of light behind the screen.
Companies label their TVs as LED, even though they're technically LCD; it can be
confusing at times, but if you see an LED TV, you know it has an LCD panel. These
TVs are more energy-efficient and a lot smaller than CCFLs, enabling a thinner
television screen. 

There are three main configurations of LED as backlights for television screens: full-
array, edge-lit, and direct-lit.

 Full-Array

Full array LED backlight

This method is considered the best LED backlight type and is usually found on
higher-end models, but as of 2020, some mid-range models have it too.
In a full-array LED screen, the LEDs are distributed evenly behind the entire
screen. This produces a more uniform backlight and provides more effective
use of local dimming, where it can turn off and dim complete zones of LEDs
 Edge-Lit

Edge-lit LED backlight

 Many lower-end TVs and most monitors use this backlight type.
 With an edge-lit LED screen, the LEDs are placed at the edges of the screen.
Depending on the display, it can be all around the screen, on the left and right
sides, or at the top and bottom. This allows the screen to be very thin.
 However, it can cause some spots on the screen to be brighter than others, like
the edges. This problem is called flash lighting or clouding. It can be seen
when watching a dark scene in a dark environment. Also, edge-lit screens
usually don't result in good local dimming as they don't have control over the
dimming zones.
 Direct-Lit

Direct-lit LED backlight

 Direct-LED TVs are similar to full-array, but generally don't have a local
dimming feature; this is found on lower-to-mid-range TVs.
 Like the full-array method, the LEDs are directly behind the screen. However,
there are very few of them, and they can't be controlled separately to match the
luminosity of the picture.
4. Plasma Television

Plasma screens contain tiny pockets of gas that get excited when voltage is applied to
them, turning them into a state of plasma. In that state, the voltage then strikes
electrons of mercury, turning them into ultraviolet (UV) light, which isn't visible to the
human eye. The UV light then passes through phosphor cells; each pixel contains red,
green, and blue phosphor cells. Thanks to these phosphor cells, the TV can turn the
UV light into colours that are visible on the light spectrum. Essentially, plasma TVs
don't require a light, and each pixel is self-emissive, so how one pixel displays itself is
independent of the next pixel.

Since each pixel emits its own light, blacks are really deep. When the television wants
to display black, it simply emits no light at all for the selected pixels. However, these
aren't perfect blacks because each pixel retains a bit of voltage, leaving a bit of light
to pass through. Each pixel emits light in all directions, creating wide viewing angles,
so the image remains accurate when viewing from the side.
The pixels aren't excited continuously, but in short pulses, and some plasma TVs can
pulse up to 600 times every second. The naked eye perceives this as flickering, and
some people are very sensitive to this. There can also be some advantages to this;
since each pixel holds a certain charge, it's ready to turn on and off as needed,
resulting in minimal motion blur. This means that fast-moving content, like in sports
or video games, appears smooth.
One of the downsides of plasmas was how they suffered from occasional image
retention if they displayed the same image for a long period. So if you watched the
news for about an hour, with all of its static displays, then switch channels, you'd still
see the outline of the static elements. Eventually, they disappeared, but it could have
been particularly annoying. Also, after several years in use, plasmas suffered
from permanent burn-in. This happened when the phosphor cells simply stayed stuck
in one colour and couldn't display any colours. Unfortunately, there was no way to
avoid eventual burn-in, and almost every plasma TV suffered from it.
5. Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED)

OLEDs work in a similar way to conventional diodes and LEDs, but instead of
using layers of n-type and p-type semiconductors, they use organic molecules to
produce their electrons and holes. A simple OLED is made up of six different
layers. On the top and bottom there are layers of protective glass or plastic. The
top layer is called the seal and the bottom layer the substrate. In between those
layers, there's a negative terminal (sometimes called the cathode) and a positive
terminal (called the anode). Finally, in between the anode and cathode are two
layers made from organic molecules called the emissive layer (where the light is
produced, which is next to the cathode) and the conductive layer (next to the

How does this sandwich of layers make light?

To make an OLED light up, we simply attach a voltage (potential difference)
across the anode and cathode.

As the electricity starts to flow, the cathode receives electrons from the power

source and the anode loses them (or it "receives holes," if you prefer to look at it
that way).

Now we have a situation where the added electrons are making the emissive
layer negatively charged (similar to the n-type layer in a junction diode), while
the conductive layer is becoming positively charged (similar to p-type material).

Positive holes are much more mobile than negative electrons so they jump
across the boundary from the conductive layer to the emissive layer. When a
hole (a lack of electron) meets an electron, the two things cancel out and release
a brief burst of energy in the form of a particle of light—a photon, in other
words. This process is called recombination, and because it's happening many
times a second the OLED produces continuous light for as long as the current
keeps flowing.

We can make an OLED produce coloured light by adding a coloured filter into
our plastic sandwich just beneath the glass or plastic top or bottom layer. If we
put thousands of red, green, and blue OLEDs next to one another and switch
them on and off independently, they work like the pixels in a conventional LCD
screen, so we can produce complex, hi-resolution coloured pictures.
Chapter 4
Basic terms In Display
Resolution: Resolution can be defined as the number of pixels or dots that
create the pictures that you see on your TV screen. It is denoted as the number
of pixels in one horizontal line by the number of pixels present in one vertical
line. Higher the number of pixels, the higher the resolution, and the better the
picture quality. 

Refresh Rate: Refresh rate is defined as the number of times your TV screen
refreshes itself in a second. It is denoted by Hertz or Hz. A higher refresh rate
usually means smoother motion on the screen, but not always.

HDR: HDR or High Dynamic Range is a feature that affects the TV’s contrast
ratio and color accuracy and helps make the pictures look more realistic. 

Viewing Angle: Viewing angle means the maximum angle at which you can
watch your TV screen comfortably without any colour shift or loss of
brightness. The ideal position is directly in front of the TV screen and at eye
level. As per LCD/ LED TV manufacturers, the best viewing angle for your TV
is 88o or more. At this angle, you get clear and well-defined images with the
best colour accuracy.
Chapter 5

Comparison of different technologies

Chapter 6
Conclusion & Future Scope

The Display technology has come a long way in the past years and it will
continue to progress. We still don’t have the perfect Display yet. All the
Displays that we have in the market right now have some kind of shortcomings
but with research and development we will soon get the Display that will have
the best of all worlds. This field is still growing with new advancements

There are new technologies on the way that will replace some of the existing
ones, only to bring in better performance at lower price. The new advancement
in this field is the QOLED i.e. the new Quantum OLED that is believed to have
the best of both Quantum Dot and OLED, with increased brightness and picture
quality, with increased life span of the panel. Advancements like this are surely
bringing us one step closer to the Perfect TV.

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